400 research outputs found

    On second order elliptic equations with a small parameter

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    The Neumann problem with a small parameter (1ϵL0+L1)uϵ(x)=f(x)forxG,.uϵγϵ(x)G=0(\dfrac{1}{\epsilon}L_0+L_1)u^\epsilon(x)=f(x) \text{for} x\in G, .\dfrac{\partial u^\epsilon}{\partial \gamma^\epsilon}(x)|_{\partial G}=0 is considered in this paper. The operators L0L_0 and L1L_1 are self-adjoint second order operators. We assume that L0L_0 has a non-negative characteristic form and L1L_1 is strictly elliptic. The reflection is with respect to inward co-normal unit vector γϵ(x)\gamma^\epsilon(x). The behavior of limϵ0uϵ(x)\lim\limits_{\epsilon\downarrow 0}u^\epsilon(x) is effectively described via the solution of an ordinary differential equation on a tree. We calculate the differential operators inside the edges of this tree and the gluing condition at the root. Our approach is based on an analysis of the corresponding diffusion processes.Comment: 28 pages, 1 figure, revised versio

    Numerical simulations versus theoretical predictions for a non-Gaussian noise induced escape problem in application to full counting statistics

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    A theoretical approach for characterizing the influence of asymmetry of noise distribution on the escape rate of a multistable system is presented. This was carried out via the estimation of an action, which is defined as an exponential factor in the escape rate, and discussed in the context of full counting statistics paradigm. The approach takes into account all cumulants of the noise distribution and demonstrates an excellent agreement with the results of numerical simulations. An approximation of the third-order cumulant was shown to have limitations on the range of dynamic stochastic system parameters. The applicability of the theoretical approaches developed so far is discussed for an adequate characterization of the escape rate measured in experiments

    Universality of residence-time distributions in non-adiabatic stochastic resonance

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    We present mathematically rigorous expressions for the residence-time and first-passage-time distributions of a periodically forced Brownian particle in a bistable potential. For a broad range of forcing frequencies and amplitudes, the distributions are close to periodically modulated exponential ones. Remarkably, the periodic modulations are governed by universal functions, depending on a single parameter related to the forcing period. The behaviour of the distributions and their moments is analysed, in particular in the low- and high-frequency limits.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure New version includes distinction between first-passage-time and residence-time distribution

    Noise-induced escape in an excitable system

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    We consider the stochastic dynamics of escape in an excitable system, the FitzHugh-Nagumo (FHN) neuronal model, for different classes of excitability. We discuss, first, the threshold structure of the FHN model as an example of a system without a saddle state. We then develop a nonlinear (nonlocal) stability approach based on the theory of large fluctuations, including a finite-noise correction, to describe noise-induced escape in the excitable regime. We show that the threshold structure is revealed via patterns of most probable (optimal) fluctuational paths. The approach allows us to estimate the escape rate and the exit location distribution. We compare the responses of a monostable resonator and monostable integrator to stochastic input signals and to a mixture of periodic and stochastic stimuli. Unlike the commonly used local analysis of the stable state, our nonlocal approach based on optimal paths yields results that are in good agreement with direct numerical simulations of the Langevin equation

    Variable-range Projection Model for Turbulence-driven Collisions

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    We discuss the probability distribution of relative speed ΔV\Delta V of inertial particles suspended in a highly turbulent gas when the Stokes numbers, a dimensionless measure of their inertia, is large. We identify a mechanism giving rise to the distribution P(ΔV)exp(CΔV4/3)P(\Delta V) \sim \exp(-C |\Delta V|^{4/3}) (for some constant CC). Our conclusions are supported by numerical simulations and the analytical solution of a model equation of motion. The results determine the rate of collisions between suspended particles. They are relevant to the hypothesised mechanism for formation of planets by aggregation of dust particles in circumstellar nebula.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Dispersion and reaction in random flows: Single realization vs ensemble average

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    We examine the dispersion of a passive scalar released in an incompressible fluid flow in an unbounded domain. The flow is assumed to be spatially periodic, with zero spatial average, and random in time, in the manner of the random-phase alternating sine flow which we use as an exemplar. In the long-time limit, the scalar concentration takes the same, predictable form for almost all realisations of the flow, with a Gaussian core characterised by an effective diffusivity, and large-deviation tails characterised by a rate function (which can be evaluated by computing the largest Lyapunov exponent of a family of random-in-time partial differential equations). We contrast this single-realisation description with that which applies to the average of the concentration over an ensemble of flow realisations. We show that the single-realisation and ensemble-average effective diffusivities are identical but that the corresponding rate functions are not, and that the ensemble-averaged description overestimates the concentration in the tails compared with that obtained for single-flow realisations. This difference has a marked impact for scalars reacting according to the Fisher--Kolmogorov--Petrovskii--Piskunov (FKPP) model. Such scalars form an expanding front whose shape is approximately independent of the flow realisation and can be deduced from the single-realisation large-deviation rate function. We test our predictions against numerical simulations of the alternating sine flow

    Scattering solutions in a network of thin fibers: small diameter asymptotics

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    Small diameter asymptotics is obtained for scattering solutions in a network of thin fibers. The asymptotics is expressed in terms of solutions of related problems on the limiting quantum graph. We calculate the Lagrangian gluing conditions at vertices for the problems on the limiting graph. If the frequency of the incident wave is above the bottom of the absolutely continuous spectrum, the gluing conditions are formulated in terms of the scattering data for each individual junction of the network

    Scaling and crossovers in activated escape near a bifurcation point

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    Near a bifurcation point a system experiences critical slowing down. This leads to scaling behavior of fluctuations. We find that a periodically driven system may display three scaling regimes and scaling crossovers near a saddle-node bifurcation where a metastable state disappears. The rate of activated escape WW scales with the driving field amplitude AA as lnW(AcA)ξ\ln W \propto (A_c-A)^{\xi}, where AcA_c is the bifurcational value of AA. With increasing field frequency the critical exponent ξ\xi changes from ξ=3/2\xi = 3/2 for stationary systems to a dynamical value ξ=2\xi=2 and then again to ξ=3/2\xi=3/2. The analytical results are in agreement with the results of asymptotic calculations in the scaling region. Numerical calculations and simulations for a model system support the theory.Comment: 18 page

    Lagrangian phase transitions in nonequilibrium thermodynamic systems

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    In previous papers we have introduced a natural nonequilibrium free energy by considering the functional describing the large fluctuations of stationary nonequilibrium states. While in equilibrium this functional is always convex, in nonequilibrium this is not necessarily the case. We show that in nonequilibrium a new type of singularities can appear that are interpreted as phase transitions. In particular, this phenomenon occurs for the one-dimensional boundary driven weakly asymmetric exclusion process when the drift due to the external field is opposite to the one due to the external reservoirs, and strong enough.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Convergence of invariant densities in the small-noise limit

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    This paper presents a systematic numerical study of the effects of noise on the invariant probability densities of dynamical systems with varying degrees of hyperbolicity. It is found that the rate of convergence of invariant densities in the small-noise limit is frequently governed by power laws. In addition, a simple heuristic is proposed and found to correctly predict the power law exponent in exponentially mixing systems. In systems which are not exponentially mixing, the heuristic provides only an upper bound on the power law exponent. As this numerical study requires the computation of invariant densities across more than 2 decades of noise amplitudes, it also provides an opportunity to discuss and compare standard numerical methods for computing invariant probability densities.Comment: 27 pages, 19 figures, revised with minor correction