205 research outputs found

    An integrated peptidomics and in silico approach to identify novel anti-diabetic peptides in parmigiano-reggiano cheese

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    Inhibition of key metabolic enzymes linked to type-2-diabetes (T2D) by food-derived compounds is a preventive emerging strategy in the management of T2D. Here, the impact of Parmigiano- Reggiano (PR) cheese peptide fractions, at four different ripening times (12, 18, 24, and 30 months), on the enzymatic activity of α-glucosidase, α-amylase, and dipeptidyl peptidase-IV (DPPIV) as well as on the formation of fluorescent advanced glycation end-products (fAGEs) was assessed. The PR peptide fractions were able to inhibit the selected enzymes and fAGEs formation. The 12-month-ripening PR sample was the most active against the three enzymes and fAGEs. Mass spectrometry analysis enabled the identification of 415 unique peptides, 54.9% of them common to the four PR samples. Forty-nine previously identified bioactive peptides were found, mostly characterized as angiotensin-converting enzyme-inhibitors. The application of an integrated approach that combined peptidomics, in silico analysis, and a structure–activity relationship led to an efficient selection of 6 peptides with potential DPP-IV and α-glucosidase inhibitory activities. Peptide APFPE was identified as a potent novel DPP-IV inhibitor (IC50 = 49.5 ± 0.5 ÎŒmol/L). In addition, the well-known anti-hypertensive tripeptide, IPP, was the only one able to inhibit the three digestive enzymes, highlighting its possible new and pivotal role in diabetes management

    Agro-environmental aspects of conservation agriculture compared to conventional systems : A 3-year experience on 20 farms in the Po valley (Northern Italy)

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    An evaluation of the effect of the conservation agriculture (CA) on agro-environmental aspects is needed at the farm scale in intensive production systems, which are likely prone to reduce soil fertility. Here, as part of the HelpSoil LIFE+ Project and involving 20 farms in the Po valley (Northern Italy), we have estimated the soil organic carbon (SOC) content, SOC stock, crop yield, biological fertility, soil biodiversity, and economic efficiency under different agricultural systems (CA and conventional, CvtA) at the beginning (March 2014) and end (October 2016) of the experimental period. CA was mostly represented by no-till practice (NT) coupled with the cultivation of winter cover crops. Minimum tillage (MT) was considered as CA or CvtA practice according to the farm design. The CA practices have been implemented on the monitored farms at different times (Long-term = before 2006, Medium-term = between 2006 and 2013, Short-term = after 2013). A direct comparison between CA and CvtA of soil-related variables, yields, and costs was performed on 14 out of the 20 farms; data were statistically treated with a linear mixed model. Overall, CA resulted in significantly higher SOC content, SOC stock, biological fertility, QBS-ar, and earthworms for the Medium-term group. Considering the effect of tillage practices observed on the 20 farms, SOC content was the highest in NT for the Long-term group. The biological fertility index was higher in NT and MT compared to CvtA within the Long-term and Medium-term groups in 2016. QBS-ar was the higher in MT and NT than CvtA for the Long-term and Medium-Term groups. The number of earthworms was the highest under NT for the Long-term group. Maize, winter wheat, and soybeans yields were generally 1 t ha 121 higher in CvtA than in CA, but this did not reach statistical significance. The cost for herbicides was 18% more expensive in NT, whereas the fuel consumption and total costs for weeding operations did not differ between NT and CvtA. The overall outcome of the analysis was that CA is a viable solution for intensive farms in the monitored area, but further skills need still to be acquired in to enhance its economic feasibility

    Draft Genome Sequence of Lactobacillus plantarum Lp90 Isolated from Wine

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    Contains fulltext : 155072.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)Here, we describe the draft genome sequence and annotation of Lactobacillus plantarum strain Lp90, the first sequenced genome of a L. plantarum strain isolated from wine. This strain has a noticeable ropy phenotype and showed potential probiotic properties. The genome consists of 3,324,076 bp (33 contigs) and contains 3,155 protein coding genes, 34 pseudogenes, and 84 RNA genes

    The Impact of Psychological Flexibility on Psychological Well-Being in Adults With Obesity

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    Obesity is a global health problem that affects both physical and psychological health and well-being. Psychological flexibility is one of the key components related to psychological health. This cross-sectional study aims to investigate the impact of psychological flexibility on psychological well-being in a sample of 220 individuals with obesity. Multivariate analysis was performed to investigate the role of psychological flexibility in explaining psychological well-being, controlling for confounding factors (sex, age, and Body Mass Index). According to the results, psychological flexibility significantly explained psychological well-being. Our study provides additional evidence of the impact of psychological flexibility on psychological well-being. It also provides further support for the importance of integrating psychological flexibility in the psychological interventions for obesity

    A major QTL for resistance to soil-borne cerealmosaic virus derived from an old Italian durum wheat cultivar

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    The genetic basis of resistance to soil-borne cereal mosaic virus (SBCMV) in the Triticum turgidum L. var. durum cv. Neodur was analyzed in this study, using a linkage mapping approach. We performed phenotypic and molecular analyses of 146 recombinant inbred lines derived from the cross Cirillo (highly susceptible)×Neodur (highly resistant). A major quantitative trait locus (QTL) that explained up to 87% of the observed variability for symptom severity was identified on the short arm of chromosome 2B, within the 40-cM interval between the markers Xwmc764 and Xgwm1128, with wPt-2106 as the peak marker. Three minor QTLs were found on chromosomes 3B and 7B. Two markers coding for resistance proteins co-segregate with the major QTL on chromosome 2B and the minor QTL on chromosome 3B, representing potential candidate genes for the two resistance loci. Microsatellite markers flanking the major QTL were evaluated on a set of 25 durum wheat genotypes that were previously characterized for SBCMV resistance. The allelic composition of the genotypes at these loci, together with pedigree data, suggests that the old Italian cultivar Cappelli provided the SBCMV-resistance determinants to durum cultivars that have been independently bred in different countries over the last century

    Draft Genome Sequence of Bacillus coagulans GBI-30, 6086, a Widely Used Spore-Forming Probiotic Strain.

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    Bacillus coagulans GBI-30, 6086 is a safe strain, already available on the market, and characterized by certified beneficial effects.The draft genome sequence presented here constitutes the first pillar toward the identification of the molecular mechanisms responsiblefor its positive features and safety

    Marker-assisted introgression of the salinity tolerance locus Saltol in temperate japonica rice

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    Background Rice is one of the most salt sensitive crops at seedling, early vegetative and reproductive stages. Varieties with salinity tolerance at seedling stage promote an efficient growth at early stages in salt affected soils, leading to healthy vegetative growth that protects crop yield. Saltol major QTL confers capacity to young rice plants growing under salt condition by maintaining a low Na+/ K+ molar ratio in the shoots. Results Marker-assisted backcross (MABC) procedure was adopted to transfer Saltol locus conferring salt tolerance at seedling stage from donor indica IR64-Saltol to two temperate japonica varieties, Vialone Nano and Onice. Forward and background selections were accomplished using polymorphic KASP markers and a final evaluation of genetic background recovery of the selected lines was conducted using 15,580 SNP markers obtained from Genotyping by Sequencing. Three MABC generations followed by two selfing, allowed the identification of introgression lines achieving a recovery of the recurrent parent (RP) genome up to 100% (based on KASP markers) or 98.97% (based on GBS). Lines with highest RP genome recovery (RPGR) were evaluated for agronomical-phenological traits in field under nonsalinized conditions. VN1, VN4, O1 lines were selected considering the agronomic evaluations and the RPGR% results as the most interesting for commercial exploitation. A physiological characterization was conducted by evaluating salt tolerance under hydroponic conditions. The selected lines showed lower standard evaluation system (SES) scores: 62% of VN4, and 57% of O1 plants reaching SES 3 or SES 5 respectively, while only 40% of Vialone Nano and 25% of Onice plants recorded scores from 3 to 5, respectively. VN1, VN4 and O1 showed a reduced electrolyte leakage values, and limited negative effects on relative water content and shoot/root fresh weight ratio. Conclusion The Saltol locus was successfully transferred to two elite varieties by MABC in a time frame of three years. The application of background selection until BC3F3 allowed the selection of lines with a RPGR up to 98.97%. Physiological evaluations for the selected lines indicate an improved salinity tolerance at seedling stage. The results supported the effectiveness of the Saltol locus in temperate japonica and of the MABC procedure for recovering of the RP favorable traits

    Comparative expression of Cbf genes in the Triticeae under different acclimation induction temperatures

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    In plants, the C-repeat binding factors (Cbfs) are believed to regulate low-temperature (LT) tolerance. However, most functional studies of Cbfs have focused on characterizing expression after an LT shock and have not quantified differences associated with variable temperature induction or the rate of response to LT treatment. In the Triticeae, rye (Secale cereale L.) is one of the most LT-tolerant species, and is an excellent model to study and compare Cbf LT induction and expression profiles. Here, we report the isolation of rye Cbf genes (ScCbfs) and compare their expression levels in spring- and winter-habit rye cultivars and their orthologs in two winter-habit wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivars. Eleven ScCbfs were isolated spanning all four major phylogenetic groups. Nine of the ScCbfs mapped to 5RL and one to chromosome 2R. Cbf expression levels were variable, with stronger expression in winter- versus spring-habit rye cultivars but no clear relationship with cultivar differences in LT, down-stream cold-regulated gene expression and Cbf expression were detected. Some Cbfs were expressed only at warmer acclimation temperatures in all three species and their expression was repressed at the end of an 8-h dark period at warmer temperatures, which may reflect a temperature-dependent, light-regulated diurnal response. Our work indicates that Cbf expression is regulated by complex genotype by time by induction–temperature interactions, emphasizing that sample timing, induction–temperature and light-related factors must receive greater consideration in future studies involving functional characterization of LT-induced genes in cereals

    Caracterización clínicoepidemiológica de pacientes con enfermedades reumáticas de inicio juvenil en Paraguay (2011 – 2015)

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    Objective: Describe the frequency of juvenile onset rheumatologic inflammatory diseases (JIR ) in level III and IV complexity level hospitals in a quinquennium. Methods: Multicentric, descriptive and retrospective study, using CI E-10 coding of hospitals’ files in AsunciĂłn and Central Department. Results: Four hospitalary records were included. 382 patients followed inclusion criteria. Sex ratio (M:F) of the population was 1:1,6, with an average age at captation of 11.6 years (SD±4.5). Kawsaki’s disease group has an average age of 5.4 years (SD±3.7) and patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) were presented with 13.1 years on average (SD±3.9). The 68,6% of patients were found through follow up specialized consults. Idiopathic juvenile arthritis was the most frequently diagnosed disease (n=167 cases, 43,7% of the total), followed by SLE (n=130, 34,0%). Most of the cases (n=290, 75,9%) were patients from (place of birth) Asuncion or Central Department. Conclusion: The spectrum of JIR diseases is broad with variable distribution in each included hospital. This study orients to know the burden of disease from JIR diseases in Paraguay.Objetivo: Describir la frecuencia de las enfermedades reumatolĂłgicas inflamatorias de inicio juvenil (RI J) en hospitales de nivel de complejidad III y IV en un quinquenio. MĂ©todo: Estudio multicĂ©ntrico, descriptivo, retrospectivo utilizando cĂłdigos CI E-10 de los archivos de hospitales de AsunciĂłn y del departamento central. Resultados: Cuatro archivos hospitalarios fueron incluidos. En total 382 pacientes cumplĂ­an los criterios de inclusiĂłn. El sex ratio (M: F) de la poblaciĂłn fue de 1:1.6, edad promedio a la captaciĂłn de 11.6 años (DE±4.5). El grupo de pacientes con Enfermedad de Kawasaki tenĂ­an edad promedio de 5.4 años (± 3.7 DE) y los pacientes con Lupus Eritematoso SistĂ©mico (LES) se presentaron con 13.1 años (± 3.9 DE). El 68,6% de los pacientes fueron captados por consulta especializada de seguimiento. La artritis idiopĂĄtica juvenil fue la enfermedad RIJ mĂĄs frecuentemente diagnosticada (n=167 casos, 43,7% del total), seguida por el LES (n=130, 34,0%). La mayorĂ­a de los casos (75.9%, n=290) eran pacientes procedentes (al nacimiento) de AsunciĂłn o del departamento central. ConclusiĂłn: El espectro de las enfermedades RI J es amplio con distribuciĂłn variable segĂșn los hospitales incluidos. Este estudio orienta a conocer la “carga de enfermedad” por enfermedades RI J en Paraguay

    Transcriptional responses of winter barley to cold indicate nucleosome remodelling as a specific feature of crown tissues

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    We report a series of microarray-based comparisons of gene expression in the leaf and crown of the winter barley cultivar Luxor, following the exposure of young plants to various periods of low (above and below zero) temperatures. A transcriptomic analysis identified genes which were either expressed in both the leaf and crown, or specifically in one or the other. Among the former were genes responsible for calcium and abscisic acid signalling, polyamine synthesis, late embryogenesis abundant proteins and dehydrins. In the crown, the key organ for cereal overwintering, cold treatment induced transient changes in the transcription of nucleosome assembly genes, and especially H2A and HTA11, which have been implicated in cold sensing in Arabidopsis thaliana. In the leaf, various heat-shock proteins were induced. Differences in expression pattern between the crown and leaf were frequent for genes involved in certain pathways responsible for osmolyte production (sucrose and starch, raffinose, Îł-aminobutyric acid metabolism), sugar signalling (trehalose metabolism) and secondary metabolism (lignin synthesis). The action of proteins with antifreeze activity, which were markedly induced during hardening, was demonstrated by a depression in the ice nucleation temperature
