318 research outputs found

    Molecular Gas in Tidal Dwarf Galaxies: On-going Galaxy Formation

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    We investigate the process of galaxy formation as can be observed in the only currently forming galaxies -- the so-called Tidal Dwarf Galaxies, hereafter TDGs -- through observations of the molecular gas detected via its CO (Carbon Monoxide) emission. Molecular gas is a key element in the galaxy formation process, providing the link between a cloud of gas and a {\it bona fide} galaxy. We have now detected CO in 9 TDGs with an overall detection rate of 80%, showing that molecular gas is abundant in TDGs, up to a few 108M⊙10^8 M_\odot. The CO emission coincides both spatially and kinematically with the HI emission, indicating that the molecular gas forms from the atomic hydrogen where the HI column density is high. A possible trend of more evolved TDGs having greater molecular gas masses is observed, in accord with the transformation of HI into H2_2. Although uncertainties are still large for individual objects as the geometry is unknown, we find that the "dynamical" masses of TDGs, estimated from the CO line widths, do not seem to be greater than the "visible" masses (HI + H2_2 + a stellar component), i.e., TDGs require no dark matter. We provide evidence that TDGs are self-gravitating entities, implying that we are witnessing the ensemble of processes in galaxy formation: concentration of large amounts of gas in a bound object, condensation of the gas, which is atomic at this point, to form molecular gas and the subsequent star formation from the dense molecular component.Comment: 8 pages 4 figures, to be published in: Proceedings of the IAU Symposium 217: Recycling Intergalactic and Interstellar Matte

    21-cm H I emission from the Damped Lyman-alpha absorber SBS 1543+593

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    We detect 21-cm emission from the Low Surface Brightness (LSB) galaxy SBS 1543+593, which gives rise to a Damped Lyman-alpha (DLA) absorption line in the spectrum of the background QSO HS 1543+5921 (z=0.807). We obtain an accurate measure of the velocity of the H I gas in the LSB galaxy, v=2868 km/s, and derive a mass of 1.3e9 solar masses. We compare this value with limits obtained towards two other z~0.1 DLA systems, and show that SBS 1543+593 would not have been detected. Hence LSB galaxies similar to SBS 1543+593 can be responsible for DLA systems at even modest redshifts without being detectable from their 21-cm emission.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in A&

    Stress, emotion and cognition : role of mineralo- and glucocorticoid receptors

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    Een emotionele gebeurtenis zoals een auto-ongeluk of eerste kus wordt goed onthouden. Stresshormonen spelen een grote rol bij deze link tussen emotie en cognitie. Onder normale omstandigheden worden emotionele en cognitieve processen bevorderd door stresshormonen zoals adrenaline en corticostero_den. Echter, te veel of juist te weinig stresshormonen, of een te lange periode van stress kan emotie en cognitie zo be_nvloeden dat sommige mensen stressgerelateerde ziekten zoals posttraumatische stressstoornis (PTSS) ontwikkelen. Waarom de een wel en de ander niet ziek wordt van stress is niet bekend. Men denkt dat de corticostero_den hiervoor van belang zijn. Vera Brinks richtte zich in haar onderzoek op de rol van corticostero_den in de integratie van emotionele en cognitieve processen, en dus stressgerelateerde fysiologie en psychopathologie. De focus lag hierbij op de rol van de corticostero_d receptoren in de hersenen; de mineralo- (MR) en glucocortico_d receptoren (GR). Dit onderzoek verrichte zij bij muizen. De experimenten lieten zien dat emotie een flinke verbetering van cognitieve prestaties gaf bij de muizen. Hierbij bleek dat activering van de GR - in vergelijking met MR activatie - belangrijk is in de integratie van emotie en cognitie. GR activatie met hoeveelheden van het stress hormoon corticosteron die ook vrij komen bij milde stress, resulteert in een optimale prestatie wanneer het dier ook een emotionele ervaring had. Een te lage of te hoge activatie van deze receptor (de GR) verstoorde de integratie van emotie en cognitie. Die GR werkt dus optimaal binnen nauwe grenzen. Wanneer de MR genetisch wordt 'uitgeschakeld'(knockout), dan worden bepaalde negatieve ervaringen niet uitgedoofd (vergeten). Een belangrijke vinding was ook dat corticostero_dbehandeling de herinnering aan een traumatische gebeurtenis zowel kan verminderen als verbeteren afhankelijk van de genetische achtergrond van de muizen Deze kennis kan gebruikt worden bij de behandeling van het veel te sterke geheugen voor traumatische en angstige PTSS-pati_nten. Bovendien is het een basis om de genetische factoren te onderzoeken die bij kunnen dragen aan het ontstaan en de vermindering van het sterke angstgeheugen bij PTSS-pati_nten. Onze experimenten hebben laten zien dat de MR een uitstekende kandidaat is als target voor een geheel nieuw soort geneesmiddelen.UBL - phd migration 201

    Access to Eye Care Before and After Vision Loss: A Qualitative Study Investigating Eye Care Among Persons Who Have Become Blind

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    Navigating access to eye care requires that patients recognize the need for screening and care, employ limited financial and social resources, manage complex health insurance policies, and access specialty clinical care. We investigated the experience of patients through the progression of vision loss to blindness, utilizing qualitative methods. We conducted structured telephone interviews with 28 persons with blindness throughout Oregon. Utilizing closed and open-ended questions, we explored patient experience on the events preceding avoidable blindness. Coding for emergent themes was conducted independently by two researchers using a constant comparative method. Participants described important barriers to accessing eye care: at the systems level, lack of access to providers and treatment; at the community level, available social support and services; and at the individual level, readiness to act and trust in providers. These findings suggest that important barriers to accessing preventive eye care, early diagnosis and treatment, vocational rehabilitation, and social services often occur at multiple levels. Access to eye care should be prioritized in efforts to reduce preventable visual impairment

    Capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry using noncovalently coated capillaries for the analysis of biopharmaceuticals

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    In this work, the usefulness of capillary electrophoresis–electrospray ionization time-of-flight–mass spectrometry for the analysis of biopharmaceuticals was studied. Noncovalently bound capillary coatings consisting of Polybrene-poly(vinyl sulfonic acid) or Polybrene-dextran sulfate-Polybrene were used to minimize protein and peptide adsorption, and achieve good separation efficiencies. The potential of the capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry (CE-MS) system to characterize degradation products was investigated by analyzing samples of the drugs, recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) and oxytocin, which had been subjected to prolonged storage, heat exposure, and/or different pH values. Modifications could be assigned based on accurate masses as obtained with time-of-flight–mass spectrometry (TOF-MS) and migration times with respect to the parent compound. For heat-exposed rhGH, oxidations, sulfonate formation, and deamidations were observed. Oxytocin showed strong deamidation (up to 40%) upon heat exposure at low pH, whereas at medium and high pH, mainly dimer (>10%) and trisulfide formation (6–7%) occurred. Recombinant human interferon-β-1a (rhIFN-β) was used to evaluate the capability of the CE-MS method to assess glycan heterogeneity of pharmaceutical proteins. Analysis of this N-glycosylated protein revealed a cluster of resolved peaks which appeared to be caused by at least ten glycoforms differing merely in sialic acid and hexose N-acetylhexosamine composition. Based on the relative peak area (assuming an equimolar response per glycoform), a quantitative profile could be derived with the disialytated biantennary glycoform as most abundant (52%). Such a profile may be useful for in-process and quality control of rhIFN-β batches. It is concluded that the separation power provided by combined capillary electrophoresis and TOF-MS allows discrimination of highly related protein species

    Environment, Ram Pressure, and Shell Formation in HoII

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    Neutral hydrogen VLA D-array observations of the dwarf irregular galaxy HoII, a prototype galaxy for studies of shell formation, are presented. HI is detected to radii over 16' or 4 R_25, and M_HI=6.44x10^8 M_sun. The total HI map has a comet-like appearance suggesting that HoII is affected by ram pressure from an intragroup medium (IGM). A rotation curve corrected for asymmetric drift was derived and an analysis of the mass distribution yields a total mass 6.3x10^9 M_sun, of which about 80% is dark. HoII lies northeast of the M81 group's core, along with Kar52 (M81dwA) and UGC4483. No signs of interaction are observed and it is argued that HoII is part of the NGC2403 subgroup, infalling towards M81. A case is made for ram pressure stripping and an IGM in the M81 group. Stripping of the disk outer parts would require an IGM density n_IGM>=4.0x10^-6 atoms/cm^3 at the location of HoII. This corresponds to 1% of the virial mass of the group uniformly distributed over a volume just enclosing HoII and is consistent with the X-ray properties of small groups. It is argued that existing observations of HoII do not support self-propagating star formation scenarios, whereby the HI holes and shells are created by supernova explosions and stellar winds. Many HI holes are located in low surface density regions of the disk, where no star formation is expected or observed. Ram pressure has the capacity to enlarge preexisting holes and lower their creation energies, helping to bridge the gap between the observed star formation rate and that required to create the holes. (abridged)Comment: 43 pages, including 7 figures. 4 figures available as JPEG only. Complete manuscript including full resolution figures available at http://www.strw.leidenuniv.nl/~bureau/pub_list.html . Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    Microlensing toward crowded fields: Theory and applications to M31

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    We present a comprehensive treatment of the pixel-lensing theory and apply it to lensing experiments and their results toward M31. Using distribution functions for the distances, velocities, masses, and luminosities of stars, we derive lensing event rates as a function of the event observables. In contrast to the microlensing regime, in the pixel-lensing regime (crowded or unresolved sources) the observables are the maximum excess flux of the source above a background and the full width at half-maximum (FWHM) time of the event. To calculate lensing event distribution functions depending on these observables for the specific case of M31, we use data from the literature to construct a model of M31, reproducing consistently photometry, kinematics and stellar population. We predict the halo- and self-lensing event rates for bulge and disk stars in M31 and treat events with and without finite source signatures separately. We use the M31 photon noise profile and obtain the event rates as a function of position, field of view, and S/N threshold at maximum magnification. We calculate the expected rates for WeCAPP and for a potential Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS) lensing campaign. The detection of two events with a peak signal-to-noise ratio larger than 10 and a timescale larger than 1 day in the WeCAPP 2000/2001 data is in good agreement with our theoretical calculations. We investigate the luminosity function of lensed stars for noise characteristics of WeCAPP and ACS. For the pixel-lensing regime, we derive the probability distribution for the lens masses in M31 as a function of the FWHM timescale, flux excess and color, including the errors of these observables.Comment: 45 pages, 27 figures LaTeX; corrected typos; published in the Astrophysical Journal Supplemen
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