574 research outputs found

    The features of dynamic processes in rolling mills and their diagnostic properties

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    Приведены некоторые результаты измерений момента сил упругости в главных линиях клетей прокатных станов и вибрации оборудования при захвате полосы валками. Установлен ряд особенностей переходных процессов, связанных с технологией прокатки и состоянием оборудования. Получены и обоснованы новые информативные и диагностические признаки. Впервые предложено и обосновано в качестве диагностического признака использовать время запаздывания реакции участков линии привода на ударную нагрузку. Разработаны и в промышленных условиях опробованы новые методы и способы диагностики угловых зазоров.The results of measurements of the elastic force moment in the main line of the drive stand of rolls and equipment vibration when biting of band by rollers are provided. A number of features of transients associated with the technology of rolling and condition of the equipment is identified. New symptoms and diagnosis information are received and justified. For the first time the usage of time delay reaction in the biting of band rollers is proposed and justified as a diagnostic indicator. The time delay depends on the equipment wear and corner clearance. The larger the angular clearance the greater the delay time. Time lag is defined by signals of measurement of torque on the driving shafts, and by the vibration sensors. The sensors are mounted on a rolling stand and frame along the main line of the drive stand of rolls. The regularities of changes in the dynamic coefficient and delay time of the drive stand of rolls with the wear and angular clearances on the spindle and motor areas are set. New methods and ways to diagnose angular clearances based on measuring the moment of elastic force and vibration equipment are developed and tested in an industrial setting. An algorithm for diagnosing the technical condition of the spindle and motor areas as measured transients is developed. The method is recommended for systems of vibration diagnostics development

    Analysis of publishing activity on human resource management systems of enterprises in the bases of electronic resources in terms of influence over its innovative receptivity

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    This article is dedicated to research of the electronic resources of the world and Ukrainian university libraries in the area of Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS) for purposes of identifying trends, regularities and forming complex measures regarding their efficiency improvement. In the course of research the analysis of indicators of publishing activity performance was made. Increment rate indicators were calculated. Growth trends of HRMS publications in the world and Ukrainian scientific libraries were determined

    Analysis of publishing activity on human resource management systems of enterprises in the bases of electronic resources in terms of influence over its innovative receptivity

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    This article is dedicated to research of the electronic resources of the world and Ukrainian university libraries in the area of Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS) for purposes of identifying trends, regularities and forming complex measures regarding their efficiency improvement. In the course of research the analysis of indicators of publishing activity performance was made. Increment rate indicators were calculated. Growth trends of HRMS publications in the world and Ukrainian scientific libraries were determined

    On motion of fluid in boundary layer near line of intersection of two planes

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    In the paper "The Mutual Interference of Boundary Layers," the authors investigated the problem of the interference of two planes intersecting at right angles on the boundary layers formed by the motion of fluid along the line of intersection of these planes. In the present paper, the results of the preceding one are generalized to the case of planes intersecting at any angle. The motion of a fluid in an angle less than 180 degrees is discussed and the enlargement of the boundary layers near the line of intersection of the planes, the limits of the interference effects of the boundary layers, and the corrections on the drag are determined. All computations are conducted by the Karman-Pohlhausen method for laminar and turbulent boundary layers. The results are reduced to tabulated form

    Головной убор египетских богинь и царственных женщин в виде грифа: история происхождения и символика

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    This article deals with one of the most important attributes of Ancient Egyptian goddesses and queens – the vulture headgear. On the basis of various figurative and written sources the origin and symbolic value of the headgear are analyzed. A special attention is paid to visual parallels drawn between queens and such protective goddesses-mothers as Nekhbet, Wadjet and Mut.В статье рассматривается один из важнейших атрибутов египетских богинь, матерей и жен фараонов – головной убор в форме грифа. На материале изобразительных и письменных источников анализируется происхождение и идеологически обусловленное символическое значение данного головного убора

    Модий и "цветочная корона" в иконографии царственных женщин эпохи Нового царства: к интерпретации символического значения головных уборов

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    The article examines the typology of crowns of Egyptian royal woman of the New Kingdom Period (XVIII-XX dynasties) - the so-called «modius» and the «floral crown». Special attention is paid to the peculiarities of decoration of these crowns and to the interpretation of their possible symbolic significance.На материале различных изобразительных источников в статье рассматривается типология корон египетских царственных женщин эпохи Нового царства (XVIII-XX династии) - так называемых «модия» и «цветочной короны» - и предлагается интерпретация их символического значения

    Mitochondrial respiration inhibition after exposure to UWB pulses as a possible mechanism of antitumor action

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    The respiration of isolated mice liver mitochondria after exposure to nanosecond UWB pulses (0.15 – 36 kV/cm, 0.6 – 1.0 GHz centre frequency, 3 – 20 ns pulse duration) has been investigated. The respiratory control (RC, the ratio of oxygen consumption) was estimated. The possibility of mitochondrial membrane electroporation was detected as the decrease in the electrical resistance, according to the β-dispersion of the electric current. The monotonous decrease of RC after 1000 UWB pulses from 0.15 kV/cm was observed, the ohmic resistance of mitochondria suspension was reduced. The obtained data indicate the inhibitory effect of UWB pulses on a state of irradiated mitochondria and its membrane