55 research outputs found

    Modelo de predicciĂłn subespacial: RegresiĂłn Multivariante Gaussiana Subespacial

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    [ES]El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es contribuir al desarrollo de nuevos métodos que permitan mejorar los modelos clásicos de regresión. Los modelos de regresión clásicos buscan la manera de hallar una variable respuesta en función de un conjunto de variables independientes. Estas técnicas persiguen un objetivo en concreto, predecir la variable dependiente. Esta situación provoca que las variables independientes con las que construimos nuestro modelo cobren una gran importancia. El modelo construido necesita estas variables de entra- da para hallar la variable o variables (regresión lineal multivariante) de salida. La relación entre ambos conjuntos de variables tiene una única dirección. En el caso de querer cambiar variables de salida por variables de entrada o viceversa necesitamos construir nuevos modelos. Estas limitaciones provocan que los procedimientos sean rígidos. Su adaptabilidad a diferentes situaciones es susceptible a cambios en su estructura original, lo que provoca nuevos cálculos computacionales que hacen más complejo el desarrollo. Una de las motivaciones principales de esta tesis es la búsqueda de un modelo que rompa con esta rigidez permitiendo a las variables tener diferentes roles sin por ello perder poder predictivo. Para poder lograr nuestro objetivo hemos asociado dos campos estadísticos de diversa índole, técnicas de reducción dimensional y procesos gaussianos. Las técnicas de reducción dimensional nos permiten, entre otras cosas, conocer mejor la estructura de nuestros datos, simplificar métodos complejos o reducir la multicolinealidad. Por otro lado, los procesos gaussianos multivariantes son capaces de calcular un conjunto de variables correlacionadas por un dominio continuo (espacio o tiempo principalmente). Las técnicas de reducción dimensional son en su mayoría métodos exploratorios que permiten describir de forma intrínseca datos multivariantes. Estos procedimientos reproducen sobre planos factoriales hipotéticos nuestros datos en función de las variables que los representan. Aunque estas técnicas están muy presentes en el análisis multivariante, su poder predictivo es bajo. Los procesos gaussianos son modelos estadísticos en los que las observaciones suceden en un dominio continuo como espacio o tiempo. El caso espacial es descrito por las técnicas de krigeaje. Estos métodos de interpolación basan su poder de predicción en la denominada covarianza espacial y/o temporal y la distribución normal de sus variables. La idea básica de estas técnicas es predecir los valores en un punto desconocido del espacio calculando un promedio ponderado de los valores cercanos conocidos. El modelo que desarrollamos “Regresión Multivariante Gaussiana Subespacial” (MGSR) conjuga ambas corrientes estadísticas. Partiendo de unas coordenadas subespaciales generadas por una técnica cualquiera de reducción dimensional y asociando a éstas sus valores reales, podemos construir una nueva matriz sobre la cual aplicar un proceso gaussiano como el cokriging (kriging multivariante). Este proceso nos permite adivinar múltiples combinaciones entre las variables analizadas y a partir de ellas construir nuestros modelos predictivos

    Application of Artificial Intelligence Algorithms Within the Medical Context for Non-Specialized Users: the CARTIER-IA Platform

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    The use of advanced algorithms and models such as Machine Learning, Deep Learning and other related approaches of Artificial Intelligence have grown in their use given their benefits in different contexts. One of these contexts is the medical domain, as these algorithms can support disease detection, image segmentation and other multiple tasks. However, it is necessary to organize and arrange the different data resources involved in these scenarios and tackle the heterogeneity of data sources. This work presents the CARTIER-IA platform: a platform for the management of medical data and imaging. The goal of this project focuses on providing a friendly and usable interface to organize structured data, to visualize and edit medical images, and to apply Artificial Intelligence algorithms on the stored resources. One of the challenges of the platform design is to ease these complex tasks in a way that non-AI-specialized users could benefit from the application of AI algorithms without further training. Two use cases of AI application within the platform are provided, as well as a heuristic evaluation to assess the usability of the first version of CARTIER-IA. Year of Publication 2021 Journal International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence Volume 6 Issue Regular Issue Number 6 Number of Pages 46-53 Date Published 06/2021 ISSN Number 1989-1660 URL https://www.ijimai.org/journal/sites/default/files/2021-05/ijimai_6_6_5.pdf DOI 10.9781/ijimai.2021.05.005 DOI Google Scholar BibTeX EndNote X3 XML EndNote 7 XML Endnote tagged Marc RIS Attachment ijimai_6_6_5.pdf 932.11 K

    Are Textual Recommendations Enough? Guiding Physicians Toward the Design of Machine Learning Pipelines Through a Visual Platform

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    The prevalence of artificial intelligence (AI) in our daily lives is often exaggerated by the media, leading to a positive public perception while overlooking potential problems. In the field of medicine, it is crucial to educate future healthcare professionals on the advantages and disadvantages of AI and to emphasize the importance of creating fair, ethical, and reproducible models. The KoopaML platform was developed to provide an educational and user-friendly interface for inexperienced users to create AI pipelines. This study analyzes the quantitative and interaction data gathered from a usability test involving physicians from the University Hospital of Salamanca, with the aim of identifying new interaction paradigms to improve the platform’s usability. The results shown that the platform is difficult to learn for inexperienced users due to its contents related to AI. Following these results, a set of improvements are proposed for the next version of KoopaML, focusing on reducing the interactions needed to create the pipelines

    KoopaML, a Machine Learning platform for medical data analysis

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    Machine Learning allows facing complex tasks related to data analysis with big datasets. This Artificial Intelligence branch allows not technical contexts to get benefits related to data processing and analysis. In particular, in medicine, medical professionals are increasingly interested in Machine Learning to identify patterns in clinical cases and make predictions regarding health issues. However, many do not have the necessary programming or technological skills to perform these tasks. Many different tools focus on developing Machine Learning pipelines, from libraries for developers and data scientists to visual tools for experts or platforms to learn. However, we have identified some requirements in the medical context that raise the need to create a customized platform adapted to end-user found in this context. This work describes the design process and the first version of KoopaML, an ML platform to bridge the data science gaps of physicians while automatizing Machine Learning pipelines. The platform is focused on enhanced interactivity to improve the engagement of physicians while still providing all the benefits derived from the introduction of Machine Learning pipelines in medical departments, as well as integrated ongoing training during the use of the tool’s features

    Flexible Heuristics for Supporting Recommendations Within an AI Platform Aimed at Non-expert Users

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    The use of Machine Learning (ML) to resolve complex tasks has become popular in several contexts. While these approaches are very effective and have many related benefits, they are still very tricky for the general audience. In this sense, expert knowledge is crucial to apply ML algorithms properly and to avoid potential issues. However, in some situations, it is not possible to rely on experts to guide the development of ML pipelines. To tackle this issue, we present an approach to provide customized heuristics and recommendations through a graphical platform to build ML pipelines, namely KoopaML, focused on the medical domain.With this approach, we aim not only at providing an easy way to apply ML for non-expert users, but also at providing a learning experience for them to understand how these methods work

    Conociendo un estilo de vida espiritual de PerĂș

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    The objective of the article is to determine the characteristics of a spiritual lifestyle in Peru. The type of research is qualitative, descriptive, cross-sectional. The procedures included a population of 236 guests, of which 112 were older adults (over 60 years old), 99 young people (up to 30 years old) and 25 adults (between 30 and 60 years old) and finally there were 50 people from Peru who sent your responses or comments. The results indicate that there are no significant differences between gender and preference towards a natural recreation center that offers C-M-E balance; However, mathematically, the majority prefers a place with natural furniture. There are also no significant differences between gender and geographic location of the recreation center in "La Mariposa Town Center"; to half it seems indifferent and to the other half it seems affordable, and the aforementioned place has the following characteristics: it is far from the city, near the Piura-Peru river, away from noise, and surrounded by a natural environment. There are also no significant differences between gender and amount of money spent on the last illness, since half spent less than S/ 1,200.00 (less than 300.00)andtheotherhalfspentmorethanthepreviousfigure.Therearealsonosignificantdifferencesbetweengenderandamountofmoneyavailablefor1dayintherecreationcentertobalanceC−M−E;sincehalfarewillingtospendlessthanS/360.00(lessthan300.00) and the other half spent more than the previous figure. There are also no significant differences between gender and amount of money available for 1 day in the recreation center to balance C-M-E; since half are willing to spend less than S/ 360.00 (less than 120.00) and the other half more than S/ 360.00 (more than 120.00).Therearealsonosignificantdifferencesbetweenageandamountofmoneyavailablefor1dayintherecreationcentertobalanceC−M−E,sincehalfarewillingtospendlessthanS/480.00(lessthan120.00). There are also no significant differences between age and amount of money available for 1 day in the recreation center to balance C-M-E, since half are willing to spend less than S/ 480.00 (less than 120.00) and the other half more than S/ 480.00 (over 120.00).TherearealsonosignificantdifferencesbetweengenderandwillingnesstorequesttheservicesofarecreationcentertobalanceC−M−E,sincethemajoritywoulddefinitelyrequestsuchservices.Theconclusionsare:(1)TheC−M−Ebalanceprogramgeneratespositiveeffectswithabetterqualityoflife,movingpeopleawayfromtheconditionofvulnerabilityinthefaceoffuturepandemics.(2)ItisrecommendedthatthemanagersofprivateorganizationsmanagetheconstructionofrecreationcenterswheretheC−M−Ebalanceprogramisapplied,favoringtheirworkersandtheirclients.(3)Inthesameway,itisrecommendedthatofficialsofgovernmentorganizationsrequesttheservicesofrecreationcentersthatoffertheC−M−Ebalanceprogramtocollaboratewiththeirworkersandusersinachievingwell−being.ElobjetivodelartıˊculoesdeterminarlascaracterıˊsticasdeunestilodevidaespiritualdePeruˊ.Eltipodeinvestigacioˊnescualitativa,descriptiva,transversal.Losprocedimientosincluyeronunapoblacioˊnde236invitados,deloscuales112fueronadultosmayores(mayoresde60an~os),99joˊvenes(hasta30an~os)y25adultos(entre30y60an~os)yfinalmentefueron50personasdePeruˊlasqueenviaronsusrespuestasoapreciaciones.LosresultadosindicanquenoexistendiferenciassignificativasentregeˊneroypreferenciahaciauncentrodeesparcimientonaturalqueofrezcaequilibrioC−M−E;noobstanteque,matemaˊticamentelamayorıˊaprefiereunlocalconmobiliarionatural.Tampocoexistendiferenciassignificativasentregeˊneroyubicacioˊngeograˊficadecentrodeesparcimientoen“CentropobladoLaMariposa”;alamitadlepareceindiferenteyalaotramitadlepareceasequibley,elcitadolugartienelascaracterıˊsticassiguientes:estaˊalejadodelaciudad,cercadelrıˊoPiura−Peruˊ,alejadoderuido,yrodeadodeunentornonatural.Tampocoexistendiferenciassignificativasentregeˊneroycantidaddinerogastadaenultimaenfermedad,puestoquelamitadgastoˊmenosdeS/1,200.00(menosde120.00). There are also no significant differences between gender and willingness to request the services of a recreation center to balance C-M-E, since the majority would definitely request such services. The conclusions are: (1) The C-M-E balance program generates positive effects with a better quality of life, moving people away from the condition of vulnerability in the face of future pandemics. (2) It is recommended that the managers of private organizations manage the construction of recreation centers where the C-M-E balance program is applied, favoring their workers and their clients. (3) In the same way, it is recommended that officials of government organizations request the services of recreation centers that offer the C-M-E balance program to collaborate with their workers and users in achieving well-being.El objetivo del artĂ­culo es determinar las caracterĂ­sticas de un estilo de vida espiritual de PerĂș. El tipo de investigaciĂłn es cualitativa, descriptiva, transversal. Los procedimientos incluyeron una poblaciĂłn de 236 invitados, de los cuales 112 fueron adultos mayores (mayores de 60 años), 99 jĂłvenes (hasta 30 años) y 25 adultos (entre 30 y 60 años) y finalmente fueron 50 personas de PerĂș las que enviaron sus respuestas o apreciaciones. Los resultados indican que no existen diferencias significativas entre gĂ©nero y preferencia hacia un centro de esparcimiento natural que ofrezca equilibrio C-M-E; no obstante que, matemĂĄticamente la mayorĂ­a prefiere un local con mobiliario natural. Tampoco existen diferencias significativas entre gĂ©nero y ubicaciĂłn geogrĂĄfica de centro de esparcimiento en “Centro poblado La Mariposa”; a la mitad le parece indiferente y a la otra mitad le parece asequible y, el citado lugar tiene las caracterĂ­sticas siguientes: estĂĄ alejado de la ciudad, cerca del rĂ­o Piura-PerĂș, alejado de ruido, y rodeado de un entorno natural. Tampoco existen diferencias significativas entre gĂ©nero y cantidad dinero gastada en ultima enfermedad, puesto que la mitad gastĂł menos de S/ 1,200.00 (menos de 300.00) y la otra mitad gastĂł mĂĄs de la cifra anterior. Tampoco existen diferencias significativas entre gĂ©nero y cantidad dinero dispuesta para 1 dĂ­a en centro de esparcimiento para equilibrar C-M-E; puesto que la mitad estĂĄ dispuesta a gastar menos de S/ 360.00 (menos de 120.00)ylaotramitadmaˊsdeS/360.00(maˊsde 120.00) y la otra mitad mĂĄs de S/ 360.00 (mĂĄs de 120.00). Tampoco existen diferencias significativas entre edad y cantidad dinero dispuesta para 1 dĂ­a en centro de esparcimiento para equilibrar C-M-E, puesto que la mitad estĂĄ dispuesta a gastar menos de S/ 480.00 (menos de 120.00)ylaotramitadmaˊsdeS/480.00(maˊsde 120.00) y la otra mitad mĂĄs de S/ 480.00 (mĂĄs de 120.00). Tampoco existen diferencias significativas entre gĂ©nero y disposiciĂłn a solicitar los servicios de un centro de esparcimiento para equilibrar C-M-E, puesto que la mayorĂ­a definitivamente sĂ­ solicitarĂ­a dichos servicios. Las conclusiones son: (1) El programa de equilibrio C-M-E genera efectos positivos con mejor calidad de vida, alejando a las personas de la condiciĂłn de vulnerabilidad ante prĂłximas pandemias. (2) Se recomienda que, los gerentes de organizaciones privadas gestionen la construcciĂłn de centros de esparcimiento donde se aplique el programa de equilibrio C-M-E, favoreciendo a sus trabajadores y a sus clientes. (3) Del mismo modo, se recomienda que, los funcionarios de organizaciones gubernamentales soliciten los servicios de centros de esparcimiento que ofrezcan el programa de equilibrio C-M-E para colaborar con sus trabajadores y usuarios, en el logro de bienestar

    Metabolomic profile of cancer stem cell-derived exosomes from patients with malignant melanoma

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    Malignant melanoma (MM) is the most aggressive and life-threatening form of skin cancer. It is characterized by an extraordinary metastasis capacity and chemotherapy resistance, mainly due to melanoma cancer stem cells (CSCs). To date, there are no suitable clinical diagnostic, prognostic or predictive biomarkers for this neoplasia. Therefore, there is an urgent need for new MM biomarkers that enable early diagnosis and effective disease monitoring. Exosomes represent a novel source of biomarkers since they can be easily isolated from different body fluids. In this work, a primary patient-derived MM cell line enriched in CSCs was characterized by assessing the expression of specific markers and their stem-like properties. Exosomes derived from CSCs and serums from patients with MM were characterized, and their metabolomic profile was analysed by highresolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) following an untargeted approach and applying univariate and multivariate statistical analyses. The aim of this study was to search potential biomarkers for the diagnosis of this disease. Our results showed significant metabolomic differences in exosomes derived from MM CSCs compared with those from differentiated tumour cells and also in serum-derived exosomes from patients with MM compared to those from healthy controls. Interestingly, we identified similarities between structural lipids differentially expressed in CSC-derived exosomes and those derived from patients with MM such as the glycerophosphocholine PC 16:0/0:0. To our knowledge, this is the first metabolomic-based study aimed at characterizing exosomes derived from melanoma CSCs and patients’ serum in order to identify potential biomarkers for MM diagnosis. We conclude that metabolomic characterization of CSC-derived exosomes sets an open door to the discovery of clinically useful biomarkers in this neoplasia.MICIU FPU15/03682 FPU15/02350Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MICIU) MAT2015-62644.C2.2.R RTI2018-101309-BC2Instituto de Salud Carlos III PIE16-00045Junta de Andalucía SOMM17/6109/UGR (UCE-PP2017-3)European Union (EU) SOMM17/6109/UGR (UCE-PP2017-3)Chair 'Doctors Galera-Requena in cancer stem cell research' CMC-CTS963Fundación MEDIN

    Clustering COVID-19 ARDS patients through the first days of ICU admission. An analysis of the CIBERESUCICOVID Cohort

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    Background Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) can be classified into sub-phenotypes according to different inflammatory/clinical status. Prognostic enrichment was achieved by grouping patients into hypoinflammatory or hyperinflammatory sub-phenotypes, even though the time of analysis may change the classification according to treatment response or disease evolution. We aimed to evaluate when patients can be clustered in more than 1 group, and how they may change the clustering of patients using data of baseline or day 3, and the prognosis of patients according to their evolution by changing or not the cluster.Methods Multicenter, observational prospective, and retrospective study of patients admitted due to ARDS related to COVID-19 infection in Spain. Patients were grouped according to a clustering mixed-type data algorithm (k-prototypes) using continuous and categorical readily available variables at baseline and day 3.Results Of 6205 patients, 3743 (60%) were included in the study. According to silhouette analysis, patients were grouped in two clusters. At baseline, 1402 (37%) patients were included in cluster 1 and 2341(63%) in cluster 2. On day 3, 1557(42%) patients were included in cluster 1 and 2086 (57%) in cluster 2. The patients included in cluster 2 were older and more frequently hypertensive and had a higher prevalence of shock, organ dysfunction, inflammatory biomarkers, and worst respiratory indexes at both time points. The 90-day mortality was higher in cluster 2 at both clustering processes (43.8% [n = 1025] versus 27.3% [n = 383] at baseline, and 49% [n = 1023] versus 20.6% [n = 321] on day 3). Four hundred and fifty-eight (33%) patients clustered in the first group were clustered in the second group on day 3. In contrast, 638 (27%) patients clustered in the second group were clustered in the first group on day 3.Conclusions During the first days, patients can be clustered into two groups and the process of clustering patients may change as they continue to evolve. This means that despite a vast majority of patients remaining in the same cluster, a minority reaching 33% of patients analyzed may be re-categorized into different clusters based on their progress. Such changes can significantly impact their prognosis
