500 research outputs found

    Clover content and yield of swards on organic farms - maintenance and estimation

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    Grassland production based on legumes is an essential part of the productivity and economy of the organic farming systems. The clover content is an important factor in organic grassland management to optimize the yield, feed value and pre-crop effect of ley. The ley yield and clover content of one-, two- and three-year-old leys were determined on eight organic farms in 1998. Two-year-old leys produced the highest (6500 kg/ha dm) and three-year-old leys (4900 kg/ha dm) the lowest yields, with no significant differences between one- and two-year-old leys. The clover content (20-80 % of dm) diminished to the same extent as the yields. Because the ley samples from the organic farms gave strong evidence of decreasing yield level and clover content in the 3-year-old leys, we started to develop a technique to maintain the ley productivity in older swards. This technique includes oversowing of clover in the spring of the second ley year and utilization of lime-pelleted, pre-inoculated seed. Lime-pelleted, pre-inoculated clover seed oversown at different times in spring were compared with the aim of developing an oversowing method for Finnish conditions. The preliminary results do not show any differences, but studies are ongoing

    First records of spiders (Araneae) Baryphyma gowerense (Locket, 1965) (Linyphiidae), Entelecara flavipes (Blackwall, 1834) (Linyphiidae) and Rugathodes instabilis (O. P.-Cambridge, 1871) (Theridiidae) in Finland

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    Baryphyma gowerense (Locket, 1965), Entelecara flavipes (Blackwall, 1834) and Rugathodes instabilis (O. P.-Cambridge, 1871) are reported for the first time in Finland. The first species was found by pitfall trapping on a wide aapa mire in Lapland and the two others by sweep netting on hemiboreal meadows on the Finnish south coast. The spider assemblages of the sites are described

    Acta zoologica Fennica 145

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    Current research trends in mountain biodiversity in NW Europe

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    Focusing on four themes in relation to biodiversity (vegetation science, keystone grazers, long-term studies and protected areas), a synthesis of current research in the mountain areas of Fennoscandia, Iceland and Scotland is presented. Recent relevant advances in vegetation science include classifications of mountain habitats which together with species distribution maps offer new possibilities for analysis. Generalisations emerging from comparisons of the ecology and ecophysiology of plants between different mountain areas are greatly needed. Further studies on the ecological impacts of keystone grazers are urgently required because of the alarming rate of degradation of mountain habitats. The topics highlighted from northern Fennoscandia include (i) the effect of overgrazing by reindeer on the cover of foliose lichens and on the regeneration of mountain birch, (ii) the ecological interactions between the autumnal moth and mountain birch, and (Hi) the effect of rodents on vegetation. Long-term studies of slow processes to capture rare but important events are needed to better understand the functioning of mountain ecosystems. Examples of such studies are presented for (i) the moss Racomitrium lanuginosum as an indicator of airborne nitrogen pollution, (ii) research based on cyclic oscillations of vole numbers, and (Hi) the application of breeding birds in environmental assessment. The conservation of appropriate areas is important for mountain biodiversity. Mountain habitats have been protected extensively in northern Europe. The evaluation of how representative the existing areas are and how to use them for research need international co-ordination.[fr] On présente une synthèse de la recherche actuelle dans les régions de montagne de la Scandinavie, l'Islande et l'Ecosse, centrée sur quatre sujets autour de la biodiversité (science de la végétation, herbivores principaux, études à long terme et zones protégées). Les résultats récents d'importance en science de la végétation portent sur la classification des habitats de montagne, qui, avec les cartes de répartition des espèces, offrent des nouvelles possibilités pour l'analyse. On a fortement besoin de généralisations tirées de la comparaison entre l'écologie et l'écophysiologie des plantes dans différentes zones de montagne. Il nous manque aux des études sur les impacts écologiques des principaux herbivores étant donné l'alarmant taux de dégradation des habitats de montagne. Les sujets soulignés dans la Scandinavie du Nord touchent (1) l'effet du surpâturage des rennes sur la couverture des liquens foliacés et sur la régénération du bouleau nain, (2) les interactions écologiques entre la mite d'automne et ce même bouleau, et (3) l'effet des rongeurs sur la végétation. Il nous semble indispensable de réaliser les études à long terme sur les processus à faible vitesse; elles conduiront à saisir des événements rares mais importants, cela permettra de mieux comprendre le fonctionnement des écosystèmes de montagne. Des exemples de telles études sont ici présentés pour (1) la mousse Racomitrium lanuginosum comme indicateur de la pollution aérienne par l'azote, (2) la recherche basée sur les oscillations périodiques du nombre de campagnols, et (3) l'utilisation des oiseaux nicheurs pour l'évaluation de l'environnement. La conservation de zones appropriées est importante pour la biodiversité de la montagne. Les habitats de montagne sont largement protégés dans l'Europe du Nord. Cependant, l'évaluation de la représentativité des zones actuellement protégées ainsi que leur usage pour la recherche auraient besoin d'une coordination internationale. [es] Sintetizamos aquí las investigaciones actuales que se desarrollan en las zonas de montaña de Escandinavia, Islandia y Escocia. Recientemente, los avances destacados en el estudio de la vegetación que clasifican los hábitats de montaña, junto con los mapas de distribución de las especies, permiten nuevos enfoques científicos. Se hace necesario comparar la ecología y la ecofisiología de las plantas entre diferentes áreas montañosas y luego extraer generalizaciones. Igualmente resultan urgentes nuevos estudios sobre los impactos de los herbívoros principales, teniendo en cuenta la rápida degradación de los hábitats de montaña. Los temas tratados para el N de Escandinavia son (1) el efecto del sobrepastoreo de los renos en la, cobertura de los líquenes foliáceos y en la regeneración del abedul, (2) las interacciones ecológicas entre la polilla de otoño y el abedul, y (3) el efecto de los roedores en la vegetación. Parece indispensable desarrollar estudios a largo plazo sobre procesos lentos con el fin de aprehender fenómenos raros pero importantes y atisbar el funcionamiento de los ecosistemas de montaña. Comentamos algunos ejemplos de tales estudios para: 1) el musgo Racomitrium lanuginosum como indicador de la contaminación del aire por nitrógeno; 2) investigaciones sobre las oscilaciones periódicas del número de topillos, y 3) aplicación de las aves nidificantes a la evaluación ambiental. Es muy importante la conservación de determinadas áreas para la biodiversidad de la montaña. En este sentido, cabe considerar que los hábitats de montaña se han conservado ampliamente en el N de Europa. Sin embargo, la evaluación de la representatividad de esas zonas protegidas y su consiguiente uso para la investigación necesita una coordinación internacional

    Yhteisöllisesti tiivistyvä Korvensuora

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    Tiivistelmä. Diplomityö Yhteisöllisesti tiivistyvä Korvensuora on suunnittelupohjainen yhdyskuntasuunnittelun työ, jossa esitetään kaksi vaihtoehtoista suunnitelmaa Korvensuoran koulun lähialueen kehittämisestä. Tavoitteena on luoda tehokasta ympäristönsä mittakaavaan sopivaa asuntorakentamista, joka tukee alueen yhteisöllisyyttä. Työ on jaettu neljään osaan; ensin käyn läpi työssä käytetyn tausta-aineiston tiiviistä ja matalasta asuinrakentamisesta ja miten yhteisöllisyyden muodostumiseen voidaan vaikuttaa pientaloalueella yhdyskuntasuunnittelun keinoin. Toisessa osassa käyn läpi taustaselvitykset Oulun Korvensuorasta ja suunnittelualueesta. Näiden aineistojen analyysin perusteella suunnitellut vaihtoehdot muodostavat työn kolmannen osan. Lopuksi esitän vielä työn aikana tulleet johtopäätökset. Työn perusteella voidaan todeta, että tiivis ja matala rakentaminen sopii hyvin olemassa olevan pientaloalueen täydennysrakentamisen tavaksi. Tiiviillä ja matalalla rakentamistavalla monipuolistetaan alueen asuntotarjontaa, jolla on sosiaalisen kestävyyden kannalta myönteisiä vaikutuksia. Asukkaiden välisiä kohtaamisia voidaan myös lisätä monin keinoin, joka on lähtökohtana sosiaalisten suhteiden ja yhteisöllisyyden muodostumiselle.Infilling in Korvensuora by communal means. Abstract. Infilling in Korvensuora by Communal Means is a design-focused master’s thesis in urban planning that presents two alternative plans for the development of the neighborhood surrounding the Korvensuora School in Oulu. The aim is to develop efficient housing that is appropriate to the scale of its environment and supports the sense of community in the neighborhood. The thesis is divided into four parts: The first part covers the background materials on the development of low-rise, high-density housing and how the sense of community in a detached housing area can be influenced by different means of urban planning. In the second part, I go through the background studies on the Korvensuora School and the surrounding neighborhood. Based on the background materials, I have designed two alternative plans, which are presented in the third part of the thesis. In the final part, I present the conclusions made during the design process. It can be stated that the development of low-rise, high-density housing is well-suited for supplementing the existing detached housing in the neighborhood. The new housing diversifies the housing supply in the area, which has a positive impact on social sustainability of the neighborhood. Encounters between residents can also be increased in many ways, which is the starting point for forming social relations and the sense of community

    Walckenaeria furcillata (Menge, 1869) and Walckenaeria lepida (Kulczynski, 1885) in Finland (Araneae, Linyphiidae)

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    Walckenaeria furcillata (Menge, 1869) and W. lepida (Kulczynski, 1885) are reported from Finland. Their diagnostics with figures, and distributions and ecological requirements are given. Comparative drawings of genitalia for closely related W. lepida and W. unicornis O. P.-Cambridge, 1861 are presented. The identity of “Pseudotigellinus” subadults figured by Palmgren (1976) is discussed

    Patients hospitalized abroad as importers of multiresistant bacteria - a cross-sectional study

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    Objectives: The pandemic spread of multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacteria poses a threat to healthcare worldwide, with highest prevalence in indigent regions of the (sub) tropics. As hospitalization constitutes a major risk factor for colonization, infection control management in low-prevalence countries urgently needs background data on patients hospitalized abroad. Methods: We collected data on 1122 patients who, after hospitalization abroad, were treated at the Helsinki University Hospital between 2010 and 2013. They were screened for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (ESBL-PE), vancomycin-resistant enterococci, carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE), multiresistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa and multiresistant Acinetobacter baumannii. Risk factors for colonization were explored by multivariate analysis. Results: MDR colonization rates were higher for those hospitalized in the (sub) tropics (55%; 208/377) compared with temperate zones (17%; 125/745). For ESBL-PE the percentages were 50% (190/377) versus 12% (92/745), CPE 3.2% (12/377) versus 0.4% (3/745) and MRSA 6.6% (25/377) versus 2.4% (18/745). Colonization rates proved highest in those returning from South Asia (77.6%; 38/49), followed by those having visited Latin America (60%; 9/16), Africa (60%; 15/25) and East and Southeast Asia (52.5%; 94/179). Destination, interhospital transfer, short time interval to hospitalization, young age, surgical intervention, residence abroad, visiting friends and relatives, and antimicrobial use proved independent risk factors for colonization. Conclusions: Post-hospitalization colonization rates proved higher in the (sub) tropics than elsewhere; 11% (38/333) of carriers developed an MDR infection. We identified several independent risk factors for contracting MDR bacteria. The data provide a basis for infection control guidelines in low-prevalence countries (C) 2017 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases.Peer reviewe