755 research outputs found

    Extrusión del componente plástico de la copa acetabular sin luxación protésica: a propósito de un caso

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    Se present a un caso de extrusión del component e plástic o (polietileno) ocurrido en el transcurso del primer me s del postoperatorio en un pacient e que había sufrido un recambio del component e acetabular. Se destaca el hecho de que cursase de forma asintomática y de que no se acompañase de luxación de la prótesis.A case of disassembly of the polyethylene component of the acetabular cup acurred in a patient one mouth after revision surgery for loosening of a screwed acetabular cup is reported. Special emphasis is made in the asyntomati c clinic and on the no association with dislocation of the femoral component

    A study of the far infrared Spectrum of N -Acetyl-D-Glucosamine using THz-TDS, FTIR, and semiempirical quantum chemistry methods

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    The far infrared spectrum of N-acetyl-D-glucosamine has been studied by combining THz-TDS and FTIR characterization techniques with theoretical studies based on semiempirical quantum chemistry methods. A strong spectral peak at 60 cm-1 has been identified, which constitutes the main signature of the material in the terahertz band. Calculated molecular vibrations are in good qualitative and semiquantitative agreement with both the THz-TDS and FTIR experiments. In comparison to previous DFT-based studies, the semiempirical approach chosen herein, suitable for parallel multi-core and GPU acceleration, allows for a full study using periodic boundary conditions and no further approximations within a constrained computing time

    True colour Denisyuk-Type hologram recording in Bayfol HX self-developing photopolymer

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    True colour Denisyuk-type hologram recording of diffusing objects in Bayfol® HX 102 self-developing photopolymer has been studied. In a first stage, monochromatic Denisyuk holograms of a standard white diffuser (Spectralon) have been recorded using lasers with wavelengths 442, 532 and 633 nm to determine the optimum exposure that gives maximum efficiency. The recording of holograms from a diffusing object has the particularity that intermodulation noise due to interference between waves arriving from different object points reduces effective index modulation. A maximum effective efficiency of 80% has been reached for monochromatic recording. In a second stage, a set of experiments has been carried out to determine the adequate relation of exposure for the recording of a Denisyuk hologram of the standard white diffuser with the three lasers simultaneously to get the maximum efficiency for each wavelength. With the determined optimal exposure, a hologram of a polychromatic diffusing object has been recorded, obtaining a good visual coincidence between hologram and original object

    Caveolin-1 Modulates Mechanotransduction Responses to Substrate Stiffness through Actin-Dependent Control of YAP

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    The transcriptional regulator YAP orchestrates many cellular functions, including tissue homeostasis, organ growth control, and tumorigenesis. Mechanical stimuli are a key input to YAP activity, but the mechanisms controlling this regulation remain largely uncharacterized. We show that CAV1 positively modulates the YAP mechanoresponse to substrate stiffness through actin-cytoskeleton-dependent and Hippo-kinase-independent mechanisms. RHO activity is necessary, but not sufficient, for CAV1-dependent mechanoregulation of YAP activity. Systematic quantitative interactomic studies and image-based small interfering RNA (siRNA) screens provide evidence that this actin-dependent regulation is determined by YAP interaction with the 14-3-3 protein YWHAH. Constitutive YAP activation rescued phenotypes associated with CAV1 loss, including defective extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling. CAV1-mediated control of YAP activity was validated in vivo in a model of pancreatitis-driven acinar-to-ductal metaplasia. We propose that this CAV1-YAP mechanotransduction system controls a significant share of cell programs linked to these two pivotal regulators, with potentially broad physiological and pathological implications. Moreno-Vicente et al. report that CAV1, a key component of PM mechanosensing caveolae, mediates adaptation to ECM rigidity by modulating YAP activity through the control of actin dynamics and phosphorylation-dependent interaction of YAP with the 14-3-3-domain protein YWHAH. Cav1-dependent YAP regulation drives two pathophysiological processes: ECM remodeling and pancreatic ADM. © 2018 The Author

    Guiding signs in metabolic disease diagnosis

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    Los errores innatos del metabolismo son un grupo de enfermedades genéticas con sintomatología muy inespecífica y por tanto difícil diagnóstico si no existe una sospecha clínica elevada. Sin embargo existen algunos datos de la exploración física y de las pruebas complementarias que pueden enfocar el proceso diagnóstico hacia la solicitud de pruebas específicas que lo confirmen. El caso que presentamos trata de destacar algunos de estos datos que pueden hacer sospechar la existencia de un defecto congénito de la glucosilación de proteínas, trastorno infrecuente pero con algunas formas tratables, por lo que su sospecha y diagnóstico precoz es de vital importanciaInborn errors of metabolism are a group of genetic diseases with non specific symptoms and therefore difficult to diagnose without high clinical suspicion. However there are some physical examination data and laboratory tests that can focus the diagnostic process to the implementation of specific tests to confirm them. The case exposed highlights some of these data that can make us suspect the existence of a congenital defect of glycosylation of proteins, rare disorder but with some treatable variations, that make their suspicion and early diagnosis of great importanc

    Aplicación de TIG en la generación de indicadores de calidad ambiental de sistemas playa-dunas

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    Se presentan resultados parciales del subproyecto “Ecosistemas y Biodiversidad: vigilancia de espacios arenosos protegidos de Canarias y África”, incluido en el 'Programa para el desarrollo de redes tecnológicas y de aplicación de datos de teledetección en África Occidental', TELECAN (MAC/3/C181), financiado por el Programa de Cooperación Transnacional Madeira-Azores-Canarias (MAC) 2007/2013. El objetivo principal era definir, mediante el uso de imágenes de satélite, indicadores de calidad ambiental para sistemas playa-dunas, al ser éstos espacios fundamentales en el desarrollo socio-económico de estos territorios, dado su atractivo turístico. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados obtenidos para una de las áreas piloto, Maspalomas (Gran Canaria, islas Canarias). Los indicadores se obtuvieron mediante el procesado de imágenes del satélite WorldView-2, con validación, en 2013, mediante campañas marinas. Asimismo, se utilizaron imágenes de archivo, correspondientes a los años 2010, 2011 y 2012. Estos indicadores se basaron en variables relacionadas con las características físicas y biológicas de las aguas litorales y de las playas y dunas. Los resultados indican una calidad, por lo general, alta y muy alta, tanto para el medio terrestre como para el marino, con superficies dentro de estas categorías del 20,3% y 75,3% y del 26,1% y 70,6%, respectivamente.Esta es una contribución del 'Programa para el desarrollo de redes tecnológicas y de aplicación de datos de teledetección en África Occidental', TELECAN (MAC/3/C181), financiado por el Programa de Cooperación Transnacional Madeira-Azores-Canarias (MAC) 2007/2013

    Near edge x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy study of atomic nitrogen implanted in Al2O3 by low energy N2+ bombardment

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    N2+ bombardment of Al2O3 has been investigated by near edge x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy. Two kinds of species were detected and were attributed to implanted nitrogen atoms and nitride species. These results are discussed in relation to previous attributions in the literature of these species to AlNO and AlN.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT) MAT97-068

    Inflammation affects the viability and plasticity of equine mesenchymal stem cells: Possible implications in intra-articular treatments

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    Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are gaining relevance for treating equine joint injuries because of their ability to limit inflammation and stimulate regeneration. Because inflammation activates MSC immunoregulatory function, proinflammatory priming could improve MSC efficacy. However, inflammatory molecules present in synovial fluid or added to the culture medium might have deleterious effects on MSCs. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the effects of inflammatory synovial fluid and proinflammatory cytokines priming on viability and plasticity of equine MSCs. Equine bone marrow derived MSCs (eBM-MSCs) from three animals were cultured for 72 h in media supplemented with: 20% inflammatory synovial fluid (SF); 50 ng/mL IFN-¿ and TNF-a (CK50); and 20 ng/mL IFN-¿ and TNF-a (CK20). Proliferation assay and expression of proliferation and apoptosis-related genes showed that SF exposed-eBM-MSCs maintained their viability, whereas the viability of CK primed-eBM-MSCs was significantly impaired. Tri-lineage differentiation assay revealed that exposure to inflammatory synovial fluid did not alter eBM-MSCs differentiation potential; however, eBM-MSCs primed with cytokines did not display osteogenic, adipogenic or chondrogenic phenotype. The inflammatory synovial environment is well tolerated by eBM-MSCs, whereas cytokine priming negatively affects the viability and differentiation abilities of eBM-MSCs, which might limit their in vivo efficacy