134 research outputs found

    Selective Protein Synthesis by Ribosomes with a Drug-Obstructed Exit Tunnel

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    SummaryThe polypeptide exit tunnel is an important functional compartment of the ribosome where the newly synthesized proteins are surveyed. The tunnel is the target of clinically important macrolide antibiotics. Macrolides plug the tunnel and are believed to stop production of all proteins. Contrary to this view, we show that drug-bound ribosomes can synthesize a distinct subset of cellular polypeptides. The structure of a protein defines its ability to thread through the antibiotic-obstructed tunnel. Synthesis of certain polypeptides that initially bypass translational arrest can be stopped at later stages of elongation while translation of some proteins goes to completion. Our findings reveal that small-molecule effectors can accentuate the discriminatory properties of the ribosomal exit tunnel and that macrolide antibiotics reshape the cellular proteome rather than block global protein synthesis

    Modalidad deóntica objetiva y subjetiva

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    En este número no se incluyeron resúmenes ni palabras clave

    Vocativos y tratamientos nominales en tres obras literarias mexicanas de los siglos XIX y XX

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    This paper describes the use of Spanish nominal address terms in Mexican literary works: Los bandidos de Río Frío (1892-1893), by Manuel Payno, Los de abajo (1915-1920), by Mariano Azuela, and the play Los albañiles (1969), by Vicente Leñero. The quantitative and qualitative analyses are based on the occurrence of address terms types with two grammatical (Spanish second-person systems and the grammatical category of the corresponding nominal phrase head) and two pragmatic variables (the interpersonal relationship of the speaker with the referent of the address term and the evaluation that the first attributes to the second). It is observed that the use of nominal address terms does not follow a stable pattern based on these variables, among other factors that intervene in communicative contexts. Instead, variability is the most common situation. In addition, the same type of address term may undergo changes in dialogic dynamism.Se describe el uso de los tratamientos nominales en tres obras literarias mexicanas: dos novelas –Los bandidos de Río Frío (1892-1893), de Manuel Payno, y Los de abajo (1915-1920), de Mariano Azuela– y la versión teatral de Los albañiles (1969), de Vicente Leñero, en función de dos variables gramaticales (los sistemas de segunda persona y la categoría del núcleo del sintagma nominal correspondiente) y dos pragmáticas (la relación interpersonal del hablante con el referente del tratamiento nominal y la valoración que el primero atribuye al segundo). Se observa que el uso de los tratos nominales no sigue un patrón estable en función de estas variables, entre otros factores que intervienen en las situaciones comunicativas, y que es la variabilidad lo más común en el uso, inclusive de un mismo tipo de tratamiento nominal en el dinamismo dialógico. El análisis es descriptivo, de tipo cuantitativo y cualitativo

    Characterization and Transcriptome Analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Persisters

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    Tuberculosis continues to be a major public health problem in many parts of the world. Significant obstacles in controlling the epidemic are the length of treatment and the large reservoir of latently infected people. Bacteria form dormant, drug-tolerant persister cells, which may be responsible for the difficulty in treating both acute and latent infections. We find that in Mycobacterium  tuberculosis, low numbers of drug-tolerant persisters are present in lag and early exponential phases, increasing sharply at late exponential and stationary phases to make up ~1% of the population. This suggests that persister formation is governed by both stochastic and deterministic mechanisms. In order to isolate persisters, an exponentially growing population was treated with d-cycloserine, and cells surviving lysis were collected by centrifugation. A transcriptome of persisters was obtained by using hybridization to an Affymetrix array. The transcriptome shows downregulation of metabolic and biosynthetic pathways, consistent with a certain degree of dormancy. A set of genes was upregulated in persisters, and these are likely involved in persister formation and maintenance. A comparison of the persister transcriptome with transcriptomes obtained for several in vitro dormancy models identified a small number of genes upregulated in all cases, which may represent a core dormancy response

    QacR−Cation Recognition Is Mediated by a Redundancy of Residues Capable of Charge Neutralization

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    ABSTRACT: The Staphylococcus aureus multidrug binding protein QacR binds to a broad spectrum of structurally dissimilar cationic, lipophilic drugs. Our previous structural analyses suggested that five QacR glutamic acid residues are critical for charge neutralization and specification of certain drugs. For example, E57 and E58 interact with berberine and with one of the positively charged moieties of the bivalent drug dequalinium. Here we report the structural and biochemical effects of substituting E57 and E58 with alanine and glutamine. Unexpectedly, individual substitutions of these residues did not significantly affect QacR drug binding affinity. Structures of QacR(E57Q) and QacR(E58Q) bound to dequalinium indicated that E57 and E58 are redundant for charge neutralization. The most significant finding was that berberine was reoriented in the QacR multidrug binding pocket so that its positive charge was neutralized by side chain oxygen atoms and aromatic residues. Together, these data emphasize the remarkable versatility of the QacR multidrug binding pocket, illustrating that the capacity of QacR to bind myriad cationic drugs is largely governed by the presence in the pocket of a redundancy of polar, charged, and aromatic residues that are capable of electrostatic neutralization. Multidrug resistant bacteria represent a major global health threat that has in great part arisen through the action o

    A Single Acidic Residue Can Guide Binding Site Selection but Does Not Govern QacR Cationic-Drug Affinity

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    Structures of the multidrug-binding repressor protein QacR with monovalent and bivalent cationic drugs revealed that the carboxylate side-chains of E90 and E120 were proximal to the positively charged nitrogens of the ligands ethidium, malachite green and rhodamine 6G, and therefore may contribute to drug neutralization and binding affinity. Here, we report structural, biochemical and in vivo effects of substituting these glutamate residues. Unexpectedly, substitutions had little impact on ligand affinity or in vivo induction capabilities. Structures of QacR(E90Q) and QacR(E120Q) with ethidium or malachite green took similar global conformations that differed significantly from all previously described QacR-drug complexes but still prohibited binding to cognate DNA. Strikingly, the QacR(E90Q)-rhodamine 6G complex revealed two mutually exclusive rhodamine 6G binding sites. Despite multiple structural changes, all drug binding was essentially isoenergetic. Thus, these data strongly suggest that rather than contributing significantly to ligand binding affinity, the role of acidic residues lining the QacR multidrug-binding pocket is primarily to attract and guide cationic drugs to the “best available” positions within the pocket that elicit QacR induction

    Enhancing apoptosis in TRAIL-resistant cancer cells using fundamental response rules

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    The tumor necrosis factor related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) induces apoptosis in malignant cells, while leaving other cells mostly unharmed. However, several carcinomas remain resistant to TRAIL. To investigate the resistance mechanisms in TRAIL-stimulated human fibrosarcoma (HT1080) cells, we developed a computational model to analyze the temporal activation profiles of cell survival (IκB, JNK, p38) and apoptotic (caspase-8 and -3) molecules in wildtype and several (FADD, RIP1, TRAF2 and caspase-8) knock-down conditions. Based on perturbation-response approach utilizing the law of information (signaling flux) conservation, we derived response rules for population-level average cell response. From this approach, i) a FADD-independent pathway to activate p38 and JNK, ii) a crosstalk between RIP1 and p38, and iii) a crosstalk between p62 and JNK are predicted. Notably, subsequent simulations suggest that targeting a novel molecule at p62/sequestosome-1 junction will optimize apoptosis through signaling flux redistribution. This study offers a valuable prospective to sensitive TRAIL-based therapy

    Structural basis of ABCF-mediated resistance to pleuromutilin, lincosamide, and streptogramin A antibiotics in Gram-positive pathogens

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    he antibiotic target. One class of such proteins are the antibiotic resistance (ARE) ATP-binding cassette (ABC) proteins of the F-subtype (ARE-ABCFs), which are widely distributed throughout Gram-positive bacteria and bind the ribosome to alleviate translational inhibition from antibiotics that target the large ribosomal subunit. Here, we present single-particle cryo-EM structures of ARE-ABCF-ribosome complexes from three Gram-positive pathogens: Enterococcus faecalis LsaA, Staphylococcus haemolyticus VgaALC and Listeria monocytogenes VgaL. Supported by extensive mutagenesis analysis, these structures enable a general model for antibiotic resistance mediated by these ARE-ABCFs to be proposed. In this model, ABCF binding to the antibiotic-stalled ribosome mediates antibiotic release via mechanistically diverse long-range conformational relays that converge on a few conserved ribosomal RNA nucleotides located at the peptidyltransferase center. These insights are important for the future development of antibiotics that overcome such target protection resistance mechanisms