670 research outputs found

    Programa de educación para la salud: Promoción de unos hábitos sexuales saludables entre la población adolescente de Zaragoza

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    El inicio precoz de las relaciones sexuales parece estar relacionado directamente con un mayor número de embarazos no deseados y de enfermedades de transmisión sexual. La mitad de las nuevas infecciones se dan en jóvenes entre los 15 y los 24 años, lo que puede significar que durante la etapa de la adolescencia no han obtenido una información adecuada sobre sexualidad o que ni tan siquiera han podido tener acceso a dicha información. Por ello son necesarios estudios de promoción de la salud relacionados con la sexualidad de los jóvenes, pues es durante este período de la vida cuando las conductas sexuales, entre otras, se instauran. El objetivo de este proyecto es la creación de un material de educación sanitaria en formato papel, en el que se explique de forma breve y sencilla cómo tener relaciones sexuales sin riesgo para la salud y cuáles son los distintos métodos que existen para evitar tanto el embarazo como las infecciones que puedan transmitirse, y así instaurar estilos de vida saludables antes de que los patrones de conducta sexual se hayan establecido. Es decir, con este proceso se busca lograr una disminución del número de casos de embarazos no deseados y de enfermedades causadas por una falta de conocimientos sobre el tema

    ISG20L2: an RNA nuclease regulating T cell activation.

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    ISG20L2, a 3' to 5' exoribonuclease previously associated with ribosome biogenesis, is identified here in activated T cells as an enzyme with a preferential affinity for uridylated miRNA substrates. This enzyme is upregulated in T lymphocytes upon TCR and IFN type I stimulation and appears to be involved in regulating T cell function. ISG20L2 silencing leads to an increased basal expression of CD69 and induces greater IL2 secretion. However, ISG20L2 absence impairs CD25 upregulation, CD3 synaptic accumulation and MTOC translocation towards the antigen-presenting cell during immune synapsis. Remarkably, ISG20L2 controls the expression of immunoregulatory molecules, such as AHR, NKG2D, CTLA-4, CD137, TIM-3, PD-L1 or PD-1, which show increased levels in ISG20L2 knockout T cells. The dysregulation observed in these key molecules for T cell responses support a role for this exonuclease as a novel RNA-based regulator of T cell function.This study was supported by grant P2022/BMD7209- INTEGRAMUNE from the Comunidad de Madrid, a grant from “La Caixa” Banking Foundation (HR17-00016) to FS-M; the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (PDC2021-121719-I00 and PID2020-120412RB-I00 to FS-M), grant from AECC, CIBER Cardiovascular (CB16/11/00272, Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria del Instituto de Salud Carlos III and co-funding by Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional FEDER). The Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC) is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and the Pro-CNIC Foundation, and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (MINECO award SEV-2015- 0505). Vaňáčová’s laboratory is supported by the Czech Science Foundation (20-19617S and 23-07372S to S.V.) and the institutional support CEITEC 2020 (LQ1601). ARG and SGD are supported by a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Universities. Funding agencies do not have intervened in the design of the studies, with no copyright over the study.S

    Intraneural IFG-1 in cryopreserved nerve isografts increase neural regeneration and functional recovery in the rat sciatic nerve

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    [Abstract] Background: Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) was found to stimulate Schwann cell mitosis. Exogenous IGF-1 may improve nerve regeneration after cryopreservation. Objective: To evaulate the effect of intraneural administration of IGF-1 in cryopreserved nerve isografts. Methods: Eighteen millimeter grafts were used for bridging an 18-mm defect in the rat sciatic nerve. A total of 57 rats were randomly divided into three groups: (1) autograft (Group 1); (2) cryopreserved isograft (Group 2); (3) cryopreserved isograft with intraneural IGF-1 administration (Group 3). 12 weeks after surgery, functional recovery (Sciatic functional index [SFI], Swing speed [SS], nerve conduction velocity [NCV], amplitude of compound motor action potentials [CMAP], and gastrocnemius muscle index [GMI]) and nerve regeneration (myelin sheath area, total fiber counts, fiber density, and fiber width) were all evaluated. Results: The intraneural injection of IGF-1 significantly improved SFI and SS at weeks 10 and 12. There were no statistical differences between Groups 1 and 3 in any of the SFI or SS evaluations. CMAP and NCV in Group 1 were significantly higher than in Groups 2 and 3, and Group 3 had significantly higher CMAP and NCV compared to Group 2. No significant differences were found in fiber width. The number of nerve fibers, percentage of myelinated fibers, fiber density, and GMI was significantly higher in Group 1 compared to Group 2, but no significant differences were found between Groups 1 and 3. Conclusion: The results show that intraneural injection of IGF-1 in an 18 mm cryopreserved isograft improve axonal regeneration and functional recovery

    Molecular Epidemiology, Antimicrobial Susceptibility, and Clinical Features of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Bloodstream Infections over 30 Years in Barcelona, Spain (1990–2019)

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    Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bloodstream infections (MRSA-BSI) are a significant cause of mortality. We analysed the evolution of the molecular and clinical epidemiology of MRSA-BSI (n = 784) in adult patients (Barcelona, 1990-2019). Isolates were tested for antimicrobial susceptibility and genotyped (PFGE), and a selection was sequenced (WGS) to characterise the pangenome and mechanisms underlying antimicrobial resistance. Increases in patient age (60 to 71 years), comorbidities (Charlson's index > 2, 10% to 94%), community-onset healthcare-associated acquisition (9% to 60%), and 30-day mortality (28% to 36%) were observed during the 1990-1995 and 2014-2019 periods. The proportion of catheter-related BSIs fell from 57% to 20%. Current MRSA-BSIs are caused by CC5-IV and an upward trend of CC8-IV and CC22-IV clones. CC5 and CC8 had the lowest core genome proportions. Antimicrobial resistance rates fell, and only ciprofloxacin, tobramycin, and erythromycin remained high (>50%) due to GyrA/GrlA changes, the presence of aminoglycoside-modifying enzymes (AAC(6 ')-Ie-APH(2 '')-Ia and ANT(4 ')-Ia), and mph(C)/msr(A) or erm (C) genes. Two CC22-IV strains showed daptomycin resistance (MprF substitutions). MRSA-BSI has become healthcare-associated, affecting elderly patients with comorbidities and causing high mortality rates. Clonal replacement with CC5-IV and CC8-IV clones resulted in lower antimicrobial resistance rates. The increased frequency of the successful CC22-IV, associated with daptomycin resistance, should be monitored

    Targeting the TWEAK–Fn14 pathway prevents dysfunction in cardiac calcium handling after acute kidney injury

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    Heart and kidney have a closely interrelated pathophysiology. Acute kidney injury (AKI) is associated with significantly increased rates of cardiovascular events, a relationship defined as cardiorenal syndrome type 3 (CRS3). The underlying mechanisms that trigger heart disease remain, however, unknown, particularly concerning the clinical impact of AKI on cardiac outcomes and overall mortality. Tumour necrosis factor-like weak inducer of apoptosis (TWEAK) and its receptor fibroblast growth factor-inducible 14 (Fn14) are independently involved in the pathogenesis of both heart and kidney failure, and recent studies have proposed TWEAK as a possible therapeutic target; however, its specific role in cardiac damage associated with CRS3 remains to be clarified. Firstly, we demonstrated in a retrospective longitudinal clinical study that soluble TWEAK plasma levels were a predictive biomarker of mortality in patients with AKI. Furthermore, the exogenous application of TWEAK to native ventricular cardiomyocytes induced relevant calcium (Ca2+) handling alterations. Next, we investigated the role of the TWEAK–Fn14 axis in cardiomyocyte function following renal ischaemia–reperfusion (I/R) injury in mice. We observed that TWEAK–Fn14 signalling was activated in the hearts of AKI mice. Mice also showed significantly altered intra-cardiomyocyte Ca2+ handling and arrhythmogenic Ca2+ events through an impairment in sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-adenosine triphosphatase 2a pump (SERCA2a) and ryanodine receptor (RyR2) function. Administration of anti-TWEAK antibody after reperfusion significantly improved alterations in Ca2+ cycling and arrhythmogenic events and prevented SERCA2a and RyR2 modifications. In conclusion, this study establishes the relevance of the TWEAK–Fn14 pathway in cardiac dysfunction linked to CRS3, both as a predictor of mortality in patients with AKI and as a Ca2+ mishandling inducer in cardiomyocytes, and highlights the cardioprotective benefits of TWEAK targeting in CRS3This work was mainly supported by projects from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) (PI20/00763, PI20/01482, CPII20/00022, FI18/00261, FI21/00212, CD19/00029, IFEQ21/00012, PI19/00588, PI22/00469) and co-funded by the European Union, Ministerio de Universidades (FPU20/03005), Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovaci on (RYR2019-026916-I), the Education and Research Council of Madrid (PEJ-2021- AI/SAL-21426), Biomedicine Network Comunidad de Madrid (P2022/BMD-7223 CIFRA_COR-CM), Spanish Network in Inflammasoma and Pyroptosis in Chronic Disease and Cancer (RED2022-134511-T), and the Spanish Society of Nephrology SEN/SENEFRO Foundatio

    Genome-wide analysis of urogenital and respiratory multidrug-resistant Haemophilus parainfluenzae

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    Objectives: To characterize the mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance and the prevalence of the polysaccharide capsule among urogenital and respiratory Haemophilus parainfluenzae isolates. Methods: Antimicrobial susceptibility was tested by microdilution. Fifty-five MDR strains were subjected to WGS and were phylogenetically compared with all the available H. parainfluenzae genomes from the NCBI database. The identification of the capsular bexA gene was performed by PCR in 266 non-MDR strains. Results: In 31 of the 42 ampicillin-resistant strains, blaTEM-1 located within Tn3 was identified. β-Lactamase-negative cefuroxime-resistant strains (n=12) presented PBP3 substitutions. The catS gene (n=14), the tet(M)-MEGA element (n=18) and FolA substitutions (I95L and F154V/S) (n=41) were associated with resistance to chloramphenicol, tetracycline plus macrolides, and co-trimoxazole, respectively. Thirty-seven isolates had a Tn10 harbouring tet(B)/(C)/(D)/(R) genes with (n=15) or without (n=22) catA2. Putative transposons (Tn7076-Tn7079), including aminoglycoside and co-trimoxazole resistance genes, were identified in 10 strains (18.2%). These transposons were integrated into three new integrative and conjugative elements (ICEs), which also included the resistance-associated transposons Tn3 and Tn10. The capsular operon was found only in the urogenital isolates (18/154, 11.7%), but no phylogenetic clustering was observed. The capsular operons identified were similar to those of Haemophilus influenzae serotype c and Haemophilus sputorum type 2. Conclusions: The identification of ICEs with up to three resistance-associated transposons suggests that these transferable elements play an important role in the acquisition of multidrug resistance in H. parainfluenzae. Moreover, the presence of polysaccharide capsules in some of these urogenital isolates is a cause for concern.This study was funded by the Fundación Española del Pulmón SEPAR (418/2017); the Instituto de Salud Carlos III through the Projects from the Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (PI16/00977); CIBER de Enfermedades Respiratorias (CIBERES—CB06/06/0037; CB06/06/1102), co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund/European Social Fund (ERDF/ESF, ‘Investing in your future’) and CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya for institutional support; and the RTI2018-096369-B-100 grant. Bioinformatic analysis was supported by an Amazon Web Services (AWS) research grant to S.M.A.C. was supported by an FPU grant (Formación de Profesorado Universitario, FPU16/02202) from the Ministerio de Educación and S.M. was supported by a ‘Miguel Servet’ contract (CP19/00096) from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III

    The addition of albumin improves Schwann cells viability in nerve cryopreservation

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    [Abstract] The purpose of the current study was to establish a valid protocol for nerve cryopreservation, and to evaluate if the addition of albumin supposed any advantage in the procedure. We compared a traditional cryopreservation method that uses dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) as cryoprotectant, to an alternative method that uses DMSO and albumin. Six Wistar Lewis rats were used to obtain twelve 20 mm fragments of sciatic nerve. In the first group, six fragments were cryopreserved in 199 media with 10% DMSO, with a temperature decreasing rate of 1 °C per minute. In the second group, six fragments were cryopreserved adding 4% human albumin. The unfreezing process consisted of sequential washings with saline in the first group, and saline and 20% albumin in the second group at 37 °C until the crioprotectant was removed. Structural evaluation was performed through histological analysis and electronic microscopy. The viability was assessed with the calcein-AM (CAM) and 4′,6-diamino-2-fenilindol (DAPI) staining. Histological results showed a correct preservation of peripheral nerve architecture and no significant differences were found between the two groups. However, Schwann cells viability showed in the CAM-DAPI staining was significantly superior in the albumin group. The viability of Schwann cells was significantly increased when albumin was added to the nerve cryopreservation protocol. However, no significant structural differences were found between groups. Further studies need to be performed to assess the cryopreserved nerve functionality using this new method

    Educación virtual y aprendizaje institucional : la experiencia de una universidad mexicana

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    1 archivo PDF (181 páginas)Este es un libro acerca de un aprendizaje colectivo en una institución universitaria para adaptar y desarrollar una práctica de educación virtual1 en su versión híbrida. es decir. como apoyo de la enseñanza presencial. La particularidad de los actores implicados y la casuística que conlleva , no son obstáculo, a juicio de quien esto escribe, para proporcionar al lector una visión reflexiva sobre el tema central: cómo se generan las capacidades internas y las prácticas de una organización que innova en procedimientos y tecnologías empleadas, para cumplir sus objetivos. En nuestro caso, estos objetivos son los de enseñanza aprendizaje, para alumnos de nuestra universidad, la UAM Azcapotzalco. PALABRAS CLAVE: Educación virtual. Computer-assisted instruction. Virtual educatio