35 research outputs found

    Rendimiento y valor nutritivo de forraje de alfalfa (Medicago sativa l.) con diferentes dosis de estiércol bovino

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    The present study was carried out at the Comarca Lagunera Region, Coahuila, Mexico, with the objective of assessing both nutritional value and yield of three varieties of alfalfa at three different doses of fertilization with cattle manure, with subsurface drip irrigation.El presente trabajo se realizó en la Comarca Lagunera, estado de Coahuila, México. El objetivo fue evaluar la producción y el valor nutritivo del forraje de tres variedades de alfalfa tratamientos de fertilizado con estiércol de bovino y con riego por goteo subsuperficial

    Propiedades Fisicoquímicas De Suelos Cultivados Con Asparagus Officinalis En La Región Árida Del Noroeste De México

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    In the agriculture of arid zones, the inadequate soil management has generated changes in their quality and sustainability, affecting the structure and physicochemical conditions which reduce crop yields; based on the above, is consider as a vital importance the analyses of soil and plants because they provide information, current and accurate, which can be useful to take decisions in relation to soil fertility and plant nutrition. The inappropriate handling and amount of fertilizers in asparagus in the arid region of the Northwest of Mexico, has caused low yields. The aim of this study consisted to analyze soil in seven of the thirteen sub regions of the agricultural coast of Caborca, Sonora, where the asparagus crop has been planted for more than 10 years. The analyzes performed were: percentage of saturation, pH, electrical conductivity (CE), soil texture Nitrogen (NO3), P, K, Na, Ca, Mg and cation exchange capacity. The results showed high levels of Nitrogen and Potassium in almost all the studied sites; on contrary Phosphorus, Calcium and Magnesium, presented values below of the recommended and Electrical conductivity above 5.5. mmhos/ cm. The integration of this information allows appropriate technical advice, to achieve the balance of nutrients, such as to avoid unnecessary costs in fertilizers that the plant might can not take, in addition to the resulting contamination of soil to leach these products

    Baryon production from small to large collision systems at ALICE

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    Studies of the production of light- and heavy-flavor baryons are of prominent importance to characterize the partonic phase created in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions and to investigate hadronization mechanisms at the LHC. Studies performed in p-Pb and pp collisions have revealed unexpected features, qualitatively similar to what is observed in larger collision systems and, in the charm sector, not in line with the expectations from e+e{\rm e}^{+}{\rm e}^{-} and ep{\rm e}^{-}{\rm p} interactions. The ALICE experiment has exploited its excellent tracking and particle identification capabilities down to low transverse momentum to perform an extensive study of protons, hyperons and charmed baryons. In this paper, a discussion of the most recent results on light (protons and hyperons) and heavy-flavor (Λc)(\Lambda_{\rm c}) baryon production is presented, together with a comparison to phenomenological models.Studies of the production of light- and heavy-flavor baryons are of prominent importance to characterize the partonic phase created in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions and to investigate hadronization mechanisms at the LHC. Studies performed in p--Pb and pp collisions have revealed unexpected features, qualitatively similar to what is observed in larger collision systems and, in the charm sector, not in line with the expectations from e+e{\rm e}^{+}{\rm e}^{-} and ep{\rm e}^{-}{\rm p} interactions. The ALICE experiment has exploited its excellent tracking and particle indentification capabilities down to low transverse momentum to perform an extensive study of protons, hyperons and charmed baryons. In this paper, a discussion of the most recent results on light (protons and hyperons) and heavy-flavor (Λc)(\Lambda_{\rm c}) baryon production is presented, together with a comparison to phenomenological models

    Estudio de la contribución de flujo elíptico v2 para sistemas pequeños en colisiones de protón-protón a las energías de LHC en el modelo SPM.

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    "El presente manuscrito es el resultado del estudio enmarcado en la fenomenología de colisiones de iones pesados en el Modelo de Percolación de Cuerdas de Color (SPM) que estudia la interacción y los efectos colectivos que ocurren en la región de bajo momento transverso (pT ) e intermedio (pT ) en las colisiones hadrónicas ultrarrelativistas. Dado que en este modelo se describen los efectos colectivos que llevan a la multiproducción de partículas en colisiones Núcleo-Núcleo (N-N) exitosamente, en este trabajo se utiliza el modelo (SPM) para el estudio de la contribución de flujo elíptico (v2) para sistemas pequeños como lo son las colisiones de protón-protón, esto en búsqueda de una posible señal del cambio de fase para los eventos de alta multiplicidad en estos sistemas pequeños es decir la posible formación del medio Quark Gluon Plasma.

    Unveiling the effects of multiple soft partonic interactions in <math display="inline"><mi>p</mi><mi>p</mi></math> collisions at <math display="inline"><mrow><msqrt><mrow><mi>s</mi></mrow></msqrt><mo>=</mo><mn>13.6</mn><mtext> </mtext><mtext> </mtext><mi>TeV</mi></mrow></math> using a new event classifier

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    Event classifiers based either on the charged-particle multiplicity or the event shape have been extensively used in proton-proton (pp) collisions by the ALICE Collaboration at the LHC. The use of these tools became very instrumental since the observation of fluidlike behavior in high-multiplicity pp collisions. In particular, the study as a function of the charged-particle multiplicity registered in the forward V0 ALICE detector allowed for the discovery of strangeness enhancement in high-multiplicity pp collisions. However, one drawback of the multiplicity-based event classifiers is that requiring a high charged-particle multiplicity biases the sample towards hard processes like multijet final states. These biases make it difficult to perform jet-quenching searches in high-multiplicity pp collisions. In this context, the present paper explores the use of the new event classifier, flattenicity; which uses the multiplicity calculated in the forward pseudorapidity region. To illustrate how this tool works, pp collisions at s=13.6  TeV simulated with pythia 8 are explored. The sensitivity of flattencity to multipartonic interactions as well as to the “hardness” of the collision are discussed. pythia 8 predictions for the transverse momentum spectra of light- and heavy-flavored hadrons as a function of flattenicity are presented.Event classifiers based either on the charged-particle multiplicity or the event shape have been extensively used in proton-proton (pp) collisions by the ALICE collaboration at the LHC. The use of these tools became very instrumental since the observation of fluid-like behavior in high-multiplicity pp collisions. In particular, the study as a function of the charged-particle multiplicity registered in the forward V0 ALICE detector allowed for the discovery of strangeness enhancement in high-multiplicity pp collisions. However, one drawback of the multiplicity-based event classifiers is that requiring a high charged-particle multiplicity biases the sample towards hard processes like multi-jet final states. These biases make it difficult to perform jet-quenching searches in high-multiplicity pp collisions. In this context, the present paper explores the use of the new event classifier, flattenicity; which uses the multiplicity calculated in the forward pseudorapidity region. To illustrate how this tool works, pp collisions at s=13.6\sqrt{s}=13.6 TeV simulated with PYTHIA~8 are explored. The sensitivity of flattencity to multi-partonic interactions as well as to the ``hardness'' of the collision are discussed. PYTHIA 8 predictions for the transverse momentum spectra of light- and heavy-flavored hadrons as a function of flattenicity are presented

    Morphophysiological, Enzymatic, and Elemental Activity in Greenhouse Tomato Saladette Seedlings from the Effect of Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria

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    The tomato is a widely cultivated and consumed vegetable globally. Comarca Lagunera is an important tomato-exporting region of Mexico. Salinity is an abiotic factor that reduces productivity and increases production costs. To advance growing period, there is high demand for the sustainable production of seedlings. Plant-growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) are characterized by improving plant growth through different mechanisms and can be an option for reducing the misuse of chemical fertilizers. The importance of the application of strains, evaluating various inoculation methods (in seed, soil, foliar spraying, and root immersion), should be evaluated to propose biofertilization packages in a specific crop. Thus, the study aimed to determine the effect of PGPR (Bacillus paralicheniformis, Acinetobacter guillouiae, Aeromonas caviae, and Pseudomonas lini) vs. nutrient solution and distilled water in the seedlings stage of saladette-type tomato on morphophysiological variables, nitrate reductase (NR) enzyme activity, and plant minerals via tissue analysis under greenhouse conditions. The four PGPR were inoculated by different methods (inoculation in seed, sprinkling, and both) in saladette-type tomato seedlings under greenhouse conditions and evaluated in vivo 40 days after sowing for morphophysiological variables, such as seedling height; stem diameter; root displaced volume; fresh and dry weight matter of the leaves, stems, and roots; leaf area; and nitrate reductase enzyme activity. The effect of the inoculation of PGPR showed significant results for Pseudomonas lini vs. the control, with 40% higher values, on average, for plant height, stem diameter, displaced root volume, and fresh weight of root, leaf, and stem. The response of enzymatic and mineral content in seedlings was variable with nutrient solution and significant with distilled water. Studies related to the promotion of plants in the subsequent phenological stages of a tomato, considering the selected PGPR, should be considered in future research

    México frente al cambio climático : retos y oportunidades

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    La obra es una reflexión puntual de carácter divulgativo, frente al contexto actual de cambio climático cada vez más agudo y de implicaciones inciertas, pero algunas potencialmente negativas. La necesidad de informar, de expandir el diálogo crítico, interdisciplinario y constructivo, así como la urgencia de fortalecer la toma de decisiones y de acciones político- sociales, es uno de los principales objetivos de esta publicación