1,842 research outputs found

    'Ephemerality’ in game development: opportunitiees and challenges

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    Ephemeral Computation (Eph-C) is a newly created computation paradigm, the purpose of which is to take advantage of the ephemeral nature (limited lifetime) of computational resources. First we speak of this new paradigm in general terms, then more specifically in terms of videogame development. We present possible applications and benefits for the main research fields associated with videogame development. This is a preliminary work which aims to investigate the possibilities of applying ephemeral computation to the products of the videogame industry. Therefore, as a preliminary work, it attempts to serve as the inspiration for other researchers or videogame developers.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    A Generalized Regression Methodology for Bivariate Heteroscedastic Data

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    We present a methodology for reducing a straight line fitting regression problem to a Least Squares minimization one. This is accomplished through the definition of a measure on the data space that takes into account directional dependences of errors, and the use of polar descriptors for straight lines. This strategy improves the robustness by avoiding singularities and non-describable lines. The methodology is powerful enough to deal with non-normal bivariate heteroscedastic data error models, but can also supersede classical regression methods by making some particular assumptions. An implementation of the methodology for the normal bivariate case is developed and evaluated

    Improved estimation of Weibull Parameters considering unreliability uncertainties

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    We propose a linear regression method for estimating Weibull parameters from life tests. The method uses stochastic models of the unreliability at each failure instant. As a result, a heteroscedastic regression problem arises that is solved by weighted least squares minimization. The main feature of our method is an innovative s-normalization of the failure data models, to obtain analytic expressions of centers and weights for the regression. The method has been Monte Carlo contrasted with Benard?s approximation, and Maximum Likelihood Estimation; and it has the highest global scores for its robustness, and performance

    A Survey-based Assessment of Cod in Division 3M

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    13 páginas, 8 tablas, 4 figuras.-- Scientific Council MeetingThe cod stock in NAFO division 3M is in fishing moratorium since 1999. Commercial catches have been very low since then, although they were noticeable in 2006. During the last few years a survey-based assessment method has been used to evaluate the stock status in a stochastic way. The method takes into account uncertainties in survey results as well as in catchability estimates. The present document updates the results of the assessment conducted in 2006 (details in Murua et al. 2006) incorporating the survey data from 2006. The results indicate a strong age 1 abundance value in 2006 and an increasing trend in spawning stock biomass (SSB) after its lowest value attained in 2003. Nevertheless, the probability that SSB is presently below Blim is still very high. The abundances at age 1 estimated for 2005 and 2006 are the highest since 1993. As a consequence, there is some expectation that the increasing SSB trend may continue during the next few years.Peer reviewe

    Natural Lighting Systems Based on Dielectric Prismatic Film

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    Depto. de ÓpticaFac. de Óptica y OptometríaTRUEpu

    Mathematical Model Applied To Improve The Natural Lighting Design

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    Daylighting must be considered as the greenest way to illuminate any space and one of the most important architectural design challenges and opportunities. Human life is strongly influenced by natural lighting, and nowadays we have to add to this factor the importance of energy conservation and pollution reduction objectives. The development of hollow light guides offers people the advantages of natural lighting and the benefits of reduced energy consumption systems, providing changes in architectural form of spaces where sunlight does not have direct access. Hollow Cylindrical Prismatic Light Guides (CPLGs) are transparent optical components able to transmit high diameter light beams in daylight buildings applications without relevant losses. The goal of this paper is to show a novel lighting design based on hollow prismatic light pipes, which let daylight to be introduced inside of buildings. An improved mathematical modelling to predict light transmission efficiency based on realistic software simulations and experimental models is presented

    Computación Efímera: identificando retos para la investigación en videojuegos

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    La Computación Efímera (Eph-C , por sus siglas en inglés, Ephemerical Computing) es un nuevo paradigma de computación de reciente creación que pretende sacar provecho de la naturaleza pasajera (o sea, asociada a un tiempo de vida limitado) de los recursos computacionales. En este trabajo se introducirá este nuevo paradigma Eph-C de forma general, y se irá poco a poco enfocando específicamente dentro del contexto del proceso de desarrollo de videojuegos, mostrando posibles aplicaciones y beneficios dentro de las principales líneas de investigación asociadas a la creación de los mismos. Se trata de un trabajo preliminar que intenta indagar en las posibilidades de aplicar la computación efímera en la creación de productos en la industria del videojuego. Lo que presentamos aquí debe ser valorado como un trabajo preliminar que intenta a su vez servir de inspiración para otros posibles investigadores o desarrolladores de videojuegos.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Microwave Assisted Organic Synthesis of Benzamides with C3 Symmetry

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    The 9th International Electronic Conference on Synthetic Organic Chemistry session Symposium on Microwave Assisted SynthesisXUNTA DE GALICIA for financial support: PR405 A 098/59-0 and PGIDIT05PXIB26201P

    Modelo estándar de catalogación en un SIG patriomonial

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    Este trabajo presenta un modelo estándar de catalogación de información patrimonial para su representación y análisis en un Sistema de Información Geográfica (SIG), sustentada en estándares propios, tanto de la información geográfica, como de la información museográfica, documental y bibliográfica. El caso de estudio es el Conjunto Monumental del Monasterio de San Isidoro del Campo, que se fue conformando a lo largo de cinco siglos, sufriendo diversas transformaciones, y generando una ingente documentación conservada de forma parcial en distintas instituciones de toda España. El proyecto se va a centrar prioritariamente en el área musealizada, que son 2.000 m2, aunque la totalidad del monasterio tiene unas dimensiones mayores. Para este trabajo se cuenta además con los estudios histórico-artísticos, los resultados de intervenciones arqueológicas, los trabajos de restauración y de puesta en valor del área musealizada. La complejidad y el volumen de documentación del Monasterio supone un gran reto para conseguir abordar la propuesta, con la que se quiere comprobar que estos estándares facilitan y ayudan a la comprensión de la evolución histórica de un conjunto monumental y sus estructuras constructivas, así como el mantenimiento de las relaciones entre el conjunto y las piezas que le son o han sido propias y están siendo custodiadas en otros lugares. Por último, este enfoque se centra en la explotación de los datos para apoyar la investigación, gestión y difusión del Conjunto Monumental.This paper presents a cataloging standard model of heritage information for display and analysis in a Geographic Information System (GIS), building on their own standards, both of geographic information, including museum information, documents and literature. The case study is the Monumental Site of the Monastery of San Isidoro del Campo it was shaped through five centuries, undergoing several transformations, and generating a huge partially preserved documentation in different institutions in Spain. The project will focus primarily on the musealized area, which are 2000 m2, but the entire monastery has larger dimensions. For this work also has art historical studies, the results of archaeological digs, the work of restoration musealized area. The complexity and volume of documentation of the Monastery is a major challenge to achieve the proposed deal, with which you want to check that these standards and help facilitate understanding of the historical evolution of a monumental and building structures, as well as maintaining relationships between the whole and the parts that are or have been and are being guarded themselves elsewhere. Finally, this approach focuses on the use of data to support research, management and dissemination of the Monument