169 research outputs found

    Corruption in Russian society as a specific form of social interaction

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    It is considered the phenomenon of corruption in modern Russian society, the causes and basis of its existence in this article. It was concluded that the key to the institutionalization of corruption in Russian society are the processes of legitimization and ritualization of corruption practices based on the results of our research. The corruption becomes one of the negative factors in regulating social relationships in contemporary Russian society due to this practice. The corruption experience and corruption culture of the population were showed in this article. There are the assessments and attitudes towards corruption, its manifestations in the mass consciousness of the population in this article. We identified the spheres where that phenomenon is more intensively. Also we determined the specific of the manifestation of corruption in the national subjects of the Russian state. The authors concluded that corruption is most clearly manifested in the situation of degradation of the value-normative space

    Fatou's Lemma for Weakly Converging Probabilities

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    Fatou's lemma states under appropriate conditions that the integral of the lower limit of a sequence of functions is not greater than the lower limit of the integrals. This note describes similar inequalities when, instead of a single measure, the functions are integrated with respect to different measures that form a weakly convergent sequence

    Long-Time Behaviour of Solutions for Autonomous Evolution Hemivariational Inequality with Multidimensional "Reaction-Displacement" Law

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    We consider autonomous evolution inclusions and hemivariational inequalities with nonsmooth dependence between determinative parameters of a problem. The dynamics of all weak solutions defined on the positive semiaxis of time is studied. We prove the existence of trajectory and global attractors and investigate their structure. New properties of complete trajectories are justified. We study classes of mathematical models for geophysical processes and fields containing the multidimensional "reaction-displacement" law as one of possible application. The pointwise behavior of such problem solutions on attractor is described

    On some topological properties for special Classes of banach spaces. Part 2

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    We consider some classes of infinite-dimensional Banach spaces with integrable derivatives. A compactness lemma for nonreflexive spaces is obtained. However some main topological properties for the given spaces are obtained.Розглянуто деякі класи нескінченновимірних банахових просторів з інтегрованими похідними. Для нерефлексивних просторів одержано лемму про компактність та основні топологічні властивості даних просторів.Рассмотрены некоторые классы бесконечномерных банаховых пространств с интегрируемыми производными. Для нерефлексивных пространств получены лемма про компактность и основные топологические свойства данных пространств

    Insurrectionary Movement in the Cossack Regions of the South of Russia: Causes and Political Forms in 1920—1924

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    On the example of the insurrectionary movement of the Cossacks and peasants of the Don and Kuban in the early 1920s, one of the most difficult issues in the history of the transition from the policy of war communism to the new economic policy is considered. The reasons and manifestations of the insurrection in the South of Russia in 1920—1924, its influence on the content of reforms in the region are revealed. The features of the “white-green” movement in the southern Russian stanitsas, conditioned by the historically established order of land use, the forms of stanitsa self-government, the estate and class composition of the population, are established. It is noted that the relevance of the study increases in the context of rethinking the reforms of Russian society, the need to strengthen the social base of reforms and conflict resolution. The novelty of the study is seen in the fact that for the first time we consider the insurrectionary movement not as a class confrontation, but as a confrontation between the authorities and the South Russian community, represented by various estate, class groups and socio-political movements. The factors for regulating the conflict during the transition to NEP have been established. The author comes to the conclusion that the “pacification” of the Cossack regions of the South of Russia took place not only through the active use of the regular units of the Red Army and security forces, but also through compromise decisions that became the basis for the start of economic reforms

    Formation of National Autonomies in Northwest Caucasus in 1920—1924

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    The formation of national autonomies in the North-West Caucasus in 1920—1924 is considered. This issueis relevant for understanding the prerequisites for interethnic peace and harmony in Russian society, for the regulation of ethnic conflicts. The work is based on the paradigm of constructivism, on historical neo-institutionalism as applied to the typology of autonomies. The tendencies of the development of national-state building in the context of the formation of the USSR are revealed, the relationship of the autochthonous peoples of the North-West Caucasus (Adygs and Karachais) with the Slavic peoples is assessed. The factors that determined the features of the initial stage of the creation of the North-West Caucasus autonomies have been established. It was revealed that the party-state leadership had to solve simultaneously the tasks of restoring territorial entirety and integrating the space of the former empire. It is noted that it was necessary to raise the status of autochthonous peoples by granting them autonomy within the framework of the ethnic model of federalism and the “indigenousization” of the administrative apparatus. The causes of conflicts between ethnic groups and the authorities have been identified. It has been proved that national-state building pursued the goal of strengthening the power of the RCP (b). It is concluded that the national policy in the North-West Caucasus was carried out through a pragmatic response to the complex challenges of interethnic relations

    Nearest-neighbour directed random hyperbolic graphs

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    Undirected hyperbolic graph models have been extensively used as models of scale-free small-world networks with high clustering coefficient. Here we presented a simple directed hyperbolic model, where nodes randomly distributed on a hyperbolic disk are connected to a fixed number m of their nearest spatial neighbours. We introduce also a canonical version of this network (which we call "network with varied connection radius"), where maximal length of outgoing bond is space-dependent and is determined by fixing the average out-degree to m. We study local bond length, in-degree and reciprocity in these networks as a function of spatial coordinates of the nodes, and show that the network has a distinct core-periphery structure. We show that for small densities of nodes the overall in-degree has a truncated power law distribution. We demonstrate that reciprocity of the network can be regulated by adjusting an additional temperature-like parameter without changing other global properties of the network.Comment: 26 papers, 12 figure