29 research outputs found

    Assessment and modelling the dynamics of building materials prices in the current conditions

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    Construction, which is the driver of economic development in the current crisis conditions, needs to determine the correct cost and sufficiency of material resources, as well as systematic forecasting of price dynamics in order to plan the implementation of investment projects. High material capacity of construction products, along with the specificity of its pricing, leads to the necessity of not only keeping sufficient accuracy of quantitative and cost calculations regarding basic construction materials but also predicting the dynamics of cost in order to determine the volume of capital costs and accounting for the cost of work. The unstable dynamics of the cost of construction materials in 2022, caused by foreign policy pressure, requires the systematization of the factor space in order to predict trends more reliably. The factor space of the price dynamics of construction materials has undergone fundamental changes, starting with the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, and further due to changes in the geopolitical situation, sanctions pressure from unfriendly countries and corresponding changes in the economic principles of globalization, the transformation of the global and domestic logistics system, as well as the actions of local country and industry scale predictors. The authors have proposed a system of factors affecting the cost of building materials, structures and products in modern conditions, on the basis of the factor analysis the prices of basic building materials (armature and concrete) have been corrected by the expert method, a scenario forecast of price dynamics has been made. The authors substantiate the necessity for calculation-expert forecasting in conditions of high uncertainty and variability of forecasting results. In general, in the short term, a moderate upward trend in the cost of basic building materials with a rather high value coefficient of variation, explained by the strong influence of non-economic factors on the price

    Assessment and Management of Developer Company Competitiveness in the Conditions of Business Changes

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    Based on the analysis and assessment of modern of dynamics of organizational-economic changes, performed by the authors, there was revealed the necessity of improvement of approaches to the assessment and management by the companies’ competitiveness. Main fluctuations of the system of management by construction complex were defined and their influence on the level of competitiveness as both largest companies of the industry and the industry group as a whole was justified. Control structure diagram of the competitiveness of the developer’s company, which will lead to increasing of the business capitalization, imperative of which is high competitive stability, was proposed on the basis of the performed analysis

    Individual Model of Psychological Health in Educational Process Subjects in Distance Learning Conditions

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    The article examines the problem of studying the individual model of psychological health of the students and employees of the Moscow International Academy (MIA). The goal is to explore the specific characteristics of personal psychological health in MIA students and employees. The implementation of the research program required the researcher to be ready and able to interact in the field of mental and psychological health of the individual, knowledge of age, individual psychological characteristics of the respondents to develop a research program, the ability to conduct psychodiagnostic work, the ability to analyze their own activities in order to optimize it, as well as to be creative. solving the assinged tasks. Authors used the methodology “Individual model of psychological health” by A.V. Kozlov. The method “Individual model of psychological health” was developed in 2014 in the course of psychosemantic analysis of the concept by students of the phenomenon of psychological health. Based on the data acquired, it can be concluded that the hypothesis on the influence of self-isolation on the model of psychological health in various age groups is partially confirmed as older study participants face difficulties with life prospects and experience stress when planning their future. Students also demonstrate low development levels in some components of the model explained by the general level of personality development in the intellectual and spiritual aspects

    The recombinant fusion protein CFP10–ESAT6–dIFN has protective effect against tuberculosis in guinea pigs

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    Development of effective vaccine candidates against tuberculosis (TB) is currently the most important challenge in the prevention of this disease since the BCG vaccine fails to guarantee a lifelong protection, while any other approved vaccine with better efficiency is still absent. The protective effect of the recombinant fusion protein CFP10–ESAT6–dIFN produced in a prokaryotic expression system (Escherichia coli) has been assessed in a guinea pig model of acute TB. The tested antigen comprises the Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) proteins ESAT6 and CFP10 as well as modified human γ-interferon (dIFN) for boosting the immune response. Double intradermal immunization of guinea pigs with the tested fusion protein (2 × 0.5 µg) induces a protective effect against subsequent Mtb infection. The immunized guinea pigs do not develop the symptoms of acute TB and their body weight gain was five times more as compared with the non-immunized infected guinea pigs. The animal group immunized with this dose of antigen displays the minimum morphological changes in the internal organs and insignificant inflammatory lesions in the liver tissue, which complies with a decrease in the bacterial load in the spleen and average Mtb counts in macrophages

    Les trames et les sens du travail psychanalytique en temps de guerre

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    Les processus mondiaux contemporains menacent la pratique psychanalytique, du moins dans sa forme traditionnelle. Après tout, les événements de ces dernières années (par exemple, la pandémie) ont changé brutalement et presque partout dans le monde la clinique psychanalytique, tout d’abord, son fondament - le cadre psychanalytique - en transférant le travail psychanalytique dans l’espace virtuel. Nous sommes témoins du fait que la pratique psychanalytique (ses règles, son cadre et ses principes) subit aujourd’hui des changements radicaux et nécessite donc une révision totale. Dans ces situations extrêmes, il est nécessaire de repenser certains aspects de l’éthique clinique et du cadre, ainsi que d’introduire quelques règles et mesures supplémentaires. Dans cet article, l’auteure tente de cerner la place et les possibilités de la pratique psychanalytique en temps de guerre

    Methodological tools for the implementation of projects for the reconstruction of cultural heritage sites, taking into account the reduction of environmental impact

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    Investment and construction projects to reduce the environmental impact on cultural heritage sites are important, especially in connection with the implementation of the National Project to enhance domestic tourism in Russia. On one hand, there has been significant progress in developing regulatory and technical documentation for cultural heritage sites and their conservation. However, on the other hand, there is an issue with outdated cost estimation methods and normative frameworks for determining the costs, as well. Hence, the role of environmental impact on the cultural heritage sites is underestimated. This problem leads to the need to develop scientific and methodological tools for the implementation of projects for the reconstruction of the cultural heritage sites considering the reduction of the impact of harsh environmental conditions. The authors proposed a logical research design, developed and improved methodological tools for selecting projects for the conservation of cultural heritage sites and assessing the impact of local environment, and tested the proposed methodological tools using the example of a project for the reconstruction of a cultural heritage site in the Moscow region. The authors proposed methods and approaches to reduce the environmental impact on the local cultural heritage sites for better conservation of cultural heritage sites. Within a framework of Russian Federation in total, further study is considered

    Innovations as sustainable competitive advantages in the digital economy: substantiation and forecasting

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    Sustainable development is possible only on the basis of the growth of innovation and the introduction of digitalization in modern conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to speak about the concept of systemic competitiveness, the basis of which is sustainable competitive advantages. This paper is devoted to the problems of forming the competitiveness of construction in the modern economic conditions of the transition to a new technological structure and a digital economy, based on the implementation of sustainable competitive advantages predicted on the basis of foresight and activated by creating “points of innovative growth”

    Building a sustainable development strategy for a large railway construction enterprise in modern conditions of economic turbulence

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    Building a development strategy for large enterprises in modern conditions should take into account not only the established methodology and methodological approaches to strategic management, but also the impact of economic turbulence. At the same time, the paper substantiates the need to develop a strategy in the target focusing of sustainable development as the ability of an enterprise to optimally respond to environmental factors and return to the foresight trend. The authors substantiate the expediency of building an enterprise activity strategy based on foresight even in conditions of economic turbulence, and made a foresight for the development of the railway construction industry. An approach to building a development strategy for a large construction company based on the formation of innovative growth points is proposed, taking into account current development trends and allowing us to identify the key risks of implementing the strategy in order to promptly adjust and implement adaptive management in the process of achieving strategic targets. The proposed strategy has been implemented in RZDstroy JSC, taking into account the influence of the dynamics of the external environment


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    The authors determined the trends of sustainable development of the complex and the limitations obstructing them. The dynamics of investment and construction complex is considered as a self-organization process basing on information interchange, which allowed presenting a conceptual scheme and lifecycle of the changes in the system as a process of accumulation and dynamics of different innovations. The theoretical assumptions on the essence of the management process were proved thanks to empirical analysis of control system changes of investment and construction complex basing on the model of converging development spiral