423 research outputs found

    When international academics in management meet in Hungary: Report on the 5th International Conference on Management

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    The fifth International Conference on Management was held 18-19th of July 2015 in Gödöllö, Hungary. The topics of this conference were built around the contemporary issues in leadership, management and entrepreneurship from an interdisciplinary perspective

    The dark side of gender equality schemes in management – a deep dive into a german auto manufacturer

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    Despite the wide array of corporate programmes and the increased attention to fight gender inequality issues, efforts have brought about only timid results, in particular in management (Catalyst, 2018). What reason account for the stalled progress and what can be done? By examining gender equality interventions in a masculine organisation; and mobilizing men’s and women’s perceptions related to gender equality in management, this article seeks to provide deeper insights on the mechanisms of gender equality change in organisation. A qualitative case study comprising document analysis and semi-structured interviews was conducted at an automotive company’s headquarter between 2012 and 2015 in Germany and relies on an innovative combination of two analytical frameworks elaborated by Ely and Meyerson (2000) and Rao and Kelleher (2005). The study shows the limits of formal and systemic gender policy in organisation for it leaves the deep ingrained informal values untouched. The interviewed female managers tend to not subscribe to these programmes. Male managers express resentment against not only the corporate actions but also against gender quota. Both male and female managers firmly believe in the meritocratic system and take for granted the gendered order of their organisation

    Biomarkers identification in fibromyalgia syndrome

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    Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) is a chronic syndrome characterized by widespread pain. FMS is a collection of other symptoms and overlapping conditions contribute to complicate the diagnosis, the assessment and the treatment. Unknown etiology and none laboratory tests have been appropriately validated for the diagnosis of the disease. The comparison of protein patterns in body fluids of diseased and healthy subjects has the potential to identify new disease-specific biomarkers. Some purine nucleotide metabolism disorders such as myoadenylate deaminase (MAD) deficiency report symptoms similar to those seen in FMS. In consideration of what described above, we carried out a serum proteomic analysis of FMS patients with respect to control subjects searching potentially useful biomarkers for the disease. In addition, we evaluated serum purine metabolite concentrations in patients affected by FMS and the relationships between their levels and FMS clinical parameters. Twenty-two females affected by FMS (according to the American College of Rheumatology, 1990) and twenty-two healthy women were recruited as controls for analysis of purine metabolite. Sixteen females FMS and twelve controls were enrolled in the study for the analyses of the proteome. Proteomic analysis was performed by combining two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) and mass spectrometry (MS) and serum purine levels were quantified using reverse phase high performance liquid chromatographic (RP-HPLC). In our study, using the proteomic approach, we have identified differentially expressed proteins, such as Transthyretin (TTR), Alpha-1 Antitrypsin (A1AT) and Retinol Binding Protein 4 (RBP4). The serum 4 concentrations of these proteins were significantly higher in FMS patients compared with healthy controls. TTR and RBP4 are retinoid transporters, moreover retinoid dysfunction is related to oxidative stress as well as A1AT. These results support the hypothesis that oxidative stress could be implicated in the pathophysiology of FMS. Moreover, considerably higher serum concentration of inosine, hypoxanthine and xanthine levels (p<0.001) and lower serum adenosine (p<0.05) were detected in the FMS patients when compared to healthy controls. Our data show a negative correlation between adenosine and the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ). Our results suggest that purines, in particular adenosine and inosine, may be involved in pain transmission in fibromyalgia

    A Hybrid-Electric Passenger Vessel for Inland Waterway

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    The problem of air pollution is one of the biggest issues discussed worldwide: due to this reason, various measures to reduce global pollution, especially CO2 emissions, are being taken by Governments. One of the main causes of pollution is represented by the transport sector, which includes also maritime transport. Therefore, it is necessary to study and find new types of propulsion that ensure a reduction of pollutant emissions. A way to achieve this aim is represented by hybrid-electric propulsion systems, capable of ensuring a good range in ZEM - Zero Emission Mode - navigation. In this paper, the application of hybrid-electric propulsion on a small boat for passenger transport in inland waters has been analysed. Based on the results of preliminary studies, a prototype of the vessel was built; the boat has been a useful and remarkable test bench to validate such a technology, in terms of eco-friendliness, energy efficiency, and reliability. Here, the theoretical estimates carried out in the early stage of design have been compared with the experimental data obtained on the prototype during a sea trials campaign carried out in a real operative environment

    Modelling of Low-velocity Impacts on Composite Beams in Large Displacement

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    The paper provides an evaluation of the nonlinear dynamic response of a cantilever beam made of composite material subjected to low-velocity impacts. The structure is assumed to respond in a quasi-static manner and modelled by a continuous beam in large displacement with a lumped mass attached. First, an analytical model was developed to study the free vibrations of a beam, taking into account the nonlinearities due to large displacements and inertia. Then, the analytical findings were compared with experimental test data. The vibration of a real composite beam has been acquired through high-speed imaging technique. The displacements of the beam were extracted by digital image analysis; then, the nonlinear parameters of the analytical model were determined by the Fitting Time History technique. The results obtained by the analytical model and the experimental test are compared with numerical analysis. The validated analytical model was adapted to study a low-velocity impact; the lumped mass was associated with a rigid projectile, whose initial speed represents the impact velocity

    A chance or a trap? Understanding gender equality schemes in management

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    Honey Environmental DNA Can Be Used to Detect and Monitor Honey Bee Pests: Development of Methods Useful to Identify Aethina tumida and Galleria mellonella Infestations

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    Environmental DNA (eDNA) contained in honey derives from the organisms that directly and indirectly have been involved in the production process of this matrix and that have played a role in the hive ecosystems where the honey has been produced. In this study we set up PCR-based assays to detect the presence of DNA traces left in the honey by two damaging honey bee pests: the small hive beetle (Aethina tumida) and the greater wax moth (Galleria mellonella). DNA was extracted from 82 honey samples produced in Italy and amplified using two specific primer pairs that target the mitochondrial gene cytochrome oxidase I (COI) of A. tumida and two specific primer pairs that target the same gene in G. mellonella. The limit of detection was tested using sequential dilutions of the pest DNA. Only one honey sample produced in Calabria was positive for A. tumida whereas about 66% of all samples were positively amplified for G. mellonella. The use of honey eDNA could be important to establish early and effective measures to contain at the local (e.g., apiary) or regional scales these two damaging pests and, particularly for the small hive beetle, to prevent its widespread diffusion
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