2,557 research outputs found

    Lata'if al–Asrar li–Ahl Allah al–Atyar of Nur al–Din al–Raniri: An annotated transliteration together with a translation and an introduction of his exposition on the fundamental aspects of sufi doctrines

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    The Lata'if al–Asrar li–Ahl Allah al–Atyar is another major work of Nur al–Din al–Raniri, the Shaykh al–Islam of Acheh. It was written at the behest of Sultan Iskandar Thani of Acheh in 1050 A.H./1640 A.D. Two copies of the manuscripts (dated 1248 A.H. and 1263 A.H.) found in Terengganu were used to produce an annotated transliteration from the Jawi text into Romanized Malay, a translation into English and an introduction in this book. The Lata'if or the Spiritual Subtleties for the Swiftly Ascending People of God was written to elucidate the fundamental aspects of Sufi doctrines. It is meant as an introduction to more advanced works for the novice on the path and a reminder for the adept


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    The objectives of this research were to discover: (1) the difference in learningachievement of Islam Religion Education of students taught by cooperativeinstructional strategy STAD type and student taught by expository instructionalstrategy, (2) the a difference of learning style Islam Religion education with visual,auditory and kinesthetic, learning style, and (3) the interaction between instructionalstrategy and learning style in affecting learning achievement of learning style Islamreligion education. The population was Grade V students of Primary School IntiNumber SD Negeri 054938 Alur Dua Sei Lepan Pangkalan Brandan Langkat regencyconsisting of three classes. The sample chosen for instructional class using STAD wasclass Vc with 40 students, while those taught by expository was class Vb with 40students. The results of the findings were: (1) the average of Islam Religion Educationof students taught by STAD instructional strategy ( X = 29,95) was higher than theaverage of students taught by expositoyi instructional strategy ( X = 28,62) with Fcount= 12,46 > Ftable = 3, 972), the avarage learning achievement of Islam religion educationwith kinesthetic learning style ( X = 29,77) and visual learning style ( X = 25.35) withFcount = 5,92 > Ftable = 3,972, and (3) there was an interaction between instructionalstrategy and learning style toward students learning achievement Islam Religioneducation with Fcount = 23.84 > Ftable = 3,972

    From Social Justice to Islamic Revivalism: An Interrogation of Sayyid Qutbas Discourse

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    While Sayyid Qutb is an acclaimed Islamist and leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt that he has not been fully understood is confirmed by the persistent view that he laid the foundation for the prevailing Islamic terror and Islamist fundamentalism all over the globe Though there is a panoply of works that have attempted to explain and clarify this misunderstanding of Qutb s Islamic revivalism and reformism through a study of his writings and works yet the argument that his Islamic revivalism added to his zeal for rejecting modernity leading to Islamic terror and Islamist fundamentalism leaves some questions such as how did he move from a pure social justice crusader to an Islamist why did he hate America does his work provide inspiration for Islamic militancy fundamentalism and terrorism etc and did his childhood upbringing education works and Islamic revivalism give insight into the so-called phenomenon of Islamic terrorism still begging for answer

    Corruption in the World of Sport: Focus on World Cup, FIFA and IOC.

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    2017 dissertation for Master of Law in International Law and Financial Markets. Selected by academic staff as a good example of a masters level dissertation. Corruption in sports today affects virtually every nook and cranny of society going by various articles, news reports and observations daily. It is sad to learn that significant amount of money is exchanged not just between individuals but between corporations and organisations including notable world sporting bodies such as FIFA across jurisdictions and various institutions regarding sporting activities and competitions. Many reports and articles abound of various acts of dishonesty and fraud in sports which has brought many forms of sport into disrepute, some of these have led to calls by intellectuals and sport commentators for changes and improvement in the interest of fair play and doing the right thing. This dissertation will examine corruption in sport focussing on football’s world governing body; FIFA, the allocation of the 2018 and 2022 world cups and consider corruption scandals surrounding the Summer Olympics of 2016 and the International Olympic Committee. The focus of this study is predicated on the unbelievable cases of corruption in sports at exalted levels that have thrived for years unchecked and has almost become a way of doing things in many societies. This will include a review of the allegations and prosecution for fraud, dishonesty and bribery against FIFA officials and related others. Widespread corruption within the Fédération International de Football Association (FIFA) has tarnished the beauty of the game of football. The perception of football being a corrupt business became more of a reality after the allegations of bribery and vote trading that surrounded the 2018 and 2022 World Cup bid process. This dissertation will consider among many arguments, the position that to restore public confidence in FIFA, specifically in the World Cup bid process, FIFA must punish individuals, nations, and confederations guilty of accepting or offering kickbacks, bribes, or vote trading, as well as protect those guilty, or reasonably believed to be guilty, of such crimes1. It has been argued that to bring about such a fundamental change, FIFA must work with other sports governing bodies to establish a World Anti-Corruption Agency. Additionally, FIFA, sports governing bodies and individuals in sport must act with honour, integrity, and transparency to regain credibility and public trust

    The De-centering of Architecture

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    Housing insecurity is arguably the most pressing issue in our society. In the United States, home/land ownership has been the primary source to generate wealth. Yet, so many people are disproportionately affected and denied access due to this system. Historically, it has also been difficult for people of color to own their own property and receive adequate housing in viable neighborhoods. A person’s ability to obtain quality housing affects other areas of their lives; it affects their ability to attend school in a certain district, and their proximity to work, healthcare, and entertainment. Interventions from both the public and private sectors over the past several decades have yielded (at best) mixed results. Continued privatization of land contributes to skyrocketing rent prices and is making it more onerous to find quality housing, let alone own property. What does the future of housing entail moving forward? What alternatives can be imagined and what role do architects play in imagining and creating a better, more sustainable outcome? Architects are more than designers, so the profession bears a responsibility to transform the outdated and ineffective approach to housing. With the amount of capital, land, and underutilized built space that is available, no one should be unhoused. No one should have to struggle to search for an affordable place to live, and no one should feel underrepresented in the home they live in. The subject of housing is a critical part of architectural discourse because it is one of the most common elements the general public associates with architecture. Before architecture became an institutionalized profession, humans built their homes using the environmental resources around them. Housing is one of the fundamental pillars of architecture that impacts everyone regardless of their relation to the profession. Given the current housing crisis in the U.S. and around the world, architects should be involved in the solution; it is not a time for architects to cower behind the rhetoric that “architecture is not political.” Architects are responsible for the well-being of the public, and part of that well-being is having access to appropriate, affordable housing. Therefore, my thesis explores the limitations of the architecture profession and pushes those limitations so the profession extends beyond the current capital driven designer-client

    Hydrogeology of the Hamilton north and Corvallis quadrangles Bitterroot Valley southwestern Montana

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    A trend analysis and sub-regional distribution in number of people living with HIV and dying with TB in Africa, 1991 to 2006

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The tuberculosis (TB) bacillus and the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) have formed a powerful alliance and are together responsible for more than five million deaths per year. TB is leading to increased mortality rates among people living with HIV/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). The aim of this study was to investigate the geographical and temporal distribution of TB-HIV deaths in Africa in order to identify possible high-risk areas.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Time trends in the 16-year study period from 1990 to 2005 were analyzed by multilevel Poisson growth curve models. Moran global and local indicators of spatial associations were used to test for evidence of global and local spatial clustering respectively.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Eastern, Southern, Western, and Middle Africa experienced an upward trend in the number of reported TB-HIV deaths. The spatial distribution of TB cases was non-random and clustered, with a Moran's I = 0.454 (p = .001). Spatial clustering suggested that 13 countries were at increased risk of TB-HIV deaths, and six countries could be grouped as "hot spots".</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Evidence shows that there is no decline in growth in the number of deaths due to TB among HIV positive in most Africa countries. There is presence of 'hot-spots' and very large differences persist between sub-regions. Only by tackling TB and HIV together will progress be made in reversing the burden of both diseases. There is a great need for scale-up of preventive interventions such as the World Health Organization '3I's strategy' (intensified case finding, isoniazid preventive therapy and infection control).</p

    Conference Report

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    Optical wireless communications

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    The phenomenal global demand for wireless communication links with greater bandwidths is motivating engineers world over to come up with alternatives communication links. One of such system that has received a great deal of attention and has shown evidence of a promising future is infrared optical communications.This project explores the fundamental aspects involved in designing and building a transmitter and a receiver as part of an infrared optical wireless link for indoor use. It is mainly concerned with extracting as much bandwidth as possible from the circuit designed. The system built in this project is capable of data transmission of over 20Mbits/second but this is however nowhere near the limit of the systems as will be discussed in the dissertation. Optical communication links have been developed which are capable of data transfer rates of 1.25Gbits/second (Jeganthan, 2001).The work done in this project and that which have been done by others present a compelling argument as to why infrared optical wireless communications is a formidable form of wireless communications and as a matter of fact a worthy alternative to the well known radio frequency (RF) systems
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