647 research outputs found


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    The importance of zakat distribution in the digital age increasingly shows the existence and urgency of digitalization in all aspects. The purpose of zakat distribution online will facilitate muzakki effectively and efficiently in terms of activities and time in distributing zakat evenly and thoroughly to break the poverty chain, and improve social and economic welfare of the community without having to distinguish between the rich and poor, because behind the distribution of zakat funds is the rights of those who are entitled to receive it (mustahik). This research focused on qualitative research using a descriptive analysis technique which is to conduct an analysis by describing, describing, explaining about paying zakat online in Islamic law. In Islamic view, zakat which is done online is permissible because one of the reasons is that it is only different in form of distribution, namely the transition from manual to automatic. From those who usually come to the institution to pay directly but this time only by accessing and transferring. However, it still does not abandon the terms or conditions in issuing or distributing zakat. Distribution of zakat online is not a problem in terms of Islamic law, because its distribution will facilitate muzakki or Muslims who have an obligation to pay zakat. A muzakki can distribute his zakat online is legal and not a problem legally. Special institutions that are given the mandate in the distribution of zakat will be managed because it is deposited from muzakki which is distributed online and must be in accordance with the principles in sharia provisions. So that the obligation to fulfill or pay zakat continues to be carried out in order to share with others who are entitled to need throughout Indonesia.Keywords: Easiness; Islamic Law; Online; Zakat


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    Penulisan skripsi ini bertujuan (!) untuk merancang media pembelajaran berbasis TIK pada pokok bahasan Dalil Pythagoras menggunakan Microsoft Powerpoint 2) untuk memgetahui tanggapan guru terhadap media pembelajaran berbasis TIK dengan Microsoft Powerpoint dalam pembelajaran matematika. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMP Muhammadiyah 4 Surakarta KelasVIIIE semester I tahun ajaran 2006/2007 yaitu sebanyak 35 siswa. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi, quesioner (angket) dan dokumentasi.Analisis data pada penelitian ini dilakukan secara deskriptif kualitatif. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa dengan perancangan media pembelajaran berbasis TIK dapat meningkatkan motivasi siswa dan dapat membantu guru dalam menyampaikan pelajara

    The Pride To Be single Parent In Oscar Wilde's A Woman Of No Importance (1893) : Feminist Perspective

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    In this research, the objective of the study is to analyze the play based on its structural analysis and feminist perspective. The object of the study is the drama script of Oscar Wilde’s A Woman of No Importance played for the first time on 1893 at London’s Haymarket Theatre. The researcher employs the qualitative study as the method. The data sources are divided into two, namely primary data source and secondary data source. The primary data source is the drama script itself and the secondary data source is other source relating to the study such as books. The method of data collection is taking notes. The technique of data analysis is descriptive analysis. The results of the study are as follows. First, based on structural analysis, it is evident that in this play Oscar Wilde suggests his idea that a single parent tends to be independent and more aware of the moral principle. In order to deliver the message, Wilde creates character such as Rachel Arbuthnot, a single parent that strives among the inequality treatment of Victorian Morality. Second, based on feminist perspective, Oscar Wilde wants to reflect the Victorian society at the late 19th century who lives with rigid arrangements of moral and social code. Oscar Wilde also criticizes on the Victorian era that tends to put women subordinate to men. In this play he apparently shows that women have equal position with men, so they have the same rights too


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    This research originated from the problem of low logical mathematical abilities of children and Bandung. This is what underlies the formulation of the problem (1) What is the objective condition of the logical mathematical abilities of early childhood in group A TK Nasywa Bandung? (2) How does the implementation of early childhood logical mathematical ability learning through cubical blocks in group A TK Nasywa Bandung? (3) How to improve the logical mathematical abilities of early childhood after using cuboid beam media in group A Nasywa Bandung Kindergarten? The research objective was to obtain an overview of the use of cubic beam media to improve the logical mathematical abilities of early childhood in group A Nasywa Kindergarten Bandung. The method used in this research is classroom action research (CAR), which is carried out in three cycles using 12 research subjects. This study uses data collection techniques, observation and documentation. Preliminary observations of logical mathematical abilities with an assessment of Not Developing amounted to 73%, Started to Grow by 26% and Developed Very Good by 1%. However, after using cubical beam media, children's logical mathematical abilities show optimal abilities. Percentage of logical mathematical ability of children of assessment has not developed by 0%, started to develop by 25% and develops very well by 75%. Based on these data, recommendations given to child educators can be an alternative medium to improve the logical mathematical abilities of early childhood

    Representasi Kemampuan Literasi Menulis Mahasiswa PGSD Universitas Katolik Musi Charitas Palembang

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    This research is entitled Representation of Student Writing Literacy Ability of Musi Charitas Catholic University Palembang. The formulation of the problem of this research is how literacy skills write students of Palembang Musi Charitas Catholic University Elementary School Teacher Education. This study aims to determine the literacy ability of students of Musi Charitas Catholic Primary School Teacher Education. This study uses the mixed method method, a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. In addition, this study uses a quantitative and descriptive approach. The source of this research data is essay writing test aimed at students of 2016 class PGSD, Musi Charitas Catholic University. Essay texts are assessed in terms of the structure of writing, language and technical writing. Of all the 2016 class PGSD students, 19 students showed that all students were able to write appropriate diction on essay writing. In addition, 73.21% was obtained to assess the level of mastery of spelling writing. For the ability to accurately write words, from 19 students only 72


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    Potensi bijih Timah tersebar hampir diseluruh Provinsi Bangka Belitung mulai dari darat sampai laut. Masyarakat Bangka Belitung memanfaatkan potensi tersebut untuk menggerakkan perekonomian daerahnya serta untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup mereka.Permintaan terhadap Bijih timah semakin meningkat untuk kebutuhan industri baik ekspor maupun impor sehingga penambangan bijih timah tidak hanya dilakukan di darat tetapi dilakukan juga dilaut, cadangan bijih timah di lepas pantai masih cukup potensial, hal ini mendorong para pelaku usaha di bidang pertambangan yang melakukan kegiatan penambangan timah di lepas pantai. Adapun yang menjadi permasalahan yaitu penyebab terjadinya kerusakan lingkungan laut, tanggungjawab terjadinya kerusakan lingkungan laut, serta upaya penanggulangan kerusakan lingkungan laut dikawasan Toboali Bangka Selatan dikaitkan dengan Undang- Undang No.32 Tahun 2009 Tentang Perlindungan serta Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup.Kerusakan lingkungan laut dikawasan lepas pantai Toboali Bangka Selatan. Lingkungan laut sangatlah penting bagi makhluk hidup bersama dan berguna bagi kehidupan manusia,oleh karena itu harus adanya perlindungan serta pengolahan yang benar agar tetap terjaga kelestaraian lingkungan laut. Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan skripsi ini adalah metode deskriptif analisis dimana dilakukan penelitian untuk menulis fakta dan memperoleh gambaran menyeluruh mengenai peraturan perundang- undangan dan teori hukum yang menyangkut permasalahan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normatif, yaitu penelitian yang mengacu pada ilmu hukum dan kaidah hukum yang berlaku di masyarakat. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian melalui kepustakaan dan studi lapangan yang berupa wawancara. Kesimpulannya kerusakan lingkungan laut dikawasan Toboali Bangka Selatan terjadi akibat proses pertambangan timah yang dilakukan oleh para penambang timah illegal atau sering disebut Tambang Inkonvensional (TI Apung). Tambang timah ini dilkakuan oleh masyarakat tanpa adanya analisis dampak lingkungan serta melanggar Undang- undang nomor 32 Tahun 2009 Tentang Perlindungan dan Pengolahan Lingkungan Hidup, agar kerusakan lingkungan laut dapat diatasi makaperan pemerintah serta masyarakat sangat penting dalam memberantas penambang timah illegal serta melakukan rehabilitasi kembali terhadap lingkungan laut dengan penanaman hutan bakau/ mangrove, pembuatan atau pembudidayaan terumbu karang, serta sosialisasi bahaya kerusakan lingkungan laut. Kata Kunci : Lingkungan, Laut, Tima

    Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Tematik SD Xaverius Di Bawah Naungan Yayasan Xaverius Palembang

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    Thematic learning is essentially combining several subjects in one activity. The concept of thematic learning is the result of thoughts and studies of various educational theories. This research was conducted to determine the implementation of thematic learning in elementary schools under the auspices of the Palembang Xaverius Foundation. This research is part of the research on the development of listening learning materials. Data collection was carried out using the interview method and carried out in the odd semester of the 2016/2017 school year. The results showed that the school studied carried out thematic learning activities that were not in accordance with the concept of thematic learning

    Menakar Keadilan Sistem Pengupahan Go-Jek: Bukti Empiris dari Yogyakarta.

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    This study aims to evaluate the wage system fairness of GO-JEK, namely whether the policies and strategies of GO-JEK's profit distribution have corresponded with the economic, religious and cultural standards in the operational area of ​​Yogyakarta, and using the Index of Fairness of Wage System (I-FWS) to measure that. The evaluation results showed that the wage system fairness of GO-JEK in the operational area of Yogyakarta both partially and simultaneously were in the category of “fair”. It means that all drivers got the same opportunity and equal and transparent treatment without any discrimination from PT. GO-JEK Indonesia in the operational area of Yogyakarta in obtaining a profit sharing as the partners of GO-JEK from the partnership business it operates.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi tingkat keadilan sistem pengupahan GO-JEK, yakni apakah kebijakan dan strategi pendistribusian pendapatan GO-JEK sudah sesuai dengan standar ekonomi, agama dan budaya di wilayah operasional Yogyakarta. Dalam mengukur tingkat keadilan sistem pengupahan GO-JEK tersebut, digunakan Indeks Keadilan Sistem Pengupahan (I-KSP). Hasil evaluasi menunjukan bahwa sistem pengupahan GO-JEK di wilayah operasional Yogyakarta baik secara parsial maupun secara simultan berada pada kategori adil. Artinya, para driver mendapatkan kesempatan dan perlakuan yang sama dan transparan tanpa diskriminasi dari PT. GO-JEK Indonesia wilayah operasional Yogyakarta dalam mendapatkan bagian keuntungan sebagai mitra (driver) GO-JEK dari bisnis kemitraan yang dijalankannya
