45 research outputs found

    Limited access to liver transplantation and TIPS despite high mortality, healthcare resource use and costs of cirrhosis in Germany

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    Background and Aims Data on number of patients with cirrhosis in Germany are limited. We therefore aimed to estimate prevalence, comorbidities, mortality, utilization of healthcare resources and costs of patients with cirrhosis and incidence of decompensation of cirrhosis in Germany. Methods This longitudinal observational study was based on an anonymized representative claims database including 4.9 million persons insured by a statutory health insurance (SHI) between 2015–2020. Patients with decompensated and compensated cirrhosis were selected via diagnostic ICD codes and followed for 2 years. Results Prevalence of cirrhosis in 2015 was 250/100 000, resulting in 201 747 (95% CI: 197 540–206 040) patients extrapolated to the German population. Out of all patients with compensated cirrhosis in 2015 who did not deceased, 16.0% developed a decompensation within 3 years. Overall, 978 patients (Ø-age: 68 years; 60% male) were included in the decompensated, and 5135 patients (Ø-age: 66 years; 59% male) in the compensated cirrhosis cohort. Patients with decompensated cirrhosis had a higher burden of comorbidities (Charlson Comorbidity Index 7.3 vs. 4.4) and 3 times higher costs per quarter (7172 € vs. 2213 €) than patients with compensated cirrhosis. 1-year mortality after decompensation was 51% compared to 8% in compensated cirrhosis. Of note, only few patients with decompensated cirrhosis received a liver transplantation or transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunts (TIPS) (1% and 5%). Conclusion Patients with cirrhosis have a high healthcare burden in especially decompensated stage. Accordingly, 1-year mortality of decompensated cirrhosis in Germany is high. Despite high health resource utilization, only few patients have access to liver transplantation or TIPS

    Efficacy and outcome of expanded newborn screening for metabolic diseases - Report of 10 years from South-West Germany *

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>National newborn screening programmes based on tandem-mass spectrometry (MS/MS) and other newborn screening (NBS) technologies show a substantial variation in number and types of disorders included in the screening panel. Once established, these methods offer the opportunity to extend newborn screening panels without significant investment and cost. However, systematic evaluations of newborn screening programmes are rare, most often only describing parts of the whole process from taking blood samples to long-term evaluation of outcome.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In a prospective single screening centre observational study 373 cases with confirmed diagnosis of a metabolic disorder from a total cohort of 1,084,195 neonates screened in one newborn screening laboratory between January 1, 1999, and June 30, 2009 and subsequently treated and monitored in five specialised centres for inborn errors of metabolism were examined. Process times for taking screening samples, obtaining results, initiating diagnostic confirmation and starting treatment as well as the outcome variables metabolic decompensations, clinical status, and intellectual development at a mean age of 3.3 years were evaluated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Optimal outcome is achieved especially for the large subgroup of patients with medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency. Kaplan-Meier-analysis revealed disorder related patterns of decompensation. Urea cycle disorders, organic acid disorders, and amino acid disorders show an early high and continuous risk, medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency a continuous but much lower risk for decompensation, other fatty acid oxidation disorders an intermediate risk increasing towards the end of the first year. Clinical symptoms seem inevitable in a small subgroup of patients with very early disease onset. Later decompensation can not be completely prevented despite pre-symptomatic start of treatment. Metabolic decompensation does not necessarily result in impairment of intellectual development, but there is a definite association between the two.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Physical and cognitive outcome in patients with presymptomatic diagnosis of metabolic disorders included in the current German screening panel is equally good as in phenylketonuria, used as a gold standard for NBS. Extended NBS entails many different interrelated variables which need to be carefully evaluated and optimized. More reports from different parts of the world are needed to allow a comprehensive assessment of the likely benefits, harms and costs in different populations.</p

    Standardized Infant NeuroDevelopmental Assessment developmental and socio-emotional scales:reliability and predictive value in an at-risk population

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    AIM: To assess the reliability and predictive validity of the developmental and socio-emotional scales of the Standardized Infant NeuroDevelopmental Assessment (SINDA). METHOD: To assess reliability, two sets of three assessors forming eight assessor-pairs independently rated the developmental and socio-emotional scales of 60 infants. To evaluate predictive validity, 223 infants (gestational age 30wks [range 23-41wks]; 117 males, 106 females) attending a non-academic outpatient clinic were assessed by different assessors with SINDA's neurological, developmental, and socio-emotional scales. Atypical neurodevelopmental outcome at a corrected age of 24 months or older implied a Bayley Mental or Psychomotor Developmental Index score of less than 70 or neurological disorder (including cerebral palsy). Behavioural and emotional disorders were classified according to the International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision. Predictive values were calculated from SINDA (2-12mo corrected age, median 7mo) and typical versus atypical outcome, and for intellectual disability only (Mental Developmental Index <70). RESULTS: Assessors highly agreed on the developmental and socio-emotional assessments (developmental scores: Spearman's rank correlation coefficient ρ=0.972; single socio-emotional behaviour items: Cohen's κ=0.783-0.896). At 24 months or older, 65 children had atypical outcome. Atypical neurological scores predicted atypical outcome (sensitivity 83%, specificity 96%); atypical developmental scores predicted intellectual disability (sensitivity 77%, specificity 92%). Atypical emotionality and atypical self-regulation were associated with behavioural and emotional disorders. INTERPRETATION: SINDA's three scales are reliable, and have a satisfactory predictive validity for atypical developmental outcome at 24 months or older in a non-academic outpatient setting. SINDA's developmental scale has promising predictive validity for intellectual disability. SINDA's socio-emotional scale is a tool for caregiver counselling. WHAT THIS PAPER ADDS: Standardized Infant NeuroDevelopmental Assessment (SINDA)'s developmental and socio-emotional scales have excellent interrater reliability. Replication of the satisfactory validity of SINDA's neurological scale for atypical outcome

    Analyse der Spontanmotorik im 1. Lebensjahr: Markerlose 3-D-Bewegungserfassung zur Früherkennung von Entwicklungsstörungen

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    Children with motor development disorders benefit greatly from early interventions. An early diagnosis in pediatric preventive care (U2–U5) can be improved by automated screening. Current approaches to automated motion analysis, however, are expensive, require lots of technical support, and cannot be used in broad clinical application. Here we present an inexpensive, marker-free video analysis tool (KineMAT) for infants, which digitizes 3‑D movements of the entire body over time allowing automated analysis in the future. Three-minute video sequences of spontaneously moving infants were recorded with a commercially available depth-imaging camera and aligned with a virtual infant body model (SMIL model). The virtual image generated allows any measurements to be carried out in 3‑D with high precision. We demonstrate seven infants with different diagnoses. A selection of possible movement parameters was quantified and aligned with diagnosis-specific movement characteristics. KineMAT and the SMIL model allow reliable, three-dimensional measurements of spontaneous activity in infants with a very low error rate. Based on machine-learning algorithms, KineMAT can be trained to automatically recognize pathological spontaneous motor skills. It is inexpensive and easy to use and can be developed into a screening tool for preventive care for children.Kinder mit motorischer Entwicklungsstörung profitieren von einer frühen Entwicklungsförderung. Eine frühe Diagnosestellung in der kinderärztlichen Vorsorge (U2–U5) kann durch ein automatisiertes Screening verbessert werden. Bisherige Ansätze einer automatisierten Bewegungsanalyse sind jedoch teuer und aufwendig und nicht in der Breite anwendbar. In diesem Beitrag soll ein neues System zur Videoanalyse, das Kinematic Motion Analysis Tool (KineMAT) vorgestellt werden. Es kann bei Säuglingen angewendet werden und kommt ohne Körpermarker aus. Die Methode wird anhand von 7 Patienten mit unterschiedlichen Diagnosen demonstriert. Mit einer kommerziell erhältlichen Tiefenbildkamera (RGB-D[Red-Green-Blue-Depth]-Kamera) werden 3‑minütige Videosequenzen von sich spontan bewegenden Säuglingen aufgenommen und mit einem virtuellen Säuglingskörpermodell (SMIL[Skinned Multi-infant Linear]-Modell) in Übereinstimmung gebracht. Das so erzeugte virtuelle Abbild erlaubt es, beliebige Messungen in 3‑D mit hoher Präzision durchzuführen. Eine Auswahl möglicher Bewegungsparameter wird mit diagnosespezifischen Bewegungsauffälligkeiten zusammengeführt. Der KineMAT und das SMIL-Modell erlauben eine zuverlässige, dreidimensionale Messung der Spontanaktivität bei Säuglingen mit einer sehr niedrigen Fehlerrate. Basierend auf maschinellen Lernalgorithmen kann der KineMAT trainiert werden, pathologische Spontanmotorik automatisiert zu erkennen. Er ist kostengünstig und einfach anzuwenden und soll als Screeninginstrument für die kinderärztliche Vorsorge weiterentwickelt werden

    Разработка мероприятий по улучшению условий труда на примере предприятия ООО "Юргинский машиностроительный завод"

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    Abstract IL-6 is known to play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of chronic intestinal inflammation by modulating T cell functions. In this study, we investigated the role of gp130, the common signal transducer for all IL-6 cytokines, in a murine model of acute T cell independent colitis to better characterize the impact of gp130 on innate immune cells and the early stages of inflammation. Experimental colitis was induced by dextran sulfate sodium treatment of mice with inducible systemic deletion of gp130 (MxCre/gp130−/−), macrophage/neutrophil-specific gp130-deficiency (LysCre/gp130−/−), or bone marrow chimeric mice and compared with wild-type controls (gp130f/f). Systemic deletion of gp130 (MxCre/gp130−/−) protected mice from severe colitis and wasting and attenuated the mucosal inflammatory infiltrate as well as local cytokine, chemokine, and adhesion molecule expression. Experiments in newly generated macrophage/neutrophil-specific gp130-deleted animals (LysCre/gp130−/−) and gp130 bone marrow chimeric mice, revealed a dual mechanism of proinflammatory effects mediated by gp130. Leukocyte recruitment was impaired in gp130-deleted animals and gp130-deleted recipients of wild-type bone marrow, demonstrating a central role of gp130-dependent signals in nonmyeloid cells for directing leukocytes to sites of inflammation, which was further confirmed in a model of sterile peritonitis. In contrast, macrophage/neutrophil-specific gp130 deficiency delayed and attenuated the disease but only marginally affected the inflammatory infiltrate, indicating a defective activation of mucosal leukocytes. We provide evidence that IL-6 cytokines acting via gp130 are required in the acute stages of intestinal inflammation by modulating the dynamics of innate immune cell recruitment and activation.</jats:p

    Hepatic acute-phase proteins control innate immune responses during infection by promoting myeloid-derived suppressor cell function

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    Acute-phase proteins (APPs) are an evolutionarily conserved family of proteins produced mainly in the liver in response to infection and inflammation. Despite vast pro- and antiinflammatory properties ascribed to individual APPs, their collective function during infections remains poorly defined. Using a mouse model of polymicrobial sepsis, we show that abrogation of APP production by hepatocyte-specific gp130 deletion, the signaling receptor shared by IL-6 family cytokines, strongly increased mortality despite normal bacterial clearance. Hepatic gp130 signaling through STAT3 was required to control systemic inflammation. Notably, hepatic gp130–STAT3 activation was also essential for mobilization and tissue accumulation of myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs), a cell population mainly known for antiinflammatory properties in cancer. MDSCs were critical to regulate innate inflammation, and their adoptive transfer efficiently protected gp130-deficient mice from sepsis-associated mortality. The hepatic APPs serum amyloid A and Cxcl1/KC cooperatively promoted MDSC mobilization, accumulation, and survival, and reversed dysregulated inflammation and restored survival of gp130-deficient mice. Thus, gp130-dependent communication between the liver and MDSCs through APPs controls inflammatory responses during infection