1,943 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Aeromagnetic Data Over Some Parts of Lower Benue Trough, Nigeria Using Spectral Analysis

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    We obtained, processed, and interpreted spectral analyses of aeromagnetic data across a portion of the Lower Benue Trough with the goal of estimating the depth to magnetic basement, modeling a conspicuous magnetic anomaly, identifying the basement topography, and evaluating basin configurations. Qualitative interpretation based on visual examination of the total magnetic intensive anomalies map, residual contour map, and first vertical derivative map reveals major faults trending east-west (E-W) and minor faults trending northeast-southwest (NE-SW), which is consistent with the structure of the lower Benue Trough. The western portion of the research region indicates structural change near the towns of Afikpo and Ishiagu, indicating areas of documented intrusive igneous body activity. According to the quantitative interpretation of the aeromagmatic data, the average sedimentary thickness is between (2.3 and 3.2 kilometers) and Quantitative interpretation utilizing spectral analysis identifies two distinct depth sources in the region: shallower sources ranging from 1.09 to 1.6 kilometers in the southern portion of the research area, and deeper sources ranging from 1.61 to 4.90 kilometers in the northern section. Additionally, the research reveals that the depths to the centroid and magnetic bodies (sedimentary thicknesses) vary between 5.02 and 10.65 kilometers and 0.23 and 3.5 kilometers, respectively. It was recommended that a ground magnetic survey be used in conjunction with this work to provide a more conclusive result

    Bioactive metabolites in improved cowpea seeds

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    The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) has developed some pest and disease resistant cowpeas. From these the seeds of 8 cowpea cultivars were extracted with ethanol, and partitioned into chloroform and water-soluble fractions, the water-soluble fraction was further extracted with ethyl acetate. Residues from ethanol, chloroform and ethyl acetate soluble fractions for each of the 8 cowpea cultivars were screened against brine shrimp larvae. The seed extracts of cowpea cultivars IT93K – 596 – 9 – 12, IT90K – 277 – 2 and IT93K – 452 – 1 were found to be most active, indicating that they contain cytotoxic compound(s).African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 4 (6), pp. 513-516, 200


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    In this study, the solution to Klein-Gordon equations with focus on analytical methods is discussed. The analytical methods used in this research are the Variational Iteration Method (VIM) developed by Ji-Huan He, Adomian Decomposition Method (ADM) by Adomian and New Iterative Method (NIM) developed by Daftardar Gejji and Jafari. The modified Adomian Decomposition method by Wazwaz was used to solve the linear inhomogeneous and nonlinear Klein-Gordon equations to accelerate the convergence of the solution and minimizes the size of calculation while still maintaining high accuracy of the analytical solution. All the problems considered yield the exact solutions with few iterations. The solutions obtained were compared with the exact solution and the solutions obtained by other existing methods. The solutions obtained by the three methods yield the same results and all the problems considered show that the Variational Iteration Method, Adomian Decomposition Method and New Iterative Method are very powerful and potent in solving Klein-Gordon equations and can be used to obtain closed form solutions of linear and nonlinear differential equations (ordinary and partial)

    Taxonomic Classification and Suitability Evaluation of Selected Soils of Gboko for Yam and Cassava Production.

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    This study evaluated soil fertility status of Gboko-South in Gboko Local Government Area and their suitability for cassava and yam production. Auger point investigations were carried out at 100 m intervals along traverses spaced at 100 m apart. Three soil units were identified on the field based on soil colour, structure, textures, surface characteristics and topography. The results showed that the soil units were deep (102 – 141 cm) and well drained except unit I that was poorly drained. The soils were coarse-textured and slightly to moderately acidic in reaction with pH values which ranges from 5.38 – 6.50. They had low organic matter contents ranging from 0.20 to 0.95 % and high base saturation which ranged from 76 to 86 %. The soils were classified as Typic Epiaqualfs/Epigleyic Stagnosols, Arenic Haplustalfs/Eutric Luvisols, and Eutric Haplustept/Eutric Haplic Luvisols. Soils of unit I (Pedon I and II), unit II (Pedon III and IV) and unit III (Pedon V and VI) were evaluated to be moderately suitable for cassava and yam production.Keywords: Soil, Taxonomic classification, Suitability evaluation, Land suitability assessment, Yam and Cassava

    The Challenges and Panaceas to Power Distribution Losses in Nigeria

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    Energy losses in the distribution network and its subsystems have been issues of great concerns in Nigeria’s power sector. For decades, several studies have been conducted on the challenges facing the power sector in Nigeria with most focus directed on the distribution subsystems. The major challenge in the distribution system is the high energy losses which are detrimental to the techno-economic benefits of the power systems. However, details of the distribution system challenges and the probable solutions have not been efficiently presented. In this study, some of these challenges are presented and the potential solutions are proposed. The features of the Nigeria distribution network, the technical and non-technical sources of losses as well as the identified challenges are presented before discussing the potential solutions. The panaceas so provided were from the understanding of some published works and other related materials as well as the in-depth understanding of the authors. This article can serve as a guide for the utilities and stakeholders in the power sector for efficient management operations and improved customer service delivery

    3D printing and morphological characterisation of polymeric composite scaffolds

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    © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. This manuscript is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Licence http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/.3D-printing is an efficient method of designing customised structures and producing synthetic bone grafts appropriate for bone implants. This research aimed to manufacture a new multi-functionalised 3D-printed poly(lactic acid)/carbonated hydroxyapatite (PLA/cHA) scaffolds with mass proportions of 100/0, 95/5 and 90/10 in a bid to verify their potential application in tissue regeneration. The filaments of these hybrid materials were obtained by extrusion technique and subsequently used to manufacture the 3D-printed scaffolds, using a fused deposition modelling (FDM) technique. The scaffolds were characterised based on their thermal properties, microstructure and geometry by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS), respectively, in addition to determination of their apparent porosities. The degradation of the scaffolds and the liberation of degradation products were evaluated in in vitro for different days under simulated physiological conditions. New microanalyses of mechanical behaviour of the materials: tensile and compression stresses, density, frequency analysis and optimisation with DSC were performed. While, evaluation of the surface luminance structure and the profile structure of the nanostructured PLA composite materials was done by SEM, in 3D printed form. The filter profile of cross-sectional view of the specimen was extracted and evaluated with Firestone curve of the Gaussian filter; checking the roughness and waviness profile of the structure. It was observed that the thermal properties of the composites were not affected by the manufacturing process. The microstructural analysis showed the effective incorporation of the ceramic filler in the polymer matrix as well as an acceptable PLA/cHA interaction. The degradation tests showed the presence of calcium and phosphorus in the studied medium, confirming their liberation from the composites during the incubation periods.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio


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    Poverty is one of the greatest challenges facing the world today. This is because it is a major cause of ill-health by forcing people to live in dirty environments and a barrier to accessing health care, especially in the developing world. As a result of these, it was predicted that the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic will pose a devastating impact on households living beneath the economic, social, health and educational services thresholds. This impact will stem from the direct and indirect effects of the illness and the transmission control policies of governments. Consequently, this study assessed the COVID-19 preventive strategies adopted as well as the statistical relationship between the pre and post-lockdown household income poverty in Minna, Nigeria. The study similarly developed a predictive model for the nexus between poverty headcount ratio and the incidence of COVID-19 in Nigeria. Both the primary and secondary sources of data were employed for this study and the data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics (t-Test and regression techniques). The outcome showed that there exists a statistically significant difference between the pre-lockdown poverty rate and the post-lockdown poverty rate in Minna. The study also revealed that for each unit increase in poverty headcount ratio, the incidences of COVID-19 cases and its fatalities decreases by -42.5625 and -0.56077 units respectively. The study, therefore, recommended the domestication of the existing social intervention programmes of the Federal Government, by States Governments in order to enhance the standard of living of more households. It was also recommended that all stakeholders most partake in enlightenment and sensitization programmes on the need to adopt preventive measures to guard against the transmission of the virus

    Blood biochemistry and haematology of weaner rabbits fed sun-dried, ensiled, and fermented cassava peel-based diets

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    Twenty-four New Zealand white × Chinchilla weaner bucks, aged between 7 and 8 weeks and averaging 0.9 kg in weight, were divided into four groups of six each and used in a 12-week feeding trial to evaluate the blood biochemistry and haematology of rabbits fed sun-dried, ensiled, and fermented cassava peel-based diets. The test diets designated A, B, C and D were completely randomised. Diet A, the control, was a 16.18 per cent CP (crude protein) weaner ration formulated from maize, maize offals, soya bean meal, blood meal, oyster shell, bone meal, vitamin premix, and common salt. Diets B, C and D were also weaner rations of, respectively, 16.10, 16.20 and 16.08 per cent CP in which 10 per cent maize of the control diet was replaced, respectively, with sun-dried, ensiled and fermented cassava peels. The diets were roughly iso-caloric. The haematological components of the study included packed cell volume (PCV), white blood cells (WBC), neutrophil (N), and lymphocytes (L). The biochemical parameters were serum creatinine, urea, bilirubin (total and conjugated), serum glutamic transaminase (SGPT), serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT), eosinophil, and blood sugar. Liver and kidney weights were also monitored. The results showed that PCV, WBC, N and L were affected (P0.05) among rabbits fed different dietary treatments. Vingt-quatre lapins mâles en sevrage de l\'espèce de Nouvelle - Zélande blanc × Chinchilla agé de 7 à 8 semaines et de poids moyen de 0.9 kg étaient divisés en 4 groups de 6 lapins chacun et employés dans un essai d\'alimentation de 12 semaines pour évaluer la biochimie et l\'hématologie de sang de lapins nourris de régimes à base de pelure de manioc séchée de soleil, ensilées et fermentée. Les régimes d\'essai classés A, B, C et D étaient complètement choisis au hasard. Le régime A, le contrôle, était une ration de sevrage avec 16.18% de CP (protéine brute) formulée de maïs, déchets de maïs, farine de graine de soja, farine sanguine, coquille d\'huître, engrais de cendres d\'os, vitamine prémix et sel ordinaire. Les régimes B, C et D étaient aussi des rations de sevrage, respectivement, avec 16.10, 16.20 et 16.08% de CP enquel 10% de maïs du régime de contrôle était remplacé par les pelures de manioc, respectivement, séchée de soleil, ensilées et fermentée. Les régimes étaient approximativement iso-cloriques. Les éléments hématologiques de l\'étude comprenaient la volume de cellule tassée (VCT), le globule sanguin blanc (GSB), le neutrophile (N) et les lymphocytes (L). Les paramètres biochimiques étaient le sérum créatinine, l\'urée, la bilirubine (totale et conjuguée), le sérum glutamique transaminase (SGPT), le sérum glutamique oxaloacétique transaminase (SGOT), l\'éosinophile et le sucre dans le sang. Les poids de foie et de rein étaient également suivis de près. Les résultats montraient que VCT, GSB, les neutrophiles et les lymphocytes étaient modifiés (
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