67 research outputs found

    Outburst Behaviour of the Dwarf Nova CG Draconis

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    During the British Astronomical Association (BAA) 2022 campaign, 27436 photometric observations of the dwarf nova (DN) CG Draconis were made, with 106 eclipses recorded. This work summarizes the new data available and provides updated ephemeris and commentary on the observed eclipse profiles. The orbital period found is P_orb = 4h31m38s +/- 1s. Two types of quasi-periodic outbursts are identified: normal outbursts, of Delta V of approximately 1.25 mag amplitude, and bright, of Delta V of approximately 1.5 mag. The pattern resembles superoutbursts of SU UMa-type DNe, however, no presence of superhumps characterizing these DNe was found. Given CG Dra is located above the period gap, it may represent a new intermediary subtype between SS Cyg and SU UMa-type stars, or provide support to superoutburst models that do not rely on eccentric accretion disks.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomische Nachrichte

    Main directions digitalization in the higher education in the world and Russia (based on the example of physical culture and sports)

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    On the basis of the analysis of scientific research, we have made an attempt to determine the main directions of the development of digitalization in the system of higher education in the field of physical culture and sports in Russia for the next decade. In our opinion, four main areas of use of modern digitalization in physical culture and sports can be distinguished: in the educational process; in the process of sports training; in the process of competition; in health improving physical cultur

    Legal protection of life and health of a child: interbranch problems

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    The current study considered the problems of legal protection of a child’s life and health before and after birth, analyzed Russian and foreign legislation, it was proposed to consolidate the fundamental principles of international law in the legislation of Russian Federation, and it was provided the human embryo protectio

    Influence of skiing on the health of students living in environmentally disadvantaged areas

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    Систематические регулярные тренировочные занятия лыжным спортом являются специфической адаптацией и играют важную роль в предупреждении отклонений в физическом развитии студентов при воздействии экологически неблагоприятных факторо

    Grape selection for resistance to biotic and abiotic environmental factors

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    Most of the viticultural regions of the USSR are located under conditions of limiting biotic and abiotic factors, with frosts, drought, fungal diseases, phylloxera, mites, grape berry moths and some others being of primary importance. The main breeding organizations have been creating for more than 40 years new table and wine cultivars with complex resistance according to long-term programs. These cultivars are own-rooted and capable of wintering in outdoor culture with a limited amount of spray treatments, if any. In crossing, Amur grape and its hybrids, cultivars Seibel and Seyve Villard and some others are used as donors of resistance. Using biophysical and cytoembryological methods, gametes are treated with physical and chemical mutagenic factors in order to increase the variability range of F(1) seedlings, aiming at higher efficiency of selection. The process of selection is accelerated if seedlings are grown hydroponically. Analysis of the F(1) hybrid population determines the nature of the inheritance of valuable agricultural characters and the selection of pairs. The in vitro method is used when seedlings are grown from non-vital seeds, callus embryoids and in accelerated propagation of valuable genotypes providing virus and bacteria elimination. More than 50 cultivars with complex resistance have been bred during 35 years. More than 10 of them have been recommended for culture (Moldova, Lyana, Vostorg, Sukholimanski biely, Pervenets Magaracha, and others), while the remainder are being tested in different viticultural regions of the Soviet Union

    Evaluation of interspecific populations of grapevine in breeding for complex resistance to fungal diseases and phylloxera

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    Roentgenoscopy was used as a method to determine the quality of hybrid seeds and to predict the development of viable plants from interspecific hybridization. The seeds were grouped into five classes of quality (embryo classes) depending on embryo size and degree of endosperm development As the index number of a class increased, the proportion of plantlets and vigorous plants produced also increased. In order to evaluate genotypic peculiarities of the original forms and seedlings, the seedlings were studied at the juvenile stage of ontogeny. Analysis of development of the hybrids studied during 5-6 years under conditions of complex infection pressure at a special planting site made it possible to evaluate the degree of their resistance to phylloxera, pathogenic soil microflora and fungal diseases and to eliminate susceptible genotypes. The heritability of resistance to fungal diseases (mildew, oidium, grey rot) and phylloxera was studied, conclusions were made concerning the combining ability of the original forms, and these forms were evaluated as donors of the desirable characters. Using transgressive resistant hybrids as donors in backcrossing provided improved quality with a broad range of resistance variability, which made it possible to select promising genotypes

    The role of plastid genes in a heterosis effect and the formation of morphophysiological traits in sunflower plants

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    Background. The problem of nucleus-plastid interactions is obviously of theoretical and practical importance. However, the lack of knowledge in this area of plant research is, for the most part, caused by difficulties in isolating the contribution of the plastome to the formation of complex morphophysiological traits from the total genotypic variability. The current study employed a convenient model for studying the fundamental problem of interaction between the nucleus and plastid genomes.Materials and methods. The genetic model incorporated chlorophylldeficient sunflower mutant lines with extranuclear inheritance, developed on the genetic basis of a single inbred line. Various traits were measured in hybrids and parents, such as growth rate, plant height, inflorescence width, 1000 seed weight, chlorophyll content, seed oil content, etc.Results and conclusion. While crossing extranuclear mutant lines with wild sunflower, a heterosis effect was observed for such traits as plant height and leaf size, regardless of the low chlorophyll content in F1 hybrids. The growth rates of hybrids depended on the crossing combination: from an 86% excess (en:chlorina-7 maternal line) to complete absence of the heterosis effect (en:chlorina-6 maternal line). The results obtained witness to a significant contribution of cytogenes to the control over the trait. The inflorescence width and 1000 seed weight in all hybrid combinations (except en:chlorina-3) had similar quantitative characteristics as in the maternal mutant lines, and significantly exceeded the paternal form (wild sunflower). Consequently, plastid genes, along with nuclear ones, participate in the expression of these phenotypic traits. As for the oil content in seeds, no heterosis effect was observed in the hybrids

    Genome-wide analysis of genetic diversity and artificial selection in Large White pigs in Russia

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    Breeding practices adopted at different farms are aimed at maximizing the profitability of pig farming. In this work, we have analyzed the genetic diversity of Large White pigs in Russia. We compared genomes of historic and modern Large White Russian breeds using 271 pig samples. We have identified 120 candidate regions associated with the differentiation of modern and historic pigs and analyzed genomic differences between the modern farms. The identified genes were associated with height, fitness, conformation, reproductive performance, and meat quality

    K 1-6: an asymmetric planetary nebula with a binary central star

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    We present new imaging data and archival multiwavelength observations of the little studied emission nebula K 1-6 and its central star. Narrow-band images in H-alpha (+ [NII]) and [OIII] taken with the Faulkes Telescope North reveal a stratified, asymmetric, elliptical nebula surrounding a central star which has the colours of a late G- or early K-type subgiant or giant. GALEX ultraviolet images reveal a very hot subdwarf or white dwarf coincident in position with this star. The cooler, optically dominant star is strongly variable with a period of 21.312 +/- 0.008 days, and is possibly a high amplitude member of the RS CVn class, although an FK Com classification is also possible. Archival ROSAT data provide good evidence that the cool star has an active corona. We conclude that K 1-6 is most likely an old bona fide planetary nebula at a distance of ~1.0 kpc, interacting with the interstellar medium, and containing a binary or ternary central star. The observations and data analyses reported in this paper were conducted in conjunction with Year 11 high school students as part of an Australian Research Council Linkage Grant science education project, denoted Space To Grow, conducted jointly by professional astronomers, educational researchers, teachers, and high-school students.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, accepted by the Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia (PASA

    The Role Played by The Funds of The Concerns Should be Increased

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    Making workers interested in the results of their work through material incentives is very important. This is realized in the USSR through the existing system of wages, the use of profits, various kinds of remuneration and bonuses. Among these forms an important role belongs to the funds of the concern for the improvement of the cultural and living conditions of workers and for the improvement of production. In 1956 the total of these funds amounted to 3,500 million rubles of which two billion rubles were those of industrial concerns. At the First Ballbearing Plant 3.5 million rubles were set aside as the fund of the plant. These 3.5 million rubles and the balance from the preceding years were used as follows: construction of buildings for the kindergarten; 425,000 rubles for workers' vacations, 325,000 rubles for individual needs and 1.1 million rubles for bonuses. With money from such a fund the Moscow Caliber Plant built a pioneer camp, bought equipment for its polyclinics, Club and "Red Corner" (700,000 rubles); 800,000 rubles were spent on bonuses. Great possibilities now exist for using this fund for housing construction. (In Gorky such expenses on housing constituted 7% of the total sum appropriated in the region for this purpose.)