62 research outputs found

    Measuring students’ Time Perspective and Time on Task in GBL activities

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    Computer-based learning in general and Game Based Learning (GBL) in particular are becoming widely used in lifelong learning institutions and business schools. However, instructional and research design of these environments is still in a process of adaptation, due to the novelty of the GBL methodology and the initial stage of research studies in the field. One of the key factors in understanding these learning contexts is the time factor, defined both as an objective dimension (Time-on-Task; ToT) and as a subjective, psychological variable (Time Perspective; TP).The purpose of this paper is to discuss how to measure these two temporal variables in computer-based learning activities. In particular, we will raise the question of which techniques and methodologies are being used to measure these temporal variables in computer-based learning and GBL, and we will further discuss these methodologies in order to propose an suitable methodology that could be useful for researchers. For this purpose, an exhaustive literature review on time measurement in the learning sciences was conducted. The outcomes of the study aim to draw a usable methodology for measuring both TP and ToT in computer-based educational contexts. Results of this study could be of interest for researchers and practitioners in the field of computer-based learning when designing and implementing time measures in the learning process

    Géographie et anthropologie. Deux regards complémentaires pour l’étude des territoires des populations traditionnelles d’Amazonie brésilienne

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    Anthropologie et géographie se retrouvent facilement autour des notions d'espace et de territoire.Pourtant, si des spécialistes de chacune des deux disciplines ont pu utiliser des notions développées par l'autre, les études en commun sont peu nombreuses.Nous montrons dans cet article comment les populations traditionnelles d'Amazonie brésilienne sont à la fois un objet particulièrement intéressant pour ce double regard, et comment des études pluridisciplinaires sont indispensables pour restituer tous les enjeux qui leur sont attachés. Ce présupposé constitue le point de départ du groupe de recherche USART et la base d'un engagement qui va au delà de la simple observation scientifique.Anthropology and geography share common interests such as space or territory. But, even if specialists from each of the two disciplines have used concepts derived from the other, common work on the same topics are scare. We show in this paper that the traditional communities of the Brazilian Amazon region are a very interesting object for such pluridisciplinary studies. Furthermore, the geographical/anthropological perspective is necessary if the objective is a full understanding of what is at stake within those social groups. Those arguments are at the core of the USART research team, and they also constitute the basis of our commitment with these populations, which goes beyond the simple scientific observation


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    في السياق التعليمي الحالي, أصبح استخدام تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات (TIC) بعد الوباء أكثر أهمية. هناك وعي متزايد بالحاجة إلى تعزيز اكتساب كفاءة التدريس الرقمي (CDD) وتقييمها. وقد بذلت محاولات لقياس وتقييم التنمية المجتمعية باستخدام تقنيات وأدوات مختلفة, ولكن لا توجد حتى الآن أداة محددة لقياسها لدى معلمي التعليم الثانوي في التدريب الأولي. الهدف من هذا العمل هو التحقق من صحة أداة لتقييم موضوعي معرفة CDD لمعلمي التعليم الثانوي في المستقبل. وبالتالي, في هذا العمل, تم تكييف أداة COMDID-C الحالية, المستخدمة, مع معلمي المستقبل, والتحقق من صحتها. وفي المرحلة الأولى, تم تكييف الأداة مع سياق التعليم الثانوي, بمشاركة 21 خبيرا في هذا المجال. وفي المرحلة التجريبية الثانية, أجاب على الاختبار 667 معلماً في التعليم الثانوي قيد التدريب. على الرغم من أن تحليل الموثوقية أظهر نتائج ألفا الترتيبية التي تشير إلى أن العوامل ليس لديها اتساق داخلي جيد, إلا أنه يمكن تفسير ذلك لأن التحليل تم إجراؤه باستخدام أزواج من الأسئلة العشوائية, ولم يكن من الممكن إنشاء نظام آخر للتكافؤلتحليلك.على أية حال, ومع الأخذ في الاعتبار الاتساق الداخلي, يمكن ملاحظة أن الأداة تحافظ على هيكل مماثل للأداة السابقة. ستسمح لنا هذه الأداة بمعرفة مهارات التطوير المهني لمعلمي المستقبل, وفي الوقت نفسه ستسمح لنا بالتفكير في مستوى تدريبهم, سواء في البداية أو الخروج, وبناء على هذه البيانات، تصميم وتكييف خطط التدريب من أجل تحسين اكتساب هذه الكفاءةEducation has become even more dependent on information and communication technologies (ICT) in post-pandemic era, and there is a growing awareness of the need to promote and assess teachers’ digital competence. Different tools have been used to try to measure and assess digital competence, but there is still no specific tool that can measure it among secondary school teachers completing their initial training. The aim of this paper is to validate a tool that is able to objectively assess the digital competence and knowledge of future secondary school teachers. We adapt and validate the existing tool known as COMDID-C, currently used for future primary school teachers. First, 21 experts in the field worked on adapting the tool to suit secondary education; Second pilot phase, 667 trainee secondary school teachers completed the test. The reliability analysis yielded ordinal alpha results indicating that the factors are not wholly internally consistent. However, this may be attributed that the analysis was carried out on the basis of randomised pairs of questions, without the possibility of establishing any other system of equivalence. In any case, bearing in mind the internal consistency, it is clear that the tool’s structure is comparable to that of its predecessor. This tool will make it possible to ascertain future teachers’ digital competence and reflect on their level of training at the start and at the end. It will also mean we can use this data to design and adapt training plans that improve the acquisition of these digital skills.El uso de las TIC después de la pandemia ha tomado importancia. Cada vez existe más conciencia de la necesidad de fomentar la adquisición de la Competencia Digital Docente (CDD) y así mismo de su evaluación. La CDD se ha intentado medir y evaluar con diferentes técnicas e instrumentos, pero todavía no existe una herramienta específica para medirla en docentes de educación secundaria en formación inicial. En este trabajo se adapta y valida la herramienta COMDID-C para medir evaluación de futuros maestros a docentes de educación secundaria en formación inicial. En una primera fase se realizó la adaptación del instrumento al contexto de educación secundaria, con la participación de 21 expertos en la materia. En una segunda fase piloto, 667 docentes de educación secundaria en formación respondieron la prueba. Aunque el análisis de fiabilidad arrojó resultados del alfa ordinal que indican que los factores no tienen buena consistencia interna, se puede explicar debido a que el análisis se realizó a partir de pares de preguntas aleatorizadas, no pudiéndose establecer ningún otro sistema de equivalencias para su análisis. En cualquier caso, y teniendo en cuenta la consistencia interna, se puede constatar que el instrumento mantiene una estructura equiparable al instrumento predecesor. Esta herramienta permitirá conocer la CDD de los futuros docentes, al mismo tiempo permitirá reflexionar sobre el nivel, tanto de partida o salida, de la formación de estos, y a partir de estos datos diseñar y adecuar los planes de formación para una mejor adquisición de esta competencia.A utilização das tecnologias da informação e da comunicação (TIC) após a pandemia tornou-se ainda mais importante. Existe uma consciência crescente da necessidade de fomentar a aquisição da Competência Digital Docente (CDD) e também a sua avaliação. Foram feitas tentativas para medir e avaliar a CDD com diferentes instrumentos, mas ainda não existe uma ferramenta específica para a medir em professores do ensino secundário em formação inicial. O objetivo deste trabalho é validar um instrumento para avaliar objetivamente os conhecimentos da CDD dos futuros professores do ensino secundário. Neste trabalho, adapta-se e valida-se a ferramenta COMDID-C existente, utilizada com futuros professores. O instrumento foi adaptado ao contexto do ensino secundário, com a participação de 21 peritos na matéria. Numa fase piloto, 667 professores de ensino secundário em formação fizeram o teste. Embora a análise de fiabilidade tenha produzido resultados do alfa ordinal que indicam que os fatores não têm uma boa consistência interna, tal pode ser explicado análise ter sido realizada com base em pares de perguntas aleatórias, não tendo sido possível estabelecer qualquer outro sistema de equivalência para a sua análise. Em todo o caso, e tendo em conta a consistência interna, pode-se constatar que o instrumento mantém uma estrutura comparável à do instrumento antecessor. Esta ferramenta permitirá conhecer a CDD dos futuros professores e permitirá refletir sobre o nível, tanto de partida como de saída, da sua formação e, com base nestes dados, conceber e adequar os planos de formação para uma melhor aquisição desta competência.A utilização das tecnologias da informação e da comunicação (TIC) após a pandemia tornou-se ainda mais importante. Existe uma consciência crescente da necessidade de fomentar a aquisição da Competência Digital Docente (CDD) e também a sua avaliação. Foram feitas tentativas para medir e avaliar a CDD com diferentes instrumentos, mas ainda não existe uma ferramenta específica para a medir em professores do ensino secundário em formação inicial. O objetivo deste trabalho é validar um instrumento para avaliar objetivamente os conhecimentos da CDD dos futuros professores do ensino secundário. Neste trabalho, adapta-se e valida-se a ferramenta COMDID-C existente, utilizada com futuros professores. O instrumento foi adaptado ao contexto do ensino secundário, com a participação de 21 peritos na matéria. Numa fase piloto, 667 professores de ensino secundário em formação fizeram o teste. Embora a análise de fiabilidade tenha produzido resultados do alfa ordinal que indicam que os fatores não têm uma boa consistência interna, tal pode ser explicado análise ter sido realizada com base em pares de perguntas aleatórias, não tendo sido possível estabelecer qualquer outro sistema de equivalência para a sua análise. Em todo o caso, e tendo em conta a consistência interna, pode-se constatar que o instrumento mantém uma estrutura comparável à do instrumento antecessor. Esta ferramenta permitirá conhecer a CDD dos futuros professores e permitirá refletir sobre o nível, tanto de partida como de saída, da sua formação e, com base nestes dados, conceber e adequar os planos de formação para uma melhor aquisição desta competência.在现在的教育环境下,即使是在疫情结束后,信息通讯技术的使用仍然承担着重要的作用。与此同时,教师数字化能力的获取及评估意识也在日益加强。现已有测量和评估教师数字化能力的工具众多,可针对处在培养初期的未来中等教育教师数字化能力的测量工具却一个也没有。所以该研究的主要目的是验证一项对未来中等教育教师的数字化能力进行客观评估的工具。研究对已存在的COMDID-C工具进行调整和验证,来对未来教师的数字化能力进行测量。在研究的第一阶段,根据中等教育背景,由21名专家参与对工具进行调整。在研究的第二拓展阶段,667名仍处在学习阶段的未来中学教师参与了实验。研究信度分析中的定序变量结果显示因素间缺少内部一致性,导致该结果的原因很明确,就是分析样本由随机性问题组成,无法建立对等系统进行分析,但即便如此,通过内部一致性,也可以证实研究使用的调整工具与原工具保持结构一致性。这项工具不但让我们对未来教师数字化能力得到了解,还同时允许我们对这些未来教师在培养初期及培养结束时的水平进行反思。因此,研究可以在这些数据的基础上,调整设计出能够更好地提高教师数字化能力的培养计

    Tecnologias Digitais e Inteligência Artificial: evidências da sua eficácia na educação

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    The incorporation of digital technologies (DT) in educational processes is a reality, especially after the COVID-19 crisis and the expansion of Artificial Intelligence (AI). But still, the use of these technologies raises questions, above all, regarding their effectiveness in educational terms. This editorial article aims to reflect on the role of technologies in general, and AI in particular, in the current educational context. To this end, it examines international evidence on the subject for different educational levels. This review considers the most commonly used tools, modalities and pedagogical strategies that best accompany the use of these technologies in education. Finally, concrete ideas are proposed to effectively integrate the different DT and to understand the transversal role of AI, both in the teaching-learning and administrative processes, so that this can benefit the roles involved.La incorporación de las tecnologías digitales (TD) en los procesos educativos es una realidad, sobre todo tras la crisis del COVID-19 y la expansión de la Inteligencia Artificial (IA). Aun así, el uso de estas tecnologías plantea preguntas, sobre todo, en cuanto a su eficacia en términos educativos. Este artículo-editorial pretende reflexionar sobre el papel de las tecnologías en general, y de la IA en concreto, dentro del contexto educativo actual. Para ello, se examinan las evidencias internacionales sobre el tema para los diferentes niveles educativos. Esta revisión contempla las herramientas más utilizadas, las modalidades y las estrategias pedagógicas que mejor acompañan el uso de estas tecnologías en educación. Finalmente, se proponen indicaciones concretas para integrar, de manera efectiva, las diferentes TD y a entender el rol transversal de la IA, tanto en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje, como en los administrativos, y que pueda beneficiar a los roles implicados.A incorporação de tecnologias digitais (TD) nos processos educacionais é uma realidade, principalmente após a crise da COVID-19 e a expansão da Inteligência Artificial (IA). Ainda assim, a utilização destas tecnologias levanta questões, sobretudo, no tocante à sua eficácia em termos educativos. Este artigo editorial pretende refletir sobre o papel das tecnologias em geral, e da IA ​​em particular, no contexto educacional atual. Com esse intuito, são examinadas as evidências internacionais sobre o tema para diferentes níveis educacionais. Esta revisão abrange as ferramentas, modalidades e estratégias pedagógicas mais utilizadas que melhor acompanham o uso dessas tecnologias na educação. Por último, são propostas indicações concretas para integrar eficazmente as diferentes TDs e compreender o papel transversal da IA, tanto nos processos de ensino-aprendizagem quanto nos administrativos, para que isso possa beneficiar as funções envolvidas

    La previsió del temps als mitjans de comunicació

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    Conferència realitzada el Dissabte, 15 de Febrer de 2020La idea és explicar quin és el paper dels meteoròlegs dins dels mitjans de comunicació. Quines són les eines de les que disposem per fer la previsió, la nostra formació i coneixement, i que s'espera de nosaltres. Al final farem un apunt relacionat amb l'emergència climàtica, ja que avui en dia és un dels temes claus

    Learning through playing for or against each other? Promoting collaborative learning in digital game based learning

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    The process of learning through Game Based Learning (GBL) presents both positive aspects and challenges to be faced in order to support the achievement of learning goals and knowledge creation. This study aims to characterise game dynamics in the adoption of multi-player GBL. In particular, we examine the multi-player GBL dynamics may enhance collaborative learning through a relation of positive interdependence while at the same time maintaining a certain level of competition for ensuring multi-player GBL gameplay. The first section of the paper introduces collaborative GBL and describes the combination of intragroup dynamics of cooperation and positive interdependence and an intergroup dynamic of competition to maintain gameplay. The second part of the paper describes two multi-player GBL scenarios: the multi-player game with interpersonal competition and the multiplayer game with intergroup competition. For each scenario a case analysis of existing collaborative games is provided, which may help instructional and game designers when defining the collaborative GBL dynamics. Technological requirements and best practices in the use of collaborative GBL are described in the last sections

    Individual and collaborative Performance and Level of Certainty in MetaVals

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    In the context of Higher Education (HE) in general, and management education in particular, the use of Serious Games (SG) is spreading, and solutions are increasingly developing. Nevertheless, the implementation of this learning methodology deserves further study, in particular concerning pedagogical and psychological aspects such game performance and players’ metacognitive processes. This paper aims to study the relation among these two variables, based on the review of the results of MetaVals SG during the last 3 years. MetaVals is a collaborative, computer-based SG designed to facilitate collaboration and metacognitive awareness among HE students. It has been played by 250 students in 16 different experiences since its first version, in 2011. Overall results show a higher performance for collaborative than individual phases of the game, furthermore, students’ elicitation of their Level of Certainty (LC), although not significantly, could be related to a better performance. These results can be a basis for further studies focused on the implementation of collaborative GBL in formal and informal adult learning contexts. However, some challenges are also identified and discussed on the present version of MetaVals game, and solutions are proposed in order to continue with the design of SGs for wider application and learners’ needs in the current contexts

    La evaluación de la competencia digital docente: construcción de un instrumento para medir los conocimientos de futuros docentes

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    Assessing competences always poses a challenge and can be even more complicated when tackling a multidimensional competence like teacher digital competence (TDC). TDC is understood to consist of different dimensions linked to its components. This complexity gives rise to the need to organize and systematize both TDC training and its evaluation through a standard based on validated benchmark indicators. Designing and developing an instrument for TDC assessment has been a two-phase process. The COMDID-A self-assessment tool was developed in the first phase and COMDID-C, an instrument for assessing knowledge related to TDC, in the second. In this article we present the process of constructing the COMDID-C instrument. For this first stage, we worked with two samples, an expert validation and a pilot test sample. Due to the complexity of the test, we conducted a preliminary evaluation of the validity of its content, construction and reliability. Our results indicate that the test is well designed and consistent with its intended purpose. The next step will be administering the test to a larger sample that will allow the instrument to be externally validated.La evaluación de competencias siempre supone un reto y más si tenemos que abordar una competencia multidimensional como la competencia digital docente (CDD). La CDD la entendemos organizada en diferentes dimensiones vinculadas a sus componentes. De esta complejidad se deriva la necesidad de organizar y sistematizar tanto la formación en CDD como su la evaluación mediante un estándar basado en indicadores de referencia que estén contrastados. Diseñar y desarrollar un instrumento para la evaluación de la CDD ha sido un proceso en dos fases. En la primera, se ha desarrollado un instrumento de autoevaluación COMDID-A y en la segunda COMDID-C, un instrumento para la evaluación de conocimientos vinculados a la CDD. En este artículo presentamos la construcción de COMDID-C. Para esta primera fase se trabaja con dos muestras, una para la validación de expertos y otra para el test piloto. Debido a la complejidad de la prueba se realiza un primer cálculo de la validez de contenido, constructo y fiabilidad. Los resultados indican que es una prueba que está bien diseñada y es coherente con el objetivo que se propone. El siguiente paso será la aplicación de la herramienta en una muestra mayor que permita validar externamente el instrumento.Research funded by AGAUR. ADEDIM project: Avaluació i certificació de la competència digital docent en la formació inicial de mestres: una proposta de model per al sistema universitari català (Ref. 2017ARMIF00031)

    Tecnologias Digitais e Inteligência Artificial: evidências da sua eficácia na educação

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    The incorporation of digital technologies (DT) in educational processes is a reality, especially after the COVID-19 crisis and the expansion of Artificial Intelligence (AI). But still, the use of these technologies raises questions, above all, regarding their effectiveness in educational terms. This editorial article aims to reflect on the role of technologies in general, and AI in particular, in the current educational context. To this end, it examines international evidence on the subject for different educational levels. This review considers the most commonly used tools, modalities and pedagogical strategies that best accompany the use of these technologies in education. Finally, concrete ideas are proposed to effectively integrate the different DT and to understand the transversal role of AI, both in the teaching-learning and administrative processes, so that this can benefit the roles involved.La incorporación de las tecnologías digitales (TD) en los procesos educativos es una realidad, sobre todo tras la crisis del COVID-19 y la expansión de la Inteligencia Artificial (IA). Aun así, el uso de estas tecnologías plantea preguntas, sobre todo, en cuanto a su eficacia en términos educativos. Este artículo-editorial pretende reflexionar sobre el papel de las tecnologías en general, y de la IA en concreto, dentro del contexto educativo actual. Para ello, se examinan las evidencias internacionales sobre el tema para los diferentes niveles educativos. Esta revisión contempla las herramientas más utilizadas, las modalidades y las estrategias pedagógicas que mejor acompañan el uso de estas tecnologías en educación. Finalmente, se proponen indicaciones concretas para integrar, de manera efectiva, las diferentes TD y a entender el rol transversal de la IA, tanto en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje, como en los administrativos, y que pueda beneficiar a los roles implicados.A incorporação de tecnologias digitais (TD) nos processos educacionais é uma realidade, principalmente após a crise da COVID-19 e a expansão da Inteligência Artificial (IA). Ainda assim, a utilização destas tecnologias levanta questões, sobretudo, no tocante à sua eficácia em termos educativos. Este artigo editorial pretende refletir sobre o papel das tecnologias em geral, e da IA ​​em particular, no contexto educacional atual. Com esse intuito, são examinadas as evidências internacionais sobre o tema para diferentes níveis educacionais. Esta revisão abrange as ferramentas, modalidades e estratégias pedagógicas mais utilizadas que melhor acompanham o uso dessas tecnologias na educação. Por último, são propostas indicações concretas para integrar eficazmente as diferentes TDs e compreender o papel transversal da IA, tanto nos processos de ensino-aprendizagem quanto nos administrativos, para que isso possa beneficiar as funções envolvidas


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