41 research outputs found

    Living with ERP: A Sand Clock Model of End User Problems

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    Although a number of studies highlighted problems related to ERP systems, most of these studies focus on the problems during the project and implementation stages but not during the post-implementation process. Problems encountered in the process of using ERP would hinder the effective exploitation and the extended and continued use of ERP systems and their value to organisations. This paper investigates the different types of problems (operational, supervisory and managerial) users faced in using ERP. The paper adopts a qualitative method and uses data collected from two cases and 26 interviews to inductively develop a theoretical model in classifying ERP usage problems. A sand clock model of ERP usage problem is formulated to classify the identified problems into data quality, system quality, interface and infrastructure. The theoretical contribution of this paper is in gaining deeper insight on the impediments to effective use of ERP. From the practical point of view, this paper could assist managers to reach the sources of problems encountered by end-users and overcoming them

    “Zonas de pasaje” y literacidades en la educación superior

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    En este artículo, reflexionamos sobre la enseñanza de la lectura y la escritura en los cursos o seminarios de ingreso de la educación superior. Para ello, en primer lugar, presentamos un breve recorrido histórico que nos permite repasar los enfoques desde donde se plantea la enseñanza de la lectura y la escritura en el nivel secundario y en el nivel universitario, desde la década de 1990. En segundo lugar, revisamos la génesis de la noción “zonas de pasaje”, acuñada por Gustavo Bombini (2009), y la entramamos con los desarrollos teóricos de la perspectiva de los Nuevos Estudios de Literacidad. Para finalizar, planteamos la posibilidad de repensar los seminarios de ingreso desde un marco integral que habilite diálogos entre perspectivas socioculturales, dado que podrían impactar positivamente en las oportunidades de ingreso y permanencia de los y las estudiantes en los estudios superiores

    Gambaran Pengaruh Kejadian Stres pada Gangguan Menstruasi Mahasiswi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Kristen Indonesia Angkatan 2019-2021

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    Gangguan menstruasi secara umum terjadi selama beberapa tahun pertama menstruasi. Yang paling sering dikeluhkan oleh remaja putri ketika menstruasi antara lain terlambat menstruasi, menstruasi tidak teratur, nyeri perut, perdarahan yang tidak normal, bahkan tidak terdapat haid sama sekali. Di antara faktor yang dapat berpengaruh pada menstruasi yaitu stres. Stres merupakan suatu pergantian ataupun gangguan emosional yang diakibatkan oleh stressor. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menggambarkan pengaruh kejadian stress pada gangguan menstruasi yang di alami oleh mahasiswi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Kristen Indonesia angkatan 2019-2021. Metode yang dipakai di sini yaitu penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif melalui pendekatan cross sectional yang terdiri dari 196 responden. Instrumen penelitiannya berupa kuesioner yang berisikan sejumlah pertanyaan yang sudah diuji validitas serta reliabilitasnya. Hasilnya memperlihatkan bahwasanya pada penelitian mengenai tingkat stres menunjukan 61 responden (31,10%) mengalami tingkat stres sedang, 57 responden (29,10%) mengalami stres berat, 23 responden (11,70 %) mengalami tingkat stres ringan, 20 responden (10,20 %) mengalami tingkat stres sangat berat, serta sebanyak 35 responden (17,90 %) sisanya tidak mengalami stres. Hasil penelitian gangguan menstruasi menunjukan bahwa 10 responden (5,10%) mengalami keterlambatan menarche, sebanyak 16 responden (8,20%) mengalami polimenorrhea, 18 responden (9,20%) lainnya mengalami oligomenorrhea, sebanyak 114 responden (58,20%) mengalami hypomenorrhea, lalu Sebagian kecil atau 3 responden (2,00%) mengalami menorrhagia, 158 mahasiswi (80,60 %) mengalami gejala dysmenorrhea. Kesimpulan pada penelitian ini yaitu terdapat mahasiswi paling banyak mengalami stres sedang dan dysmenorrhea. Kata Kunci: Tingkat stres, Gangguan menstruasi. / Menstrual disorders are most common during the first few years of menstruation. Complaints that are most often experienced by adolescent girls during menstruation include late menstruation, irregular menstruation, abdominal pain, abnormal bleeding, and even no menstruation at all. One of the factors that can affect menstruation is stress. Stress is an alternation or emotional disturbance caused by stressors. This study aims to determine the effect of stressful events on menstrual disorders experienced by female students of the Faculty of Medicine, Christian University of Indonesia class of 2019-2021. The method used in this research is quantitative descriptive research with a cross sectional approach consisting of 196 respondents. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire containing questions that had been tested for validity and reliability. The results of this study showed that 61 respondents (31.10%) experienced moderate stress, 57 respondents (29.10%) experienced severe stress, 23 respondents (11.70%) experienced mild stress, 20 respondents (10.20%) experienced very severe stress, and the remaining 35 respondents (17.90%) did not experience stress. The results of the study of menstrual disorders showed that 10 respondents (5.10%) experienced delayed menarche, as many as 16 respondents (8.20%) experienced polymenorrhea, 18 respondents (9.20%) experienced oligomenorrhea, 114 respondents (58.20%) experienced hypomenorrhea, then a small portion or 3 respondents (2.00%) experienced menorrhagia, 158 female students (80.60%) experienced symptoms of dysmenorrhea. The conclusion of this study is that there are female students who experience stress with moderate level and dysmenorrhea. Keyword: Stress level, menstrual disorder

    Encuentros desde el interior con el mundo : la pintura como diálogo

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    Este proyecto da cuenta de las reflexiones plásticas y conceptuales que he tenido en los últimos cuatro años en mi experiencia plástica con la pintura. En esta experiencia, surgieron tres momentos diferentes que correspondían con mi situación personal y mi experiencia de aprendizaje con el mundo. De esta manera, planteo una primera etapa que denomino como el pensar-me, la cual tiene un énfasis en mi interioridad y la relación de ésta a través de lo pictórico. La segunda etapa, a la cual he dado el nombre de pensar-lo, enfatiza la dimensión de lo otro y el mundo del afuera, y se plantea como un encuentro con la naturaleza desde la pintura. La tercera etapa, que corresponde a la propuesta visual que presento en este proyecto, tiene un énfasis en el diálogo y la relación que las dos dimensiones anteriores plantean necesariamente. De esta manera, la pintura se propone como el terreno en el cual lo interior y lo exterior entran en relación y dialogan a partir de lo pictórico.This project shows the plastic and conceptual reflexions that I have had in the last four years in my plastic experience with painting. In this experience, three different stages appeared that corresponded with my personal situation and my learning experience with the world. This way, I propose a first stage that I named as pensar-me, that emphasis in my inner self in relation with the painting. The second stage, that I named pensar-lo, emphasis in the dimension of the outer and the world outside, and it is present as an encounter with nature through painting. The third stage, which corresponds to the visual proposal that I present in this project, emphasis in the dialog and the relation that this two dimensions necessarily propose. This way, painting is propose as the ground in which the inner and the outer come in to relation and dialogue through painting.Maestro (a) en Artes VisualesPregrad

    Critical success factors of Accounting Information Systems (AIS): Empirical evidence from Malaysian organizations / Sharina Tajul Urus … [et al.]

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    The role of Information System (IS) has changed and progressed rigorously over the last decade because of its ability to speed up the decision-making process. Effective and efficient management of an organization is usually reflected through the quality of decision made through financial systems like Accounting Information Systems (AIS). AIS is often viewed as medium to enhance the capability and efficiency of business operations. However, previous studies have suggested that the success of AIS often relies on critical success factors. This study aims to examine the critical success factors on the net benefits of AIS. The purpose of this paper is to determine the influence of system quality, service quality, system use and user satisfaction and the interaction of these factors on the AIS net benefits. Based upon the lens of DeLone and McLean’s Information System Success Model (2003), this study adopted a quantitative method through an online survey of 150 AIS users at various Malaysian organizations. Data was analysed by using the multiple regression method. The result suggests that system quality and service quality influence system use and user satisfaction which also affect net benefits of AIS. This study extends the existing IS literature especially in identifying the critical success factors on net benefits of AIS. Ultimately, the use of the critical success factors of AIS can raise the level of users’ belief in it. From the practitioners’ perspective, this study can be useful for organizations when selecting and implementing a system

    A comparison of five paediatric dosing guidelines for antibiotics

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    Objective: To compare dosing guidance in the paediatric formularies of high- and middle-income countries for 32 commonly prescribed antibiotics on the World Health Organization's (WHO's) 2017 Model list of essential medicines for children. / Methods: We identified paediatric antibiotic guidelines that were either widely used internationally or originated from countries in which antibiotic use has increased markedly in recent years (i.e. Brazil, China, India, the Russian Federation and South Africa). / Findings: The study analysis considered five leading antibiotic guidelines: (i) the Manual of childhood infections: the blue book; (ii) the BNF (British national formulary) for children; (iii) the Red book®: 2018-2021 report of the committee on infectious diseases; (iv) WHO's Pocket book of hospital care for children; and (v) Indian National treatment guidelines for antimicrobial use in infectious diseases. There was marked heterogeneity in the recommended dosing (i.e. daily dose, age dosing bands and dose frequency) for most commonly used antibiotics. The rationale for dosing recommendations was generally unclear. / Conclusion: The pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic and clinical evidence supporting paediatric antibiotic dosing, particularly on total doses and on age or weight dosing bands, needs to be improved. Future research should consider whether the variations in guidance identified stem from different clinical disease patterns, varying levels of antibiotic resistance or drug availability rather than historical preferences. Interested global parties could collaborate with WHO's Model list of essential medicines antibiotic working group to develop an evidence-based consensus and identify research priorities

    Leadership performance in primary schools in Malaysia

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    Key Performance Indicators (KPI) is a tool used to measure performance. In Malaysia, the mission of the Ministry of Education is to develop a world-class quality education system which will realize the full potential of individuals and fulfill the aspiration of the Malaysian nation. In line with the aspiration, all Malaysian schools have to do their self-evaluation using Malaysian Education Quality Standards (SKPM) as the benchmarking instrument. No KPI has been developed and the purpose of the study is to develop a Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for schools in Malaysia which will help the Ministry in assessing and monitoring the schools’ performance, focusing on leadership performance. Surveys and interviews were done on 70 urban government’s Grade A primary schools in Selangor, Malaysia using stratified random sampling. The result showed that the overall average score in leadership performance for the schools range from 86.57% to 56.03%. Eleven schools score more than 80%. Leadership was measured using four dimensions specifically, ‘vision and values’, ‘communication and organizational performance’, ‘governance and social responsibilities’ and ‘ethical behaviour’. Average score for Governance and social responsibility is the highest compared to other sub-dimensions. This index is a generic innovative tool and the first of its kind in Malaysia. It is about providing transparency of the education system both within the school and in the Ministry as a whole. It can be further develop to address various criteria and needs of Malaysian education system and the region. It is not a long time for it to become the core of emerging method of managing education

    ERP Post-Implementation Phase: Deployment of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) Model on User Acceptance

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    The fourth industrial revolution (IR4.0) has unfurled its wings over all industries, and its positive impact on the modern global economy has already emerged significantly. The need for a real-time, integrated information environment to enhance business operations has motivated companies to employ enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. Once implemented, the organization’s attention has shifted to the most efficient deployment of the ERP post-system usage. User acceptance of the ERP system during the post-implementation phase could determine the overall system’s success or failure since the system benefits reside in the exploitation of the integration capabilities. This study aimed to investigate the determinants of user acceptance of post-ERP system usage in Malaysian organizations by adopting the UTAUT model. The five identified factors comprised of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, and behavioural intention. The result suggests that these five factors have a significant positive influence on ERP acceptance among Malaysian ERP users. From a theoretical point of view, the findings open new doors of opportunities by providing new insights into the user’s acceptance of ERP in the Malaysian environment. The practical contribution includes recommendations provided to organizations to emphasize the specific factors that increase the effectiveness of the ERP post-implementation phase