20 research outputs found

    Capabilities of OGRE 3D Engine

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    Import 05/08/2014Tato práce je zaměřená na prozkoumání možností 3D renderovacího enginu OGRE. Za tímto účelem bude vytvořeno v jazyce C++ 10 ukázkových aplikací demonstrujících různé možnosti tohoto enginu a jejich uplatnění ve vývoji 3D aplikací a her. Součástí práce je demonstrační hra ve stylu tower defense. Pro vymodelování 3D prostředí bude rovněž aplikována možnost využití modelovacího nástroje Blender a fyzikálního enginu Bullet pro simulaci fyziky v reálném čase. Pro logickou stránku hry budou naimplementovány algoritmy uvažování nepřátel a vyhledávání cest (A* algoritmus).This works purpose is to test capabilities of 3D rendering engine OGRE. In order to test these capabilities, 10 testing aplications will be created in C++ language. Each of these aplications will demonstrate different techniques and implementation in 3D game development. The final result is going to be a strategy game. All models and the enviroment will be modeled in Blender and for the physical simulation in real time will be used Bullet engine. In case of logical structure of the game, algorithms for AI decisions and pathfinding (A star) will be also implemented. The main goal of this work is to create a playable and user-modifiable game and subsequent improvement of the author in the development of applications and 3D graphics.460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn

    Possibilities of Unreal Engine 4

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    Import 23/08/2017Nová verze Unreal Enginu patří v současnosti mezi nejpoužívanější herní enginy a nabízí uživatelům pokročilé funkce jak v oblasti vykreslování 3D grafiky, tak i v dalších oblastech jako fyzikálních simulací, audiovizuální tvorby, programovaní herní logiky či vytváření složitých scenérií. Proto byly v této práci prozkoumány specifické možnosti tohoto enginu, konkrétně témata jako: skeletální animace postav, vizualizace terénu či vizualizace interiéru. Pro lepší nastínění problematiky, se každá z kapitol skládá z popisu problému, definic potřebných pojmů a konečného popisu postupu práce při implementaci ukázkových aplikací. Spolu s projektem vizualizace jaderné elektrárny bylo vytvořeno celkově 7 demonstračních aplikací, včetně dvou hratelných VR her.New version of Unreal Engine is currently one of the most used game engines in the world and offers advanced functionality such as 3D graphics rendering, physical simulations, audiovisual production, game logic programming or creation of complex scenes. Therefore this work focuses on examination of specific possibilities in this engine, such as: skeletal animations of characters, terrain visualization or interior visualization. For better introduction to the described problem, each chapter contains its description, definition of required terms and final description of the sample applications implementation. Along with virtual power plant visualization, in total seven sample applications were developed, including two playable VR games.460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn

    Marketing Strategy for Start-up Project

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem marketingové strategie pro start-up projekt. V teoretické části shrnuje poznatky z oblasti tvorby marketingových strategií na internetu. V praktické části je analyzován projekt včetně jeho vnitřního a vnějšího prostředí. Na základě analýz a marketingových výzkumů je navržena marketingová strategie projektu. Práce vyhodnocuje efektivitu navrhované strategie, její finanční náročnost a kritické faktory úspěchu.The diploma thesis is concerned with the marketing strategy proposal for start-up project. The thesis summarizes the theoretical knowledge about marketing strategy on the Internet. The practical part analyze the Project including the internal and external Environment. Marketing strategy is proposed according to analysis and marketing researches. At the end are suggested method of evaluating the effectiveness of the proposed strategy, financial demands and critical factors of success.

    Hydrothermal mineralization in rock of teschenite association near Nový Jičín (Silesian Unit, Outer Western Carpathians)

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    Studied locality is situated in western part of the Silesian Unit of the Outer West Carpathians. Hydrothermal veins up to 1.5 cm thick are present in igneous rock of the teschenite association. The studied mineralization is composed of calcite, chlorite (pennine) and dolomite. Hydrothermal veins are apparently undeformed. Homogenization temperatures of primary and secondary aqueous fluid inclusions present in calcite vary between 90 and 150 °C. The fluids have generally low salinities (0.5 to 3.1 wt. % NaCl equiv.), positive δ18O values between +5.4 and +8.8 ‰ SMOW and δ13C around -9.5 ‰ PDB. Hydrothermal veins originated from fluids causing the pervasive post-magmatic hydrothermal alteration of the host rock. The parent fluid was most probably a mixture of seawater with diagenetic waters, which have been released during thermal alteration of sediments occurring in the surroundings of the teschenite-association rock body.Studied locality is situated in western part of the Silesian Unit of the Outer West Carpathians. Hydrothermal veins up to 1.5 cm thick are present in igneous rock of the teschenite association. The studied mineralization is composed of calcite, chlorite (pennine) and dolomite. Hydrothermal veins are apparently undeformed. Homogenization temperatures of primary and secondary aqueous fluid inclusions present in calcite vary between 90 and 150 °C. The fluids have generally low salinities (0.5 to 3.1 wt. % NaCl equiv.), positive δ18O values between +5.4 and +8.8 ‰ SMOW and δ13C around -9.5 ‰ PDB. Hydrothermal veins originated from fluids causing the pervasive post-magmatic hydrothermal alteration of the host rock. The parent fluid was most probably a mixture of seawater with diagenetic waters, which have been released during thermal alteration of sediments occurring in the surroundings of the teschenite-association rock body

    Genetic aspects of barite mineralization related to rocks of the teschenite association in the Silesian Unit, Outer Western Carpathians, Czech Republic

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    Barite is a relatively uncommon phase in vein and amygdule mineralizations hosted by igneous rocks of the teschenite association in the Silesian Unit (Western Carpathians). In macroscopically observable sizes, it has been reported from 10 sites situated only in the Czech part of the Silesian Unit. Microscopic barite produced by the hydrothermal alteration of rock matrix and also by the supergene processes is more abundant. We examined four samples of barite by mineralogical and geochemical methods. Electron microprobe analyses proved pure barites with up to 0.038 apfu Sr and without remarkable internal zonation. Fluid inclusion and sulphur isotope data suggests that multiple sources of fluid components have been involved during barite crystallization. Barite contains primary and secondary aqueous all-liquid (L) or less frequent two-phase (L+V) aqueous fluid inclusions with variable salinity (0.4-2.9 wt. % NaCl eq.) and homogenization temperatures between 77 and 152 °C. The higher-salinity fluid endmember was probably Cretaceous seawater and the lower-salinity one was probably diagenetic water derived from surrounding flysch sediments during compaction and thermal alteration of clay minerals. The δ34S values of barite samples range between -1.0 ‰ and +16.4 ‰ CDT suggesting participation of two sources of sulphate, one with a near-zero δ34S values probably derived from wall rocks and another with high δ34S values being most probably sulphate from the Cretaceous seawater. All results underline the role of externally derived fluids during post-magmatic alteration of bodies of rock of the teschenite association.Web of Science68212911

    Ferrierite-Mg from calcite vein hosted by monchiquite at Žilina near Nový Jičín (Silesian Unit, Outer Western Carpathians)

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    Studied locality is situated in western part of the Silesian Unit of the Outer Western Carpathians. In an abandoned monchiquite quarry at Žilina village near Nový Jičín NW–SE -trending calcite veinlet containing ferrierite-Mg has been found. Ferrierite-Mg forms colorless to red aggregates of acicular crystals about 400 μm in size. Fluid inclusions hosted by younger vein calcite showed low both homogenization temperatures (90–130 °C) and salinities (0.5–2.6 wt. % NaCl eq.). These data are consistent with vein formation during the later stage of postmagmatic hydrothermal alteration. The hydrothermal solutions represented mixed heated seawater and diagenetic water pointing to an open-system hydrothermal circulation during this stage.Studied locality is situated in western part of the Silesian Unit of the Outer Western Carpathians. In an abandoned monchiquite quarry at Žilina village near Nový Jičín NW–SE -trending calcite veinlet containing ferrierite-Mg has been found. Ferrierite-Mg forms colorless to red aggregates of acicular crystals about 400 μm in size. Fluid inclusions hosted by younger vein calcite showed low both homogenization temperatures (90–130 °C) and salinities (0.5–2.6 wt. % NaCl eq.). These data are consistent with vein formation during the later stage of postmagmatic hydrothermal alteration. The hydrothermal solutions represented mixed heated seawater and diagenetic water pointing to an open-system hydrothermal circulation during this stage


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    Studied locality Choryně is situated in the Silesian Unit of the Outer Western Carpathian’s flysch. Hydrothermal veins up to 1.5 cm thick are present in greyish blue Lower Cretaceous claystones belonging to the Lhota Formation. The studied mineralization is mineralogically very simple, being composed only of calcite. Hydrothermal veins are apparently deformed. Homogenization temperatures of primary aqueous fluid inclusions present in calcite vary between 110 and 147 °C. The fluids have generally low salinities (0.5 to 3.1 wt. % NaCl equiv.), positive δ18O values between +3.5 and +7.0 ‰ SMOW and δ13C around –8 ‰ PDB. Chondrite-normalized REE pattern of calcite is different from those of the host claystone (MREE-enriched calcite vs. LREE-enriched claystone) and shows a negative Eu and Ce anomalies. The origin of the mineralization was probably related to the diagenetic processes that took place in the host rocks

    Fluid inclusions and chemical composition of analcimes from Řepiště site (Outer Western Carpathians)

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    Studied locality is situated in western part of the Silesian Unit of the Outer Western Carpathians. Analcime was found in magmatic rock of the teschenite association which was subject of extensive analcimization. Th e analcime crystals, filling the veins and cavities (amygdules, miaroles), have a size up to 5 mm and composite structure: a milky white core shows irregular shape, up to 1 mm in size, and a vitreous transparent rim showing euhedral crystals. The vitreous transparent analcime from veins forms either euhedral crystals or white-pink spherulitic aggregates (size up to 5 mm). Their composition is not close to stoichiometry, with the SiO2/Al2O3 mole ratios from 2.08 to 3.12. Increasing SiO2/Al2O3 molar ratios of analcimes are consistent with decreasing crystallization temperatures. Analcime contains abundant primary fluid inclusions, less secondary fluid inclusions. Fluid inclusions are one-phase (L-only) or two-phase (L+V) with essentially constant liquid-vapour ratios (gaseous phase takes ca. 10 vol. %). The homogenization temperatures of two-phase inclusions range between 122 and 180 °C (analcime from veins) and between 219 and 295 °C (analcime from cavities - amygdules, miaroles). Inclusions freeze at temperatures of -38 to -49 °C. The last ice melts at temperatures between -0.6 and -3.7 °C. The eutectic temperature was not possible to measure due to the small size of the inclusions. The hydrothermal analcime formed from fluids causing the pervasive post-magmatic hydrothermal alteration of the host magmatic rock. The parent fluids were low-salinity (0.7 to 3.2 wt. % NaCl equiv.) aqueous solutions that were progressively cooled during mineral precipitation. This mineral phase represents a transitional stage between the high-temperature and low-temperature stages of post-magmatic hydrothermal activity in the study area.Studied locality is situated in western part of the Silesian Unit of the Outer Western Carpathians. Analcime was found in magmatic rock of the teschenite association which was subject of extensive analcimization. Th e analcime crystals, filling the veins and cavities (amygdules, miaroles), have a size up to 5 mm and composite structure: a milky white core shows irregular shape, up to 1 mm in size, and a vitreous transparent rim showing euhedral crystals. The vitreous transparent analcime from veins forms either euhedral crystals or white-pink spherulitic aggregates (size up to 5 mm). Their composition is not close to stoichiometry, with the SiO2/Al2O3 mole ratios from 2.08 to 3.12. Increasing SiO2/Al2O3 molar ratios of analcimes are consistent with decreasing crystallization temperatures. Analcime contains abundant primary fluid inclusions, less secondary fluid inclusions. Fluid inclusions are one-phase (L-only) or two-phase (L+V) with essentially constant liquid-vapour ratios (gaseous phase takes ca. 10 vol. %). The homogenization temperatures of two-phase inclusions range between 122 and 180 °C (analcime from veins) and between 219 and 295 °C (analcime from cavities - amygdules, miaroles). Inclusions freeze at temperatures of -38 to -49 °C. The last ice melts at temperatures between -0.6 and -3.7 °C. The eutectic temperature was not possible to measure due to the small size of the inclusions. The hydrothermal analcime formed from fluids causing the pervasive post-magmatic hydrothermal alteration of the host magmatic rock. The parent fluids were low-salinity (0.7 to 3.2 wt. % NaCl equiv.) aqueous solutions that were progressively cooled during mineral precipitation. This mineral phase represents a transitional stage between the high-temperature and low-temperature stages of post-magmatic hydrothermal activity in the study area

    Origin of heavy rare earth mineralization in South China

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    Heavy rare earth elements (HREE) are dominantly mined from the weathering crusts of granites in South China. Although weathering processes occur globally, no economic HREE resources of this type have yet been found outside China. Here, we report the occurrence of unidentified REE minerals in the granites from South Chinese deposits. They contain high levels of both HREE and light REE, but are strongly depleted in Ce, implying high oxidation state. These REE minerals show higher initial Nd isotope than primary REE-rich minerals (eNd(t) = 0.9 +/- 0.8 versus -11.5 +/- 0.5). The mineralized weathering crusts inherited REE signature of the granites, but show more Ce depletion and more overall concentration of the REE. We propose, therefore, that highly oxidized, REE-rich fluids, derived from external, isotopically depleted sources, metasomatized the granites, which resulted in Ce depletion as Ce4+ and enrichment of the remaining REE, especially the HREE, contributing to formation of a globally important REE resource.Chinese National Science Foundation [41573033, 41222022]; European Union's Horizon [689909]; Czechic Project CEITEC [LQ1601]SCI(E)ARTICLE

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