11 research outputs found

    Recovering ancient grapevine cultivars in the Spanish provinces of Alicante and Valencia

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    [EN] The provinces of Alicante and Valencia, located on the Mediterranean coast of Spain, have been important viticulture areas since historical times. In the context of the research project CGL2015-70843-R, we initiated different approaches in order to recover ancient cultivars threatened with disappearance, and we developed in-vitro protocols for virus sanitation and in-vitro conservation of the recovered germplasm. Among the historic cultivars, we localized several accessions of cultivars that were commonly grown in the pre-phylloxera era in the provinces of Alicante and Valencia (`Valencí blanc¿, `Valencí negre¿, `Planta Mula¿, `Botó de Gall¿ and `Raïm del Clotet¿). Microsatellite profiles were obtained to confirm or identify the surveyed germplasm, and genetic variability was observed. In addition, a survey was carried out covering the main area of `Monastrell¿ cultivation in the Vinos de Alicante Protected Designation of Origin. This ancient cultivar, also known as `Mourvèdre¿, is cultivated mainly in the southeast of Spain, and is highly adapted to the dry and warm climate of this area. Genotyping by sequencing (GBS) was used to estimate its genetic diversity, and high variability was found. This analysis will provide a large number of high-quality single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), well distributed across the genome, suitable for genotyping of clones, which will allow the design of strategies to optimize their conservation and use.This study was supported by the project PRPCGL2015-70843-R co-funded with FEDER Funds, and by the Cátedra Cajamar de Economía y Desarrollo Agroambiental de la UMH. We thank Julio García (Consellería de Agricultura, Medio Ambiente, Cambio Climático, y Desarrollo Rural, GVA, Jaume Soler (Botánica Mediterránea SL) and Antonio Olmos (IVIA) for their collaboration in our project.Yuste Del Carmen, A.; Martínez-Gil, F.; García-Martínez, S.; López-Lluch, D.; Peiró Barber, RM.; Jiménez, C.; Ruiz, J.... (2019). Recovering ancient grapevine cultivars in the Spanish provinces of Alicante and Valencia. Acta Horticulturae. (1248):43-46. https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2019.1248.6S4346124

    Influencia de la transglutaminasa en el rendimiento de la producción de queso dambo uruguayo = Influence of transglutaminase on the yield of Uruguayan Dambo cheese

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    El queso dambo uruguayo es un queso de mediana humedad de origen danés con formulación modificada. Esta investigación estudió el uso de la enzima transglutaminasa en la producción de queso dambo tipo barra para aumentar el rendimiento del proceso. Se fabricaron quesos aplicando un diseño experimental completamente al azar con parcelas divididas medidas en el tiempo, considerando dos factores (concentración de la enzima y momento de agregado) en tres niveles, por triplicado, tomando como referencia el queso sin enzima. Los quesos fueron analizados a lo largo de cuatro meses en peso, pH, contenido de proteínas, humedad y materia grasa. Se calculó el rendimiento relativo al queso referencia, la recuperación de extracto seco y el contenido en proteínas y materia grasa en el queso respecto a la leche. Se analizó el perfil de textura y se determinaron las propiedades sensoriales con un panel de jueces entrenados. Los resultados mostraron que la única condición con diferencia significativa al 5% en el rendimiento relativo fue el momento de agregado de la enzima, resultando como momento óptimo la incorporación de la misma junto con el cuajo, independientemente de la dosis utilizada. El rendimiento logrado fue un 6% superior al queso referencia

    Obstructive sleep apnea severity is associated with left ventricular mass independent of other cardiovascular risk factors in morbid obesity

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the relation between obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and left ventricular mass (LVM) in morbid obesity and the influence of gender, menopausal status, anthropometry, body composition, hypertension, and other cardiovascular risk factors in this relationship. DESIGN: Cross-sectional descriptive study. METHODS: Polysomnographic and echocardiographic studies were performed in a cohort of 242 patients (86 men, 100 premenopausal (PreM) and 56 postmenopausal (PostM) women), with grade II obesity and above (BMI: 43.7 ± 0.4 kg/m(2)) to investigate OSA and LVM respectively. Anthropometry, body composition, glucose tolerance, and blood pressure were also recorded. RESULTS: OSA to different degrees was diagnosed in 76.2% of the patients (n: 166), its prevalence being 90.9% (n: 70) for men, and 76% (n: 38) and 63.8% (n: 58) for PostM and PreM women, respectively (p < 0.01). LVM excess was greatest for PostM women (90.2%), followed by men (81.9%) and PreM females (69.6%) (p < 0.01). LVM values increased in accordance to OSA severity (absence, 193.7 ± 6.9 g; mild, 192.6 ± 7.8 g; moderate, 240.5 ± 12.5 g; severe, 273.6 ± 14.6 g; p < 0.01). LVM magnitude correlated with the menopausal state, age, central adiposity, hypertension (HT), type 2 diabetes (DM), desaturation index (DI), and apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) (r = 0.41; p < 0.01). The relationship between LVM and AHI persisted in the multivariate analysis (β = 0.25; p < 0.05) after adjusting for age, gender, menopausal state, BMI, waist circumference, neck circumference, DI, fasting plasma glucose, DM, and HT. But if tobacco habits are included, the statistical difference disappears (β = 0.22; p = 0.06). CONCLUSIONS: Morbid obesity is frequently associated with abnormal LVM, particularly in patients with OSA; this association is independent of HT, BMI, body composition, and other clinical factors, supporting a direct role of OSA on LVM in morbid obesity. This suggests that OSA and LVM might be taken as predictors of the cardiovascular risk in these patients. KEYWORDS: Sleep apnea; apnea-hypopnea index; left ventricular mass; morbid obesit

    Quesos artesanales : conceptos generales y recomendaciones prácticas y productivas

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    La elaboración de quesos artesanales se caracteriza generalmente por ser una producción en la cual existe una estrecha integración entre los rodeos de producción de la materia prima, -leche- y el elaborador de quesos. Los sistemas de elaboración corresponden a procesos tradicionales basados en conocimientos transmitidos de generación en generación pero también aplicando tecnologías actuales. Este cuadernillo es una guía con recomendaciones prácticas y productivas destinada a pequeños o medianos elaboradores de queso. En ella se presentan las etapas que integran la fabricación de quesos mediante explicaciones simples e ilustrativas

    Influencia de la transglutaminasa en el rendimiento de la producción de queso dambo uruguayo

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    The Uruguayan dambo cheese is a mid-moisture Danish cheese made with a modified formula. This study examined the use of transglutaminase to increase the process yield in the production of dambo cheese.Cheeses were made using an experimental design with completely randomized split plot measures over time, considering two factors (enzyme concentration and moment of addition) in three levels, by triplicate, taking as reference the cheese without enzyme.Cheeses were analyzed along four months considering weight, pH, protein, moisture and fat matter. The yield relative to the reference cheese was calculated, as also the dry matter recovery and protein and fat content in the cheese compared to milk. Texture profile analysis was performed and sensory properties were evaluated using a panel of trained judges.The results showed that the only condition with a significant difference of 5% in relative yield was the moment of the enzyme´s addition showing that the optimal time corresponds to the addition with rennet regardless the dose used. The yield achieved was 6% higher than the reference cheese.El queso dambo uruguayo es un queso de mediana humedad de origen danés con formulación modificada. Esta investigación estudió el uso de la enzima transglutaminasa en la producción de queso dambo tipo barra para aumentar el rendimiento del proceso.Se fabricaron quesos aplicando un diseño experimental completamente al azar con parcelas divididas medidas en el tiempo, considerando dos factores (concentración de la enzima y momento de agregado) en tres niveles, por triplicado, tomando como referencia el queso sin enzima.Los quesos fueron analizados a lo largo de cuatro meses en peso, pH, contenido de proteínas, humedad y materia grasa. Se calculó el rendimiento relativo al queso referencia, la recuperación de extracto seco y el contenido en proteínas y materia grasa en el queso respecto a la leche. Se analizó el perfil de textura y se determinaron las propiedades sensoriales con un panel de jueces entrenados.Los resultados mostraron que la única condición con diferencia significativa al 5% en el rendimiento relativo fue el momento de agregado de la enzima, resultando como momento óptimo la incorporación de la misma junto con el cuajo, independientemente de la dosis utilizada. El rendimiento logrado fue un 6% superior al queso referencia. &nbsp

    Direct and indirect effects of three virus infections on yield and berry composition in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) cv. ‘Tempranillo’

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    [Background and aims] Viral diseases in grapevines result in reduced vineyard performance, but it remains unclear to which extent some of their effects are direct or indirect, or if both kinds of effects co-occur. The aim of this work is to evaluate the effect of three virus diseases (GFLV, GLRaV and GFkV) on cv. Tempranillo.[Methods and results] A wide dataset that comprised yield components and grape composition of 531 cv. Tempranillo accessions for seven years was used, comparing their performance depending on the presence of each virus. GFLV showed the highest deleterious effects, followed by GLRaV-3, whereas GFkV had no effect. GLRaV-3 and, especially, GFLV effects were very relevant.[Conclusions] Regression analyses demonstrated that GFLV increases soluble solids (TSS) and colour density (CD) independently of yield reduction or advanced ripening, and causes higher pH independently of TSS. Similarly, GLRaV-3 detrimental effect on CD is not caused only by delayed ripening, and higher pH is associated to imbalanced ripening.[Significance of the study] Our results highlight that a detailed analysis of a wide agronomic dataset allows a better understanding of virus diseases, unveiling to which extent some of their effects are direct or indirect.This work has been performed within the following projects: “Selección y mantenimiento en campo de fenotipos del cv. Tempranillo de la D.O.Ca. Rioja; estudio de su contenido fenólico y mejora de su extracción” (1998, CDTI/ADER) and “Creación de un banco de germoplasma de cv. Tempranillo de Rioja. Contenido fenólico de las variedades autóctonas, optimización de la extracción y estabilización”. VIN00-043-C3 (2000, INIA).Peer Reviewe

    La hidroponía, una gota de esperanza

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    Locutores: Susana Fevrier y Luis Diego Solórzano Entrevistados: Miguel Urrestarazu, Pedro Furlani, Gloria Sampiero y Alfredo RodríguezSeis expertos de diferentes países hablan sobre la hidroponía: cómo esta contribuye a mejorar la dieta de nuestros pueblos, cuánto puede ayudar en un contexto de inseguridad alimentaria, y en qué forma se convierte en una alternativa válida para los pequeños y medianos agroempresarios de las Américas

    Obstructive sleep apnea severity is associated with left ventricular mass independent of other cardiovascular risk factors in morbid obesity

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the relation between obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and left ventricular mass (LVM) in morbid obesity and the influence of gender, menopausal status, anthropometry, body composition, hypertension, and other cardiovascular risk factors in this relationship. DESIGN: Cross-sectional descriptive study. METHODS: Polysomnographic and echocardiographic studies were performed in a cohort of 242 patients (86 men, 100 premenopausal (PreM) and 56 postmenopausal (PostM) women), with grade II obesity and above (BMI: 43.7 ± 0.4 kg/m(2)) to investigate OSA and LVM respectively. Anthropometry, body composition, glucose tolerance, and blood pressure were also recorded. RESULTS: OSA to different degrees was diagnosed in 76.2% of the patients (n: 166), its prevalence being 90.9% (n: 70) for men, and 76% (n: 38) and 63.8% (n: 58) for PostM and PreM women, respectively (p < 0.01). LVM excess was greatest for PostM women (90.2%), followed by men (81.9%) and PreM females (69.6%) (p < 0.01). LVM values increased in accordance to OSA severity (absence, 193.7 ± 6.9 g; mild, 192.6 ± 7.8 g; moderate, 240.5 ± 12.5 g; severe, 273.6 ± 14.6 g; p < 0.01). LVM magnitude correlated with the menopausal state, age, central adiposity, hypertension (HT), type 2 diabetes (DM), desaturation index (DI), and apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) (r = 0.41; p < 0.01). The relationship between LVM and AHI persisted in the multivariate analysis (β = 0.25; p < 0.05) after adjusting for age, gender, menopausal state, BMI, waist circumference, neck circumference, DI, fasting plasma glucose, DM, and HT. But if tobacco habits are included, the statistical difference disappears (β = 0.22; p = 0.06). CONCLUSIONS: Morbid obesity is frequently associated with abnormal LVM, particularly in patients with OSA; this association is independent of HT, BMI, body composition, and other clinical factors, supporting a direct role of OSA on LVM in morbid obesity. This suggests that OSA and LVM might be taken as predictors of the cardiovascular risk in these patients. KEYWORDS: Sleep apnea; apnea-hypopnea index; left ventricular mass; morbid obesit