1,645 research outputs found

    Implantes inmediatos a la exodoncia: situación actual

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    Los implantes inmediatos son insertados en el mismo acto quirúrgico en el cual se extrae el diente a sustituir. Su porcentaje de éxito varía según diferentes autores entre un 92,7 % y 98,0 %. Su principal indicación es la sustitución de dientes con patologías sin posibilidad de tratamiento. Entre sus ventajas, respecto a los implantes diferidos, están el disminuir la reabsorción ósea del alvéolo post-extracción, el acortar el tiempo de tratamiento rehabilitador y evitar una segunda cirugía de implantación. Como inconvenientes están el requerir, generalmente, técnicas de regeneración ósea guiada con membranas, con el riesgo de exposición e infección de la misma; y la necesidad de injertos mucogingivales para el cierre del alvéolo y/o cubrir las membranas. Los requisitos quirúrgicos incluyen una exodoncia con el menor trauma posible, respetar las paredes alveolares y un curetaje alveolar minucioso que elimine todo tejido patológico. La estabilidad primaria es un requisito fundamental, se obtiene con una implantación que sobrepase en 3-5 mm el ápice alveolar o un implante de mayor diámetro que el alvéolo remanente. Una emergencia estética, en la zona anterior, se consigue insertando el implante subcrestalmente entre 1-3 mm. Respecto a la regeneración ósea guiada del alvéolo, no existe un consenso entre los diferentes autores en cuanto a la utilización de membranas y el tipo de material de relleno. El cierre primario de la herida es algo deseable aunque para algunos autores no tiene gran relevancia.Immediate implants are positioned in the course of surgical extraction of the tooth to be replaced. The percentage success of such procedures varies among authors from 92.7-98.0%. The main indication of immediate implantation is the replacement of teeth with pathologies not amenable to treatment. Its advantages with respect to delayed implantation include reduced post-extraction alveolar bone resorption, a shortening of the rehabilitation treatment time, and the avoidance of a second surgical intervention. The inconveniences in turn comprise a general requirement for membrane-guided bone regeneration techniques, with the associated risk of exposure and infection, and the need for mucogingival grafts to seal the socket space and/or cover the membranes. The surgical requirements for immediate implantation include extraction with the least trauma possible, preservation of the extraction socket walls and thorough alveolar curettage to eliminate all pathological material. Primary stability is an essential requirement, and is achieved with an implant exceeding the alveolar apex by 3-5 mm, or by placing an implant of greater diameter than the remnant alveolus. Esthetic emergence in the anterior zone is achieved by 1-3 mm sub-crest implantation. Regarding guided regeneration of the alveolar bone, the literature lacks consensus on the use of membranes and the type of filler material required. While primary wound closure is desirable, some authors do not consider it to be of great relevance

    Periimplantitis marginal por sobrecarga oclusal: a propósito de un caso

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    En la etiología de la periimplantitis marginal se describen un factor infeccioso y otro biomecánico, por sobrecarga oclusal. Los trabajos experimentales y clínicos orientados al factor biomecánico son escasos, al igual que los estudios sobre histopatología asociada a la periimplantitis. Presentamos un caso de periimplantitis marginal en un implante de zona molar mandibular, causado por sobrecarga oclusal, que provocó un defecto óseo en la cresta marginal. El tratamiento consistió en un ajuste oclusal, el retiro quirúrgico del tejido contaminado y un injerto de hueso autógeno, lo cual difiere del tratamiento habitual en la periimplantitis infecciosa. En el análisis histológico del tejido periimplantario encontramos un infiltrado linfo-plasmocitario yuxtaepitelial y una zona central de tejido fibroconectivo denso, con escasa células inflamatorias, que difiere del tejido inflamatorio crónico asociado a la periimplantitis infecciosa. El control clínico y radiográfico a 12 meses evidenció la remisión del cuadro y recuperación ósea de la cresta marginal. Estimamos que en el tratamiento de la periimplantitis marginal, es necesario continuar los estudios acerca de las diferencias histológicas entre los cuadros infecciosos y aquellos originados por sobrecarga oclusal

    Los Impuestos directos entre 2000-2015: reformas, cálculo y análisis de la carga tributaria (TET) en el impuesto sobre la renta de las empresas medianas en el sector manufacturero en el departamento de Santander

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    Los estudios de los efectos de la tributación sobre la mediana empresa no han sido estudiados en clave regional y sectorial en Colombia, por lo que este estudio analizarlos en el periodo 2000-20015, a la luz de las reformas tributarias aprobadas. Se hace desde dos enfoques: la revisión crítica de la normativa tributaria y sus efectos en la mediana empresa, y el estudio de la Tasa Efectiva de Tributación (TET) en el impuesto sobre la renta para las empresas medianas en el sector manufacturero del Departamento de Santander. Se analizan los efectos de la tributación en sus diferentes reformas teniendo en cuenta estas variables, para evidenciar que la mediana empresa ha sido una de las más afectadas por la variabilidad de las normas, así como para poner de manifiesto la necesidad de estudios regionales que permitan comprender este problema en la dimensión territorial y sectorial

    Comprehensive kinetics of the photocatalytic degradation of emerging pollutants in a led-assisted photoreactor. S-metolachlor as case study

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    Although the potential and beneficial characteristics of photocatalysis in the degradation of a good number of emerging pollutants have been widely studied and demonstrated, process design and scale-up are restrained by the lack of comprehensive models that correctly describe the performance of photocatalytic reactors. Together with the kinetics of degradation reactions, the distribution of the radiation field in heterogeneous photocatalytic systems is essential to the optimum design of the technology. Both the Local Volumetric Rate of Photon Absorption (LVRPA) and the Overall Volumetric Rate of Photon Absorption (OVRPA) help to understand this purpose. This work develops a Six-lux radiation absorption-scattering model coupled to the Henyey-Greenstein scattering phase function to evaluate the LVRPA profile in a LED-assisted photocatalytic reactor. Moreover, the OVRPA has been calculated and integrated into the kinetic equation, accounting for the influence of the radiation distribution on the reaction rate. The model has been validated with experimental data for the degradation of S-Metolachlor (MTLC), and the set of operating variables that maximize the reactor performance, 0.5 g/L of TiO2 P25 and pH 3, has been determined.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities (Grant Numbers: RTI2018-099407-B-I00 and RTI2018-093310-B-I00) (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE)

    Fasts laser POF side long period gratings fabrication

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    By using a fiber laser chirp pulse amplifier femtosecond laser system, long period gratings structures are micro-machined on one side of a Plastic Optical Fiber. Very narrow and high attenuation transmission bands can be obtained.This work was supported by the MCYT (Spain), project CICYT: TEC2010-20224-C02-02 and CONACyT (Mexico) by sabbatical stay at the University of Cantabria, file: 186243

    Measurement of displacement in the micrometer range using speckle pattern correlation in multimode fibers

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    The displacement measurement in the micrometer range using the speckle pattern correlation in optical fibers is described. The high sensitivity of a multimode fiber when propagating a coherent light causes any variation in the distribution of the speckle pattern is proportional to the disturbance which it originates. The speckle pattern is caused by interference between modes and the shift mechanism is due to coupling between modes and micro-induced redistribution curvature applied to the fiber externally. The movement is produced by a transducer containing microbends pressure induced on the fiber. Experimental results are presented using three types of multimode plastic optical fiber. In the signal generated from the change in the speckle pattern observed with relatively good reproducibility, so that sensor systems could be used.The authors acknowledge the Spanish government for supporting this work through the TEC2010-20224-CO2-02 projects and with the grant AP2009-1403

    A reabilitação psicossocial na Colômbia: a utopia que nos convida a continuar caminando

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    The process of psychiatric reform in Colombia has not started. The lack of community care centers, the fragmentation of care, and the persistence of psychiatric hospitals away from the rest of the medicine healthcare continue to be the reality. There are many laws and resolutions in the field of mental health in the country; however, the problem lies in their low implementation. Since 2013, Colombia has a mental health law that opens a light of hope to improve the care processes of patients. Likewise, in November 2018, the National Mental Health Policy was updated after 20 years of waiting. The overview of policies centered on the concept of mental health presents both an opportunity and new challenges for psychosocial rehabilitation. This review presents part of the history of psychosocial rehabilitation in Colombia and an analysis of the mental health legislation. Finally, it will show the proposals that arise from the authors’ experience in the field of community mental health.El proceso de reforma psiquiátrica en Colombia aún no se ha llevado a cabo. La falta de centros de atención comunitarios, la fragmentación en la atención y la persistencia de grandes hospitales psiquiátricos alejados del resto de la medicina continúan siendo la realidad de la atención. Existen múltiples leyes y resoluciones en el ámbito de la salud mental en el país, pero el problema radica en la poca implementación. Desde el año 2013, el país cuenta con una ley de salud mental que abre una luz de esperanza para mejorar los procesos de atención de los pacientes. Asimismo, en noviembre de 2018 fue actualizada la Política Nacional de Salud Mental, después de 20 años de espera. El nuevo panorama de las políticas centradas en el concepto de salud mental y ya no en el de reforma psiquiátrica ofrece una oportunidad, a la vez que surgen nuevos desafíos para la rehabilitación psicosocial. En este artículo haremos un recorrido por la historia de la rehabilitación psicosocial en Colombia, un análisis sobre su legislación en salud mental y presentaremos las propuestas que se desprenden de nuestra experiencia en el campo.O processo de reforma psiquiátrica na Colômbia ainda que não se tem levado a cabo. A falta de centros de atenção comunitários, a fragmentação na atenção e a persistência de grandes hospitais psiquiátricos afastados do resto da medicina continuam sendo a realidade da atenção. Existem múltiplas leis e resoluções no âmbito da saúde mental em nosso país, no entanto, o problema radica em uma baixa implementação. Desde o ano 2013 o país conta com uma lei de saúde mental que abre uma luz de esperança para melhorar os processos de atenção de nossos pacientes. Além disso, em novembro de 2018 foi atualizada a Política Nacional de Saúde Mental depois de 20 anos de espera. O novo panorama das políticas centradas no conceito de saúde mental, e já não no de reforma psiquiátrica, oferece ao mesmo tempo uma oportunidade e novos desafios para uma reabilitação psicossocial. Neste artigo faremos um recorrido por parte da história da reabilitação psicossocial na Colômbia, uma análise sobre sua legislação em saúde mental e que propostas se desprendem a partir de nossa experiência no campo

    Temperature level fiber sensor network

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    A temperature level fiber sensor network is proposed and demonstrated. Each inline transducer is based on a FBG-SMA wire structure working as an on/off optical device being interrogated using a time domain technique.This work has been supported by the Spanish TEC2010-20224-C02-02 project

    Explicative Factors Driving the Tomato Consumption in the Mediterranean Basin: A Panel Data Approach

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    This chapter studies the consumer behavior of the tomato market in six Mediterranean countries, four of them belong to the European Union, EU—Spain, France, Italy, and Portugal, one to North Africa—Morocco, a highly competitive market with a major trade agreement with the EU since 2004, and another in Asia—Turkey. The main objective of the chapter is to analyze which are the most important explanatory factors, of a series of 13, that explain tomato consumption in the Mediterranean Basin. These factors, which are assumed as significant, are analyzed with an approach that uses panel data (fixed effects) models, a type of models that has clear advantages over the traditional methodologies. The results show significant differences between countries, that there are empirical evidence between consumption of tomatoes and price, imports and exports, production, growth area, technological developments and euro-dollar exchange rate; some importance lies on the EU-Morocco trade agreement; less empirical evidence was found between consumption and the exchange rates of the Turkish and Morocco currencies (Turkish pound and the Morocco dirham)