165 research outputs found

    Reflexiones en torno al modelo de recuperación

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    El objetivo de este artículo es aportar algunas reflexiones críticas sobre el modelo de recuperación en salud mental, su implementación en los servicios asistenciales y su posible impacto en las personas afectadas y en los profesionales. En un momento en el que la recuperación se ha convertido en el centro de la retórica de todos los planes y estrategias de salud mental, no es fácil definir de forma operativa cómo se traslada lo esencial del modelo a la práctica asistencial rutinaria en los servicios públicos de salud mental, ni qué consecuencias se derivarían de adoptar dicho enfoque. Teniendo en cuenta especialmente que el modelo de recuperación parece amparar muy diversas concepciones, desde las más ortodoxas y compatibles con la práctica asistencial habitual a las más críticas con la misma, es necesario definir en qué acciones específicas se traduce la adopción de este modelo en la organización de los servicios, cómo se evalúa su impacto y qué posibles efectos conlleva para los usuarios, los profesionales y la sociedad en general

    Selection and assessment of Multi-criteria decision-analysis techniques to quantify elite judo Key Performance Indicators relationships

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    [EN] Judo is a complex sport where many key performance indicators from different ambits (tactic, technique, psychological, etc) impact over the final result of the combat. Then, in order to design optimal training plans for the athletes, decision-makers should carefully analyse the KPI not individually but globally, identifying and quantifying cause-effect relationships between them, being therefore able to align efforts and prioritise medium-long-term actions. In order to do this, and taking into account the difficulty of using statistical techniques because of not only the lack of historic data of the KPI but also due to the subjective nature of many of them, the multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) techniques come up as the most appropriate ones. There are many MCDA techniques that could be applied to solve this problem and then this research presents a three-step process to select and assess the most appropriate MCDA techniques using a recent framework. The process outcome nine MCDA techniques appropriate to solve the decision-making problem, being the Analytic Network Process the highest ranked and, therefore, the recommended to be used.Uriarte Marcos, S.; Rodríguez Rodríguez, R.; Alfaro Saiz, JJ.; Uriarte Marcos, M. (2020). Selection and assessment of Multi-criteria decision-analysis techniques to quantify elite judo Key Performance Indicators relationships. International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering & Management. 6(10):1-4. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/1691431461

    Improving on Half-Lightweight Male Judokas' High Performance by the Application of the Analytic Network Process

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    [Abstract] Judo is a multifactorial sport where many variables or key performance indicators (KPIs) such as force-velocity profile, bioenergetic capacity, technical and tactical skills, and cognitive and emotional competence play a role and influence the final result. While there have been many academic studies of these variables, usually in isolation, none have examined KPIs holistically or analyzed their impact on strategic performance. The main objective of the present study, therefore, is to apply a novel and easily replicable methodology to identify and prioritize the main KPIs affecting performance in professional judo. Such a methodology was applied to the High-Performance Judo Centre of Valencia, using a multi-criteria decision aid technique: the analytic network process (ANP). The ANP is used to identify and quantify cause and effect relationships not only between KPIs but also between KPIs and performance objectives. Further, the ANP offers effective results when there is a lack of historical KPI data, because it is based on experts’ opinions and judgments. A judo expert group (JEG) comprising elite judo coaches and half-lightweight (under 66 kg) male judokas applied the methodology to discriminate between the characteristics required when aiming to reach high-level strategic objectives (such as participating in the Olympic Games or winning a medal in a Grand Slam/Gran Prix). The JEG, which consisted of five elite judokas, national and international champions, and three Olympic coaches—including a former European champion and silvermedalist in a world championship—provided high added value to the study. The main findings were that the KPIs that made the most difference were mostly psychological, specifically motivation, stress, and team cohesion. Of these, motivation was by far the most important KPI for success in our case study, so judokas should make sure that they analyze it properly. Motivation is usually intrinsic to the competitor and should be maintained at a high level, not only during tournaments but also during daily training and lifestyle activities. Physical and other specific forms of training, as well as lifestyle KPIs, are very important for the elite competitor but are not sufficient to reach high-level objectives. The most important of these KPIs were Kumi-Kata (grip work), dual career, focus and concentration level, scouting, nutrition, and basic technique. Power and strength were the most important physical KPIs. In general, these are essential Uriarte Marcos et al. Psychology Skills in Professional Judo for meeting strategic objectives, but they do not make the crucial difference. This suggests that professional psychological support should be provided in daily training and that international team composition and internships should be fostered

    Geospatial characterization of archaeological sites in La Serena Region (Badajoz) by direct methods (DGPS): capturing and analyzing data

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    Trabajo presentado a la 38th Annual Conference on Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA), celebrada en Granada (España) en abril de 2010.In this paper we assess the capacity of survey-grade GPS equipments to provide high resolution DEMs for archaeological analysis. Strengths and weaknesses of these methods are pointed out, and the importance of careful planning of capture and further analysis of information is stressed. Several archaeological sites from La Serena Region (Badajoz, Spain) are taken as case studies. We show the workflow from the acquisition of data in the field to the validation of surface models obtained with different interpolation methods. A key point is that the choice of one of the available options in GIS packages must be based on a rigorous estimation of error rather than on the search of a realistic or aesthetic appearance.Peer Reviewe

    Lung bioengineering: physical stimuli and stem/progenitor cell biology interplay towards biofabricating a functional organ

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    A current approach to obtain bioengineered lungs as a future alternative for transplantation is based on seeding stem cells on decellularized lung scaffolds. A fundamental question to be solved in this approach is how to drive stem cell differentiation onto the different lung cell phenotypes. Whereas the use of soluble factors as agents to modulate the fate of stem cells was established from an early stage of the research with this type of cells, it took longer to recognize that the physical microenvironment locally sensed by stem cells (e.g. substrate stiffness, 3D architecture, cyclic stretch, shear stress, air-liquid interface, oxygenation gradient) also contributes to their differentiation. The potential role played by physical stimuli would be particularly relevant in lung bioengineering since cells within the organ are physiologically subjected to two main stimuli required to facilitate efficient gas exchange: air ventilation and blood perfusion across the organ. The present review focuses on describing how the cell mechanical microenvironment can modulate stem cell differentiation and how these stimuli could be incorporated into lung bioreactors for optimizing organ bioengineering

    Assessment of targeted selective treatment criteria to control subclinical gastrointestinal nematode infections on sheep farms

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    Control of sheep gastrointestinal nematode (GIN) infections mostly relies on the use of anthelmintics. Refugia-based control strategies as targeted selective treatments (TST) can delay anthelmintic resistance development, but the optimal decision criteria for selecting individuals to be treated in subclinical infection scenarios remain unclear. The present study aimed to evaluate the suitability of body condition score (BCS) and faecal egg counts (FEC) as treatment indicators and to determine their optimized threshold values for treatment in TST by determining the relationships of BCS, FEC and anthelmintic treatment with several productive parameters in pre-mating and pre-partum periods at an individual level. Deworming in pre-mating period increased BCS gain, but its magnitude was directly associated with strongyle FEC before treatment. Deworming also increased fertility in ewes with BCS 400 epg before treatment. These results showed that FEC and especially BCS can be potential decision criteria for the implementation of TST in these types of scenarios. The TST scheme derived from the present results on the control of GIN infections should include anthelmintic treatment of ewes with BCS lower than ˜ 3 approximately five weeks before mating and lambing. In the pre-lambing period, treatment may be unnecessary if flock mean strongyle FEC is lower than ˜ 200 epg, as the proportion of ewes with individual FEC > 400 epg would be very low. The results suggest that implementation of this TST scheme would provide benefits, such as the improvement of productivity, a rational management of parasites in refugia, and preservation of future efficacy of anthelmintics, in comparison to traditional deworming schemes

    Biomechanical Response of Lung Epithelial Cells to Iron Oxide and Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles

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    Increasing evidence shows that lungs can be damaged by inhalation of nanoparticles (NPs) at environmental and occupational settings. Recent findings have associated the exposure to iron oxide (Fe2O3) and titanium dioxide (TiO2) - NPs widely used in biomedical and clinical research - with pulmonary oxidative stress and inflammation. Although changes on cellular mechanics could contribute to pulmonary inflammation, there is no information regarding the effects of Fe2O3 and TiO2 on alveolar epithelial cell biomechanics. The aim was to investigate the NPs-induced biomechanical effects in terms of cell stiffness and traction forces exerted by human alveolar epithelial cells. Cell Young's modulus (E) measured by atomic force microscopy in alveolar epithelial cells significantly decreased after exposure to Fe2O3 and TiO2 (∼28 and ∼25%, respectively) compared to control conditions. Moreover, both NPs induced a similar reduction in the traction forces exerted by the alveolar epithelial cells in comparison to the control conditions. Accordingly, immunofluorescence images revealed a reduction of actomyosin stress fibers in response to the exposure to NPs. However, no inflammatory response was detected. In conclusion, an acute exposure of epithelial pulmonary cells to Fe2O3 and TiO2 NPs, which was mild since it was non-cytotoxic and did not induce inflammation, modified cell biomechanical properties which could be translated into damage of the epithelial barrier integrity, suggesting that mild environmental inhalation of Fe2O3 and TiO2 NPs could not be innocuous

    Tubular electrospun scaffolds tested in vivo for tissue engineering

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    Tissue engineering has been widely used for its great variety of functions. It has been seen as a solution to satisfy the need for vascular substitutes like small diameter vessels, veins, and nerves. One of the most used methods is electrospinning, due to the fact that it allows the use of various polymers, sizes, mandrels and it can adjust the conditions to create personalized scaffolds. For the creation of scaffolds is fundamental to understand the advantages and disadvantages of each polymer, of this, will depend the biodegradability, biocompatibility, porosity, cellular adhesion, and cell proliferation as it is essential to mimic the extracellular matrix and provide structural support for the cells. The aim of this review was to investigate which materials are being used for the creation of tubular scaffolds by electrospinning. Here we selected only in vivo evaluation to demonstrate remodeling of the grafts into native-like tissues, in vitro evaluations had been excluded from this review. We analyze the conditions like speed, distance and voltage and the modifications like growth factors and combinations of natural and synthetic polymers that allow the authors to have a functional scaffold that will suit its purpose