95 research outputs found

    Sensitivities Of Citrobacter, Proteus And Providencia Isolates To Sulbactam-ampicillin, Trimethoprim-S Ulfamethoxazol And Ticarcillin-Clavulanic Acid Antibiotics

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    Gram negative bacterias which belong to Enterobacteriaceae family which is critically important as a matter of human health, are comperatively prevalent in nature and foods. Infections formed by bacterias resistant to antibiotics significantly cause mortality and economical losses. Sensitivities of gram-negative bacterias isolated from miscellaneous samples to sulbactamampicillin, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazol and ticarcillin-clavulanic acid were analysed. In this study, Proteus is primary isolated microorganism with % 52,08. It was determined that Proteus types are proportionally 86,66% sensitive to Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazol and 76% resistant to Sulbactam-Ampicillin . Citrobacter is the secondary isolated microorganism (31,25%). It was determined that Citrobacter types were 86,66% sensitive to Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazol and % 73,3 resistant to Sulbactam-Ampicillin. Providencia types which are thirdly isolated microorganism (16%), For Providencia types, Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazol were determined as the most effective antibiotic again with 86,66% sensitivity. Resistance to Sulbactam- Ampicillin was however, found to be 76%. In conclusion, it is very important to conduct sensitivity tests in choosing antibiotics for chemotherapy of infections. Trimethoprim-Sulfamethoxazol is recommended in the empiric treatment of urinary tract infections in our environment Keywords: Enterobacter, sensitive, SXT, TĐM, SAM African Journal of Clinical and Experimental Microbiology Vol. 10 (2) 2009: pp. 88-9

    Investigating the origin of cyclical wind variability in hot, massive stars - II. Hydrodynamical simulations of co-rotating interaction regions using realistic spot parameters for the O giant ξ\xi Persei

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    OB stars exhibit various types of spectral variability historically associated with wind structures, including the apparently ubiquitous discrete absorption components (DACs). These features have been proposed to be caused either by magnetic fields or non-radial pulsations. In this second paper of this series, we revisit the canonical phenomenological hydrodynamical modelling used to explain the formation of DACs by taking into account modern observations and more realistic theoretical predictions. Using constraints on putative bright spots located on the surface of the O giant ξ\xi Persei derived from high precision space-based broadband optical photometry obtained with the Microvariability and Oscillations of STars (MOST) space telescope, we generate two-dimensional hydrodynamical simulations of co-rotating interaction regions in its wind. We then compute synthetic ultraviolet (UV) resonance line profiles using Sobolev Exact Integration and compare them with historical timeseries obtained by the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) to evaluate if the observed behaviour of ξ\xi Persei's DACs is reproduced. Testing three different models of spot size and strength, we find that the classical pattern of variability can be successfully reproduced for two of them: the model with the smallest spots yields absorption features that are incompatible with observations. Furthermore, we test the effect of the radial dependence of ionization levels on line driving, but cannot conclusively assess the importance of this factor. In conclusion, this study self-consistently links optical photometry and UV spectroscopy, paving the way to a better understanding of cyclical wind variability in massive stars in the context of the bright spot paradigm.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication by MNRA

    Investigating the Magnetospheres of Rapidly Rotating B-type Stars

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    Recent spectropolarimetric surveys of bright, hot stars have found that ~10% of OB-type stars contain strong (mostly dipolar) surface magnetic fields (~kG). The prominent paradigm describing the interaction between the stellar winds and the surface magnetic field is the magnetically confined wind shock (MCWS) model. In this model, the stellar wind plasma is forced to move along the closed field loops of the magnetic field, colliding at the magnetic equator, and creating a shock. As the shocked material cools radiatively it will emit X-rays. Therefore, X-ray spectroscopy is a key tool in detecting and characterizing the hot wind material confined by the magnetic fields of these stars. Some B-type stars are found to have very short rotational periods. The effects of the rapid rotation on the X-ray production within the magnetosphere have yet to be explored in detail. The added centrifugal force due to rapid rotation is predicted to cause faster wind outflows along the field lines, leading to higher shock temperatures and harder X-rays. However, this is not observed in all rapidly rotating magnetic B-type stars. In order to address this from a theoretical point of view, we use the X-ray Analytical Dynamical Magnetosphere (XADM) model, originally developed for slow rotators, with an implementation of new rapid rotational physics. Using X-ray spectroscopy from ESA's XMM-Newton space telescope, we observed 5 rapidly rotating B-type stars to add to the previous list of observations. Comparing the observed X-ray luminosity and hardness ratio to that predicted by the XADM allows us to determine the role the added centrifugal force plays in the magnetospheric X-ray emission of these stars.Comment: IAUS Conference Proceeding

    The effects of surface fossil magnetic fields on massive star evolution. III:The case of Ï„ Sco

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    Ï„\tau Sco, a well-studied magnetic B-type star in the Upper Sco association, has a number of surprising characteristics. It rotates very slowly and shows nitrogen excess. Its surface magnetic field is much more complex than a purely dipolar configuration which is unusual for a magnetic massive star. We employ the CMFGEN radiative transfer code to determine the fundamental parameters and surface CNO and helium abundances. Then, we employ MESA and GENEC stellar evolution models accounting for the effects of surface magnetic fields. To reconcile Ï„\tau Sco's properties with single-star models, an increase is necessary in the efficiency of rotational mixing by a factor of 3 to 10 and in the efficiency of magnetic braking by a factor of 10. The spin down could be explained by assuming a magnetic field decay scenario. However, the simultaneous chemical enrichment challenges the single-star scenario. Previous works indeed suggested a stellar merger origin for Ï„\tau Sco. However, the merger scenario also faces similar challenges as our magnetic single-star models to explain Ï„\tau Sco's simultaneous slow rotation and nitrogen excess. In conclusion, the single-star channel seems less likely and versatile to explain these discrepancies, while the merger scenario and other potential binary-evolution channels still require further assessment as to whether they may self-consistently explain the observables of Ï„\tau Sco.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. A full reproduction package is shared on zenodo in accordance with the Research Data Management plan of the Anton Pannekoek Institute for Astronomy at the University of Amsterdam: 10.5281/zenodo.463340

    First detections of 610 MHz radio emission from hot magnetic stars

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    We have carried out a study of radio emission from a small sample of magnetic O- and B-type stars using the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope, with the goal of investigating their magnetospheres at low frequencies. These are the lowest frequency radio measurements ever obtained of hot magnetic stars. The observations were taken at random rotational phases in the 1390 and the 610 MHz bands. Out of the 8 stars, we detect five B-type stars in both the 1390 and the 610 MHz bands. The O-type stars were observed only in the 1390 MHz band, and no detections were obtained. We explain this result as a consequence of free-free absorption by the free-flowing stellar wind exterior to the closed magnetosphere. We also study the variability of individual stars. One star - HD 133880 - exhibits remarkably strong and rapid variability of its low frequency flux density. We discuss the possibility of this emission being coherent emission as reported for CU Vir by Trigilio et al. (2000).Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, 4 tables, submitted to MNRA

    MOBSTER – III. HD 62658: a magnetic Bp star in an eclipsing binary with a non-magnetic ‘identical twin’

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    HD 62658 (B9p V) is a little-studied chemically peculiar star. Light curves obtained by the Kilodegree Extremely Little Telescope (KELT) and Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) show clear eclipses with a period of about 4.75 d, as well as out-of-eclipse brightness modulation with the same 4.75 d period, consistent with synchronized rotational modulation of surface chemical spots. High-resolution ESPaDOnS circular spectropolarimetry shows a clear Zeeman signature in the line profile of the primary; there is no indication of a magnetic field in the secondary. PHOEBE modelling of the light curve and radial velocities indicates that the two components have almost identical masses of about 3 M_⊙. The primary’s longitudinal magnetic field〈B_z〉 varies between about +100 and −250 G, suggesting a surface magnetic dipole strength B_d = 850 G. Bayesian analysis of the Stokes V profiles indicates B_d = 650 G for the primary and B_d < 110 G for the secondary. The primary’s line profiles are highly variable, consistent with the hypothesis that the out-of-eclipse brightness modulation is a consequence of rotational modulation of that star’s chemical spots. We also detect a residual signal in the light curve after removal of the orbital and rotational modulations, which might be pulsational in origin; this could be consistent with the weak line profile variability of the secondary. This system represents an excellent opportunity to examine the consequences of magnetic fields for stellar structure via comparison of two stars that are essentially identical with the exception that one is magnetic. The existence of such a system furthermore suggests that purely environmental explanations for the origin of fossil magnetic fields are incomplete

    Investigating the origin of cyclical wind variability in hot, massive stars - I. On the dipolar magnetic field hypothesis

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    OB stars exhibit various types of spectral variability associated with wind structures, including the apparently ubiquitous discrete absorption components (DACs). These are proposed to be caused by either magnetic fields or non-radial pulsations (NRPs). In this paper, we evaluate the possible relation between large-scale, dipolar magnetic fields and the DAC phenomenon by investigating the magnetic properties of a sample of 13 OB stars exhibiting well-documented DAC behaviour. Using high-precision spectropolarimetric data acquired in part in the context of the Magnetism in Massive Stars (MiMeS) project, we find no evidence for surface dipolar magnetic fields in any of these stars. Using Bayesian inference, we compute upper limits on the strengths of the fields and use these limits to assess two potential mechanisms by which the field may influence wind outflow: magnetic wind confinement and local photospheric brightness enhancements. Within the limits we derive, both mechanisms fail to provide a systematic process capable of producing DACs in all of the stars of our sample. Therefore, this implies that dipolar fields are highly unlikely to be responsible for these structures in all massive stars, meaning that some other mechanism must come into play.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Studying the photometric and spectroscopic variability of the magnetic hot supergiant ζ\zeta Orionis Aa

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    Massive stars play a significant role in the chemical and dynamical evolution of galaxies. However, much of their variability, particularly during their evolved supergiant stage, is poorly understood. To understand the variability of evolved massive stars in more detail, we present a study of the O9.2Ib supergiant ζ\zeta Ori Aa, the only currently confirmed supergiant to host a magnetic field. We have obtained two-color space-based BRIght Target Explorer photometry (BRITE) for ζ\zeta Ori Aa during two observing campaigns, as well as simultaneous ground-based, high-resolution optical CHIRON spectroscopy. We perform a detailed frequency analysis to detect and characterize the star's periodic variability. We detect two significant, independent frequencies, their higher harmonics, and combination frequencies: the stellar rotation period Prot=6.82±0.18P_{\mathrm{rot}} = 6.82\pm0.18 d, most likely related to the presence of the stable magnetic poles, and a variation with a period of 10.0±0.310.0\pm0.3 d attributed to circumstellar environment, also detected in the Hα\alpha and several He I lines, yet absent in the purely photospheric lines. We confirm the variability with ProtP_{\mathrm{rot}}/4, likely caused by surface inhomogeneities, being the possible photospheric drivers of the discrete absorption components. No stellar pulsations were detected in the data. The level of circumstellar activity clearly differs between the two BRITE observing campaigns. We demonstrate that ζ\zeta Ori Aa is a highly variable star with both periodic and non-periodic variations, as well as episodic events. The rotation period we determined agrees well with the spectropolarimetric value from the literature. The changing activity level observed with BRITE could explain why the rotational modulation of the magnetic measurements was not clearly detected at all epochs.Comment: 20 pages, 5 tables, 12 figures, accepted for publication in A&
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