52 research outputs found

    Sociabilidad informal y semiótica de los espacios: algunas reflexiones de método

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    Pese al hecho de que, tal y como se intenta demostrar en este artículo, el concepto de sociabilidad no ignora en absoluto sus manifestaciones informales, frente al mucho más formalizado mundo de las asociaciones regladas y formalmente estatuidas, lo cierto es que apenas si comienzan ahora a explorarse tanto las manifestaciones históricas de la sociabilidad informal cuanto sus derivaciones en la lógica y el ordenamiento de los espacios que sirven de escenario a la acción histórica.Este trabajo propone reexaminar la organización espacial aprovechando tanto la óptica de la sociabilidad informal cuanto la perspectiva semiótica, e intentando incorporar al discurso histórico líneas de investigación como las abiertas desde la historiografía francesa y anglosajona, algunas orientaciones de la geografía, la antropología del territorio o la tradición sociológica.; Despite the fact that, as this article attempts to demonstrate, the concept of sociability is aware at all its informal manifestations, compared to more formalized world of associations formally regulated and statues, the fact is that only they start now to explore both the historical manifestations of informal sociability as its derivations in the logic and order of the spaces of historical action.This work proposes to re-examine the spatial organization taking advantage both the perspective of informal sociability as the semiotic perspective, and tried to incorporate to historical discourse the research lines opened since the French and Anglo-Saxon historiography, some lines of geography, anthropology of space, or sociological tradition

    La taberna: un espacio multifuncional de sociabilidad popular en la Restauración española

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    Cargada con todos los vicios -violencia, criminalidad, prostitución-, la taberna aparece como una amenaza para el orden moral y la organización social, pero también, desde el punto de vista de los obreros militantes, como una alienación del individuo. Pero la taberna era algo más que el antro de perversión denunciada por patronos, higienistas, moralistas, anarquistas y socialistas. Era también el espacio multifuncional de una intensa sociabilidad popular que los historiadores empiezan a analizar dentro de las formas populares de ocio: tertulias y reuniones políticas, juegos de cartas, canciones, bailes..

    Education, sociability and popular demands for culture. Asturias at the beginning of the XXth century

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    In the Asturias at the beginning of the XXth century, many education possibilities, other than the official education system, have being created. They were linked with the very diversified and complex associative structure which was going to be typical of the working and popular sectors backing, either in unions or in politics, prospects of change totally appropriate with the hopes contained in a clearly liberating and emancipatory education.En la Asturias de principios del siglo xx, existieron múltiples alternativas educativas al sistema de enseñanza oficial que enlazaron con el complejo y diversificado sistema asociativo de carácter voluntario que iba a caracterizar a los sectores obreros y populares que sostenían también en el terreno sindical o político unas expectativas de cambio que conectaban a la perfección con las esperanzas depositadas en una educación supuestamente liberadora y emancipatoria

    Una nueva historia de la alimentación

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    Departing from previous traditions, and especially from the 18th and XIXth centuries, the article analyzes the parth in 20th century of a food history that grows from the twenties and thirties, but especially, from the sixties of our century. Linked to the interests of the classic social history, the economic history or the historical demography, or related with demographers, dietitians and nutritionists, the analyses of these years lay the foundations for a later history of food and nutrition most autonomous and mature. In tlhe last quarter of the 20th century, thus, the food history will be opened for the methodological suggestions of the anthropology, the sociology or the serniotics, constructing a new socio-cultural history much more opened for the study of the forms of consumption, the commensality, the ceremonial practices and the culinary variations, orto the forms of socialization and representation of the politics, and definitely much more attentive to cultural phenomena as that of the variations of the taste.; Partiendo de tradiciones anteriores, y sobre todo del siglo XVIII y el XIX, el artículo analiza la trayectoria en pleno siglo XX de una historia de la alimentación que crece a partir de los años veinte y treinta, pero sobre todo, desde los años sesenta de nuestra centuria. Vinculados a los intereses de la historia social clásica, la historia económica o la demografía histórica, o a los de demógrafos, dietistas y nutricionistas, los análisis de estos años sientan las bases para una posterior historia de la alimentación más autónoma y madura. En el último cuarto del siglo XX, de este modo, la historia alimentaria se abrirá a las sugerencias metodológicas de la antropología, la sociología o la semiótica, construyendo así una nueva historia sociocultural mucho más abierta al estudio de las formas de consumo, la comensalidad, las prácticas ceremoniales y las variaciones culinarias, o a las formas de socioalización y representación de la política, y mucho más atenta a fenómenos culturales como el de las variaciones del gusto

    La taberna en Asturias a principios del siglo XX: Notas para su estudio

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    Asturias: Technology, Industry and History of Science

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    L'article propose un parcours a travers la production scientifique sur le patrimoine industriel tangible et intangible dans les Asturies, une des régions d'industrialisation « classique » dans l'Espagne contemporaine, et avec un patrimoine fortement attaché (mais pas exclusivement) aux secteurs basiques de l'industrie, et notamment les charbonnages et la sidérurgie. Le travail résume les principaux parcours de recherche, les principaux débats historiographiques et les tendances en cours dans l’interprétation du patrimoine.The article proposes a course through scientific production on tangible and intangible industrial heritage in Asturias, one of the "classics" industrialization regions in contemporary Spain, and with a strongly attachment (but not exclusively) with the basic sectors of industry, particularly coal and steel. The work summarizes the main research paths, the historiographic trends and debates, and the latest roads in the interpretation of heritage right now

    Presentación. Nuevas áreas de investigación y consolidación de la historia alimentaria

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    Source Apportionment of PM10 and Health Risk Assessment Related in a Narrow Tropical Valley. Study Case: Metropolitan Area of Aburrá Valley (Colombia)

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade da Coruña/CISUG[Abstract] This study investigates spatio-temporal variations of PM10 mass concentrations and associated metal(oid)s, δ13C carbon isotope ratios, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), total organic carbon (TOC) and equivalent black carbon (eBC) concentrations over a half year period (from March 2017 to October 2017) in two residential areas of Medellín (MED-1 and MED-2) and Itagüí municipality (ITA-1 and ITA-2) at a tropical narrow valley (Aburrá Valley, Colombia), where few data are available. A total of 104 samples were analysed by using validated analytical methodologies, providing valuable data for PM10 chemical characterisation. Metal(oid)s concentrations were measured by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) after acid digestion, and PAHs concentrations were measured by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC–MS) after Pressurised Hot Water Extraction (PHWE) and Membrane Assisted Solvent Extraction (MASE). Mean PM10 mass concentration ranged from 37.0 µg m−3 to 45.7 µg m−3 in ITA-2 and MED-2 sites, respectively. Al, Ca, Mg and Na (from 6249 ng m−3 for Mg at MED-1 site to 10,506 ng m−3 for Ca at MED-2 site) were the major elements in PM10 samples, whilst As, Be, Bi, Co, Cs, Li, Ni, Sb, Se, Tl and V were found at trace levels (< 5.4 ng m−3). Benzo[g,h,i] perylene (BghiP), benzo[b + j]fluoranthene (BbjF) and indene(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene (IcdP) were the most profuse PAHs in PM10 samples, with average concentrations of 0.82–0.86, 0.60–0.78 and 0.47–0.58 ng m−3, respectively. Results observed in the four sampling sites showed a similar dispersion pattern of pollutants, with temporal fluctuations which seems to be associated to the meteorology of the valley. A PM source apportionment study were carried out by using the positive matrix factorization (PMF) model, pointing to re-suspended dust, combustion processes, quarry activity and secondary aerosols as PM10 sources in the study area. Among them, combustion was the major PM10 contribution (accounting from 32.1 to 32.9% in ITA-1 and ITA-2, respectively), followed by secondary aerosols (accounting for 13.2% and 23.3% ITA-1 and MED-1, respectively). Finally, a moderate carcinogenic risk was observed for PM10-bound PAHs exposure via inhalation, whereas significant carcinogenic risk was estimated for carcinogenic metal(oid)s exposure in the area during the sampling period.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. The authors thank FEDER-MINECO (Spain), ref: UNLC15-DE-3097 together with Xunta de Galicia (80/20%), Xunta de Galicia (Spain), ref: ED431C 2021/56 and the Colombian Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation for its funding through call 744 of 2016 744/2016, project No. 111574454999 CTO 770/2016, Estimate of cancer risk due to exposure to recognised carcinogens associated with Respirable particulate material in the Metropolitan Area of the Aburrá Valley (AMVA) Antioquia. Joel Sánchez-Piñero acknowledges the Xunta de Galicia (Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Universidade) for a posdoctoral grant (ED481B-2022–002). The authors would like to thank María Fernández-Amado (IUMA-UDC) (Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (PTA2017-13607-I)) for her technical support and partnership during the laboratory work. Funding for open access charge: Universidade da Coruña/CISUGXunta de Galicia; ED431C 2021/56Colombia. Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación; 111574454999 CTO 770/2016Xunta de Galicia; ED481B-2022–00
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