Education, sociability and popular demands for culture. Asturias at the beginning of the XXth century


In the Asturias at the beginning of the XXth century, many education possibilities, other than the official education system, have being created. They were linked with the very diversified and complex associative structure which was going to be typical of the working and popular sectors backing, either in unions or in politics, prospects of change totally appropriate with the hopes contained in a clearly liberating and emancipatory education.En la Asturias de principios del siglo xx, existieron múltiples alternativas educativas al sistema de enseñanza oficial que enlazaron con el complejo y diversificado sistema asociativo de carácter voluntario que iba a caracterizar a los sectores obreros y populares que sostenían también en el terreno sindical o político unas expectativas de cambio que conectaban a la perfección con las esperanzas depositadas en una educación supuestamente liberadora y emancipatoria

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