112 research outputs found


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    RINGKASAN Hasil Penelitian Pendahuluan terhadap proses pewarnaan batik dengan celup ember pada postur tubuh menjongkok dan membungkuk merasakan keluhan yaitu persentase rerata sekitar 65,18 ± 6,45%. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sikap kerja yang memiliki kategori nilai Ovako Work Posture Analysis System (OWAS) 4 (empat) pada pewarnaan celup ember yang berisiko sangat tinggi pada gangguan musculoskeletal, mengetahui usulan sikap kerja yang dapat menurunkan terjadinya nilai Kategori OWAS dan mengetahui perbedaan Rerata Prosentase Kategori Sikap Kerja Penilaian OWAS sebelum dan sesudah perbaikan. Metode OWAS digunakan dengan cara melalui identifikasi dan analisis sikap kerja pembatik dan menganalisa pembebanan pada postur tubuh untuk meningkatkan kenyamanan kerja sebagai peningkatan kualitas produksi setelah dilakukan perbaikan sikap kerja. Hasil penelitian dari 10 pembatik yang berisiko sangat tinggi pada pewarnaan batik celup ember pada kategori 4 memiliki prosentase tertinggi 62% pada posisi 1 yaitu pelipatan kain dan 38% untuk posisi 2 yaitu Perendaman kain. Usulan sikap kerja yang dapat menurunkan terjadinya kategori nilai OWAS yaitu menggunakan alat alternatif mesin pewarna batik yang lebih menekankan pada posisi kerja berdiri untuk mengurangi nilai OWAS. Perbedaan Rerata Prosentase Kategori Sikap Kerja Penilaian OWAS pada Pewarnaan Batik sebelum perbaikan (Celup Ember) dengan sesudah perbaikan (celup Mesin) diperoleh nilai rerata kategori OWAS yaitu terjadi penurunan kategori 4 untuk pewarnaan batik celup ember 13% menurun menjadi 0 setelah dilakukan celup mesin. Kategori 3 yaitu tindakan korektif diperlukan segera, karena memiliki efek pada sistem musculoskeletal (resiko tinggi ) pada celup ember dengan rerata 28 % menurun menjadi 7% setelah dilakukan pewarnaan celup mesin. Kategori 2 yaitu tindakan perbaikan mungkin diperlukan, karena memiliki efek pada sistem musculoskeletal (resiko sedang) pada celup ember dengan rerata 47% menurun menjadi 35% setelah dilakukan pewarnaan dengan celup mesin. Kategori 1 yaitu tidak diperlukan perbaikan karena terjadi peningkatan kenyamanan dan keamanan keluhan musculoskeletal dari celup ember 12 % meningkat menggunakan Celup mesin sebesar 58%. Kata Kunci : Metode OWAS, Pewarnaan Bati

    Raadio 2 uute Eesti artistide tutvustajana

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    Analysis of Raadio 2 as a Media Presenter of New Estonian Acts. The objective of this bachelor thesis is to determinate how Raadio 2, being a part of Estonian Public Broadcasting (ERR), is serving the purpose of renewing the cultural field by presenting new Estonian acts and their music. This thesis is based on Pierre Bourdieu’s theory of fields (more specifically, the theory of the cultural field), by which the social agents share and divide the cultural capital of the cultural field. The social agents will often acknowledge, legitimate and reproduce the social forms of domination and the common opinions that will allow them to constitute the field. This theory has been linked to the predicted trends of Raadio 2 and their work on presenting new domestic acts. As also the radio presenters themselves play a great role in choosing the acts to be presented, the author of this thesis includes the gatekeeping theory. To give a better overview on how Raadio 2 is presenting new Estonian acts, the author has conducted a content-analysis of the radio’s programme and additional expert-interviews. The analysis of the programme is based on three weeks of Raadio 2’s programme (the weeks were divided between December 2011, February and March in 2012). The author analyzed mostly those broadcasts that share the purpose of presenting new (Estonian) acts. The chosen broadcasts are “Kuulderaadius”, “Pleier”, “Pleier Extra” and “Muusikanõukogu”. The material analyzed consists in approximately 83 hours of broadcasting. The expert-interviews were conducted with Heidy Purga, the ex editor-in-chief of Raadio 2; Sten Teppan, one of the radio presenters in Raadio 2; Helen Sildna, a music manager and a promoter; and Fredy Schmidt, a young Estonian musician, whose several acts (groups such as Animal Drama, Kosmoseratsanikud and Laika Virgin) have been promoted by Raadio 2. Based on the analysis of the broadcasts presenting new Estonian acts on Raadio 2, it can be said that about 10% of the time the shows are on air, is spent on presenting new domestic acts. The main means to introduce new acts are interviewing the artists and playing their music. Also the comments of the radio presenters are important: as many of the presenters working in Raadio 2 are opinion leaders when it comes to Estonian music, them giving credit to young musicians is a motivation of its own. The music of new Estonian acts finds its way to Raadio 2 in two ways in general. Most of the music is brought or sent by the artists themselves. Some of the music is found by the radio presenters. If they discover a new band from a concert or from the Internet and find the music good or interesting enough to introduce to the public, they contact the artists to get their music to the radio station. The opinion of the radio presenters plays a great part in choosing the acts to introduce. To find their way to be presented on air, the artists have to have that special something to catch the attention of the presenters. In a way, the criteria to be noticed by the radio presenters can be named the musical newsworthiness of the artists (being artistic, enthralling, fresh, weird, with character, etc.). Also the technical quality is important – the music can be good, but if the recording is bad in quality, it cannot be played on radio. Raadio 2 helps the new Estonian acts to build their music career mainly by introduction. The radio station is willing to play the acts that are little known and have therefore little or no chance to be played on commercial radio stations. In addition, Raadio 2 is also working together with a band competition Noortebänd. In a competition where only little known young musicians can enter, Raadio 2 chooses their favourites and rewards them with a special prize to help to build their career. Raadio 2 can also suggest international music festivals to consider some little known Estonian artists to be invited to play there. In Estonia, the annual gallup poll Aastahitt, organized by Raadio 2, plays a big role in introducing new acts to public. The results of the poll are announced on a special day that ends with a music gala where the main prizes are given to the best acts. The radio presenters also choose their favourites and give an opportunity to at least one new group to perform on the show that is also broadcasted by the national television. The lists of songs played on Raadio 2 are sent to the Estonian Authors’ Society, a percentage of the broadcasting fee is paid to the authors of the songs if they are registered members of the society. The most important function of Raadio 2 for the artists themselves is nevertheless the opportunity to get played and talked of on the radio. A friendly pat-on-the-back by a radio station that is a part of ERR and where opinion-leaders of domestic music work, gives a great deal of encouragement and self-confidence for the musicians to keep on making what they love.http://tartu.ester.ee/record=b2610781~S1*es


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    Obligado es comenzar precisando que a diferencia del concepto general de educación, cuya significación puede, ir más allá de la educación del niñoy del joven, y que tampoco es exclusiva de la escuela o el colegio (ya que también los padres educan junto con otras instituciones, organismos y procesos sociales que tienen competencias y efectos educativos), definimos la pedagogía como la específica formación o educación del niño, que también específicamente tiene que ver con su desarrollo intelectual

    Altruism during predation in an assassin bug

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    Zelus annulosus is an assassin bug species mostly noted on Hirtella physophora, a myrmecophyte specifically associated with the ant Allomerus decemarticulatus known to build traps on host tree twigs to ambush insect preys. The Z. annulosus females lay egg clutches protected by a sticky substance. To avoid being trapped, the first three instars of nymphs remain grouped in a clutch beneath the leaves on which they hatched, yet from time to time, they climb onto the upper side to group ambush preys. Long-distance prey detection permits these bugs to capture flying or jumping insects that alight on their leaves. Like some other Zelus species, the sticky substance of the sundew setae on their forelegs aids in prey capture. Group ambushing permits early instars to capture insects that they then share or not depending on prey size and the hunger of the successful nymphs. Fourth and fifth instars, with greater needs, rather ambush solitarily on different host tree leaves, but attract siblings to share large preys. Communal feeding permits faster prey consumption, enabling small nymphs to return sooner to the shelter of their leaves. By improving the regularity of feeding for each nymph, it likely regulates nymphal development, synchronizing molting and subsequently limiting cannibalism

    Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Keselamataan dan Kesehatan Kerja (SMK3) Di Fakultas Teknik

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    Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja adalah suatu pemikiran dan upaya untuk menjamin keutuhan dan kesempurnaan baik jasmaniah maupun rohaniah tenaga kerja pada khususnya dan manusia pada umumnya.Secara disiplin ilmu, Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja diartikan sebagai ilmu dan penerapannya secara teknis dan teknologis untuk melakukan pencegahan terhadap munculnya kecelakaan kerja dan penyakit akibat kerja dari setiap pekerjaan yang dilakukan. Padapenelitian ini mencatat semua data secara obyektif dan apa adanya sesuai dengan hasil observasi dan wawancara di lapangan. Penulis melakukan experimen mengenai Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Keselamataan dan Kesehatan Keja (SMK3) Di Fakultas Teknik. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu, Belum adanya pelatihan simulasi jika ada keadaan darurat. Namun untuk tanda jalur evakuasi telah tersedia di setiap tangga fakultas dan tempat untuk berkumpul bila terjadi keadaan darurat sudah tersedia di depan fakultas teknik. Keywords Keselamtan dan Kesehatan Kerja, Penerapan K3, Sistem Manajemen K


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    peer reviewedMetakaolin (MK) is known to be a highly pozzolanic material that can be used in concrete. MK is usually produced by heating kaolin-containing clays, within the temperature range of about 600–900 ℃. This chapter summarizes the utilization of metakaolin in relevant worldwide standards, mainly in Europe and North America. The health, safety and environmental sustainability concerns on using metakaolin as a supplementary cementitious material are also addressed in this chapter. It is reported that MK incorporation has benefits on both early-age and long-term properties. On the other hand, this chapter also reports that the results of heat of hydration and rate of reaction in metakaolin-blended concrete are controversial and need further investigation. Overall, the optimum level of cement replacement by MK is around 10–20%, which provides concrete the maximum strength. Metakaolin appears to have an excellent potential as a supplementary cementitious material in structures made of high-performance concrete, because it controls deleterious expansion due to alkali-silica reaction in concrete (depending on the nature of the aggregate), and reduces the ingress of chloride by improving the microstructure and chloride binding behavior. © RILEM 2018

    Lean and green in the transport and logistics sector – a case study of simultaneous deployment

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    © 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. The transport and logistics sector is of vital importance for the stimulation of trade and hence the economic development of nations. However, over the last few years, this sector has taken central stage in the green agenda due to the negative environmental effects derived from its operations. Several disciplines including operations research and sub-areas of supply chain management such as green supply chains, green logistics and reverse logistics have tried to address this problem. However, despite the work undertaken through these disciplines, theoretical or empirical research into the sequential or simultaneous deployment of the lean and green paradigms, particularly, in the road transport and logistics sector is limited. This paper presents a case study where both paradigms have been combined to improve the transport operations of a world leader logistics organisation in the metropolitan area of Monterrey, Mexico. To do this, a systematic methodology and a novel tool called Sustainable Transportation Value Stream Map (STVSM) were proposed. The results obtained from the case study indicate that the concurrent deployment of the green and lean paradigms through such methodology and the STVSM tool is an effective approach to improve both operational efficiency and environmental performance of road transport operations. The paper can be used as a guiding reference for transport and logistics organisations to undertake improvement projects similar to the one presented in this paper. Additionally, this research also intends to stimulate scholarly research into the application of lean and green paradigms in the transport and logistics sector to expand the limited research pursued in this area

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