64 research outputs found

    Age at first breeding and change in plumage of kelp gulls Larus Dominicanus in South Africa

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    In South Africa, kelp gulls Larus dominicanus first breed when 4 years old. At least 50% of 4-year-olds breed; virtually all older birds breed annually. Most chicks leave natal colonies in the austral autumn and winter, when about 6 months old, and 60% of them may not return until aged 2 or 3 years. One 3-year-old showed signs of defending territory, but birds only attain full adult plumage when aged 4. The plumage of 3-year-olds is similar to that of adults, but the white spots on the outer primaries are less well developed and the secondaries and inner primaries have no white trailing edge. Chicks are dark, whereas birds aged 1 and 2 years gain increasing amounts of pale or white plumage on the face, neck, underparts and tail

    Local forage fish abundance influences foraging effort and offspring condition in an endangered marine predator

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via the DOI in this record.All data will be archived in the Dryad Digital Repository and BirdLife Seabird Tracking Database.1. Understanding the functional relationship between marine predators and their prey is vital to inform ecosystem-based management. However, collecting concurrent data on predator behaviour and their prey at relevant scales is challenging. Moreover, opportunities to study these relationships in the absence of industrial fishing are extremely rare. 2. We took advantage of an experimental fisheries closure to study how local prey abundance influences foraging success and chick condition of Endangered African penguins Spheniscus demersus in the Benguela Ecosystem. 3. We tracked 75 chick-provisioning penguins with GPS-time-depth devices, measured body condition of 569 chicks, quantified the diet of 83 breeding penguins and conducted 12 forage fish hydro-acoustic surveys within a 20 km radius of Robben Island, South Africa, over three years (2011–2013). Commercial fishing for the penguins’ main prey, sardine Sardinops sagax and anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus, was prohibited within this 20 km radius during the study period. 4. Local forage fish abundance explained 60% of the variation in time spent diving for 14 penguins at sea within 2 days of a hydro-acoustic survey. Penguin foraging effort (time spent diving, number of wiggles per trip, number of foraging dives and the maximum distance travelled) increased and offspring body condition decreased as forage fish abundance declined. In addition, quantile regression revealed that variation in foraging effort increased as prey abundance around the colony declined. 5. Policy implications. Our results demonstrate that local forage fish abundance influences seabird foraging and offspring fitness. They also highlight the potential for offspring condition and the mean-variance relationship in foraging behaviour to act as leading indicators of poor prey abundance. By rapidly indicating periods where forage resources are scarce, these metrics could help limit seabird-fisheries competition and aid the implementation of dynamic ocean managemen


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    During the 1990s and early 2000s, populations of surface-nesting seabirds at Marion Island showed different trends, but for the majority of species numbers decreased. Reduced numbers of gentoo penguins Pygoscelis papua, eastern rockhopper penguins Eudyptes chrysocome filholi, Crozet shags Phalacrocorax [atriceps] melanogenis and probably macaroni penguins E. chrysolophus are most plausibly attributed to an altered availability of food. Decreases in numbers of dark-mantled sooty albatrosses Phoebetria fusca, light-mantled sooty albatrosses P. palpebrata, southern giant petrels Macronectes giganteus and possibly northern giant petrels M. halli may have resulted from mortality of birds in longline fisheries. However, populations of wandering Diomedea exulans and grey-headed Thalassarche chrysostoma albatrosses fluctuated around a stable level. Numbers of Subantarctic skuas Catharacta antarctica and kelp gulls Larus dominicanus breeding at Marion Island also decreased. Kerguelen Sterna virgata and Antarctic S. vittata terns remain scarce at the island. Trends for king penguins Aptenodytes patagonicus were not reliably gauged, but numbers probably remained stable or increased. There were large fluctuations in numbers of king penguin chicks surviving to the end of winter.Afr. J. mar. Sci. 25: 427–44

    Bisbenzimide compounds inhibit the replication of prototype and pandemic potential poxviruses

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    We previously identified the bisbenzimide Hoechst 33342 (H42) as a potent multi-stage inhibitor of the prototypic poxvirus, the vaccinia virus (VACV), and several parapoxviruses. A recent report showed that novel bisbenzimide compounds similar in structure to H42 could prevent human cytomegalovirus replication. Here, we assessed whether these compounds could also serve as poxvirus inhibitors. Using virological assays, we show that these bisbenzimide compounds inhibit VACV spread, plaque formation, and the production of infectious progeny VACV with relatively low cell toxicity. Further analysis of the VACV lifecycle indicated that the effective bisbenzimide compounds had little impact on VACV early gene expression but inhibited VACV late gene expression and truncated the formation of VACV replication sites. Additionally, we found that bisbenzimide compounds, including H42, can inhibit both monkeypox and a VACV mutant resistant to the widely used anti-poxvirus drug TPOXX (Tecovirimat). Therefore, the tested bisbenzimide compounds were inhibitors of both prototypic and pandemic potential poxviruses and could be developed for use in situations where anti-poxvirus drug resistance may occur. Additionally, these data suggest that bisbenzimide compounds may serve as broad-activity antiviral compounds, targeting diverse DNA viruses such as poxviruses and betaherpesviruses

    The status and conservation of Cape Gannets Morus capensis

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Taylor & Francis via the DOI in this recordThe Cape Gannet Morus capensis is one of several seabird species that are endemic to the Benguela upwelling ecosystem (BUS), whose populations recently decreased leading to unfavourable Red List classifications. Application of JARA, a Bayesian state-space tool for IUCN Red List assessment, to updated information on areas occupied by and nest densities of breeding Cape Gannets at their six colonies suggested the species should be classified as Vulnerable. However, the rate of decrease of Cape Gannets in their most recent generation exceeded that of the previous generation, primarily as a result of large decreases at Bird Island, Lambert’s Bay, and Malgas Island off South Africa’s west coast. Since the 1960s, there has been an ongoing redistribution of the species from northwest to southeast so that c. 70% of the species now occurs at Bird Island, Algoa Bay, on the eastern border of the BUS. Recruitment rather than adult survival may be limiting the present population, although information on demographic parameters and mortality in fisheries is lacking for colonies in the northern BUS. Major present threats to the species include a substantially decreased availability of their preferred prey in the west, heavy mortality of eggs, chicks and fledglings at and around colonies inflicted by Cape Fur Seals Arctocephalus pusillus and other seabirds, substantial disturbance at colonies caused by Cape Fur Seals attacking adults ashore, oiling and disease

    Why do people fitted with hearing aids not wear them?

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    Objective: Age-related hearing loss is an increasingly important public health problem affecting approximately 40% of 55–74 year olds. The primary clinical management intervention for people with hearing loss is hearing aids, however, the majority (80%) of adults aged 55–74 years who would benefit from a hearing aid, do not use them. Furthermore, many people given a hearing aid do not wear it. The aim was to collate the available evidence as to the potential reasons for non-use of hearing aids among people who have been fitted with at least one. Design: Data were gathered via the use of a scoping study. Study sample: A comprehensive search strategy identified 10 articles reporting reasons for non-use of hearing aids. Results: A number of reasons were given, including hearing aid value, fit and comfort and maintenance of the hearing aid, attitude, device factors, financial reasons, psycho-social/situational factors, healthcare professionals attitudes, ear problems, and appearance. Conclusions: The most important issues were around hearing aid value, i.e. the hearing aid not providing enough benefit, and comfort related to wearing the hearing aid. Identifying factors that affect hearing aid usage are necessary for devising appropriate rehabilitation strategies to ensure greater use of hearing aids

    Estimating Sensitivity of Laboratory Testing for Influenza in Canada through Modelling

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    Background: The weekly proportion of laboratory tests that are positive for influenza is used in public health surveillance systems to identify periods of influenza activity. We aimed to estimate the sensitivity of influenza testing in Canada based on results of a national respiratory virus surveillance system. Methods and Findings: The weekly number of influenza-negative tests from 1999 to 2006 was modelled as a function of laboratory-confirmed positive tests for influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), adenovirus and parainfluenza viruses, seasonality, and trend using Poisson regression. Sensitivity was calculated as the number of influenza positive tests divided by the number of influenza positive tests plus the model-estimated number of false negative tests. The sensitivity of influenza testing was estimated to be 33 % (95%CI 32–34%), varying from 30–40 % depending on the season and region. Conclusions: The estimated sensitivity of influenza tests reported to this national laboratory surveillance system is considerably less than reported test characteristics for most laboratory tests. A number of factors may explain this difference, including sample quality and specimen procurement issues as well as test characteristics. Improved diagnosis would permit better estimation of the burden of influenza

    Congruent, decreasing trends of gentoo penguins and Crozet shags at sub-Antarctic Marion Island suggest food limitation through common environmental forcing

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    Numbers of gentoo penguins Pygoscelis papua and Crozet shags Phalacrocorax [atriceps] melanogenis breeding annually at Marion Island, one of South Africa’s Prince Edward Islands in the South-West Indian Ocean, were strongly correlated over 19 split-years from 1994/1995 to 2012/2013. Both species decreased between the mid-1990s and the mid-2000s, exhibited a partial recovery in the late-2000s and then decreased to their lowest recorded levels in 2012/2013. In both instances, the partial recoveries in the late-2000s were associated with improved breeding success. At a colony of gentoo penguins, breeding success was negatively correlated with the date of arrival of adults to breed. Gentoo penguins and Crozet shags are demersal feeders in inshore waters around Marion Island and there is considerable overlap in the composition of their diets. Therefore, trends in their populations may be driven by food availability, which is likely to be influenced by benthic production around the island. We propose that, in South Africa, and based on the current assessment, the Crozet shag, which elsewhere breeds only at the Crozet Islands, is now Critically Endangered, and the more widely ranging gentoo penguin is Endangered.Keywords: breeding success, environmental change, food limitation, Phalacrocorax [atriceps] melanogenis, population decrease, Pygoscelis papua, seabirdsAfrican Journal of Marine Science 2014, 36(2): 225–23

    Divergent trends in bank cormorants Phalacrocorax neglectus breeding in South Africa\'s Western Cape consistent with a distributional shift of rock lobsters Jasus lalandii

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    In South Africa's Western Cape Province, numbers of bank cormorants Phalacrocorax neglectus breeding at 11 localities decreased from above 500 pairs during 1978–1987 to 350 pairs from 1995 to 2006. The most northern colony (Lambert's Bay) was extinct by 1999 and there were substantial decreases at the two largest colonies (Malgas and Dassen Islands), also north of Cape Town. There was long-term stability at three smaller colonies near Saldanha and fluctuating growth at Robben Island near Cape Town, where the colony was twice affected by oil spills. Between Cape Point and Cape Hangklip, two colonies were monitored and their numbers increased. Farther east, numbers at the Dyer Island group showed a slight decrease. These trends are consistent with a reduced abundance of West Coast rock lobsters Jasus lalandii in the north and an expansion of this resource to the east, but not yet as far as Dyer Island. Rock lobsters were the most important item in the diet of bank cormorants to the north of Cape Town.Keywords: bank cormorant; food; Jasus lalandii; Phalacrocorax neglectus; oil spill; population trend; rock lobster; South AfricaAfrican Journal of Marine Science 2008, 30(1): 161–16