21 research outputs found

    Growth and distribution pattern of the world manufacturing output: a statistical profile

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    Сводный показатель промышленного развития для международного сравнительного анализа

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    A country’s industrial performance can be assessed using a number of statistical indicators reflecting the level, growth and structure of industrial activities. However, policymakers prefer a single composite measure over a set of indicators to obtain an overall picture of their country’s relative performance compared to that of other countries. The paper describes UNIDO’s experience of constructing such a measure, namely the Competitive Industrial Performance (CIP) index, which considers countries’ productive capacity, intensity of industrialization and impact on the world market as major components of industrial performance. The compilation of the CIP index, however, poses two major challenges. First, the composite measure for a broad international comparison can only be constructed when data are available for all indicators and if the computation methodology is uniform across the countries. Second, as the final result is a normalized index used for country ranking, any uncertainty in one of the indicators may result in a shift of a given country in the overall ranking. The primary data source for the compilation of the CIP index is UNIDO’s database based on an underlying quality assurance framework for international comparability. To address the second problem, a sensitivity analysis is performed. The analysis reveals a substantially high correlation between the default CIP rankings and the alternatives, indicating that the composite measures are robust in a comparative assessment of countries’ industrial performance.Промышленная деятельность страны оценивается целым рядом статистических показателей, отражающих ее уровень, рост и структуру. Однако пользователи данных, особенно в государственных органах, предпочитают иметь дело с небольшим числом сводных или синтетических показателей, которые в целом могут отражать состояние и тенденции развития промышленности в стране. Данная статья описывает опыт Организации Объединенных Наций по промышленному развитию (ЮНИДО) построения такого показателя для сравнения конкурентоспособности стран в промышленной деятельности. Этот показатель имеет название «индекс промышленной конкурентоспособности» [Competitive Industrial Performance (CIP) Index]. Индекс CIP строится на основе ряда показателей, отражающих производственные возможности страны, интенсивность индустриализации и влияние промышленности страны на мировой рынок. При построении данного индекса статистики сталкиваются с двумя серьезными проблемами. Во-первых, сводный показатель для широкого международного сопоставления может быть построен, только если имеются данные для всех показателей и методология расчета показателей гармонизирована. Во-вторых, поскольку конечным результатом является нормализованный сводный индекс, используемый для ранжирования стран, любая неопределенность в одном из показателей может привести к изменению позиции страны в общем рейтинге. Основным источником данных для построения индекса CIP является база данных ЮНИДО. Достоверность и международная сопоставимость данных обеспечиваются в рамках общего контроля ЮНИДО за качеством данных. Для решения второй проблемы проводился анализ чувствительности, который выявил степень корреляции между полученными данными и альтернативными результатами, основанными на других методах расчета. Анализ подтвердил устойчивость индекса и, соответственно, его надежность как показателя сравнения промышленной конкурентоспособности стран

    Accuracy of Frozen Section with Histopathological Report in an Institute

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    Introduction: Frozen section helps in rapid intra-operative diagnosis. It is commonly used during surgical procedures to detect malignancy so that modifications of surgery can be decided at the time of surgery on the table. Frozen section is also performed for evaluation of surgical margins and detection of lymph node metastasis. In addition it is applied for detection of unknown pathological processes.The objective of this study was to assess the accuracy of frozen section diagnosis in comparison to gold standard histopathological diagnosis and to find concordance and discordance rate of frozen section with histopathological report. Methods: This was a cross sectional study of 41 frozen section samples done in the department of pathology of BP Koirala Institute of Health Sciences from September 2014 to August 2015. All frozen section samples with their permanent tissue samples sent for final histopathological evaluation were included in the study. Results: The overall accuracy of frozen section diagnosis was 97%. The sensitivity was 94%, specificity was 87%, positive predictive value was 90% and negative predictive value was 93%. The concordance rate was 90.2% and the discordance rate was 9.8%. Conclusions: The results of frozen section varied in different organ systems and the common cause of discrepancy in our study were the gross sampling error and the interpretational error

    COVID-19 vaccination up-take in three districts of Nepal

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    Vaccine hesitancy during the COVID-19 pandemic continues to be an issue in terms of global efforts to decrease transmission rates. Despite high demand for the vaccines in Nepal, the country still contends with challenges related to vaccine accessibility, equitable vaccine distribution, and vaccine hesitancy. Study objectives were to identify: 1) up-take and intention for use of COVID-19 vaccines, 2) factors associated with vaccine up-take, and 3) trusted communication strategies about COVID-19 and the vaccines. A quantitative survey was implemented in August and September 2021 through an initiative at the Nepali Ministry of Health and Population Department of Health Services, Family Welfare Division. Data were collected from 865 respondents in three provinces (Bagmati, Lumbini, and Province 1). Ordinal multivariate logistic regression was utilized to determine relationships between vaccination status and associated factors. Overall, 62% (537) respondents were fully vaccinated and 18% (159) were partially vaccinated. Those respondents with higher education (p \u3c .001) and higher household income (p \u3c .001) were more likely vaccinated. There were also significant differences in vaccine up-take across the three provinces (p \u3c .001). Respondents who were vaccinated were significantly more likely to perceive vaccines as efficacious in terms of preventing COVID-19 (p = .004) and preventing serious outcomes (p = .010). Among both vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals, there was a high level of trust in information about COVID-19 vaccines provided through local health-care workers [e.g. nurses and physicians]. These results are consistent with other findings within the South Asia region. Targeted advocacy and outreach efforts are needed to support ongoing COVID-19 vaccination campaigns throughout Nepal

    Advances in genetics and molecular breeding of three legume crops of semi-arid tropics using next-generation sequencing and high-throughput genotyping technologies

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    Molecular markers are the most powerful genomic tools to increase the efficiency and precision of breeding practices for crop improvement. Progress in the development of genomic resources in the leading legume crops of the semi-arid tropics (SAT), namely, chickpea (Cicer arietinum), pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan) and groundnut (Arachis hypogaea), as compared to other crop species like cereals, has been very slow. With the advances in next-generation sequencing (NGS) and high-throughput (HTP) genotyping methods, there is a shift in development of genomic resources including molecular markers in these crops. For instance, 2,000 to 3,000 novel simple sequence repeats (SSR) markers have been developed each for chickpea, pigeonpea and groundnut. Based on Sanger, 454/FLX and Illumina transcript reads, transcriptome assemblies have been developed for chickpea (44,845 transcript assembly contigs, or TACs) and pigeonpea (21,434 TACs). Illumina sequencing of some parental genotypes of mapping populations has resulted in the development of 120 million reads for chickpea and 128.9 million reads for pigeonpea. Alignment of these Illumina reads with respective transcriptome assemblies have provided >10,000 SNPs each in chickpea and pigeonpea. A variety of SNP genotyping platforms including GoldenGate, VeraCode and Competitive Allele Specific PCR (KASPar) assays have been developed in chickpea and pigeonpea. By using above resources, the first-generation or comprehensive genetic maps have been developed in the three legume speciesmentioned above. Analysis of phenotyping data together with genotyping data has provided candidate markers for drought-tolerance-related root traits in chickpea, resistance to foliar diseases in groundnut and sterility mosaic disease (SMD) and fertility restoration in pigeonpea. Together with these traitassociated markers along with those already available, molecular breeding programmes have been initiated for enhancing drought tolerance, resistance to fusarium wilt and ascochyta blight in chickpea and resistance to foliar diseases in groundnut. These trait-associated robust markers along with other genomic resources including genetic maps and genomic resources will certainly accelerate crop improvement programmes in the SAT legum

    Quality of Care for Maternal and Newborn Health in Health Facilities in Nepal

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    Nepal has pledged to substantially reduce maternal and newborn death by 2030. Improving quality of intrapartum health services will be vital to reduce these deaths. This paper examines quality of delivery and newborn services in health facilities of Nepal