460 research outputs found

    Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Dengan Diskusi Dalam Upaya Peningkatan Keterampilan Berbicara Siswa Kelas VIII B SMP N 2 Doplang Tahun Ajaran 2010/2011

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    Rendahnya prestasi belajar di SMP N2 Doplang disebabkan ketidak tepatan dalam PBM. PBM yang dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan model ceramah sehingga membuat siswa ramai dan bosan. Peneliti memberikan alternatif baru dalam melaksanakan PBM yaitu dengan metode diskusi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendiskripsikan proses pembelajaran dengan metode diskusi sebagai upaya peningkatan keterampilan berbicara siswa kelas VIII B SMP N2 Doplang tahun ajaran 2010/2011 dan mengidentifikasi peningkatan keterampilan berbicara siswa yang meliputi keterampilan bertanya dan menjelaskan serta keberanian untuk tampil di depan guna melaporkan hasil diskusi. Objek penelitian ini adalah kemampuan berbicara siswa yang dilakukan pada waktu berdiskusi dalam pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia yang meliputi kemampuan bertanya dan menjelaskan serta keberanian tampil didepan kelas. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode diskriptif kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah teknik wawancara, observasi dan catatan lapangan. Wawancara dengan guru bidang studi dan kepala sekolah dilakukan mulai dari dialoq awal sampai penyimpulan hasil penelitian. Observasi dan catatan pengamatan dilakukan selama tindakan berlangsung. Pelaksanaan tindakan pembelajaran terbagi menjadi tiga putaran yang terus meningkat setiap putarannya. Kolaborasi antara peneliti dengan guru bahasa Indonesia secara terus menerus menunjang kelancaran penelitian ini. Hal ini dapat dibuktikan dengan adanya peningkatan keterampilan berbicara siswa yang meliputi bertanya dan menjelaskan, serta tampil didepan kelas. Keterampilan bertanya siswa sebelum penelitian 0% setelah diadakan penelitian pada siklus I menjadi 7%, siklus II 18%, siklus III 20%. Keterampilan menjelaskan sebelum penelitian 0% pada siklus I menjadi 7%, siklus II 25%, siklus III 31%. Keberanian tampil di depan kelas juga mengalami peningkatan yang semula 0% pada siklus I menjadi 15%, siklus II 22%, siklus III 41%. Metode diskusi membuat peserta didik lebih tertarik belajar bahasa Indonesia. Metode diskusi membuat siswa belajar mengalami sendiri apa yang sedang dipelajari. Keaktifan peserta didik terlihat pada saat PBM berlangsung

    Ruang Terbuka Hijau dalam Pembangunan Berkelanjutan di Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta

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    Green open spaces are elongated / lane and / or clumped areas, with more open use, where plants grow, whether naturally grown or intentionally planted. The purpose of this research is first, to know law enforcement against green open space fulfillment in DKI Jakarta. Secondly, to find out the obstacles found by the Jakarta Parks and Cemetery Agency in the procurement of land for the fulfillment of green open space park in DKI Jakarta. The method in this research is qualitative with secondary data collection and literature study and primary data is taken with the instrument of interview with the official or authorized staff in related institution. The results showed that green open space of DKI Jakarta has not been fulfilled by 30% of the total area of Jakarta Capital City. The green open spaces of the park under the Jakarta Parks and Cemetery Department resulted from the refueling of SPBU, namely: Central Jakarta area there are 10 locations with an area of 13,022.00 M. North Jakarta area there are 3 locations with an area of 4,275.00 M2. West Jakarta area there are 3 locations with an area of 3.18800 M2. South Jakarta area there are 7 locations with an area of 12,277.00 M2. East Jakarta area there are 3 locations with an area of 4,123.00 M2. The Thousand Islands Region is no refunction. Obstacles encountered related to the procurement of land for green open spaces of the park, namely: first, the existence of disagreement in the community related to the procurement of land destined for the park. Second, the land in dispute. Third, in spatial planning every zoning / allotment is coordinated to different SKPD

    Pemberlakuan Mediasi di Pengadilan Negeri pada Perkara Perdata untuk Memperluas Akses Bagi Para Pihak Memperoleh Rasa Keadilan

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    Mediation is a method to resolve disputes through negotiation process to effect a compromise between the parties with the assistance of a mediator. The legal basis for mediation procedure is Supreme Court Regulation No. 1 Year 2006 on Mediation Procedures in Court. There are four reasons why the Supreme Court implements a mediation for legal proceedings in the court namely: to overcome backlog of cases to resolve disputes more quickly and economically, to maximize access for the parties to gain a sense of justice, and to strengthen and maximize the functions of the courts in resolving disputes. Reseach methodology: the research is conducted in two phases which include library research and field research. The library research is performed by making an attempt to understand Indonesian Supreme Court Regulation No. 1 Year 2008 on the Implementation of Mediation in Court and by studying books on law of civil procedure. Field reserach is a research conducted by collecting data directly from the Central Jakarta District Court and East Jakarta District Court. The purpose of this study is to determine the success rate of mediation in practice and to determine the factors that affect the success rate of mediation in practice. The factors that affect the success rate are firstly, the Supreme Court Regulation on Mediation Procedure in Court, secondly, the mediator and thirdly, the conflicting parties or their attorneys

    Analysis of Rotating Object using Video Tracker

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    This simple study attempts to see the link between climate change, agriculture, and local wisdom. With a descriptive-analytic method that relies on literature, this study wanted to show the need for fundamental changes to return to a "friendly" climate. The COVID-19 pandemic provides the experience that human life can fundamentally change, which it had a positive impact on the environment. Here is where local wisdom can play a role in ensuring agricultural work that follows the flows of nature so that it is not exploitative or takes and uses in moderation. New agriculture is the way out of the threat of climate change in a new way based on new awareness

    Parametric and nonparametric identification of shell and tube heat exchanger mathematical model

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    Parametric and nonparametric models of a shell and tube heat exchanger are studied. Such models are very important because they provide information about controlling a system operation. Without the model, the control task would be difficult for tuning of controller. For many years, researchers have studied these models; however, their models are still less satisfactory since they are not in general form. This problem is caused by two key issues, namely, multiple unknown parameters and highly nonlinear structures. Energy balances have been set-up for condition of unknown parameters which involved, among others, temperature, flow rate, density and heat capacity. The identification process produces a dynamic model of the heat exchanger which is developed based on a lumped parameter system. The model developed is single input single output whereas input signal is hot water flow rate and the output is cold water temperature. The general form of the model obtained could have parametric model structures such as auto regressive with external input, average auto regressive moves with external input, output error or box-jenkins. The study in this thesis aims to solve the general form through parametric and nonparametric models which has been proposed as candidate models. Both candidate models have been implemented and tested by applying several data sets constructed in lab experiments. The first finding is the derivation of the dynamic model in the general form of the transfer function in s domain, and it has been proven that it has parametric model structure. The second finding is the first order without delay time transfer function of the nonparametric model where they have gain is 35.20C and time constant 7200s. These have proven to fulfill that the measured experimental data contains calculated error that is no than more 2%. The third finding is the parametric model obtained has proven that the measured experimental data contains calculated error level that is very satisfactory, i.e. less than 1%. This error has been determined based on the final prediction error for each model structure used. The best model has been chosen, i.e. bj31131. It has the smallest values of the loss function and final prediction error of 0.0023, and it has high values of the best fits, i.e. 96.84%. Parameter optimization has been calculated to determine minimization or maximization of functions which involved the parameter studied. It is used to find a set of design parameters that can in some way be defined as optimal. The first until the third findings are minor contribution while the parameter optimization has been a major contribution

    Etika Lingkungan Hidup

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    kata kunuci: etika lingkungan hidu


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    Kajian sederhana ini mencoba menjawab pertanyaan umum terkait peristiwa banjir yang menghancurkan dan merenggut nyawa. Dengan metode deskriptif-analitis yang bertumpu pada sumber-sumber kepustakaan, kajian ini menemukan bahwa pengelolaan sumber daya alam di daerah aliran sungai akan sangat bergantung pada pelibatan warga dan kinerja kearifan lokal. Namun, kearifan lokal juga akan bergantung pada kualitas interaksi masyarakat dan lingkungan setempat. Kata kunci: kearifan local, daerah aliran sungai, sunga

    Audit Energi dan Analisis Penghematan Konsumsi Energi pada Sistem Peralatan Listrik di Gedung Pelayanan Unila

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    Intisari — Audit Energi adalah teknik yang dipakai untuk menghitung besarnya konsumsi energi pada bangunan gedung dan mengenali cara-cara untuk penghematannya. Pada penelitian ini Audit Energi dilakukan pada gedung-gedung yang ada di Universitas Lampung. Gedung-gedung tersebut meliputi Gedung Perpustakaan, Gedung Serba Guna (GSG), dan Gedung A Fakultas Pertanian. Kegiatan yang dilakukan meliputi Audit Energi Awal dan Audit Energi Rinci yaitu menghitung Intensitas Konsumsi Energi (IKE) dan mencari peluang penghematan energi di gedung-gedung tersebut yang jalur listriknya mengikuti Gardu K 0177. Dari hasil penelitian, didapatkan IKE pada gedung-gedung tersebut. Gedung Perpustakaan nilai IKE nya 34,31 kWh/m²/tahun. Pada GSG IKE 26,89 kWh/m²/tahun. Dan pada Gedung A Fakultas Pertanian IKE 77,74 kWh/m²/tahun. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa penggunaan energi listrik pada setiap gedung sudah sangat efisien karena standard IKE pada gedung perkantoran adalah 240 kWh/m²/tahun. Kata kunci — Audit energi, hemat energi, IKE   Abstract — Energy Audit is a technique that is used to calculate the amount of energy consumption in buildings and identify ways to savings. In this research, Energy Audit was conducted in the existing buildings of Lampung University such as Library, Auditorium (GSG), and A Building of Agriculture Faculty. The activities conducted including Initial Energy Audit and Detailed Energy Audit were calculating the Energy Consumption Intensity (IKE) and seeking the energy saving opportunity in those buildings where the electric line following Substation K 0177. From the result of the research, we have IKE value in those buildings. The Library building, the initial IKE value is 34,31 kWh/m2/year. For auditorium building, the initial IKE value is 26,89 kWh/m2/year. Last for A building of Agriculture faculty, the initial IKE value is 77,74 kWh/m2/year. This indicates that the use of electrical energy in every building has been very efficient because the IKE standard for office building is 240 kWh/m2/year. Keywords — Energy audit, energy saving, IK
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