12 research outputs found

    A comparison of the management of venous leg ulceration by specialist and generalist community nurses: A judgement analysis

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    Venous leg ulcer management in the UK varies significantly. Judgements made by nurses contribute to this variability and it is often assumed that specialist nurses make better judgements than non-specialist nurses. This paper compares the judgements of community tissue viability specialist nurses and community generalist nurses; specifically, the ways they use clinical information and their levels of accuracy.To compare specialist and non-specialist UK community nurses' clinical information use when managing venous leg ulceration and their levels of accuracy when making diagnoses and judging the need for treatment.Judgement analysis.UK community and primary care nursing services.18 community generalist nurses working in district (home) nursing teams and general practitioner services and 18 community tissue viability specialist nurses.Data were collected in 2011 and 2012. 18 community generalist nurses and 18 community tissue viability specialist nurses made diagnostic and treatment judgements on 110 clinical scenarios and indicated their confidence in each of their judgements. Scenarios were generated from real patient cases and presented online using text and photographs. An expert panel made judgements, and reached consensus on the same scenarios. These judgements were used as a standard against which to compare the participants. Logistic regression models and correlational statistics were used to generate various indices of judgement "performance": accuracy, consistency, confidence calibration and information use. Differences between groups of nurses with different levels of characteristics linked to expertise were explored using analysis of variance.Specialist nurses had similar cue usage to the generalist nurses but were more accurate when making diagnostic and treatment judgements.It is not obvious why the tissue viability specialist nurses were more accurate. One possible reason might be the greater opportunities for 'deliberate practice' afforded to specialists. However, restricting aspects of practice only to specialist nurses is likely to hinder the judgement performance of generalists

    Community Nurses' Judgement for the Management of Venous Leg Ulceration: A Judgement Analysis

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    Background: Nurses caring for the large numbers of people with leg ulceration play a key role in promoting quality in health via their diagnostic and treatment clinical judgements. In the UK, audit evidence suggests that the quality of these judgements is often sub optimal. Misdiagnosis and incorrect treatment choices are likely to affect healing rates, patients’ quality of life, patient safety and healthcare costs. Objectives: To explore the diagnostic judgements and treatment choices of UK community nurses managing venous leg ulceration. Design: A judgement analysis based on Brunswik's psychological Lens Model theory. Setting: UK community and primary care nursing services. Participants: 18 community generalist nurses working in district (home) nursing teams and general practitioner services and 18 community tissue viability specialist nurses. Methods: During 2011 and 2012, 36 nurses made diagnostic judgements and treatment choices in response to 110 clinical scenarios. Scenarios were generated from real patient cases and presented online using text and wound photographs. The consensus judgements of a panel of nurses with advanced knowledge of leg ulceration judged the same scenarios and provided a standard against which to compare the participants. Correlations and logistic regression models were constructed to generate various indices of judgement and decision “performance”: accuracy (Ra), consistency (Rs) and information use (G) and uncertainty (Re). Results: Taking uncertainty into account, nurses could theoretically have achieved a diagnostic level of accuracy of 0.63 but the nurses only achieved an accuracy of 0.48. For the treatment judgement (whether applying high compression was warranted) nurses could have achieved an accuracy of 0.88 but achieved only an accuracy of 0.49. This may have been due to the nurses giving insufficient weight to the diagnostic cues of medical history and appearance of the leg and ulcer and insufficient weight to the treatment cues of type of leg ulcer and pain. Conclusion: Clinical judgements and decisions made by nurses managing leg ulceration are complex and uncertain and some of the variability in judgements and choices can be explained by the ways in which nurses process the information and handle the uncertainties, present in clinical encounters

    Community Nurses' Judgement and Decision Making for the Management of Venous Leg Ulceration

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    Management of leg ulceration is an important part of community nurses’ workload but previous evidence suggests the quality of diagnosis and treatment of venous leg ulceration may be below that which should be expected. This thesis uses Judgement Analysis and Think Aloud methodologies to explore the performance of 18 tissue viability specialist nurses and 18 generalist community nurses managing patients with leg ulceration. The nurses made diagnostic judgements and treatment choices and assigned confidence ratings on 110 clinical scenarios generated from real patient cases. These were presented online, as written scenarios, and using photographs of wounds to add visual information. Data for the judgement ‘ecology’ was derived from consensus judgements of a group of ‘expert’ nurses using the same scenarios. Logistic regression models were constructed to examine ideographic Lens Model statistics for individual nurses. Comparisons were made between groups of nurses with different levels of education and expertise. Think Aloud data from three generalist nurses was analysed to identify their cognitive processes. The results showed that clinical decisions and judgements about venous leg ulceration are made in uncertain decision environments. In this study, community nurses achieved levels of accuracy below the achievable levels of judgement accuracy indicated by the diagnostic and treatment ecology models. Education alone was not a predictor of superior clinical performance. The ABPI was an important but under-weighted cue in diagnosis and the diagnosis (as a cue) was an important but under-weighted cue in treatment choice. Despite high levels of experience, nurses were under-confident in their judgements. A range of cognitive approaches to reasoning were apparent. The main contribution of this thesis is exposing the complexity of the clinical environment for leg ulceration and in setting out models for diagnostic judgment and treatment choices for venous leg ulceration. These models provide a starting point for developing robust strategies for supporting community nurses’ judgement and decision making

    The epidemiology of amputation inequality extends beyond diabetes in England

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    The excess risk of amputation in the diabetic population is well documented. However, approximately half of all amputations in England are in people that do not have diabetes - the remainder being mainly peripheral arterial disease. Whilst the prevalence of foot ulcers in the population without diabetes is significantly lower than their diabetic counterparts, the actual number of people with ulcers, and, therefore, the burden on services, is, the same. In addition to this inequality, the prevalence of amputation is greater in men than women and in the North of England compared with the South. We suggest that whilst diabetes is an important inequality to continue addressing, it is not the only one

    Analysis of gene content from bacterial genomes - A comparative study

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    Background VEINES-QOL/Sym is a disease-specific quality of life instrument for use in venous diseases of the leg. Its relative scoring system precludes comparisons between studies. There were very few venous leg ulcer patients in the validation samples. We report a validation study for venous leg ulcers and develop a scoring system which enables comparison between studies. Methods Four hundred fifty-one participants in the VenUS IV trial of the management of venous leg ulcers were asked to complete a VEINES-QOL questionnaire at recruitment, along with SF-12, pain, and other aspects of quality of life. VEINES-QOL was repeated after two weeks and after 4 months. Healing of ulcers was confirmed by blind assessment of digital photographs. Three scoring systems for VEINES-QOL were compared. Results No floor or ceiling effects were observed for VEINES-QOL items, item-item correlations were weak to moderate, item-score correlations were moderate. Internal reliability was good. The VEINES-Sym subscale was confirmed by factor analysis. Test-retest reliability was satisfactory for the scale scores; individual items showed moderate to good agreement. Relationships with SF-12, pain, and the quality items confirmed construct validity. Participants whose ulcers had healed showed greater mean increase in scores than did those yet to heal, though they continued to report leg problems. An intrinsic scoring method appeared superior to the original relative method. Conclusions VEINES-QOL was suitable for use in the study of venous leg ulcers. The intrinsic scoring method should be adopted, to facilitate comparisons between studies

    Development of a core outcome set for venous leg ulceration (CoreVen) research evaluations (protocol)

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    Background : A venous leg ulcer is a chronic leg wound caused by poor venous blood circulation in the lower limbs. It is a recurring condition causing pain, malodour, reduced mobility, and depression. Randomised controlled trials evaluating treatments for venous leg ulcers provide important evidence to inform clinical decision-making. However, for findings to be useful, outcomes need to be clinically meaningful, consistently reported across trials, and fully reported. Research has identified the large number of outcomes reported in venous leg ulcer trials, impacting both synthesis of results, and clinical decision-making. To address this, a core outcome set will be developed. A core outcome set is an agreed standardised set of outcomes which should be, as a minimum, measured and reported in all trials which evaluate treatment effectiveness for a given indication. A core outcome set has the potential to reduce research waste, improve the utility of RCTs, reduce reporting bias, facilitate treatment comparisons across different sources of evidence and expedite the production of systematic reviews, meta-analyses and evidence-based clinical guidelines. Aim : The aim of this project is to develop a core outcome set for research evaluating the effectiveness of interventions for treating venous leg ulceration. Methods : Through a scoping review of the literature on venous leg ulceration, we will firstly identify a list of candidate outcome domains (broad categories in relation to what is being measured) from randomised controlled trials and qualitative research, and outcomes (specific methods in relation to what is being measured). In two further stages, we will use the resulting lists of outcome domains and outcomes to design two online surveys. A range of stakeholders will be invited to participate in the surveys and they will be asked to indicate which outcome domains and outcomes are most important and should be considered as core in future research reports

    Development of a core outcome set for use in research evaluations of interventions for venous leg ulceration: international eDelphi consensus

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    INTRODUCTION: Venous leg ulceration (VLU) is a chronic, recurring condition with associated pain, malodour, impaired mobility and susceptibility to infection which in turn significantly impacts an individual's health-related quality of life. Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) aim to determine the efficacy of interventions to improve outcomes. To be useful, these outcomes should be consistently and fully reported across RCTs. A core outcome set (COS) is an agreed-upon standardised set of outcomes which should be, at a minimum, reported in all RCTs for a given indication including that of VLU.AIM: To gain consensus on which outcome domains and outcomes should be considered as core and therefore included in all RCTs of interventions in VLU treatment.METHOD: Two sequential, two round e-Delphi surveys were completed. The first gained consensus on core outcome domains and the second on core outcomes within those domains. Participants included: people with direct experience of having VLUs and their carers, healthcare professionals whose practice included VLU care and researchers within wound care (clinical, academic, industry).RESULTS: Five outcome domains; healing, pain, quality of life, resource use and adverse events, and 11 outcomes were rated as core by participants. The patient and not the limb or ulcer was the preferred unit of analysis for reporting.RECOMMENDATIONS: We recommend investigators report on all five outcome domains, regardless of the type of intervention being evaluated. Future research is needed to identify measurement methods for the 11 identified outcomes. We also recommend investigators follow the CONSORT guidelines (http://www.consort-statement.org/).</p

    Methods to assess cost-effectiveness and value of further research when data are sparse: negative-pressure wound therapy for severe pressure ulcers

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    Health care resources are scarce, and decisions have to be made about how to allocate funds. Often, these decisions are based on sparse or imperfect evidence. One such example is negative-pressure wound therapy (NPWT), which is a widely used treatment for severe pressure ulcers; however, there is currently no robust evidence that it is effective or cost-effective. This work considers the decision to adopt NPWT given a range of alternative treatments, using a decision analytic modeling approach. Literature searches were conducted to identify existing evidence on model parameters. Given the limited evidence base, a second source of evidence, beliefs elicited from experts, was used. Judgments from experts on relevant (uncertain) quantities were obtained through a formal elicitation exercise. Additionally, data derived from a pilot trial were also used to inform the model. The 3 sources of evidence were collated, and the impact of each on cost-effectiveness was evaluated. An analysis of the value of further information indicated that a randomized controlled trial may be worthwhile in reducing decision uncertainty, where from a set of alternative designs, a 3-arm trial with longer follow-up was estimated to be the most efficient. The analyses presented demonstrate how allocation decisions about medical technologies can be explicitly informed when data are sparse and how this kind of analyses can be used to guide future research prioritization, not only indicating whether further research is worthwhile but what type of research is needed and how it should be designed