46 research outputs found

    Optimizing integrated service for a transit route with heterogeneous demand

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    The methodology developed in this dissertation attempts to optimize integrated service that minimizes the total cost, including user and supplier costs, of a transit route with heterogeneous demand. While minimizing total cost, a set of practical constraints, such as capacity, operable fleet size and frequency conservation, are considered. The research problem is presented in three scenarios, consisting of various service patterns (e.g., all-stop, short-turn and express) under heterogeneous demand. A logit-based model was used to estimate passenger transfer demand. An exhaustive search method was developed to find the optimal solutions for a simplified transit route with six stops, and a Genetic Algorithm (GA) was developed to find the optimal solution for a real-world, large scale transit route. The optimized variables include the combination of service patterns, the associated service frequencies, and stops skipped by the express service. A six-stop transit route was designed and analyzed via a proof-of-concept demonstration to ensure that the developed models are capable of finding the optimal solutions. A sensitivity analysis was conducted, which enables transit planners to quantify the impact of various model parameters (e.g., user value of time, vehicle capacity, operating cost, etc.) to the decision variables and the objective function. Finally, the developed models and solution algorithm were applied to optimize integrated service for a real world bus route in New Jersey

    The analysis of the language features and style in the poems of Ahmetcan Osman

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    Uzun bir geçmişe sahip olan çağdaş Uygur edebiyatı 20. yüzyılın başlarında çok hareketli bir dönem geçirir. Dönemin siyasi olayları ve yenileşme hareketleri edebiyatın şekillenmesinde aktif rol oynar. Kültür Devrimi’nin sona ermesi ile 1980’li yıllarda çağdaş Uygur şiirinde “Yéñiçe Şéir” adıyla yeni bir şiir akımı ortaya çıkar. Ahmetcan Osman bu akımın en önemli temsilcisi olarak görülür. Bu yeni hareketin adı hakkında çeşitli tartışmalar yaşanmıştır. Bu şiirlerin temelini anlam kapalılığı ve sembol ifadeler oluşturur. Sembol ifadelerle kelimelere farklı anlamlar yüklenir. Bu çalışmada Ahmetcan Osman’ın şiirlerinden faydalanılarak şairin dil özellikleri ve üslubu incelenmiştir. İnceleme için şairin “Exmetcan Osman Tallanma Şéirliri” adlı eseri esas alınmıştır. Eserde toplamda seksen sekiz şiir bulunmaktadır. Çalışmamızın birinci bölümünde Ahmetcan Osman ve yaşadığı dönem ile ilgili bilgiler verilmiştir. Onun yaşadığı olaylar şiirlerine yansımış durumdadır. İkinci bölümde şairin şiirlerinin transkripsiyonu ve Türkiye Türkçesine aktarımı yapılmıştır. Üçüncü bölümde ise şairin şiirlerinden hareketle dil ve üslup özellikleri incelenmiştir.Contemporary Uyghur literature, which has a long history, had a very active period in the early 20th century. Political events and innovation movements of the period play an active role in shaping the literature. With the end of the Cultural Revolution, a new trend of poetry emerged in the contemporary Uyghur poem in the 1980s under the name “Yéñiçe Şéir”. Ahmetcan Osman is seen as the most important representative of this trend. There have been various debates about the name of this new movement. The underlying meaning and symbolic expressions form the basis of these poems. Different meanings are attributed to words with symbolic expressions. In this study, the language features and style of the poet were examined by using the poems of Ahmetcan Osman. The poet's work titled “Exmetcan Osman Tallanma Şéirliri” was taken as a basis for the analysis. There are eighty-eight poems in the work. In the first part of our study, information about Ahmetcan Osman and his period was given. His events (experiences) are reflected in his poems. In the second part, transcription of the poet’s poems and their transfer to Turkish is made. In the third section, language and style features are examined based on the poetry of the poet

    New Generalized Hyperbolic Functions to Find New Exact Solutions of the Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations

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    We firstly give some new functions called generalized hyperbolic functions. By the using of the generalized hyperbolic functions, new kinds of transformations are defined to discover the exact approximate solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations. Based on the generalized hyperbolic function transformation of the generalized KdV equation and the coupled equal width wave equations (CEWE), we find new exact solutions of two equations and analyze the properties of them by taking different parameter values of the generalized hyperbolic functions. We think that these solutions are very important to explain some physical phenomena

    Spray deposition with conventional and electrostatically-charged spraying in citrus trees

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    This study has found an alternative to the hand gun application of pesticides on two varieties of citrus trees, using the conventional air-carrier sprayers and electrostatic charged air-carrier sprayer. White oil spray deposition on the leaves, spray losses under and between trees, and pest control efficiency were determined for four types of sprayers. The degree of spray deposition was determined using fluorometric method and stardust tracer. Pesticide losses were determined under and in the space between two successive trees. The biological efficiency for each sprayer was determined for controlling Dialeurodes citri. Results revealed that electrostatic charging was the most efficient, followed by applications using air carrier sprayer and hand gun, which were about equal in performance

    Serum levels of inflammasome pathway factors in clinically isolated syndrome and multiple sclerosis patients: a pilot study

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    Pathogenic roles of nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappa B) pathway and NLRP3 inflammasome complex factors are involved in multiple sclerosis (MS) development. Activation of the NF-kappa B, NLRP3, and caspase-1 cascade results in production of proinflammatory cytokines that lead to stimulation of macrophages, lymphocytes, and glial cells. Although increased levels of inflammasome complex factors are observed in MS, contribution of inflammasome pathway to conversion from clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) to relapsing remitting MS (RRMS) has been scarcely investigated. To examine predictive value of inflammasome factors in CIS-MS conversion, levels of NLRP3, caspase-1, and NF kappa B are measured by ELISA in sera of age-gender matched CIS (n = 18; 8 converting, 10 non-converting) and RRMS (n = 23) patients. CIS and RRMS patients have comparable serum levels of NLRP3, caspase-1, and NF kappa B. Similarly, no statistically significant difference can be found among converting and nonconverting CIS patients by means of inflammasome complex factor levels. Inflammasome factors are presumably overexpressed at early stages of MS. Therefore, they are unlikely to be used as biomarkers to predict CIS-MS conversion