402 research outputs found

    Erol Pekcan'ın anısına düzenlenen konser bugün CRR'de:Türk cazında üç kuşak bir arada

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 120-Erol Pekca

    İstiklal Marşı'nın bestecisi Zeki Üngör'ü dün kaybettik

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 13-Berat Zeki-Zeki-Ekrem Zeki-Vedat Üngö

    ‘We are more than Alliances between Groups’:A Social Psychological Perspective on the Gezi Park Protesters and Negotiating Levels of Identity

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    In May 2013, a small group of protesters made camp in Istanbul's Taksim Square, protesting the privatisation of what had long been a vibrant public space. When the police responded to the demonstration with brutality, the protests exploded in size and force, quickly becoming a massive statement of opposition to the Turkish regime. This book assembles a collection of field research, data, theoretical analyses, and cross-country comparisons to show the significance of the protests both within Turkey and throughout the world

    Multi-level gains of fat activism and their impact on sustained activism for fat justice

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    Previous research has indicated that outcomes of collective action can occur at the individual, group, and societal levels. Taken together, we argue that multi-level outcomes can influence sustained involvement in social movements. We aimed to examine the multi-level outcomes of fat activism across two studies. In our first study, we conducted semi-structured interviews with fat activists (N = 20) to learn what they believe are the multi-level outcomes of fat activism. At the individual level, activists reported greater health, well-being, and self-esteem; at the group level, they reported a sense of community and increased clothing options; and at the societal level, they reported change in toxic cultures around dieting. By building on the findings of Study 1, Study 2 (N = 464) aimed to understand how fat individuals' past collective action participation may predict their future collective action participation through individual-, group-, and societal-level gains. Results indicate that greater collective action participation in the past predicts greater willingness to engage in collective action through the pathway of higher beliefs in individual and societal gains of fat activism, but not through group-level gains, even after we control for identification with fat and fat activist identities. We discuss these findings in relation to the importance of multi-level outcomes in collective action and sustained involvement in social movements.</p

    3-D Mesh geometry compression with set partitioning in the spectral domain

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    This paper explains the development of a highly efficient progressive 3-D mesh geometry coder based on the region adaptive transform in the spectral mesh compression method. A hierarchical set partitioning technique, originally proposed for the efficient compression of wavelet transform coefficients in high-performance wavelet-based image coding methods, is proposed for the efficient compression of the coefficients of this transform. Experiments confirm that the proposed coder employing such a region adaptive transform has a high compression performance rarely achieved by other state of the art 3-D mesh geometry compression algorithms. A new, high-performance fixed spectral basis method is also proposed for reducing the computational complexity of the transform. Many-to-one mappings are employed to relate the coded irregular mesh region to a regular mesh whose basis is used. To prevent loss of compression performance due to the low-pass nature of such mappings, transitions are made from transform-based coding to spatial coding on a per region basis at high coding rates. Experimental results show the performance advantage of the newly proposed fixed spectral basis method over the original fixed spectral basis method in the literature that employs one-to-one mappings.This work was supported in part by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey, and conducted under Project 106E064Publisher's Versio

    Ortaokul Ve Liselerde Görev Yapan Okul Müdürlerinin Okul Güvenliğine İlişkin Rolleri

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    Bu araştırma, ortaokul ve liselerde görev yapan okul müdürlerinin, okul güvenliğine ilişkin rollerini belirlemek ve çözüm önerileri üretmek amacıyla yine ortaokul ve liselerde görev yapan okul müdürlerine anket çalışması yapılmıştır. Araştırmada okul güvenliği, okul güvenliğini etkileyen etmenler ve bu etmenlerin hangi unsurlardan kaynaklandığı, bu etmenler karşısında okul idaresinin görevlerine ilişkin literatür taraması yapılmıştır. Araştırmada tarama yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Diyarbakır merkez ilçelerinde (Bağlar, Kayapınar, Sur ve Yenişehir ) bulunan ortaokul ve liselerden 83 tanesi örneklem olarak seçilmiş olup, anket bu okullarda görev yapan 83 okul müdürüne uygulanmıştır. Araştırmada kullanılan anket iki bölümden oluşmakta olup; birinci bölümde okul müdürlerinin kişisel bilgilerini,bulundukları okulun türünü ve okulun hangi ilçeye bağlı bulunduğunu içeren 9 soru bulunmakta, ikinci bölümde ise okul müdürlerinin okul güvenliği ile ilgili görüşlerini içeren 42 soru bulunmaktadır. Ortaokul ve liselerde görev yapan okul müdürlerinin, okul güvenliği ile ilgili görüşleri cinsiyet, yaş, branş, mesleki kıdem, yöneticilikteki kıdem, çalışmakta olduğu okuldaki görev süresi, okul türü ve okulun bağlı bulunduğu ilçe milli eğitim değişkenlerine göre karşılaştırılmıştır. Elde edilen verilerin istatistiki çözümlemelerinde anlamlı bulunan sonuçlar tablolarla gösterilmiş ve değerlendirilmiştir. Okuldaki verimliliği etkileyen ve okulun hedeflerinin başarıya ulaşmasını sağlayan en önemli unsurlardan biri okul güvenliğidir. Böyle olunca okul yönetiminde görev alan okul yöneticilerinin rolleri çok büyük önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışmada ortaokul ve liselerde görev yapan okul müdürlerinin okul güvenliğine ilişkin rolleri çeşitli değişkenler açısından belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçları, okul yöneticilerinin cinsiyet, yaş, branş, görevi, mesleki kıdemi, yöneticilik kıdemi okuldaki öğretmen sayısı, görev yeri ve kaygı durumları bakımından anlamlı farklılıklar olmadığı, okul türüne göre anlamlı farkın olduğu yöneticilerin kişisel güvenliklerinde genel lisede görev yapanlar Anadolu liselerinde görev yapan yöneticilere göre daha kaygılı oldukları saptanmıştır. Bu anlamda görev yapılan okul türünün okul güvenliğine yönelik görüşlerinde etkili olduğu söylenebilir. Son olarak öneriler kısmında araştırmacılara ve uygulayıcılara bir takım öneriler sunulmuştur (2013)

    A collaborative system for providing routes between locations

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    Ankara : The Department of Computer Engineering and the Institute of Engineering and Science of Bilkent University 2008.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2008.Includes bibliographical references leaves 55-57.Many systems, such as in-car GPS devices and airline company web sites, provide route information between locations. Although such systems are used widely and can provide route information successfully, users of these systems cannot contribute to the data entry process. In these systems, data is entered by the administrators and these systems cannot take advantage of the route expertise of their users. In this work, we present a collaborative system, which provides routes between locations upon user queries. The data in the system is entered by the users of the system. We present a model which is containing locations, links between locations and relationships between locations (containment, neighborhood and intersection) in order to store the data. For the route finding purpose, we present a customized version of the A* search algorithm. This customized version, named A*CD (A* for Collaborative Data), uses heuristics for estimating the cost remaining to the target location while processing the nodes. A*CD can also provide alternative routes, exclude certain link types in the searches according to user preferences and handle the problems associated with multiple stop transportation lines. As the cost models, we use duration and financial cost. We also present the intuitive connections concept. Even if a route does not exist between the selected locations, the system can provide a route with missing links. The gap(s) between the disconnected locations are filled by the help of the relationships between locations. In order to evaluate the performance of the A*CD algorithm, we present automated tests. These tests show that the costs of the routes that are provided by the A*CD algorithm are close to the actual shortest routes. In order to demonstrate the intuitive connections concept, we also present manual test queries.Uluğ, Kerem AliM.S