12 research outputs found

    Working from Home During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Implications for Workplace Relationships

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    This article aims to explore what working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic means forworkplace relationships. This study is based on semi-structured interviews with Swedish knowledgeworkers. Three approaches are identified as regards how employees maintain their workplacerelationships when working from home: (1) being selective as regards social interactions, (2) beingcompliant and resistant during digital meetings, and (3) having less spontaneity and creativitywhen in the digital space. Further, our findings also point to the prioritization of the individual’sinterests and needs over those of the collective. The study indicates the importance of understanding the dynamics of the workplace relationships when working remotely

    Working from Home During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Implications for Workplace Relationships

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    This article aims to explore what working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic means for workplace relationships. This study is based on semi-structured interviews with Swedish knowledge workers. Three approaches are identified as regards how employees maintain their workplace relationships when working from home: (1) being selective as regards social interactions, (2) being compliant and resistant during digital meetings, and (3) having less spontaneity and creativity when in the digital space. Further, our findings also point to the prioritization of the individual’s interests and needs over those of the collective. The study indicates the importance of understanding the dynamics of the workplace relationships when working remotely

    Living with bipolar disorder : An analysis of the stories of two women

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    Psykisk ohÀlsa Àr ett av Sveriges största folkhÀlsoproblem. Psykiska besvÀr kanvariera frÄn lindriga symtom sÄ som nedstÀmdhet till allvarliga psykiska symtom.BipolÀr sjukdom Àr en allvarlig lÄngvarig sjukdom som kÀnnetecknas av depressivaperioder med sÀnkt stÀmningslÀge, medan de maniska perioderna ger en ökad energioch tankeverksamhet som kantas av omdömeslöshet. Syftet med denna studie var attbeskriva tvÄ kvinnors upplevelser av att leva med bipolÀr sjukdom. TvÄsjÀlvbiografier analyserades med kvalitativ innehÄllsanalys med manifest ansats.Analysen resulterade i sex kategorier: att uppleva hÀlsa och ohÀlsa relaterat till mani,att uppleva utanförskap, att uppleva sjukdomens mörker, att behandlingen inte löstealla problem, att uppleva nÀrstÄende bÄde pÄ gott och ont samt att uppleva hÀlsa ivardagen. Slutsatsen blev att upplevelsen av att leva med bipolÀr sjukdom Àr komplexoch mÄngfacetterad samt att den har stor effekt pÄ personens upplevelser av allt frÄndet egna livet och den egna vardagen till livet som sÄdant. DÀrmed pÄverkarsjukdomen ocksÄ livets alla dimensioner sÄ som synen pÄ sig sjÀlv, relationer,yrkesliv. Detta krÀver ett holistiskt förhÄllningssÀtt, och stÀller stora krav pÄkunskaper frÄn vÄrdens sida för att kunna erbjuda god omvÄrdnad till dessa personer.Ytterligare kvalitativ forskning behövs för att öka kunskapen och förstÄelsen förhelheten av hur det Àr att leva med en sÄ komplex diagnos som bipolÀr sjukdom

    Working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic : implications for workplace relationships

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    This article aims to explore what working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic means for workplace relationships. This study is based on semi-structured interviews with Swedish knowledge workers. Three approaches are identified as regards how employees maintain their workplace relationships when working from home: (1) being selective as regards social interactions; (2) being compliant and resistant during digital meetings and (3) having less spontaneity and creativity when in the digital space. Further, our findings also point to the prioritization of the individual’s interests and needs over those of the collective. The study indicates the importance of understanding the dynamics of the workplace relationships when working remotely

    Vad hÀnde med de sociala relationerna under coronapandemin?

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    Under covid-19-pandemin blev mĂ„nga anstĂ€llda rekommenderade eller tvingade att arbeta pĂ„ distans (Fackförbundet ST, 2020; Wang m.fl., 2021). Sammantaget arbetade 30–40 procent av arbetstagarna hela eller delar av sin arbetstid pĂ„ distans under pandemin (Myndigheten för arbetsmiljökunskap, 2021). Den fysiska arbetsplatsen var inte lĂ€ngre en sjĂ€lvklarhet; frĂ„n en dag till en annan blev i stĂ€llet distansarbete normen i vardagen för mĂ„nga. Under pandemin var förhĂ„llandena unika, distansarbetet var pĂ„tvingat och inte ett resultat av varken organisationers behov eller individers önskemĂ„l. Det finns pĂ„ sĂ„ vis pĂ„tagliga skillnader i distansarbete före och under pandemin (Wang m.fl., 2021). I studier som har genomförts om arbete pĂ„ distans under covid-19-pandemin har framför allt faktorer som den fysiska arbetsmiljön (i.e. Mihalca m.fl., 2021), anstĂ€lldas psykiska hĂ€lsa (i.e. George m.fl., 2021; Palumbo, 2020), balansen mellan arbete och hem/familj (i.e. Arntz m.fl., 2020; Ford m.fl., 2021) samt produktivitet (i.e. Awada m.fl., 2021; Ferreira m.fl., 2021) uppmĂ€rksammats. DĂ€remot det saknas det fördjupade studier om hur anstĂ€llda upprĂ€tthĂ„ller sociala relationer med kollegor under distansarbete (Byrd, 2022). En studie av Lal m.fl. (2021) visar dock att sociala interaktioner fortlever under distansarbete, men att dessa interaktioner blir fĂ€rre och sker i en mer organiserad form. En viktig pusselbit blir dĂ€rför att förstĂ„ vad som hĂ€nder med ansvaret för de sociala relationerna, nĂ€r de tidsmĂ€ssiga- och rumsliga förutsĂ€ttningarna förĂ€ndras och möjligheten att trĂ€ffas fysiskt upphör. Studiens syfte Ă€r att förstĂ„ hur anstĂ€llda upplever att relationerna till kollegorna förĂ€ndrades nĂ€r de blev förhindrade att mötas fysiskt i det pĂ„tvingade distansarbetet under covid-19-pandemin. Teoretiskt inspireras vi av forskning som har fokus pĂ„ individualisering av arbetsförhĂ„llanden, flexibilitet och betydelsen av sociala relationer. Studien Ă€r empiriskt grundad och baseras pĂ„ data frĂ„n djupintervjuer med 19 anstĂ€llda som helt eller delvis har arbetat pĂ„ distans under pandemin. De anstĂ€llda finns inom samhĂ€llssektorerna privat, offentlig och idĂ©buren verksamhet

    Urholkade sociala relationer i distansarbete under covid-19-pandemin

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    Denna artikel har som syfte att förstÄ hur anstÀllda upplever att relationerna till kollegorna förÀndrades nÀr de blev förhindrade att mötas fysiskt i det pÄtvingade distansarbetet under covid-19-pandemin. Studien baseras pÄ djupintervjuer med anstÀllda inom kunskapsintensiva yrken. Resultatet visar pÄ (i) fÀrre kontakter, (ii) minskad tillgÀnglighet och (iii) försvagad dynamik mellan kollegor. Slutsatsen som dras Àr att de som arbetade pÄ distans under covid-19-pandemin, inte inkluderade ansvar för de sociala relationerna i sina arbetsuppgifter och att de dÀrför inte sÀrskilt engagerar sig för att upprÀtthÄlla dem

    In Absence of a Working Place : A Gig Worker’s Sense Making of Work Community

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    In recent years, gig work – short-term and temporary assignments mediated via digital platforms – has captured the interest of media and research and is growing as an area of academic inquiry. Previously research has mainly focused on the regulations and breadth of gig work. Gig work can be been understood as a significant break from ‘standard employment relationship’, meaning that we are now heading towards a new phase of organisation of work. Gig work is often described as a lonely, risky, precarious work, and lacking the sense of community provided by a common workplace. Gig work is also described as offering flexibility, variety, allowing the worker to choose when, how much and with whom to work. Common for these two ways of describing gig work is the absence of a physical work place shared with other gig workers. Much of the literature deals with the juridical status or the working conditions of the gig work. However, more recent research is also addressing the emotional side of the gig work and how gig work is experienced and the bulk of literature pinpoints the negative feelings associated with performing gig work. Other studies address the negative feelings related to uncertainty and the fear of loosing work. Further aspects raised by the literature are related to communication and how poor communication contributes to negative feelings of uncertainty and feeling devaluated. One study has focused on the effect of deficient communication with platform owners when problem or conflicts occur. Another study addresses the lack of face-to-face communication platforms imply, while online communities can have positive effects on how gig work is experienced. In line with this study, another study scrutinizes the establishment of “holding environments” by gig works as a strategy to deal with the lack of a traditional physical working place. Working life research has been instrumental in pinpointing the importance of interpersonal relationships for how individuals experience their work and workplace. It is the feeling of belonginess that opens for reflection on and sense making of the experience of work. Being able to reflect and learn together with colleagues is central to the feeling of belonginess. Hence, the goal of this study is to shift focus towards the collective dimensions of gig work and gig workers’ opportunities to feel belonginess to a social context. To better understand how belongingness is experienced we employ the concept of sense making. The concept of sensemaking rests on a combination of both thinking and action. Online communities and holding environments are actions gig workers organize themselves to make sense of their situation, to make it more orderly – which is a central theme of both organizing and sensemaking research. Through sense making individuals engage in a process of creating structure and order among all experiences one is facing. The process of sense making does not happen in a vacuum, but in a context, through relations. The process of sense making can be understood as the relation between “frames” (moments of socialization) and “cues” (moments of experience). We chose the frames and cues framework to understand the present experience of gig work through the relation to the traditional view/understanding of work. It is also allowing us to capture both experience of earlier work, but also how work is understood. A gig work is, for many their first job, hence their frame is how work has been portrayed to them. For others, gig work is a choice; maybe as a counter-reaction to the traditional work. From a broader perspective, the lenses of the sensemaking perspective allows us to shed light on the changing understanding of work.This is a qualitative netnografic study. The aim is to understand how online communities are used by gig workers to make sense of their situation, which for many of them is characterised with an absence of a physical work place as well as colleagues and managers

    The Resilient Public Library: Understanding and Reflecting on Own Practice

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    This article describes, discusses, and evaluates an educational program aimed at building resilience in public libraries. The program focuses on personal and organizational resilience and builds upon four themes: trust, stress and uncertainty, group identity, and character-strengths. Eighty-seven Swedish public library professionals participated in it. A mixed-method approach was used to study how the program supported employees in discussing and reflecting on resilience, as well as how they experienced what the program had given them in terms of knowledge and insights. Two main results are addressed; (i) the value of an educational program lies both in its power to make employees jointly discuss and reflect on their own roles and situations and in library-management using this information to change the organization, and (ii) staff gaining new insight and knowledge from the program experienced improvements in a number of outcomes related to the content of the program. Overall, this study implies that locally designed educational programs facilitate both personal and organizational resilience at public librarie

    Rationale, development and feasibility of group antenatal care for immigrant women in Sweden : a study protocol for the Hooyo Project

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    INTRODUCTION: Somali-born women comprise a large group of immigrant women of childbearing age in Sweden, with increased risks for perinatal morbidity and mortality and poor experiences of care, despite the goal of providing equitable healthcare for the entire population. Rethinking how care is provided may help to improve outcomes. OVERALL AIM: To develop and test the acceptability, feasibility and immediate impacts of group antenatal care for Somali-born immigrant women, in an effort to improve experiences of antenatal care, knowledge about childbearing and the Swedish healthcare system, emotional well-being and ultimately, pregnancy outcomes. This protocol describes the rationale, planning and development of the study. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: An intervention development and feasibility study. Phase I includes needs assessment and development of contextual understanding using focus group discussions. In phase II, the intervention and evaluation tools, based on core values for quality care and person-centred care, are developed. Phase III includes the historically controlled evaluation in which relevant outcome measures are compared for women receiving individual care (2016-2018) and women receiving group antenatal care (2018-2019): care satisfaction (Migrant Friendly Maternity Care Questionnaire), emotional well-being (Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale), social support, childbirth fear, knowledge of Swedish maternity care, delivery outcomes. Phase IV includes the process evaluation, investigate process, feasibility and mechanisms of impact using field notes, observations, interviews and questionnaires. All phases are conducted in collaboration with a stakeholder reference group. ETHICS AND DISSEMINATION: The study is approved by the Regional Ethical Review Board, Stockholm, Sweden. Participants receive information about the study and their right to decline/withdraw without consequences. Consent is given prior to enrolment. Findings will be disseminated at antenatal care units, national/international conferences, through publications in peer-reviewed journals, seminars involving stakeholders, practitioners, community and via the project website. Participating women will receive a summary of results in their language