10 research outputs found


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    Medical education poses significant challenges for several students, especially given the rapidly evolving medical science curriculum. Further, the intensity increases as they prepare for the high-stakes term exams and the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE).  As per the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Student Records System data from medical school registrars between 1997-1998 and 2016-2017, medical students exited medical school for nonacademic reasons rather than academic reasons. The national total attrition rate, ranging this 20-year period, remained averaging 3.2% (Association of American Medical Colleges, 2022). Therefore, recognizing areas of strengths and opportunities in both cognitive and noncognitive skills for achieving targeted mediation during the early years of medical education is critical for ensuring student success. One valuable diagnostic tool we have found effective is the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI), a 60-item tool with ten scales designed to evaluate the "Skill component," the "Will component," and the "Self-regulation component" of strategic learning. Our primary strategy has been to investigate the benefits of utilizing the LASSI tool for early recognition of metacognitive skills and providing tailored learning approaches to remediate the overall progress in successfully completing medical education by future clinicians

    The Potential Applicability of Melatonin as an Immunosuppressive Agent for COVID-19: Review

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    COVID-19 is an emerging pathogen that has recently caused a global pandemic. It is an RNA virus that causes a respiratory tract infection. The pathogenesis of this virus involves an over aggressive immune reaction leading to inflammation and in certain cases acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and various neurological manifestations. Melatonin, a mitochondrially targeted antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties, is being tested in trials as a potential adjuvant therapeutic agent that can help reduce oxidative stress damage caused by viral infections as well as optimizing the innate immune response. In addition, melatonin is an extremely safe drug and reports show its usefulness in treating other respiratory viral infections. The role of melatonin as an adjuvant in managing COVID-19 cases as well as the delirious states that are often encountered in these patients is being discussed

    A neural network model for kindling of focal epilepsy: basic mechanism

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    A simple neural network model is proposed for kindling - the phenomenon of generating epilepsy by means of repeated electrical stimulation. The model satisfies Dale's hypothesis, incorporates a Hebb-like learning rule and has low periodic activity in absence of shocks. Many of the experimental observations are reproduced and some new experiments are suggested. It is proposed that the main reason for kindling is the formation of a large number of excitatory synaptic connections due to learning

    Slow And Fast Kindling During Hyperthermic Stimulation In Rats : Implications For Hot Water Epilepsy

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    Hot water epilepsy, a reflex epilepsy precipitated by hot water stimulation, has been commonly reported from southern India. Clinical studies have indicated that a phenomenon of hyperthermic kindling may underlie the appearance of spontaneous seizures in some hot water epilepsy patients at a later stage. Our present experiments with a rat model for hot water epilepsy demonstrate the occurrence of slow and fast kindling during hyperthermic seizures, induced by repeated stimulations with hot water, in different populations of rats. These findings have important implications for the pathophysiology and management of this epileptic syndrome in human beings

    A neural network model for kindling of focal epilepsy: basic mechanism

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    A simple neural network model is proposed for kindling-the phenomenon of generating epilepsy by means of repeated electrical stimulation. The model satisfies Dale's hypothesis, incorporates a Hebb-like learning rule and has low periodic activity in absence of shocks. Many of the experimental observations are reproduced and some new experiments are suggested. It is proposed that the main reason for kindling is the formation of a large number of excitatory synaptic connections due to learning

    Stem Cell Therapy for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Novel Therapeutic Approach

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    Stem cell therapy is a rapidly evolving field of regenerative medicine being employed for the management of various central nervous system disorders. The ability to self-renew, differentiate into specialized cells, and integrate into neuronal networks has positioned stem cells as an ideal mechanism for the treatment of epilepsy. Epilepsy is characterized by repetitive seizures caused by imbalance in the GABA and glutamate neurotransmission following neuronal damage. Stem cells provide benefit by reducing the glutamate excitotoxicity and strengthening the GABAergic inter-neuron connections. Similar to the abnormal neuroanatomic location in epilepsy, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is caused by hyperarousal in the amygdala and decreased activity of the hippocampus and medial prefrontal cortex. Thus, stem cells could be used to modulate neuronal interconnectivity. In this review, we provide a rationale for the use of stem cell therapy in the treatment of PTSD

    Stem Cell Therapy for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Novel Therapeutic Approach

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    Stem cell therapy is a rapidly evolving field of regenerative medicine being employed for the management of various central nervous system disorders. The ability to self-renew, differentiate into specialized cells, and integrate into neuronal networks has positioned stem cells as an ideal mechanism for the treatment of epilepsy. Epilepsy is characterized by repetitive seizures caused by imbalance in the GABA and glutamate neurotransmission following neuronal damage. Stem cells provide benefit by reducing the glutamate excitotoxicity and strengthening the GABAergic inter-neuron connections. Similar to the abnormal neuroanatomic location in epilepsy, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is caused by hyperarousal in the amygdala and decreased activity of the hippocampus and medial prefrontal cortex. Thus, stem cells could be used to modulate neuronal interconnectivity. In this review, we provide a rationale for the use of stem cell therapy in the treatment of PTSD

    Fold prediction and comparative modeling of Bdm1: a probable α/β hydrolase associated with hot water epilepsy

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    Hot water epilepsy (HWE) is a benign and rare form of reflex epilepsy that occurs most commonly in humans. Bdm1 is one of the proteins whose mRNA transcript is overexpressed during HWE in a rat model. We show, by sequence analysis and fold recognition methods, that Bdm1 has strong structural similarities to α/β hydrolases like the thioesterases. A three-dimensional model derived by comparative modeling methods allowed the search for catalytic residues using a flexible functional template characteristic of these enzymes. We predict that Bdm1 might be regulated by homocysteine levels by means of direct participation in degradation pathways

    A Comprehensive Review of the Neurological Manifestations of Celiac Disease and Its Treatment

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    Celiac disease (CD) is a common chronic inflammatory disorder occurring in genetically predisposed individuals secondary to gluten ingestion. CD usually presents with gastrointestinal symptoms such as pain, bloating, flatulence, and constipation or diarrhea. However, individuals can present in a nonclassical manner with only extraintestinal symptoms. The neurological manifestations of CD include ataxia, cognitive impairment, epilepsy, headache, and neuropathy. A lifelong gluten-free diet is the current recommended treatment for CD. This review discusses the relevant neurological manifestations associated with CD and the novel therapeutics. Further research is required to get a better understanding of the underlying pathophysiology of the neurological manifestations associated with CD. Clinicians should keep CD in the differential diagnosis in individuals presenting with neurological dysfunction of unknown cause

    Production of light (anti)nuclei in pp collisions at root s=13 TeV

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    none1026siUnderstanding the production mechanism of light (anti)nuclei is one of the key challenges of nuclear physics and has important consequences for astrophysics, since it provides an input for indirect dark-matter searches in space. In this paper, the latest results about the production of light (anti)nuclei in pp collisions at root s = 13TeV are presented, focusing on the comparison with the predictions of coalescence and thermal models. For the first time, the coalescence parameters B-2 for deuterons and B-3 for helions are compared with parameter-free theoretical predictions that are directly constrained by the femtoscopic measurement of the source radius in the same event class. A fair description of the data with a Gaussian wave function is observed for both deuteron and helion, supporting the coalescence mechanism for the production of light (anti)nuclei in pp collisions. This method paves the way for future investigations of the internal structure of more complex nuclear clusters, including the hypertriton.noneAcharya, S.; Adamova, D.; Adler, A.; Adolfsson, J.; Rinella, G. Aglieri; Agnello, M.; Agrawal, N.; Ahammed, Z.; Ahmad, S.; Ahn, S. U.; Ahuja, I; Akbar, Z.; Akindinov, A.; Al-Turany, M.; Alam, S. N.; Aleksandrov, D.; Alessandro, B.; Alfanda, H. M.; Molina, R. Alfaro; Ali, B.; Ali, Y.; Alici, A.; Alizadehvandchali, N.; Alkin, A.; Alme, J.; Alt, T.; Altenkamper, L.; Altsybeev, I; Anaam, M. N.; Andrei, C.; Andreou, D.; Andronic, A.; Angeletti, M.; Anguelov, V; Antinori, F.; Antonioli, P.; Anuj, C.; Apadula, N.; Aphecetche, L.; Appelshaeuser, H.; Arcelli, S.; Arnaldi, R.; Arsene, I. C.; Arslandok, M.; Augustinus, A.; Averbeck, R.; Aziz, S.; Azmi, M. D.; Badala, A.; Baek, Y. W.; Bai, X.; Bailhache, R.; Bailung, Y.; Bala, R.; Balbino, A.; Baldisseri, A.; Balis, B.; Banerjee, D.; Barbera, R.; Barioglio, L.; Barlou, M.; Barnafoldi, G. G.; Barnby, L. S.; Barret, V; Bartels, C.; Barth, K.; Bartsch, E.; Baruffaldi, F.; Bastid, N.; Basu, S.; Batigne, G.; Batyunya, B.; Bauri, D.; Alba, J. L. Bazo; Bearden, I. G.; Beattie, C.; Belikov, I; Hechavarria, A. D. C. Bell; Bellini, F.; Bellwied, R.; Belokurova, S.; Belyaev, V; Bencedi, G.; Beole, S.; Bercuci, A.; Berdnikov, Y.; Berdnikova, A.; Bergmann, L.; Besoiu, M. G.; Betev, L.; Bhaduri, P. P.; Bhasin, A.; Bhat, I. R.; Bhat, M. A.; Bhattacharjee, B.; Bhattacharya, P.; Bianchi, L.; Bianchi, N.; Bielcik, J.; Bielcikova, J.; Biernat, J.; Bilandzic, A.; Biro, G.; Biswas, S.; Blair, J. T.; Blau, D.; Blidaru, M. B.; Blume, C.; Boca, G.; Bock, F.; Bogdanov, A.; Boi, S.; Bok, J.; Boldizsar, L.; Bolozdynya, A.; Bombara, M.; Bond, P. M.; Bonomi, G.; Borel, H.; Borissov, A.; Bossi, H.; Botta, E.; Bratrud, L.; Braun-Munzinger, P.; Bregant, M.; Broz, M.; Bruno, G. E.; Buckland, M. D.; Budnikov, D.; Buesching, H.; Bufalino, S.; Bugnon, O.; Buhler, P.; Buthelezi, Z.; Butt, J. B.; Bylinkin, A.; Bysiak, S. A.; Cai, M.; Caines, H.; Caliva, A.; Calvo Villar, E.; Camacho, J. M. M.; Camacho, R. S.; Camerini, P.; Canedo, F. D. M.; Carnesecchi, F.; Caron, R.; Castellanos, J. Castillo; Casula, E. A. R.; Catalano, F.; Sanchez, C. Ceballos; Chakraborty, P.; Chandra, S.; Chapeland, S.; Chartier, M.; Chattopadhyay, S.; Chauvin, A.; Chavez, T. G.; Cheng, T.; Cheshkov, C.; Cheynis, B.; Barroso, V. Chibante; Chinellato, D. D.; Cho, S.; Chochula, P.; Christakoglou, P.; Christensen, C. H.; Christiansen, P.; Chujo, T.; Cicalo, C.; Cifarelli, L.; Cindolo, F.; Ciupek, M. R.; Clai, G.; Cleymans, J.; Colamaria, F.; Colburn, J. S.; Colella, D.; Collu, A.; Colocci, M.; Concas, M.; Balbastre, G. Conesa; del Valle, Z. Conesa; Contin, G.; Contreras, J. G.; Coquet, M. L.; Cormier, T. M.; Cortese, P.; Cosentino, M. R.; Costa, F.; Costanza, S.; Crochet, P.; Cruz-Torres, R.; Cuautle, E.; Cui, P.; Cunqueiro, L.; Dainese, A.; Danisch, M. C.; Danu, A.; Das, I; Das, P.; Das, S.; Dash, S.; De, S.; De Caro, A.; de Cataldo, G.; De Cilladi, L.; de Cuveland, J.; De Falco, A.; De Gruttola, D.; De Marco, N.; De Martin, C.; De Pasquale, S.; Deb, S.; Degenhardt, H. F.; Deja, K. R.; Dello Stritto, L.; Deng, W.; Dhankher, P.; Di Bari, D.; Di Mauro, A.; Diaz, R. A.; Dietel, T.; Ding, Y.; Divia, R.; Dixit, D. U.; Djuvsland, O.; Dmitrieva, U.; Do, J.; Dobrin, A.; Doenigus, B.; Dordic, O.; Dubey, A. K.; Dubla, A.; Dudi, S.; Dukhishyam, M.; Dupieux, P.; Dzalaiova, N.; Eder, T. M.; Ehlers, R. J.; Eikeland, V. N.; Eisenhut, F.; Elia, D.; Erazmus, B.; Ercolessi, F.; Erhardt, F.; Erokhin, A.; Ersdal, M. R.; Espagnon, B.; Eulisse, G.; Evans, D.; Evdokimov, S.; Fabbietti, L.; Faggin, M.; Faivre, J.; Fan, F.; Fantoni, A.; Fasel, M.; Fecchio, P.; Feliciello, A.; Feofilov, G.; Fernandez Tellez, A.; Ferrero, A.; Ferretti, A.; Feuillard, V. J. G.; Figiel, J.; Filchagin, S.; Finogeev, D.; Fionda, F. M.; Fiorenza, G.; Flor, F.; Flores, A. N.; Foertsch, S.; Foka, P.; Fokin, S.; Fragiacomo, E.; Frajna, E.; Fuchs, U.; Funicello, N.; Furget, C.; Furs, A.; GaardhOje, J. J.; Gagliardi, M.; Gago, A. M.; Gal, A.; Galvan, C. D.; Ganoti, P.; Garabatos, C.; Garcia, J. R. A.; Garcia-Solis, E.; Garg, K.; Gargiulo, C.; Garibli, A.; Garner, K.; Gasik, P.; Gauger, E. F.; Gautam, A.; Ducati, M. B. Gay; Germain, M.; Ghosh, P.; Ghosh, S. K.; Giacalone, M.; Gianotti, P.; Giubellino, P.; Giubilato, P.; Glaenzer, A. M. C.; Glassel, P.; Goh, D. J. Q.; Gonzalez, V; Gonzalez-Trueba, L. H.; Gorbunov, S.; Gorgon, M.; Gorlich, L.; Gotovac, S.; Grabski, V; Graczykowski, L. K.; Greiner, L.; Grelli, A.; Grigoras, C.; Grigoriev, V; Grigoryan, S.; Grosa, F.; Grosse-Oetringhaus, J. F.; Grosso, R.; Guardiano, G. G.; Guernane, R.; Guilbaud, M.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Gunji, T.; Guo, W.; Gupta, A.; Gupta, R.; Guzman, S. P.; Gyulai, L.; Habib, M. K.; Hadjidakis, C.; Halimoglu, G.; Hamagaki, H.; Hamid, M.; Hannigan, R.; Haque, M. R.; Harlenderova, A.; Harris, J. W.; Harton, A.; Hasenbichler, J. A.; Hassan, H.; Hatzifotiadou, D.; Hauer, P.; Havener, L. B.; Heckel, S. T.; Hellbaer, E.; Helstrup, H.; Herman, T.; Hernandez, E. G.; Herrera Corral, G.; Herrmann, F.; Hetland, K. F.; Hillemanns, H.; Hills, C.; Hippolyte, B.; Hofman, B.; Hohlweger, B.; Honermann, J.; Hong, G. H.; Horak, D.; Hornung, S.; Horzyk, A.; Hosokawa, R.; Hou, Y.; Hristov, P.; Hughes, C.; Huhn, P.; Huhta, L. M.; Humanic, T. J.; Hushnud, H.; Husova, L. A.; Hutson, A.; Hutter, D.; Iddon, J. P.; Ilkaev, R.; Ilyas, H.; Inaba, M.; Innocenti, G. M.; Ippolitov, M.; Isakov, A.; Islam, M. S.; Ivanov, M.; Ivanov, V; Izucheev, V; Jablonski, M.; Jacak, B.; Jacazio, N.; Jacobs, P. M.; Jadlovska, S.; Jadlovsky, J.; Jaelani, S.; Jahnke, C.; Jakubowska, M. J.; Jalotra, A.; Janik, M. A.; Janson, T.; Jercic, M.; Jevons, O.; Jimenez, A. A. P.; Jonas, F.; Jones, P. G.; Jowett, J. M.; Jung, J.; Jung, M.; Junique, A.; Jusko, A.; Kaewjai, J.; Kalinak, P.; Kalteyer, A. S.; Kalweit, A.; Kaplin, V; Uysal, A. Karasu; Karatovic, D.; Karavichev, O.; Karavicheva, T.; Karczmarczyk, P.; Karpechev, E.; Kazantsev, A.; Kebschull, U.; Keidel, R.; Keijdener, D. L. D.; Keil, M.; Ketzer, B.; Khabanova, Z.; Khan, A. M.; Khan, S.; Khanzadeev, A.; Kharlov, Y.; Khatun, A.; Khuntia, A.; Kileng, B.; Kim, B.; Kim, C.; Kim, D. J.; Kim, E. J.; Kim, J.; Kim, J. S.; Kim, M.; Kim, S.; Kim, T.; Kirsch, S.; Kisel, I; Kiselev, S.; Kisiel, A.; Kitowski, J. P.; Klay, J. L.; Klein, J.; Klein, S.; Klein-Boesing, C.; Kleiner, M.; Klemenz, T.; Kluge, A.; Knospe, A. G.; Kobdaj, C.; Koehler, M. K.; Kollegger, T.; Kondratyev, A.; Kondratyeva, N.; Kondratyuk, E.; Konig, J.; Konigstorfer, S. A.; Konopka, P. J.; Kornakov, G.; Koryciak, S. D.; Kotliarov, A.; Kovalenko, O.; Kovalenko, V; Kowalski, M.; Kralik, I; Kravcakova, A.; Kreis, L.; Krivda, M.; Krizek, F.; Gajdosova, K. Krizkova; Kroesen, M.; Krueger, M.; Kryshen, E.; Krzewicki, M.; Kucera, V; Kuhn, C.; Kuijer, P. G.; Kumaoka, T.; Kumar, D.; Kumar, L.; Kumar, N.; Kundu, S.; Kurashvili, P.; Kurepin, A.; Kurepin, A. B.; Kuryakin, A.; Kushpil, S.; Kvapil, J.; Kweon, M. J.; Kwon, J. Y.; Kwon, Y.; La Pointe, S. L.; La Rocca, P.; Lai, Y. S.; Lakrathok, A.; Lamanna, M.; Langoy, R.; Lapidus, K.; Larionov, P.; Laudi, E.; Lautner, L.; Lavicka, R.; Lazareva, T.; Lea, R.; Lehrbach, J.; Lemmon, R. C.; Leon Monzon, I; Lesser, E. D.; Lettrich, M.; Levai, P.; Li, X.; Li, X. L.; Lien, J.; Lietava, R.; Lim, B.; Lim, S. H.; Lindenstruth, V; Lindner, A.; Lippmann, C.; Liu, A.; Liu, D. H.; Liu, J.; Lofnes, I. M.; Loginov, V; Loizides, C.; Loncar, P.; Lopez, J. A.; Lopez, X.; Torres, E. Lopez; Luhder, J. R.; Lunardon, M.; Luparello, G.; Ma, Y. G.; Maevskaya, A.; Mager, M.; Mahmoud, T.; Maire, A.; Malaev, M.; Malik, N. M.; Malik, Q. W.; Malik, S. K.; Malinina, L.; Mal'Kevich, D.; Mallick, N.; Malzacher, P.; Mandaglio, G.; Manko, V; Manso, F.; Manzari, V; Mao, Y.; Mares, J.; Margagliotti, G., V; Margotti, A.; Marin, A.; Markert, C.; Marquard, M.; Martin, N. A.; Martinengo, P.; Martinez, J. L.; Martinez, M., I; Garcia, G. Martinez; Masciocchi, S.; Masera, M.; Masoni, A.; Massacrier, L.; Mastroserio, A.; Mathis, A. M.; Matonoha, O.; Matuoka, P. F. T.; Matyja, A.; Mayer, C.; Mazuecos, A. L.; Mazzaschi, F.; Mazzilli, M.; Mazzoni, M. A., I; Mdhluli, J. E.; Mechler, A. F.; Meddi, F.; Melikyan, Y.; Menchaca-Rocha, A.; Meninno, E.; Menon, A. S.; Meres, M.; Mhlanga, S.; Miake, Y.; Micheletti, L.; Migliorin, L. C.; Mihaylov, D. L.; Mikhaylov, K.; Mishra, A. N.; Modak, A.; Mohanty, A. P.; Mohanty, B.; Khan, M. Mohisin; Molander, M. A.; Moravcova, Z.; Mordasini, C.; De Godoy, D. A. Moreira; Morozov, I; Morsch, A.; Mrnjavac, T.; Muccifora, V; Mudnic, E.; Mughal, B. J.; Muehlheim, D.; Muhuri, S.; Mulligan, J. D.; Mulliri, A.; Munhoz, M. G.; Munzer, R. H.; Murakami, H.; Murray, S.; Musa, L.; Musinsky, J.; Myrcha, J. W.; Naik, B.; Nair, R.; Nandi, B. K.; Nania, R.; Nappi, E.; Nassirpour, A. F.; Nath, A.; Nattrass, C.; Neagu, A.; Nellen, L.; Nesbo, S., V; Neskovic, G.; Nesterov, D.; Nielsen, B. S.; Nikolaev, S.; Nikulin, S.; Nikulin, V; Noferini, F.; Noh, S.; Nomokonov, P.; Norman, J.; Novitzky, N.; Nowakowski, P.; Nyanin, A.; Nystrand, J.; Ogino, M.; Ohlson, A.; Okorokov, V. A.; Oleniacz, J.; Da Silva, A. C. Oliveira; Oliver, M. H.; Onnerstad, A.; Oppedisano, C.; Velasquez, A. Ortiz; Osako, T.; Oskarsson, A.; Otwinowski, J.; Oya, M.; Oyama, K.; Pachmayer, Y.; Padhan, S.; Pagano, D.; Palasciano, A.; Pan, J.; Panebianco, S.; Pareek, P.; Park, J.; Parkkila, J. E.; Pathak, S. P.; Patra, R. N.; Paul, B.; Pei, H.; Peitzmann, T.; Peng, X.; Pereira, L. G.; Da Costa, H. Pereira; Peresunko, D.; Perez, G. M.; Perrin, S.; Pestov, Y.; Petracek, V; Petrovici, M.; Pezzi, R. P.; Piano, S.; Pikna, M.; Pillot, P.; Pinazza, O.; Pinsky, L.; Pinto, C.; Pisano, S.; Ploskon, M.; Planinic, M.; Pliquett, F.; Poghosyan, M. G.; Polichtchouk, B.; Politano, S.; Poljak, N.; Pop, A.; Porteboeuf-Houssais, S.; Porter, J.; Pozdniakov, V; Prasad, S. K.; Preghenella, R.; Prino, F.; Pruneau, C. A.; Pshenichnov, I; Puccio, M.; Qiu, S.; Quaglia, L.; Quishpe, R. E.; Ragoni, S.; Rakotozafindrabe, A.; Ramello, L.; Rami, F.; Ramirez, S. A. R.; Ramos, A. G. T.; Rancien, T. A.; Raniwala, R.; Raniwala, S.; Rasanen, S. S.; Rath, R.; Ravasenga, I; Read, K. F.; Redelbach, A. R.; Redlich, K.; Rehman, A.; Reichelt, P.; Reidt, F.; Reme-ness, H. A.; Renfordt, R.; Rescakova, Z.; Reygers, K.; Riabov, A.; Riabov, V; Richert, T.; Richter, M.; Riegler, W.; Riggi, F.; Ristea, C.; Rodriguez Cahuantzi, M.; Roed, K.; Rogalev, R.; Rogochaya, E.; Rogoschinski, T. S.; Rohr, D.; Rohrich, D.; Rojas, P. F.; Rokita, P. S.; Ronchetti, F.; Rosano, A.; Rosas, E. D.; Rossi, A.; Rotondi, A.; Roy, A.; Roy, P.; Roy, S.; Rubini, N.; Rueda, O., V; Ruggiano, D.; Rui, R.; Rumyantsev, B.; Russek, P. G.; Russo, R.; Rustamov, A.; Ryabinkin, E.; Ryabov, Y.; Rybicki, A.; Rytkonen, H.; Rzesa, W.; Saarimaki, O. A. M.; Sadek, R.; Sadovsky, S.; Saetre, J.; Safarik, K.; Saha, S. K.; Saha, S.; Sahoo, B.; Sahoo, P.; Sahoo, R.; Sahoo, S.; Sahu, D.; Sahu, P. K.; Saini, J.; Sakai, S.; Salvan, M. P.; Sambyal, S.; Samsonov, V; Sarkar, D.; Sarkar, N.; Sarma, P.; Sarti, V. M.; Sas, M. H. P.; Schambach, J.; Scheid, H. S.; Schiaua, C.; Schicker, R.; Schmah, A.; Schmidt, C.; Schmidt, H. R.; Schmidt, M. O.; Schmidt, M.; Schmidt, N., V; Schmier, A. R.; Schotter, R.; Schukraft, J.; Schwarz, K.; Schweda, K.; Scioli, G.; Scomparin, E.; Seger, J. E.; Sekiguchi, Y.; Sekihata, D.; Selyuzhenkov, I; Senyukov, S.; Seo, J. J.; Serebryakov, D.; Serksnyte, L.; Sevcenco, A.; Shaba, T. J.; Shabanov, A.; Shabetai, A.; Shahoyan, R.; Shaikh, W.; Shangaraev, A.; Sharma, A.; Sharma, H.; Sharma, M.; Sharma, N.; Sharma, S.; Sharma, U.; Sheibani, O.; Shigaki, K.; Shimomura, M.; Shirinkin, S.; Shou, Q.; Sibiriak, Y.; Siddhanta, S.; Siemiarczuk, T.; Silva, T. F.; Silvermyr, D.; Simantathammakul, T.; Simonetti, G.; Singh, B.; Singh, R.; Singh, V. K.; Singhal, V; Sinha, T.; Sitar, B.; Sitta, M.; Skaali, T. B.; Skorodumovs, G.; Slupecki, M.; Smirnov, N.; Snellings, R. J. M.; Soncco, C.; Song, J.; Songmoolnak, A.; Soramel, F.; Sorensen, S.; Sputowska, I; Stachel, J.; Stan, I; Steffanic, P. J.; Stiefelmaier, S. F.; Stocco, D.; Storehaug, I; Storetvedt, M. M.; Stratmann, P.; Stylianidis, C. P.; Suaide, A. A. P.; Sugitate, T.; Suire, C.; Sukhanov, M.; Suljic, M.; Sultanov, R.; Sumberia, V; Sumowidagdo, S.; Swain, S.; Szabo, A.; Szarka, I; Tabassam, U.; Taghavi, S. F.; Taillepied, G.; Takahashi, J.; Tambave, G. J.; Tang, S.; Tang, Z.; Takaki, J. D. Tapia; Tarhini, M.; Tarzila, M. G.; Tauro, A.; Tejeda Munoz, G.; Telesca, A.; Terlizzi, L.; Terrevoli, C.; Tersimonov, G.; Thakur, S.; Thomas, D.; Tieulent, R.; Tikhonov, A.; Timmins, A. R.; Tkacik, M.; Toia, A.; Topilskaya, N.; Toppi, M.; Torales-Acosta, F.; Tork, T.; Torres, S. R.; Trifiro, A.; Tripathy, S.; Tripathy, T.; Trogolo, S.; Trubnikov, V; Trzaska, W. H.; Trzcinski, T. P.; Trzeciak, B. A.; Tumkin, A.; Turrisi, R.; Tveter, T. S.; Ullaland, K.; Uras, A.; Urioni, M.; Usai, G. L.; Vala, M.; Valle, N.; Vallero, S.; van der Kolk, N.; van Doremalen, L. V. R.; van Leeuwen, M.; Vande Vyvre, P.; Varga, D.; Varga, Z.; Varga-Kofarago, M.; Vasileiou, M.; Vasiliev, A.; Doce, O. Vazquez; Vechernin, V.; Vercellin, E.; Vergara Limon, S.; Vermunt, L.; Vertesi, R.; Verweij, M.; Vickovic, L.; Vilakazi, Z.; Baillie, O. Villalobos; Vino, G.; Vinogradov, A.; Virgili, T.; Vislavicius, V.; Vodopyanov, A.; Volkel, B.; Volkl, M. A.; Voloshin, K.; Voloshin, S. A.; Volpe, G.; von Haller, B.; Vorobyev, I; Voscek, D.; Vozniuk, N.; Vrlakova, J.; Wagner, B.; Wang, C.; Wang, D.; Weber, M.; Weelden, R. J. G., V; Wegrzynek, A.; Wenzel, S. C.; Wessels, J. P.; Wiechula, J.; Wikne, J.; Wilk, G.; Wilkinson, J.; Willems, G. A.; Windelband, B.; Winn, M.; Witt, W. E.; Wright, J. R.; Wu, W.; Wu, Y.; Xu, R.; Yadav, A. K.; Yalcin, S.; Yamaguchi, Y.; Yamakawa, K.; Yang, S.; Yano, S.; Yasin, Z.; Yin, Z.; Yokoyama, H.; Yoo, I-K; Yoon, J. H.; Yuan, S.; Yuncu, A.; Zaccolo, V; Zampolli, C.; Zanoli, H. J. C.; Zardoshti, N.; Zarochentsev, A.; Zavada, P.; Zaviyalov, N.; Zhalov, M.; Zhang, B.; Zhang, S.; Zhang, X.; Zhang, Y.; Zherebchevskii, V; Zhi, Y.; Zhigareva, N.; Zhou, D.; Zhou, Y.; Zhu, J.; Zhu, Y.; Zichichi, A.; Zinovjev, G.; Zurlo, N.Acharya, S.; Adamova, D.; Adler, A.; Adolfsson, J.; Rinella, G. Aglieri; Agnello, M.; Agrawal, N.; Ahammed, Z.; Ahmad, S.; Ahn, S. U.; Ahuja, I; Akbar, Z.; Akindinov, A.; Al-Turany, M.; Alam, S. N.; Aleksandrov, D.; Alessandro, B.; Alfanda, H. M.; Molina, R. Alfaro; Ali, B.; Ali, Y.; Alici, A.; Alizadehvandchali, N.; Alkin, A.; Alme, J.; Alt, T.; Altenkamper, L.; Altsybeev, I; Anaam, M. N.; Andrei, C.; Andreou, D.; Andronic, A.; Angeletti, M.; Anguelov, V; Antinori, F.; Antonioli, P.; Anuj, C.; Apadula, N.; Aphecetche, L.; Appelshaeuser, H.; Arcelli, S.; Arnaldi, R.; Arsene, I. C.; Arslandok, M.; Augustinus, A.; Averbeck, R.; Aziz, S.; Azmi, M. D.; Badala, A.; Baek, Y. W.; Bai, X.; Bailhache, R.; Bailung, Y.; Bala, R.; Balbino, A.; Baldisseri, A.; Balis, B.; Banerjee, D.; Barbera, R.; Barioglio, L.; Barlou, M.; Barnafoldi, G. G.; Barnby, L. S.; Barret, V; Bartels, C.; Barth, K.; Bartsch, E.; Baruffaldi, F.; Bastid, N.; Basu, S.; Batigne, G.; Batyunya, B.; Bauri, D.; Alba, J. L. Bazo; Bearden, I. G.; Beattie, C.; Belikov, I; Hechavarria, A. D. C. Bell; Bellini, F.; Bellwied, R.; Belokurova, S.; Belyaev, V; Bencedi, G.; Beole, S.; Bercuci, A.; Berdnikov, Y.; Berdnikova, A.; Bergmann, L.; Besoiu, M. G.; Betev, L.; Bhaduri, P. P.; Bhasin, A.; Bhat, I. R.; Bhat, M. A.; Bhattacharjee, B.; Bhattacharya, P.; Bianchi, L.; Bianchi, N.; Bielcik, J.; Bielcikova, J.; Biernat, J.; Bilandzic, A.; Biro, G.; Biswas, S.; Blair, J. T.; Blau, D.; Blidaru, M. B.; Blume, C.; Boca, G.; Bock, F.; Bogdanov, A.; Boi, S.; Bok, J.; Boldizsar, L.; Bolozdynya, A.; Bombara, M.; Bond, P. M.; Bonomi, G.; Borel, H.; Borissov, A.; Bossi, H.; Botta, E.; Bratrud, L.; Braun-Munzinger, P.; Bregant, M.; Broz, M.; Bruno, G. E.; Buckland, M. D.; Budnikov, D.; Buesching, H.; Bufalino, S.; Bugnon, O.; Buhler, P.; Buthelezi, Z.; Butt, J. B.; Bylinkin, A.; Bysiak, S. A.; Cai, M.; Caines, H.; Caliva, A.; Calvo Villar, E.; Camacho, J. M. M.; Camacho, R. S.; Camerini, P.; Canedo, F. D. M.; Carnesecchi, F.; Caron, R.; Castellanos, J. Castillo; Casula, E. A. R.; Catalano, F.; Sanchez, C. Ceballos; Chakraborty, P.; Chandra, S.; Chapeland, S.; Chartier, M.; Chattopadhyay, S.; Chauvin, A.; Chavez, T. G.; Cheng, T.; Cheshkov, C.; Cheynis, B.; Barroso, V. Chibante; Chinellato, D. D.; Cho, S.; Chochula, P.; Christakoglou, P.; Christensen, C. H.; Christiansen, P.; Chujo, T.; Cicalo, C.; Cifarelli, L.; Cindolo, F.; Ciupek, M. R.; Clai, G.; Cleymans, J.; Colamaria, F.; Colburn, J. S.; Colella, D.; Collu, A.; Colocci, M.; Concas, M.; Balbastre, G. Conesa; del Valle, Z. Conesa; Contin, G.; Contreras, J. G.; Coquet, M. L.; Cormier, T. M.; Cortese, P.; Cosentino, M. R.; Costa, F.; Costanza, S.; Crochet, P.; Cruz-Torres, R.; Cuautle, E.; Cui, P.; Cunqueiro, L.; Dainese, A.; Danisch, M. C.; Danu, A.; Das, I; Das, P.; Das, S.; Dash, S.; De, S.; De Caro, A.; de Cataldo, G.; De Cilladi, L.; de Cuveland, J.; De Falco, A.; De Gruttola, D.; De Marco, N.; De Martin, C.; De Pasquale, S.; Deb, S.; Degenhardt, H. F.; Deja, K. R.; Dello Stritto, L.; Deng, W.; Dhankher, P.; Di Bari, D.; Di Mauro, A.; Diaz, R. A.; Dietel, T.; Ding, Y.; Divia, R.; Dixit, D. U.; Djuvsland, O.; Dmitrieva, U.; Do, J.; Dobrin, A.; Doenigus, B.; Dordic, O.; Dubey, A. K.; Dubla, A.; Dudi, S.; Dukhishyam, M.; Dupieux, P.; Dzalaiova, N.; Eder, T. M.; Ehlers, R. J.; Eikeland, V. N.; Eisenhut, F.; Elia, D.; Erazmus, B.; Ercolessi, F.; Erhardt, F.; Erokhin, A.; Ersdal, M. R.; Espagnon, B.; Eulisse, G.; Evans, D.; Evdokimov, S.; Fabbietti, L.; Faggin, M.; Faivre, J.; Fan, F.; Fantoni, A.; Fasel, M.; Fecchio, P.; Feliciello, A.; Feofilov, G.; Fernandez Tellez, A.; Ferrero, A.; Ferretti, A.; Feuillard, V. J. G.; Figiel, J.; Filchagin, S.; Finogeev, D.; Fionda, F. M.; Fiorenza, G.; Flor, F.; Flores, A. N.; Foertsch, S.; Foka, P.; Fokin, S.; Fragiacomo, E.; Frajna, E.; Fuchs, U.; Funicello, N.; Furget, C.; Furs, A.; Gaardhoje, J. J.; Gagliardi, M.; Gago, A. M.; Gal, A.; Galvan, C. D.; Ganoti, P.; Garabatos, C.; Garcia, J. R. A.; Garcia-Solis, E.; Garg, K.; Gargiulo, C.; Garibli, A.; Garner, K.; Gasik, P.; Gauger, E. F.; Gautam, A.; Ducati, M. B. Gay; Germain, M.; Ghosh, P.; Ghosh, S. K.; Giacalone, M.; Gianotti, P.; Giubellino, P.; Giubilato, P.; Glaenzer, A. M. C.; Glassel, P.; Goh, D. J. Q.; Gonzalez, V; Gonzalez-Trueba, L. H.; Gorbunov, S.; Gorgon, M.; Gorlich, L.; Gotovac, S.; Grabski, V; Graczykowski, L. K.; Greiner, L.; Grelli, A.; Grigoras, C.; Grigoriev, V; Grigoryan, S.; Grosa, F.; Grosse-Oetringhaus, J. F.; Grosso, R.; Guardiano, G. G.; Guernane, R.; Guilbaud, M.; Gulbrandsen, K.; Gunji, T.; Guo, W.; Gupta, A.; Gupta, R.; Guzman, S. P.; Gyulai, L.; Habib, M. K.; Hadjidakis, C.; Halimoglu, G.; Hamagaki, H.; Hamid, M.; Hannigan, R.; Haque, M. R.; Harlenderova, A.; Harris, J. W.; Harton, A.; Hasenbichler, J. A.; Hassan, H.; Hatzifotiadou, D.; Hauer, P.; Havener, L. B.; Heckel, S. T.; Hellbaer, E.; Helstrup, H.; Herman, T.; Hernandez, E. G.; Herrera Corral, G.; Herrmann, F.; Hetland, K. F.; Hillemanns, H.; Hills, C.; Hippolyte, B.; Hofman, B.; Hohlweger, B.; Honermann, J.; Hong, G. H.; Horak, D.; Hornung, S.; Horzyk, A.; Hosokawa, R.; Hou, Y.; Hristov, P.; Hughes, C.; Huhn, P.; Huhta, L. M.; Humanic, T. J.; Hushnud, H.; Husova, L. A.; Hutson, A.; Hutter, D.; Iddon, J. P.; Ilkaev, R.; Ilyas, H.; Inaba, M.; Innocenti, G. M.; Ippolitov, M.; Isakov, A.; Islam, M. S.; Ivanov, M.; Ivanov, V; Izucheev, V; Jablonski, M.; Jacak, B.; Jacazio, N.; Jacobs, P. M.; Jadlovska, S.; Jadlovsky, J.; Jaelani, S.; Jahnke, C.; Jakubowska, M. J.; Jalotra, A.; Janik, M. A.; Janson, T.; Jercic, M.; Jevons, O.; Jimenez, A. A. P.; Jonas, F.; Jones, P. G.; Jowett, J. M.; Jung, J.; Jung, M.; Junique, A.; Jusko, A.; Kaewjai, J.; Kalinak, P.; Kalteyer, A. S.; Kalweit, A.; Kaplin, V; Uysal, A. Karasu; Karatovic, D.; Karavichev, O.; Karavicheva, T.; Karczmarczyk, P.; Karpechev, E.; Kazantsev, A.; Kebschull, U.; Keidel, R.; Keijdener, D. L. D.; Keil, M.; Ketzer, B.; Khabanova, Z.; Khan, A. M.; Khan, S.; Khanzadeev, A.; Kharlov, Y.; Khatun, A.; Khuntia, A.; Kileng, B.; Kim, B.; Kim, C.; Kim, D. J.; Kim, E. J.; Kim, J.; Kim, J. S.; Kim, M.; Kim, S.; Kim, T.; Kirsch, S.; Kisel, I; Kiselev, S.; Kisiel, A.; Kitowski, J. P.; Klay, J. L.; Klein, J.; Klein, S.; Klein-Boesing, C.; Kleiner, M.; Klemenz, T.; Kluge, A.; Knospe, A. G.; Kobdaj, C.; Koehler, M. K.; Kollegger, T.; Kondratyev, A.; Kondratyeva, N.; Kondratyuk, E.; Konig, J.; Konigstorfer, S. A.; Konopka, P. J.; Kornakov, G.; Koryciak, S. D.; Kotliarov, A.; Kovalenko, O.; Kovalenko, V; Kowalski, M.; Kralik, I; Kravcakova, A.; Kreis, L.; Krivda, M.; Krizek, F.; Gajdosova, K. Krizkova; Kroesen, M.; Krueger, M.; Kryshen, E.; Krzewicki, M.; Kucera, V; Kuhn, C.; Kuijer, P. G.; Kumaoka, T.; Kumar, D.; Kumar, L.; Kumar, N.; Kundu, S.; Kurashvili, P.; Kurepin, A.; Kurepi