61 research outputs found

    Model prediction on the characteristics of dipole atoms: the concept of Schrodinger's equation

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    This paper investigates the model to predict the characteristics of dipole atoms upon the application of Schrödinger’s wave equation. Many element of chemists’ picture of molecular structure hinge on the point of view that separates the electronic motions from the vibration/rotational motion and treats coupling between these separated motions as perturbations. It is essential to understand the origins and limitations of this separated (dipole) motion picture. To develop a framework in terms of which to understand when such separable is valid, one think of an atom or molecule as consisting of a collection of N electrons and M nuclei each of which possesses kinetic energy and among which columbic potential energies of interaction arise to properly describe the motion of all these particles, one need to consider the full Schrödinger Equation Hφ = ∈φ in which the Hamiltonian H contains the sum of the Kinetic energies of all N electron and the M nuclei. The range of accuracy of this separation can be understood by considering the differences in time scales that relate to electronic motions and nuclear motions under ordinary circumstances

    The Doctrine of Act and Potency is the Key to an Adequate Understanding of Persistence in Identity

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    The question "why should I treat my workmate the same if she is not the same person we employed?" remains a funny but crucial question. For if individuals change over time, why should we treat them the same? While some philosophers argue that there is no persistence in identity, others say that there is persistence in identity, and they propose properties like body, name, memory, and psychological connectedness as those essential properties that persist over time. This paper looks critically at some of these positions and would argue that they are all insufficient to account for persistence in identity for various reasons, but the main reason is that they ascribe personal identity to things that are either changeable or can be lost. This paper suggests that to understand the property that persists over time and how and why it persists over time, there must be an in-depth understanding of the doctrine of act and potency proposed by Aristotle. This paper also explains why this debate is still relevant in our contemporary world and further suggests what we could investigate from here

    How Elementary School Principals Perceive Teachers’ Literacy Teaching Strategies

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    Principals are expected to serve as the lead instructional leaders on the campus, ensuring academic growth for all students. The research problem of this study was the lack of understanding of the perceptions of elementary school principals regarding teachers’ literacy teaching strategies. The purpose and research question of this study were to understand the instructional leadership practices of elementary school principals regarding teachers’ literacy teaching strategies. The conceptual framework was based on constructivism. Ten principals participated in semistructured, face-to-face, audio-taped interviews. Thematic analysis revealed that school principals: (a) focus on how to increase literacy state scores, (b) struggle to apply instructional leadership practices, (c) need professional development to support literacy instruction, and (d) believe in professional learning communities to support literacy instruction. The research findings may be used by principals to enhance instructional leadership practices to support both literacy teachers and student learning, which, in turn, would contribute to students graduating

    Diversity Indices of a Typical Tropical Watershed in Anambra State Nigeria

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    The indices of Diversity that were employed in this study included: Species Richness, Shannon wiener Diversity index and Evenness. The sites that made up this watershed include the forest site – which was dominated by trees, climbers and shrubs, forb population was highly insignificant, while the grasses were represented by only two species – Panicum maxima and Imperata cylindrica. The short term fallow site was dominated by forbs and grasses; shrubs, climbers and trees were not significantly represented. The long term fallow site was dominated by forbs, shrubs and grasses; trees and climbers were sparse. The current usage farming site was dominated by forbs, trees were absent in this site

    Does Logic Decolonization involve having a Relativistic approach to Logical Principles?

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    The concept of “decolonization” has been widely and erroneously used to the point that it has lost its meaning. Whenever decolonization is invoked, there seems to be disagreement between the universalist and relativist camps. While the debate continues, one can barely imagine a middle position where both camps could find a synthesis. So the question that resonates from this is, does logic decolonization involves having a relativistic approach to logical principles? The logical premise is not universal, as this paper acknowledges, because no one has the divine right to declare something to be true or incorrect. According to this paper, relativism, which is universalism’s opposite, does not result in epistemic decolonization because it involves swapping one system for another. In light of this issue, this paper makes the case that logic/epistemic decolonization is necessary, but only if it entails integrating indigenous knowledge with the Western knowledge system

    BTX Degradation: The concept of microbial integration

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    The concept of microbial integration was carried out to examine bacterial and fungal activity on bezene, toluence and xylene (BTX) degradation in a batch reactor. The investigation was conducted for thirty five day of exposure of contact of members and substrate which yielded enzyme substrate complex as well disintegrated to produce products and free enzyme. Bacterial and fungal concentration was monitored per week and the results obtained recorded. The gas chromatography results of Ngara soil sample investigated reveals the concentration of M, P, and O – Xylene for different days of exposure. Increase in both bacterial and fungal was experienced with decrease in BTX concentration, whereas increase in bacterial is more than fungi, indicating the high activity of bacterial in the reactor than that of fungi. Although, both were well integrated in bioremediation program to enhance the effective remediation of BTX contaminants in Ngara soil, Omuigwe Alun Community, Niger Delta Area of Nigeria

    Percentage preference/proximate composition of some plants species used as livestock feed in Idemili South, Anambra State

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    The study assessed percentage preference and proximate composition of some selected plant species in Idemili South Area of Anambra State. Plants were identified and collected for herbarium preparation. A total of 23 different species belonging to 16 families were identified. These consisted of 11 trees, 4 shrubs, 3 herbs and 3 grasses. These plants were harvested, processed and stored separately. A 25 gm portion of each plant was measured and administered to 3 matured goats per day. The feeding trial lasted for 23 days. The frequency and rate of consumption of each plant was determined using a stop watch. The results showed that Manihot esculenta representing 73.3 % was highly preferred plant by all the animals while Colocasia esculenta having 18.7 % was moderately preferred. Proximate composition of the fodder was determined using standard method and results revealed that protein content ranged from 5.85% in Tridax procumbens and 23.86% in Desmodium scorpiurus. Lipid content ranged between 1.31 % and 8.37 % for Carica papaya and Manihot esculenta respectively while crude fibre content ranged from 8.09 to 33.01% in Tridax procumbens and Pennisetum purpureum respectively. The highest ash content (11.28 %) was recorded in Colocasia esculenta while the least level (2.17 %) in Tridax procumbens. Also, moisture content was observed to be highest in Manihot esculenta (10.29 %) and least in Dialium guineensis, while carbohydrate contents ranged between 13.41 % and 67.82 % for Persea americana and Tridax procumbens respectively. It could be concluded that plant species under this study were found to be rich in essential nutrients but Vernonia amygdalina, Amaranthus spinosus, Manihot esculenta, Ficus elasticoides and Milicia excelsa were most preferred plant species by experimental animals. Keywords: Plant species, goat, livestock feed, proximate composition, Idemili South Are