90 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Hybrid Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) For Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) Treatment

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    The pollution load of palm oil mill effluent (POME) is in the range of 50,000 mg COD/L. With more than 500 palm oil mills, Malaysia produces some 13.9 million tonnes of crude palm oil annually and generates around 35 x 106 m3 POME. Typically, raw POME is difficult to degrade because it contains significant amounts of oil (tryacylglycerols) and degradative products such as di-and monoacylglycerols and fatty acids. The fatty acids composition (C12 – C20) of each of this fraction are different from one another and contribute to the high value of pollution load in POME. Thus POME has to be treated, usually in a series of anaerobic and aerobic treatment steps, for the organic matter to be degraded before the effluent is allowed to be discharged into public waterways. The objective of this study was to observe the performance of a hybrid membrane bioreactor (MBR) for POME. The raw POME was introduced into sequencing processes of anaerobic, anoxic and aerobic in order to achieve biological nutrient removal and the membrane modules were submerged into the aerobic zone. The critical flux of MBR using the flux-step method based on transmembrane pressure (TMP) was conducted as well as flux and permeability studies for assessing fouling in a membrane bioreactor operating at constant flux. The reactor was operated at a mixed liquor suspended solid (MLSS) concentration of 4000 to 8000 mg/l. The removal efficiency of COD, SS, TN and TP achieved were 94%, 98%, 83% and 64% respectively. The hybrid MBR was found to be able to degrade POME significantly and high quality effluent could be reused for various other applications.Keywords

    Pertumbuhan Populasi Daphnia Spp. Yang Diberi Pupuk Limbah Budidaya Karamba Jaring Apung (Kja) Di Waduk Cirata Yang Telah Difermentasi Em4

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan populasi Daphniaspp.yang dibudidayakan dalam media yang diberi pupuk yang berasal dari limbah budidaya Karamba Jaring Apung (KJA) yang berasal dari Waduk Cirata yang telah difermentasi terlebih dahulu menggunakan EM4.Sampel limbah diambil dari KJA di Waduk Cirata, Blok Cipanas Desa Calincing, Cianjur.Fermentasi limbah dan kultur Daphniaspp. dilakukan di Laboratorium Akuakultur Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan Universitas Padjadjaran. Penelitian dilaksanakan mulai bulan Agustus 2007 sampai dengan Desember 2007. Penelitian dilaksanakan menggunakan metode eksperimental, rancangan yang dipakai adalah rancangan acak lengkap dengan 6 perlakuan dan 3 ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri dari : kotoran ayam 5 gr/L air sebagai kontrol, limbah budidaya tanpa difermentasi sebanyak 5 gr/L air; limbah budidaya yang telah difermentasi sebanyak 2,5 gr/L air; limbah budidaya yang telah difermentasi sebanyak 5 gr/L air; limbah budidaya yang telah difermentasi sebanyak 7,5 gr/L air dan limbah budidaya yang telah difermentasi sebanyak 10 gr/L air. Parameter yang diamati meliputi, laju pertumbuhan populasi, laju mortalitas populasi, kepadatan pada saat puncak populasi dan waktu mencapai puncak populasi serta kandungan nutrisi Daphnia spp hasil budidaya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan limbah budidaya KJA yang telah difermentasi EM4, sebanyak 10 gr/L air menghasilkan laju pertumbuhan sebesar 58,48% serta mortalitas sebesar 23,10%, dengan kepadatan populasi Daphniaspp. sebanyak 1541 ind./L yang dicapai pada hari kesepuluh, Nilai-nilai tersebut hampir sama dengan yang dihasilkan pada penggunaan kotoran ayam dengan nilai 60,01%, 27,80%, 1426 ind/L pada hari kesembilan secara berturut-turut

    Perceived Quality and Relationship Quality as Antecedents and Predictors of Loyalty in the Chemical Industry: A Literature Review

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    Several kinds of research in the past examined relationship quality as antecedents in B2B industries. The literature review extends a prior study by linking perceived quality with relationship quality as antecedents and predictors of customer loyalty. This study is a review of customer loyalty antecedents with the chemical industry as a content object. Perceived quality has two dimensions of tangible product and service. Referring to past research, there is no single universal relationship quality framework. This literature study refers to the relationship quality framework with a content of trust, satisfaction, and commitment. The authors investigate the relationship between perceived quality with trust and satisfaction, trust with commitment, commitment with loyalty, and satisfaction with loyalty. Every construct describes the definition and connection among constructs. Some chemicals industries are put as object examples to explain constructs in industry practice. This literature review finds a developed framework with relevant constructs that influence loyalty in the B2B context. By understanding the framework and connection among constructs, firms can develop a relationship program purposely to achieve customer loyalty

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Pilihan Jenis Minuman Pada Situasi Konsumsi Hang-Out Dan Celebration

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    Soft-drink market in Indonesia continuously grows in the last ten years; however the growth is varied among soft-drink categories in different years. This encourages practitioners in soft-drink industry to understand what factors influencing the consumer when they buy soft-drink to consume, as this will be beneficial to formulate an effective marketing strategy. This research elaborates factors that are predicted as influencer for consumer in choosing soft-drink to buy and consume during hang-out and celebration situation. From 26 factors of product attributes, consumer characteristics, social, and environmental, there are 11 factors which significantly influence respondent decision to choose any type of soft-drink. These are: age, education, household expenditure, hang-out frequency, product availability, taste, aroma, product freshness, manufacturer reputation, and peer\u27s choice of drink. Bottled water, carbonated soft-drink, and ready to drink tea are the most chosen soft-drink categories by respondent


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    Aerobic granulation for real domestic sewage treatment at hot and low humidity climate condition

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    With inoculum sludge from a conventional activated sludge wastewater treatment plant, a sequencing batch reactor fed with real domestic wastewater was operated at 50 ± 1 °C to study the formation of aerobic granular sludge (AGS) for simultaneous organics and nutrients removal with a complete cycle time of 3 h. The AGS were successfully cultivated with excellent settling ability and demonstrated exceptional performance in the organics and nutrients removal with influent loading rate of 1.2 kg COD m-3 d-1. Stable, regular, dense and fast settling granule (average diameter, 2.0 mm and sludge volume index, 73.501 mL g-1) were developed in a single reactor. In addition, 89 % COD removal efficiency was observed in the system at the maturation stage of the granulation, while its ammonia nitrogen removal efficiencies were up to 99 %. The study demonstrated the capabilities of AGS formation in a single, high and slender column type-bioreactor at high temperature which is suitable to be applied for hot climate and low humidity condition (e.g. Saudi Arabia)

    Patterns and causes of food waste in the hospitality and food service sector: food waste prevention insights from Malaysia

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    Food waste has formidable detrimental impacts on food security, the environment, and the economy, which makes it a global challenge that requires urgent attention. This study investigates the patterns and causes of food waste generation in the hospitality and food service sector, with the aim of identifying the most promising food waste prevention measures. It presents a comparative analysis of five case studies from the hospitality and food service (HaFS) sector in Malaysia and uses a mixed-methods approach. This paper provides new empirical evidence to highlight the significant opportunity and scope for food waste reduction in the HaFS sector. The findings suggest that the scale of the problem is even bigger than previously thought. Nearly a third of all food was wasted in the case studies presented, and almost half of it was avoidable. Preparation waste was the largest fraction, followed by buffet leftover and then customer plate waste. Food waste represented an economic loss equal to 23% of the value of the food purchased. Causes of food waste generation included the restaurants' operating procedures and policies, and the social practices related to food consumption. Therefore, food waste prevention strategies should be twofold, tackling both the way the hospitality and food service sector outlets operate and organise themselves, and the customers’ social practices related to food consumption

    A case study of green building in Malaysia: cost saving analysis

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    The building sector consumes about forty percent of world energy, making energy efficiency in existing buildings an important issue. This study has been undertaken to investigate energy consumption of a building that has been redesigned to incorporate energy efficient features. It was found that the introduction of energy efficient features has helped to achieve savings up to 46% of the total spent on energy particularly based on electricity bills

    Rational Antecedent Framework of Brand Satisfaction in the Industrial Market: Assessing Rational Perceived Quality and Rational Perceived Value Roles

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    Referring to the traditional paradigm, the industrial decision process is most likely influenced by rational aspects; is this perspective still relevant? The purpose of this paper is to explore further the role of rational satisfaction's antecedents, particularly perceived quality and perceived value. This study conducts a literature review and an in-depth analysis of 10 papers published by reputable Scopus index publishers, with respondents from various industries and time horizon of the last five years. This study finds that rational aspects of perceived quality and perceived value influence satisfaction directly, moreover rational perceived quality influences perceived value, and indirectly influences brand satisfaction.  However, the study finds that the emotional aspects are involved; although the final decision process is a dual process, the rational aspects still dominate the process of taking final decision. Keywords: perceived quality, perceived value, customer satisfaction, rational evaluation, brand equity JEL Classifications: M31, L10 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/irmm.901