466 research outputs found

    Effects of spatial variability of precipitation for process-orientated hydrological modelling: results from two nested catchments

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    International audienceThe importance of considering the spatial distribution of rainfall for process-oriented hydrological modelling is well-known. However, the application of rainfall radar data to provide such detailed spatial resolution is still under debate. In this study the process-oriented TACD (Tracer Aided Catchment model, Distributed) model had been used to investigate the effects of different spatially distributed rainfall input on simulated discharge and runoff components on an event base. TACD is fully distributed (50x50 m2 raster cells) and was applied on an hourly base. As model input rainfall data from up to 11 ground stations and high resolution rainfall radar data from an operational C-band radar were used. For seven rainfall events the discharge simulations were investigated in further detail for the mountainous Brugga catchment (40 km2) and the St. Wilhelmer Talbach (15.2 km2) sub-basin, which are located in the Southern Black Forest Mountains, south-west Germany. The significance of spatial variable precipitation data was clearly demonstrated. Dependent on event characteristics, localized rain cells were occasionally poorly captured even by a dense ground station network, and this resulted in insufficient model results. For such events, radar data can provide better input data. However, an extensive data adjustment using ground station data is required. Therefore, a new method was developed that considers the rainfall intensity distribution. The use of the distributed catchment model allowed further insights into spatially variable impacts of different rainfall estimates. Impacts for discharge predictions are the largest in areas that are dominated by the production of fast runoff components. To conclude, the improvements for distributed runoff simulation using high resolution rainfall radar input data are strongly dependent on the investigated scale, the event characteristics, the existing monitoring network and, last but not least, the applied model

    Quantifying the impact of land-use changes at the event and seasonal time scale using a process-oriented catchment model

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    International audienceFor optimal protection and integrated management of water resources, it is essential to quantify the impact of land-use change on hydrological regimes at various scales. Using the process-based catchment model TACD (tracer aided catchment model, distributed) two land-use scenarios were analysed for the rural and mountainous Dreisam basin (258 km2): (i) an increase in urban area from 2.5% to 5%) and (2) a change in a natural land-use to a different kind of forest. The first scenario was executed using the land-use change modelling kit LUCK, which takes into account the topology of land-use patterns in their true positions. The TACD model simulated all hydrological processes both spatially and temporally (200 m x 200 m grid, hourly mode). For this study, physically-based modules for interception and evapotranspiration (Penman and Monteith approach) were introduced. The model was applied to the Dreisam basin with minimal calibration. Both an independent validation period and discharge in four nested sub-basins were modelled well without recalibration. Evapotranspiration patterns were simulated, successfully, both temporally and spatially. Increased urbanisation had an insignificant effect on the modelled single events and on the yearly water balance. Simulations of discharge from forest assuming natural land-use conditions indicated an increase in transpiration, a decrease in groundwater recharge and, consequently, in groundwater discharge (?15%), in surface water discharge (?4%), and in flood peaks (?22.7% and ?7.3% for convective and advective floods, respectively). Land-use impact was also investigated by applying rainfall scenarios of different durations (12, 24, 48, and 72 hours), magnitudes (recurrence intervals of 1, 5, and 10 years) and distributions of rainfall intensity, i.e. maximum intensity at the beginning, middle or end of the event. Clearly, the intensity distribution has a greater influence on the simulated events than different land use scenarios. This indicated the importance of careful determination of the temporal intensity distribution for flood peak predictions. The use of the process-based model enabled analysis of the altered composition of internal runoff components. This demonstrated the potentially significant local effects of land-use change on flood runoff and water quality. Keywords: land-use change, predictions, process-based catchment modelling, flood modelling, evapotranspiration modelling TACD model, LUC

    Significance of spatial variability in precipitation for process-oriented modelling: results from two nested catchments using radar and ground station data

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    International audienceThe importance of considering the spatial distribution of rainfall for process-oriented hydrological modelling is well-known. However, the application of rainfall radar data to provide such detailed spatial resolution is still under debate. In this study the process-oriented TACD (Tracer Aided Catchment model, Distributed) model had been used to investigate the effects of different spatially distributed rainfall input on simulated discharge and runoff components on an event base. TACD is fully distributed (50x50m2 raster cells) and was applied on an hourly base. As model input rainfall data from up to 7 ground stations and high resolution rainfall radar data from operational C-band radar were used. For seven rainfall events the discharge simulations were investigated in further detail for the mountainous Brugga catchment (40km2) and the St. Wilhelmer Talbach (15.2km2) sub-basin, which are located in the Southern Black Forest Mountains, south-west Germany. The significance of spatial variable precipitation data was clearly demonstrated. Dependent on event characteristics, localized rain cells were occasionally poorly captured even by a dense ground station network, and this resulted in inadequate model results. For such events, radar data can provide better input data. However, an extensive data adjustment using ground station data is required. For this purpose a method was developed that considers the temporal variability in rainfall intensity in high temporal resolution in combination with the total rainfall amount of both data sets. The use of the distributed catchment model allowed further insights into spatially variable impacts of different rainfall estimates. Impacts for discharge predictions are the largest in areas that are dominated by the production of fast runoff components. The improvements for distributed runoff simulation using high resolution rainfall radar input data are strongly dependent on the investigated scale, the event characteristics and the existing monitoring network

    Comprehensive flood mitigation and management in the Chi River Basin, Thailand

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    Severe flooding of the flat downstream area of the Chi River Basin occurs frequently. This flooding is causing catastrophic loss of human lives, damage and economic loss. Effective flood management requires a broad and practical approach. Although flood disasters cannot completely be prevented, major part of potential loss of lives and damages can be reduced by comprehensive mitigation measures. In this paper, the effects of river normalisation, reservoir operation, green river (bypass), and retention have been analysed by using integrated hydrologic and hydraulic modelling. Every tributary has been simulated by a process-based hydrological model (SWAT) coupled with the 1D/2D SOBEK river routing model. Model simulation results under the design rainfall event, i.e. flood depth, flood extent, and damages for the situation with and without flood mitigation measures have been compared and evaluated to determine an optimal set of mitigation measures. The results reveal that a combination of river normalisation, reservoir operation, and green river (bypass) is most effective as it can decrease the extent of the 100-year flood event by approximately 24% and 31% for the economic damage. The results of this study will be useful for improving the present flood defence practice in the Chi River Basi

    Characterisation of stable isotopes to identify residence times and runoff components in two meso-scale catchments in the Abay/Upper Blue Nile basin, Ethiopia

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    Measurements of the stable isotopes oxygen-18 (<sup>18</sup>O) and deuterium (<sup>2</sup>H) were carried out in two meso-scale catchments, Chemoga (358 km<sup>2</sup>) and Jedeb (296 km<sup>2</sup>) south of Lake Tana, Abay/Upper Blue Nile basin, Ethiopia. The region is of paramount importance for the water resources in the Nile basin, as more than 70% of total Nile water flow originates from the Ethiopian highlands. Stable isotope compositions in precipitation, spring water and streamflow were analysed (i) to characterise the spatial and temporal variations of water fluxes; (ii) to estimate the mean residence time of water using a sine wave regression approach; and (iii) to identify runoff components using classical two-component hydrograph separations on a seasonal timescale. <br><br> The results show that the isotopic composition of precipitation exhibits marked seasonal variations, which suggests different sources of moisture generation for the rainfall in the study area. The Atlantic–Indian Ocean, Congo basin, Upper White Nile and the Sudd swamps are the potential moisture source areas during the main rainy (summer) season, while the Indian–Arabian and Mediterranean Sea moisture source areas during little rain (spring) and dry (winter) seasons. The spatial variation in the isotopic composition is influenced by the amount effect as depicted by moderate coefficients of determination on a monthly timescale (<i>R</i><sup>2</sup> varies from 0.38 to 0.68) and weak regression coefficients (<i>R</i><sup>2</sup> varies from 0.18 to 0.58) for the altitude and temperature effects. A mean altitude effect accounting for −0.12&permil;/100 m for <sup>18</sup>O and −0.58&permil;/100 m for <sup>2</sup>H was discernible in precipitation isotope composition. <br><br> Results from the hydrograph separation on a seasonal timescale indicate the dominance of event water, with an average of 71 and 64% of the total runoff during the wet season in the Chemoga and Jedeb catchments, respectively. <br><br> Moreover, the stable isotope compositions of streamflow samples were damped compared to the input function of precipitation for both catchments. This damping was used to estimate mean residence times of stream water of 4.1 and 6.0 months at the Chemoga and Jedeb catchment outlets, respectively. Short mean residence times and high fractions of event water components recommend catchment management measures aiming at reduction of overland flow/soil erosion and increasing of soil water retention and recharge to enable sustainable development in these agriculturally dominated catchments

    Jetzt aber mal "Prost"! Nonverbale Kommunikation über zeichenbesetzte Handlungsakte

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    Kneipenbesuche und der damit verbundene Konsum von Alkohol sind institutionalisiert und formalisiert. Es gibt sozial und kulturell bedingte Regeln und Motive für den Verzehr. Diese Art der Geselligkeitskultur folgt gewissen Trinkgewohnheiten. Bewusst gestaltete Handlungsmuster folgen nonverbalen und zeichenbehafteten Strukturen. Mit diesem Beitrag sollen einige verschiedene Arten des Zuprostens auf deren Handlungs- und Kommunikationsebene untersucht werden.Pub visits and consumption of alcohol are institutionalized and formalized. There are social and cultural rules for consumption. This type of conviviality culture follows certain habits. Designed behavior patterns follow nonverbal and marked structures. The following article demonstrates some different types of clinking glasses. It supposes to demonstrate the different forms of symbolic acting and communication in this case

    On the validity of modeling concepts for the simulation of groundwater flow in lowland peat areas – case study at the Zegveld experimental field

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    The groundwater flow models currently used in the western part of The Netherlands and in other similar peaty areas are thought to be a too simplified representation of the hydrological reality. One of the reasons is that, due to the schematization of the subsoil, its heterogeneity cannot be represented adequately. Moreover, the applicability of Darcy's law in these types of soils has been questioned, but this law forms the basis of most groundwater flow models. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; With the purpose of assessing the typical heterogeneity of the subsoil and to verify the applicability of Darcy's law, geo-hydrological fieldwork was completed at an experimental field within a research area in the western part of The Netherlands. The assessments were carried out for the so-called Complex Confining Layer (CCL), which is the Holocene peaty to clayey layer overlying Pleistocene sandy deposits. Borehole drilling through the CCL with a hand auger was completed and revealed the typical heterogeneous character of this layer, showing a dominance of muddy, humified peat which is alternated with fresher peat and clay. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; Slug tests were carried out to study the applicability of Darcy's law, given that previous studies suggested its non-validity for humified peat soils due to a variable horizontal hydraulic conductivity &lt;i&gt;K&lt;/i&gt;&lt;sub&gt;h&lt;/sub&gt; with head differences. For higher humification degrees, the experiments indeed suggested a variable &lt;i&gt;K&lt;/i&gt;&lt;sub&gt;h&lt;/sub&gt;, but this appeared to be the result of the inappropriate use of steady-state formulae for transient experiments in peaty environments. The muddy peat sampled has a rather plastic nature, and the high compressibility of this material leads to transient behavior. However, using transient formulae, the slug tests conducted for different initial groundwater heads showed that there was hardly any evidence of a variation of the hydraulic conductivity with the applied head differences. Therefore, Darcy's law can be used for typical peat soils present in The Netherlands. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt; The heterogeneity of the subsoil and the apparent applicability of Darcy's law were taken into account for the detailed heterogeneous model that was prepared for the research area. A MODFLOW model consisting of 13 layers in which 4 layers represent the heterogeneous CCL was set up for an average year, assuming steady-state conditions; and for the winter of 2009 to 2010, adopting transient conditions. The transient model was extended to simulate for longer periods with the objective of visualizing the flow paths through the CCL. The results from these models were compared with a 10 layer model, whereby the CCL is represented by a single layer assuming homogeneity. From the comparison of the two model types, the conclusion could be drawn that a single layer schematization of the CCL produces flowpath patterns which are not the same but still quite similar to a 4 layer representation of the CCL. However, the single layer schematization results in a considerable underestimation of the flow velocity, and subsequently a longer travel time, through the CCL. Therefore, a single layer model of the CCL seems quite appropriate to represent the general flow behavior of the shallow groundwater system, but would be inappropriate for transport modeling through the CCL

    The causes of flow regime shifts in the semi-arid Hailiutu River, Northwest China

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    Identifying the causes (climate vs. human activities) for hydrological variability is a major challenge in hydrology. This paper examines the flow regime shifts, changes in the climatic variables such as precipitation, evaporation, temperature, and crop area in the semi-arid Hailiutu catchment in the middle section of the Yellow River by performing several statistical analyses. The Pettitt test, cumulative sum charts (CUSUM), regime shift index (RSI) method, and harmonic analysis were carried out on annual, monthly, and daily discharges. Four major shifts in the flow regime have been detected in 1968, 1986, 1992 and 2001. Characteristics of the flow regime were analyzed in the five periods: 1957–1967, 1968–1985, 1986–1991, 1992–2000, and 2001–2007. From 1957 to 1967, the flow regime reflects quasi natural conditions of the high variability and larger amplitude of 6 months periodic fluctuations. The river peak flow was reduced by the construction of two reservoirs in the period 1968–1985. In the period of 1986–1991, the river discharge further decreased due to the combined influence of river diversions and increase of groundwater extractions for irrigation. In the fourth period of 1992–2000, the river discharge reached lowest flow and variation in corresponding to a large increase in crop area. The flow regime recovered, but not yet to natural status in the fifth period of 2001–2007. Climatic factors are found not likely responsible for the changes in the flow regime, but the changes in the flow regime are corresponding well to historical land use policy changes

    The use of remote sensing to quantify wetland loss in the Choke Mountain range, Upper Blue Nile basin, Ethiopia

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    Wetlands provide multiple ecosystem services such as storing and regulating water flows and water quality, providing unique habitats to flora and fauna, and regulating micro-climatic conditions. Conversion of wetlands for agricultural use is a widespread practice in Ethiopia, particularly in the southwestern part where wetlands cover large areas. Although there are many studies on land cover and land use changes in this region, comprehensive studies on wetlands are still missing. Hence, extent and rate of wetland loss at regional scales is unknown. The objective of this paper is to quantify wetland dynamics and estimate wetland loss in the Choke Mountain range (area covering 17 443 km&lt;sup&gt;2&lt;/sup&gt;) in the Upper Blue Nile basin, a key headwater region of the river Nile. Therefore, satellite remote sensing imagery of the period 1986–2005 were considered. To create images of surface reflectance that are radiometrically consistent, a combination of cross-calibration and atmospheric correction (Vogelman-DOS3) methods was used. A hybrid supervised/unsupervised classification approach was used to classify the images. Overall accuracies of 94.1% and 93.5% and Kappa Coefficients of 0.908 and 0.913 for the 1986 and 2005 imageries, respectively were obtained. The results showed that 607 km&lt;sup&gt;2&lt;/sup&gt; of seasonal wetland with low moisture and 22.4 km&lt;sup&gt;2&lt;/sup&gt; of open water are lost in the study area during the period 1986 to 2005. The current situation in the wetlands of Choke Mountain is characterized by further degradation which calls for wetland conservation and rehabilitation efforts through incorporating wetlands into watershed management plans
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