20 research outputs found

    From/To: Edward Uhlan (Chalk\u27s reply filed first)

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    Veerkragtigheid (resilience) by graad 12-presteerders van ’n histories-benadeelde gemeenskap

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    Thesis (MEd)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: It is a well known phenomenon that people from historically disadvantaged communities, tend to do well in society despite the numerous risk factors that complicate life for them. This study has this phenomenon as it's subject. The unit of analysis of the study was Grade 12 achievers from a historically disadvantaged community. The main purpose of this study was to determine why these Grade 12 learners managed to excell academically despite the risk factors present in their community. The secondary focus of the study was to identify the risk factors that the learners had to face to eventually achieve academic success and the protective factors which contributed to their academic success. The literature review focussed on the concept "resilience" and related concepts such as risk factors, protective factors and the adolescent development phase within the framework of positive psychology, eco-systemic and asset based approaches. The research was conducted using a qualitative interpretive study approach. Seven achievers from the coloured community in the Western Cape, were interviewed. The data was analysed using qualitative content analysis. The data was discussed by placing the risk factors and the protective factors in five different systems namely, the individual, the family, the school, the peergroup and the community. The findings of the study indicate that the above systems are in constant interaction with one another and that the protective factors can be utilized to overcome the risk factors. The study thus proves that, although the participants were exposed to risk factors, they managed to display great resilience in using protective factors. The community was identified as one of the biggest risk factors, but by utilizing certain protective factors as are found in the individual, the family, the school and the peergroup, the participants were able to protect themselves against the risk factors resulting in their academic success. The personal strengths of the participants proved to be the most important protective factor in a historically disadvantaged community.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Dit is 'n bekende fenomeen dat persone wat in histories benadeelde omstandighede grootgeword het, ten spyte van risikofaktore, suksesvolle produktiewe lede van die samelewing word. Dit is juis hierdie fenomeen wat diĂ© studie ondersoek het. Hierdie studie het pertinent bruin graad 12-presteerders uit 'n histories benadeelde gemeenskap as eenheid van analise geteiken. Die doel van hierdie studie was om uit te vind waarom graad 12-leerders ten spyte van verskeie risikofaktore binne 'n histories benadeelde gemeenskap daarin geslaag het om akademies goed te presteer. Die newevraagstellings van die studie was om uit te vind watter risikofaktore die deelnemers moes trotseer ten einde akademiese sukses te behaal en ook watter beskermingsfaktore tot hierdie deelnemers se akademiese sukses bygedra het. Die literatuuroorsig het die konsep "veerkragtigheid" en aanverwante begrippe soos risikofaktore, beskermingsfaktore en die adolessente ontwikkelingsfase binne die raamwerk van positiewe sielkunde, die ekosistemiese en bategebaseerde benaderings ondersoek. 'n Kwalitatiewe interpretatiewe studie is geloods om die navorsing uit te voer. Individuele onderhoude is met sewe presteerders uit 'n bruin gemeenskap in die Wes-Kaapprovinsie gevoer. Die data is met behulp van kwalitatiewe inhoudsanalise ontleed. Die data is bespreek deur risikofaktore en beskermingsfaktore binne vyf sisteme naamlik die individu, die gesin, die skool, die portuurgroep en die gemeenskap te plaas. Die bevindings van die studie toon dat bogenoemde sisteme in voortdurende wisselwerking met mekaar is en dat die beskermingsfaktore gebruik kan word om die risikofaktore te bowe te kom. Die bevindinge toon derhalwe dat, alhoewel die deelnemers voortdurend risikofaktore ervaar het, hulle met behulp van sekere beskermingsfaktore veerkragtigheid aan die dag kon lĂȘ. Die gemeenskap is as een van die grootste risikofaktore uitgelig, maar met behulp van sekere beskermingsfaktore soos gevind in die individu, die gesin, die skool, en die portuurgroep, kon die deelnemers hulleself teen risikofaktore buffer en akademiese sukses behaal. Die persoonlike sterktes van die deelnemers het as die belangrikste beskermingsfaktor in 'n histories benadeelde gemeenskap na vore getree

    Letter from Edward Uhlan to James E. Allen, September 10, 1971

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    Letter regarding James E. Allen's manuscript. Black History - Past and Present

    The Development of an Instrument to Differentiate Among Public School Teachers on the Basis of Attitudes Toward Professionalism

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop an instrument which would measure the level of professionalism attained by public school teachers. The development of such an instrument is based upon the assumption that there are degrees of professionalism rather than a simple dichotomy between the professional and the nonprofessional. Procedures: A review of the literature revealed that the characteristics of a profession are of two basic types. First are those characteristics which are part of the structure of the occupation including such things as formal education and entrance requirements, the formation of a professional organization and the adopting of a code of ethics. The second type is attitudinal. These attributes of professionalism reflect the way in which the practitioners view their work. If the occupation has met the structural prerequisites of a profession, the approach taken in practice determines the level of professionalism reached. In order to determine the extent to which the approach taken by public school teachers toward their work approximates the professional model, the researcher developed an initial pool of 104 items for a Teacher Attitude Scale based upon the following six attitudinal attributes of a profession: 1. The use of the professional organization as a major reference. 2 . Involvement of the individual in the professional culture. 3. A belief in service to the public . 4 . A belief in the right to self -regulation. 5. A sense of calling to the field. 6. A belief in autonomy. The initial pool of items was submitted to three professionally trained teachers who were provided full definitions of each attribute above and were asked to match each item with the attribute it was intended to measure. The work of this group indicated that the six attributes should be collapsed into three. Thus, use of the professional organization as a major reference and involvement in the professional culture were combine . A belief in service to the public and a sense of calling to the field were combined and autonomy was combined with a belief in the right to self-regulation. A second panel examined the items for clarity and unnecessary duplication. This process resulted in the selection of sixty (60) items, twenty designed to measure each of the three combined attributes. The sixty item Teacher Attitude Scale was then sent to a total of 500 randomly selected teachers in eight different county school systems in Maryland. The statistical analysis was based upon 408 usable responses or just over an eighty percent return. Twenty-two items were selected for use on a field test version of the Teacher Attitude Scale. Responses from 100 randomly selected teachers in Cecil County, Maryland, resulted in the selection of nineteen items for the final instrument. Findings: The research indicates that there are two factors contributing to the professionalism of public school teachers which can be measured through the use of a self-report instrument. These factors relate to the use of the professional organization as a major reference and a belief in commitment to the profession including a sense of calling to the field. Implications: The score a subject obtains on the instrument developed through this study should be considered an attitude score . In general, the interpretation of an attitude score on a summated- rating scale cannot be made independently of the distribution of scores of some defined group. This should present no problem since the purpose of using the instrument is to place the attitude of each subject in relation to the attitudes of other subjects. Scores on summated rating scales can be interpreted in this relative sense . In terms of further research, the purpose will be to compare the mean change in attitude scores as a result of introducing some experimental variable. A study of the teachers exhibiting the more professional attitudes, according to the instrument, may reveal training and/or organizational differences which relate to this professionalism. Administrators and teacher educators could then encourage the use of those training techniques which enhance professionalism

    Mannen - maktutövare eller offer? : En komparativ studie av hur tvÄ olika teateruppsÀttningar kommunicerar med sin ungdomspublik pÄ temat maskulinitetsnormer

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    Abstract Uppsatsens syfte Ă€r att genomföra en komparativ studie av hur de tvĂ„ teateruppsĂ€ttningarna Bonsai och Som man sĂ„r kommunicerar med sin ungdomspublik kring temat maskulinitetsnormer. I studien ingĂ„r Ă€ven publikens reaktioner under och resonemang efter framförandena. De metoder som setts som lĂ€mpliga för studien Ă€r uppsĂ€ttningsanalyser, deltagande publikobservationer, enkĂ€tundersökningar och intervjuer. Som teoretisk ram anvĂ€nds tillĂ€mpliga delar av R W Connells maskulinitetsteori och G L Mosses idĂ©er om ideala manlighetstyper och dess mottyper i kombination med ett intersektionelltoch queerinriktat perspektiv. Medan Bonsai Ă€r en turnerande klassrumsförestĂ€llning som spelats i skolor i Stockholm med omnejd, Ă€r Som man sĂ„r en uppsĂ€ttning som framförts i Unga Klaras egna lokaler. Rummets storlek, skĂ„despelarantal, teknik, dramaturgi och tilltal Ă€r exempel pĂ„ faktorer som skiljer de bĂ„da uppsĂ€ttningarna Ă„t. Resultaten visar Ă€ven pĂ„ mĂ„nga likheter. I bĂ„da förestĂ€llningarna gestaltas maskulinitet som nĂ„got mĂ€n gör. Stereotypa framstĂ€llningar av mĂ€n för att synliggöra maskulinitetsnormer Ă€r ett tillvĂ€gagĂ„ngssĂ€tt som anvĂ€nds i bĂ„da uppsĂ€ttningarna, men framför allt Ă€r detta nĂ„got som gĂ€ller Som man sĂ„r. Gemensamt för dem bĂ„da Ă€r vidare att maskulinitetsnormer ses som en maktfaktor, men ocksĂ„ som destruktiva och begrĂ€nsande för mĂ€nnen sjĂ€lva. I de tvĂ„ uppsĂ€ttningarna framkommer ideala maskulinitetsegenskaper som sjĂ€lv- och kĂ€nslokontroll, disciplin, prestation och styrka liksom dess paradoxer som yttrar sig i form av aggressivitet, vĂ„ld och vĂ„ldtĂ€kter. Stereotyper, inverterade förhĂ„llanden, överdrifter och absurditeter i kontrast till stort allvar anvĂ€nds för att skapa distans och ifrĂ„gasĂ€ttande, men ocksĂ„ med hjĂ€lp av direkta frĂ„gor som vĂ€vs in i de olika handlingarna. Den stereotypa framstĂ€llningen i Som man sĂ„r bryts genom att tvĂ„ kvinnliga skĂ„despelare gestaltar tvĂ„ manliga karaktĂ€rer. I Bonsai förekommer Ă€ven alternativa maskuliniteter i kontrast till stereotypen. Överdrivna normativa eller normbrytande beteenden och egenskaper bĂ„de roar och oroar publiken. Av reaktionerna framkommer att de kan mötas av skratt men ocksĂ„ upplevas som obehagliga och skapa en del förvirring

    Environmental Crime on the Rise : - A Study on the Illegal Dumping of Waste among Landowners, Leaseholders and Municipalities within SkÄne County

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    Avfallsbrottslighet Àr ett vÀxande samhÀllsproblem och ett aktuellt Àmne i den politiska debatten. Media rapporterar om tusentals ton av dumpat skrÀp och brinnande sophögar pÄ kommunal mark över hela Sverige och avfallsbrottsligheten tillhör en av de mest lukrativa brottstyperna i vÀrlden för de organiserade kriminella nÀtverken. Syftet med aktuell studie Àr att bidra med ökad kunskap kring arbetet mot illegal dumpning av avfall hos kommuner inom SkÄne lÀn. Vidare Àmnar studien undersöka utsattheten för illegal dumpning av avfall bland markÀgare och arrendatorer inom SkÄne lÀn. Resultatet indikerar en uppenbar problematik vad gÀller den diffusa definition som rÄder kring vad som kÀnnetecknar avfallsbrottslighet och i synnerhet vad illegal dumpning innebÀr. Studien fann att kommunerna till viss del bidrar till mörkertalet gÀllande brottstypen dÄ det verkar saknas rutiner kring polisanmÀlan vid upptÀckt av illegal dumpning. Den illegala dumpningen Àr ett problem och den drabbar sÄvÀl den enskilde markÀgaren som arrendatorn och samhÀllet i stort i form av otrygghet och kostnader. Environmental crime is on the rise, and it affects the society as a whole. It is present in the current political debate and media reports on thousands of tons of dumped and burning waste piles on municipal land all over Sweden. Environmental crime is one of the most profitable illicit activities in the world and criminal networks profit greatly. This study aims to contribute with further knowledge regarding the work against illegal dumping of waste focused on municipalities within SkÄne county, Sweden. The study also aims to investigate landowners and leaseholders exposure to the illegal dumping of waste. The result indicates that there is an issue regarding what is to be defined as environmental crime. The same goes for illegal dumping. The study finds that the municipality is to some degree contributing to the numbers of unreported crime due to the lack of set routines regarding reporting this type of crime to the police. The illegal dumping of waste is a widespread issue and it affects both the individual as well as society as a whole, both economically as well as psychological due to its ability to cause feelings of uncertainty and vulnerability

    Följa eller stÄ emot strömmen : En studie om skillnader och likheter mellan klÀdbutikers strategier i det strukturella skiftet mot e-handel

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    E-handel ökar kontinuerligt och förÀndrar detaljhandelskartan oavbrutet som bidragit till att detaljhandeln genomgÄr ett strukturellt skifte mot e-handel dÀr företag behöver anvÀnda sig av nya strategier för att vara framgÄngsrika. Framförallt möter mikro- och smÄföretag större utmaningar dÄ de har mindre resurser och Àr mindre vÀletablerade pÄ marknaden, dÀr Strategy-as-Practice (S-as-P) ses som ett alternativ till den traditionella forskningen kring strategi dÄ den Àr mer applicerbar för att förstÄ strategi i mindre företag. Syftet med studien Àr genom ett S-as-P perspektiv undersöka skillnader/likheter mellan klÀdbutikers strategier kring det strukturella skiftet mot e-handel.   Inom S-as-P ligger fokus varför, hur och vad som sker i formulering, planering och implementering av organisationers strategi. Det finns tre olika perspektiv inom S-as-P för att studera ett företags strategi, practitioners, practices och praxis. Studien har baserats pÄ S-as-P genom ett konceptuellt ramverk uppsatt av forskarna vilket innefattar att studera de tre grundpelarna som utgör S-as-P i förhÄllande till företag inom klÀdbranschen. Detta för att tolka företagens strategizing och förstÄ deras strategizing utifrÄn planerade-, entreprenöriella-, konsensus- och pÄtvingade strategier.  Studien har genomförts efter en kvalitativ ansats med semistrukturerade intervjuer, dÀr fem företag har intervjuats. Forskningsprocessen har liknat en abduktiv ansats, dÀr det skett en vÀxelverkan mellan teori och empiri med en möjlighet för vidare insamling av empiri och teori tills att en mÀttnad uppnÄtts. DÀrefter har forskarna analyserat fram klÀdbutikers strategi och hur det strukturella skiftet mot e-handel har pÄverkat företagens strategier.  Resultatet visar att strategier Àr djupt influerade av enskilda individer. I respektive företag som deltagit i studien finns det en tydlig lÀnk mellan varför strategiska handlingar genomförs och den individ som besitter en högre roll. GenomgÄende visar resultatet att Àgaren kommer styra och hantera sitt företag utifrÄn sitt perspektiv varpÄ individen som Àr involverad i samtliga aktiviteter i ett företag kommer prÀgla företagets strategi.

    Environmental Crime on the Rise : - A Study on the Illegal Dumping of Waste among Landowners, Leaseholders and Municipalities within SkÄne County

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    Avfallsbrottslighet Àr ett vÀxande samhÀllsproblem och ett aktuellt Àmne i den politiska debatten. Media rapporterar om tusentals ton av dumpat skrÀp och brinnande sophögar pÄ kommunal mark över hela Sverige och avfallsbrottsligheten tillhör en av de mest lukrativa brottstyperna i vÀrlden för de organiserade kriminella nÀtverken. Syftet med aktuell studie Àr att bidra med ökad kunskap kring arbetet mot illegal dumpning av avfall hos kommuner inom SkÄne lÀn. Vidare Àmnar studien undersöka utsattheten för illegal dumpning av avfall bland markÀgare och arrendatorer inom SkÄne lÀn. Resultatet indikerar en uppenbar problematik vad gÀller den diffusa definition som rÄder kring vad som kÀnnetecknar avfallsbrottslighet och i synnerhet vad illegal dumpning innebÀr. Studien fann att kommunerna till viss del bidrar till mörkertalet gÀllande brottstypen dÄ det verkar saknas rutiner kring polisanmÀlan vid upptÀckt av illegal dumpning. Den illegala dumpningen Àr ett problem och den drabbar sÄvÀl den enskilde markÀgaren som arrendatorn och samhÀllet i stort i form av otrygghet och kostnader. Environmental crime is on the rise, and it affects the society as a whole. It is present in the current political debate and media reports on thousands of tons of dumped and burning waste piles on municipal land all over Sweden. Environmental crime is one of the most profitable illicit activities in the world and criminal networks profit greatly. This study aims to contribute with further knowledge regarding the work against illegal dumping of waste focused on municipalities within SkÄne county, Sweden. The study also aims to investigate landowners and leaseholders exposure to the illegal dumping of waste. The result indicates that there is an issue regarding what is to be defined as environmental crime. The same goes for illegal dumping. The study finds that the municipality is to some degree contributing to the numbers of unreported crime due to the lack of set routines regarding reporting this type of crime to the police. The illegal dumping of waste is a widespread issue and it affects both the individual as well as society as a whole, both economically as well as psychological due to its ability to cause feelings of uncertainty and vulnerability