3,764 research outputs found

    Relating crack heating to vibration for vibrothermography

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    Vibrothermography is an inspection technique that detects cracks by observing vibration induced crack heating. Frictional crack heating in a vibrating specimen is directly linked to the resonant vibrational stress on the crack. In simple geometries we can measure the vibrational mode structure and intuit the dynamic vibrational stress field on the crack. This can be used to establish a relationship between crack heating and vibration, which will be critical for vibrothermography to be accepted as a viable inspection technology. We correlate stress to heating by exciting specimens in a well understood and repeatable resonant vibration mode. Through knowledge of the mode shape, a single point surface velocity measurement is sufficient to calculate the deformed shape of the entire specimen. The loads and stresses within the specimen are calculated from the deformed shape and used to identify the relationship between crack heating and vibration. We explore a simplified case of a bar in third order flexural resonance with a surface crack that heats in response to flexure-induced normal load. Specimens are tuned to resonate in third order flexural bending when excited with a single frequency excitation system. We present an observed relationship between dynamic normal stress, crack size, and crack heating

    Triple correlation for detection of damage-related nonlinearities in composite structures

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    Nonlinear effects in vibration responses are investigated for the undamaged composite plate and the composite plate with a delamination. The analysis is focused on higher harmonic generation in vibration responses for various excitation amplitude levels. This effect is investigated using the triple correlation technique. The dynamics of composite plate was modelled using two-dimensional finite elements and the classical lamination theory. The doubled-node approach was used to model delamination area. Mode shapes and natural frequencies were estimated based on numerical models. Next, the delamination divergence analysis was used to obtain relative displacements for delaminated plies. Experimental modal analysis test was carried out to verify the numerical models. The two strongest vibration modes as well as two vibration modes with the smallest and largest motion level of delaminated plies were selected for nonlinear vibration test. The Fisher criterion was employed to verify the effectiveness and confidence level of the proposed technique. The results show that the method can be used not only to reveal nonlinearities, but also to reliably detect impact damage in composites. These results are confirmed using the statistical analysis

    Calculation of Resistive Loads for Elastic Resistive Exercises

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    Context: What is the correct resistive load to start resistive training with elastic resistance to gain strength? This question is typically answered by the clinician\u27s best estimate and patient\u27s level of discomfort without objective evidence. Objective: To determine the average level of resistance to initiate a strengthening routine with elastic resistance following isometric strength testing. Design: Cohort. Setting: Clinical. Participants: Thirty-four subjects (31±13yrs, 73±17kg, 170±12cm). Interventions: The force produced was measured in Newtons (N) with an isometric dynamometer. The force distance was the distance from center of joint to location of force applied was measured in meters to calculate torque that was called Test Torque for the purposes of this report. This torque data was converted to Exercise Load in pounds based on the location where the resistance was applied, specifically the distance away from the center of rotation of the exercising limb. The average amount of exercise load as percentage of initial Test Torque for each individual for each exercise was recorded to determine what the average level of resistance that could be used for elastic resistance strengthening program. Main Outcome Measures: The percentage of initial test torque calculated for the exercise was recorded for each exercise and torque produced was normalized to body weight. Results: The average percentage of maximal isometric force that was used to initiate exercises was 30 ± 7% of test torque. Conclusions: This provides clinicians with an objective target load to start elastic resistance training. Individual variations will occur but utilization of a load cell during elastic resistance provides objective documentation of exercise progression

    Glycerol confined in zeolitic imidazolate frameworks: The temperature-dependent cooperativity length scale of glassy freezing

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    In the present work, we employ broadband dielectric spectroscopy to study the molecular dynamics of the prototypical glass former glycerol confined in two microporous zeolitic imidazolate frameworks (ZIF-8 and ZIF-11) with well-defined pore diameters of 1.16 and 1.46 nm, respectively. The spectra reveal information on the modified alpha relaxation of the confined supercooled liquid, whose temperature dependence exhibits clear deviations from the typical super-Arrhenius temperature dependence of the bulk material, depending on temperature and pore size. This allows assigning well-defined cooperativity length scales of molecular motion to certain temperatures above the glass transition. We relate these and previous results on glycerol confined in other host systems to the temperature-dependent length scale deduced from nonlinear dielectric measurements. The combined experimental data can be consistently described by a critical divergence of this correlation length as expected within theoretical approaches assuming that the glass transition is due to an underlying phase transition.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures + Supplemental Material (4 pages, 6 figures). Final version as accepted for publicatio

    Development of forest structure and leaf area in secondary forests regenerating on abandoned pastures in Central Amazonia

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    The area of secondary forest (SF) regenerating from pastures is increasing in the Amazon basin; however, the return of forest and canopy structure following abandonment is not well understood. This study examined the development of leaf area index (LAI), canopy cover, aboveground biomass, stem density, diameter at breast height (DBH), and basal area ( BA) by growth form and diameter class for 10 SFs regenerating from abandoned pastures. Biomass accrual was tree dominated, constituting >= 94% of the total measured biomass in all forests abandoned >= 4 to 6 yr. Vine biomass increased with forest age, but its relative contribution to total biomass decreased with time. The forests were dominated by the tree Vismia spp. (> 50%). Tree stem density peaked after 6 to 8 yr ( 10 320 stems per hectare) before declining by 42% in the 12- to 14-yr-old SFs. Small-diameter tree stems in the 1-5-cm size class composed > 58% of the total stems for all forests. After 12 to 14 yr, there was no significant leaf area below 150-cm height. Leaf area return (LAI = 3.2 after 12 to 14 yr) relative to biomass was slower than literature-reported recovery following slash-and-burn, where LAI can reach primary forest levels ( LAI = 4 - 6) in 5 yr. After 12 to 14 yr, the colonizing vegetation returned some components of forest structure to values reported for primary forest. Basal area and LAI were 50% - 60%, canopy cover and stem density were nearly 100%, and the rapid tree-dominated biomass accrual was 25% - 50% of values reported for primary forest. Biomass accumulation may reach an asymptote earlier than expected because of even-aged, monospecific, untiered stand structure. The very slow leaf area accumulation relative to biomass and to reported values for recovery following slash-and-burn indicates a different canopy development pathway that warrants further investigation of causes ( e. g., nutrient limitations, competition) and effects on processes such as evapotranspiration and soil water uptake, which would influence long-term recovery rates and have regional implications

    Synoptic/planetary-scale interactions and blocking over the North Atlantic Ocean

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    One segment of work in the past year focused on the diagnosis of a major blocking anticyclone and its interacting synoptic scale circulations that occurred during January 1979 over the North Atlantic Ocean. Another segment focused on the diagnosis of a second explosive cyclone development that occurred over the southeastern United States during the time of block formation. The diagnoses were accomplished using the diagnostic relationship known as the Zwack-Okossi (Z-O) development equation. Results indicate that in both cyclone cases the development occurred as a result of the favorable influence of positive vorticity advection, warm air advection, and latent heat release and ceased when one or more of these influences diminished. The advantages of the Z-O equation are described

    Cryptanalysis of an MPEG-Video Encryption Scheme Based on Secret Huffman Tables

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    This paper studies the security of a recently-proposed MPEG-video encryption scheme based on secret Huffman tables. Our cryptanalysis shows that: 1) the key space of the encryption scheme is not sufficiently large against divide-and-conquer (DAC) attack and known-plaintext attack; 2) it is possible to decrypt a cipher-video with a partially-known key, thus dramatically reducing the complexity of the DAC brute-force attack in some cases; 3) its security against the chosen-plaintext attack is very weak. Some experimental results are included to support the cryptanalytic results with a brief discuss on how to improve this MPEG-video encryption scheme.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Synoptic/planetary-scale interactions and blocking over the North Atlantic Ocean

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    Work was completed on the height tendency diagnoses of two extratropical cyclones that occurred upstream from the blocking event studied previously. One developed explosively over water 60 to 36 hours before the block first appeared, while the second developed explosively over the southeastern United States during the time of block formation. In both cases, both vorticity and temperature advection were consistently important forcing mechanisms. This is in contrast to the block itself, in which vorticity advection was easily the dominant forcing mechanism. Latent heat release was also significant, accounting for about 50 percent of the total height falls in the cyclone below 850 mb. Estimates of latent heat release were greatly enhanced by coupling parameterized estimates with values derived from GOES IR data using an algorithm developed by Marshall's F. R. Robertson. Among the difficulties encountered in this work was the identification of an appropriate lower boundary condition for the solution of the height tendency equation. The zero value currently used tends to yield underestimates of the lower troposphere height tendencies. To address this problem a new diagnostic technique was developed in cooperation with Dr. Peter Zwack of the University of Quebec at Montreal. Based on an equation Dr. Zwack had previously developed (the Zwack-Okossi development equation), researchers now have a relationship that is completely consistent with the height tendency equation and provides estimates of lower boundary geostrophic vorticity or height tendencies. Finally, comparison of the SAT (satellite data) and NOSAT (no satellite data) analyses is progressing well. The present focus is on both the new diagnostic technique and the SAT/NOSAT comparisons. The former is being tested on the southeastern United States cyclone case previously mentioned and compared with the height tendency diagnoses already completed. The latter are being examined for the blocking case described in the publications cited in this summary. In addition to obtaining statistics that will allow general comparison of the two analyses, it will be possible to determine whether conclusions about the dynamics of the block development are influenced by the analysis set used