34 research outputs found

    Making Gameful Work Work: The Gamification of Strategic Human Resource Management

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    The recent pandemic enforced a massive digitalization in the working world and enabled the widespread utilization of gamification in organizations. Still, gamification in Human resource management (HRM) is rarely integrated into the human resources (HR) strategy and is often done on an operational level. We intend to portray the conceptual evolution of gamification in HRM. Through integrating the basic rationale of gamification design, we systematically utilize three resulting evolutionary gamification levels – structure, process, and dynamic capability – to explain how gamification in HR matures from a beginner level to a master level to contribute to the leverage of strategic potentials in HRM. At a meta-level, we will discuss the consequences of gamified HRM in terms of professionalization, hybridization, and captivation, finally concluding with a radical gamification vision for HRM

    The Triratnastotra Ascribed to Mātáč›ceáč­a

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    Fungating Wounds - Multidimensional Challenge in Palliative Care

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    The management of fungating, malignant wounds is a challenge for the palliative care team. Open, malodorous, poorly healing lesions are obvious signs of underlying disease. In addition, pain and functional impairment remind the patients of their incurable illness. A multidimensional approach is necessary to meet the needs of these patients and to improve quality of life. Although achieving wound closure is rarely a realistic goal, modern techniques of wound management can help to minimize odours and exudates. Specialist knowledge in palliative care is needed to provide adequate pain control. Psychosocial support may help patients to cope with the situation and their limited abilities.Maligne, exulzerierende Wunden sind ein sichtbares Zeichen fortgeschrittener Erkrankung und fĂŒhren nicht nur zu körperlichen Symptomen sondern können auch soziales, psychisches und existentielles Leiden verursachen. Diesem Leiden auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen zu begegnen, erfordert eine multidimensionale Herangehensweise. Auch wenn ein Wundverschluss selten erreicht werden kann, so sind Maßnahmen der modernen Wundversorgung doch in der Lage, GerĂŒche zu binden und Sekretion zu reduzieren. Zu einer guten Wundversorgung gehört auch die kompetente Behandlung von Schmerzen. UnterstĂŒtzung im psychosozialen und spirituellen Bereich kann Patienten und Angehörigen helfen, sich mit den VerĂ€nderungen auseinanderzusetzen

    Risk governance in organizations

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    Dieses Buch dokumentiert 10 Jahre Risk-Governance-Forschung an der UniversitĂ€t Siegen. In 50 BeitrĂ€gen reflektieren Forscher und Praktiker Risk Governance vor dem Hintergrund ihrer eigenen Forschungen und/oder Erfahrungen und geben jeweils einen Entwicklungsimpuls fĂŒr die Zukunft der Risk Governance. Das Buch zeigt die große Bandbreite und Tiefe des Forschungsgebietes auf und diskutiert Grundannahmen, Implementierungsfragen, die Rolle der Risk Governance als Transformationsmotor, ihre Wirkung in den verschiedenen betrieblichen Funktionen, Entwicklungsperspektiven und den Beitrag der Risk Governance zu einer nachhaltigen Ausrichtung von Unternehmen.This book documents 10 years of risk governance research at the University of Siegen. In 50 contributions, researchers and practitioners reflect on risk governance against the background of their own research and/or experience and provide a development impetus for the future of risk governance. The book shows the wide range and depth of the research field and discusses basic assumptions, implementation issues, the role of risk governance as transformation engine, its impact in the various operational functions, development perspectives, and the contribution of risk governance to a sustainable orientation of companies

    The Duhumbi Perspective On Proto-Western Kho-Bwa Onsets.

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    The eight Western Kho-Bwa varieties are spoken in western Arunachal Pradesh in Northeast India and form a small, coherent sub-group of the Tibeto-Burman (Trans-Himalayan / Sino-Tibetan) language family.This paper presents 96 sound correspondences, mainly between the two Western Kho-Bwa varieties Duhumbi and Khoitam, with additional evidence from other Western Kho-Bwa varieties and other Tibeto-Burman languages whenever deemed illustrative. On basis of these sound correspondences, I propose 282 Western Kho-Bwa proto-forms including a total of 92 onsets. The less common reconstructed Western Kho-Bwa onsets are the uvular onsets and the voiceless nasal and approximant onsets.A unique innovation of the Western Kho-Bwa languages, and indeed the Kho-Bwa languages in general, is the correspondence of initial *s- in other Tibeto-Burman languages to a vocal onset in Proto-Western Kho-Bwa and its descendent varieties. Another relatively unique innovation is the correspondence between Western Kho-Bwa obstruent onsets *b- and *g- ~ *kÊ°- ~ *k- and other Tibeto-Burman nasal onsets *m- and *Ƌ-, respectively