6 research outputs found

    DNA-mediated cooperativity facilitates the co-selection of cryptic enhancer sequences by SOX2 and PAX6 transcription factors

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    Ā© The Author(s) 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research. Sox2 and Pax6 are transcription factors that direct cell fate decision during neurogenesis, yet the mechanism behind how they cooperate on enhancer DNA elements and regulate gene expression is unclear. By systematically interrogating Sox2 and Pax6 interaction on minimal enhancer elements, we found that cooperative DNA recognition relies on combinatorial nucleotide switches and precisely spaced, but cryptic composite DNA motifs. Surprisingly, all tested Sox and Pax paralogs have the capacity to cooperate on such enhancer elements. NMR and molecular modeling reveal very few direct protein-protein interactions between Sox2 and Pax6, suggesting that cooperative binding is mediated by allosteric interactions propagating through DNA structure. Furthermore, we detected and validated several novel sites in the human genome targeted cooperatively by Sox2 and Pax6. Collectively, we demonstrate that Sox- Pax partnerships have the potential to substantially alter DNA target specificities and likely enable the pleiotropic and context-specific action of these cell-lineage specifiers.Link_to_subscribed_fulltex

    Udayasuryan et al (2022) Fusobacterium Pancreatic Cancer

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    The C2 Domain and Altered ATP-Binding Loop Phosphorylation at Ser359 Mediate the Redox-Dependent Increase in Protein Kinase C-Ī“ Activity

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    The diverse roles of protein kinase C-Ī“ (PKCĪ“) in cellular growth, survival, and injury have been attributed to stimulus-specific differences in PKCĪ“ signaling responses. PKCĪ“ exerts membrane-delimited actions in cells activated by agonists that stimulate phosphoinositide hydrolysis. PKCĪ“ is released from membranes as a Tyr(313)-phosphorylated enzyme that displays a high level of lipid-independent activity and altered substrate specificity during oxidative stress. This study identifies an interaction between PKCĪ“'s Tyr(313)-phosphorylated hinge region and its phosphotyrosine-binding C2 domain that controls PKCĪ“'s enzymology indirectly by decreasing phosphorylation in the kinase domain ATP-positioning loop at Ser(359). We show that wild-type (WT) PKCĪ“ displays a strong preference for substrates with serine as the phosphoacceptor residue at the active site when it harbors phosphomimetic or bulky substitutions at Ser(359.) In contrast, PKCĪ“-S359A displays lipid-independent activity toward substrates with either a serine or threonine as the phosphoacceptor residue. Additional studies in cardiomyocytes show that oxidative stress decreases Ser(359) phosphorylation on native PKCĪ“ and that PKCĪ“-S359A overexpression increases basal levels of phosphorylation on substrates with both phosphoacceptor site serine and threonine residues. Collectively, these studies identify a C2 domain-pTyr(313) docking interaction that controls ATP-positioning loop phosphorylation as a novel, dynamically regulated, and physiologically relevant structural determinant of PKCĪ“ catalytic activity