205 research outputs found
Increasing studentsâ participation in the learning process is an obvious goal in lectures. If only a few students participate by asking questions, answering, involving in discussion, so lecturers have to create the condition that enable students to participate actively to reach the learning goal. This research describes how students view on the use of peer assessment to increase studentsâ participation in the classroom. The sample of this research was the fifth semester students of Palopo Cokroaminoto University which consists of 30 students. This research uses descriptive research. It was done on assessment and evaluation class for four meetings through Lesson Study and the data was gathered thought observersâ and researcherâs observation and questionnaires. This research was carried out by asking the students to discuss the given material and giving oral presentation in group. After having discussion and presentation, students were asked to assess their group mates. After observing the class and administering the questionnaires, it was found that peer assessment is a good way to assess studentsâ participation. Students perceive that peer assessment can make them involved more in the teaching and learning process. The students were active in oral presentation, asking and answering question, performing well on the task, giving more comment on the discussion, and it helped the students to improve their skill that will be used in their future. Some students also suggested the lecturers to use peer assessment in their teaching process, however e few students view it negatively since it is hard for them to concentrate on two activities in the same time (assessing the peer and participating on the lecture) and the use of peer assessment hindered their friendship due to their objective assessment on their peerâs lack during the discussion
Code Switching Types Used by the English Teacher in English Classroom at SMA 1 Malili
This research aimed at finding out: (1) the types of code switching used by the English teacher (2) the dominant types of code switching used by the teacher and (3) the teacherâs perceptions toward the use of teachersâ code switching in English classroom at SMA I Malili. This research took one of the English teachers as the subject of the research and the data were gathered through observation, interview, and recorded by using video recorder and field notes. The data were then analyzed using discourse analysis. The result of analysis showed that (1) the teacher used three types of code switching, namely: intrasentential code switching, inter-sentential code switching, and tag switching; (2) the dominant types of code switching used was intrasentential code switching followed by inter sentential code switching and tag switching (3) the interviewed teacher responded positively toward the use of code switching by the English teacher in English classroom
Pelatihan dan Pengenalan Dasar-Dasar Komputer bagi Siswa Sekolah Dasar di Lingkungan Kelurahan Temmalebba
Masa Pandemi covid-19 memaksa pembelajaran dilakukan secara daring sehingga hal tersebut mengharuskan anak-anak untuk mengetahui bagaimana menggunakan teknologi dengan benar termasuk penggunan komputer. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 09 Februari 2021 sampai dengan 15 Maret 2021 dengan tema pengabdian âPelatihan Pengenalan Dasar-Dasar Komputer pada masa pandemi Covid-19 bagi siswa SD di desa Marannuâ. Tujuan diadakannya kegiatan ini yaitu agar anak-anak SD di Desa Marannu mampu menguasai ilmu pengetahuan komputer seperti Microsoft Office diantaranya Microsoft Word dan Powerpoint, serta cara mengakses informasi dari internet. Metode pelaksanaan pengabdian ini adalah persiapan, pelaksanaan, dan evaluasi. Dalam kegiatan ini tim pengabdian berhasil menjalankan pelatihan dasar komputer. Hal ini terlihat dari antusias anak-anak dalam mengikuti kegiatan. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah siswa-siswi sekolah dasar di Kelurahan Temmalebba mengenal dan mampu menggunakan teknologi yang telah mereka dapatkan melalui pelatihan
Dampak Pengajaran Budaya Lahan Kering, Kepulauan dan Pariwisata terhadap Perubahan Perilaku Ekologis Mahasiswa
Fokus penelitian ini mengkaji dampak dari pengajaran Mata kuliah Budaya Lahan Kering, Kepulauan dan Pariwisata (MK BLKP) terhadap perilaku ekologis mahasiswa. Mata kuliah penciri BLKP telah diselenggarakan di Universitas Nusa Cendana Kupang selama 5 tahun terakhir sebagai salah satu bentuk tanggung jawab akademisi terhadap lingkungan dengan menyiapkan calon-calon pemimpin yang memiliki pengetahuan dan kepedulian terhadap lingkungan. Para mahasiswa ini kelak akan menjadi pemimpin dan pengambil kebijakan. Oleh karena itu penting untuk mengetahui bagaimana para kaum muda mengetahui, memahami dan peduli terhadap lingkungan. Sebanyak 36 responden mahasiswa terlibat dalam survey online dan satu kelompok diskusi terpusat beranggotakan 9 orang mahasiswa yang dipilih dengan teknik snowball. Data survei dianalisa dengan teknik statistik deskriptif dan data kualitatif dianalisis dengan teknik analisis isi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengajaran MK BLKP berdampak positif terhadap perubahan perilaku ekologis mahasiswa. Akan tetapi dalam rangkaian pembelajaran, terdapat ketidakseimbangan perubahan antara aspek kognisi, afeksi dan perilaku. Perubahan terbesar terjadi pada aspek afeksi dan diikuti aspek kognisi, sedangkan perubahan kecil terdapat pada aspek perilaku
Analisis Rasio Keuangan Terhadap Kinerja Keuangan Perusahaan Manufaktur (Food and Beverages) yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia
Financial statement issued by the company is one source on
information about the company financial position, performation and changes in
financial position is very useful to support decision making. Decision- making can
be related to managerial and operational area of borth short and long term. The
results of the desicion will be description on the companyâs financial statments
like balance sheet, income statement, cash flow and earnings changes. The
purpose on this study to determine the excent of role of the financial rations for
the financial performance of manunfacturing ( food and beverages ) are listed on
the Indonesia Stock Exchange for period 2007- 2010.
Research variables are the current ratio (X1), Return On Assets ( X2),
Total Assets Turnover Ratio ( X3), Debt To Total Assets (X4) and financial
performance ( Y ). This study sampled 12 companies manufacturing (food and
beverages ) are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchanges for the period 2007 to
2010 while the sampling technique used in this study was purpose sampling
technique for sampling the non â profitability of the selected respondents based
on the characteristics or special properties possessed by the sanple and the sample
is the representative of population. Hypothesis testing is performed used the
partial hypothesis test ( t test ) and simultaneosly ( F test ).
Based on the result of research that has been done can be concluded
that the hypothesis which states suspected variables financial ratios ( current ratio,
return on assets, total assets turnover ratio, debt to total assets ), affect the
financial performance of manufacturing companies ( food and beverages ), which
listed on the Indonesia Stock Changes period ( 2007-2010 ), it can be proven true,
because the test from the current ratio is only variable that proved to have no
significant effect on financial performance
Pemodelan Statistical Downscaling dengan Regresi Modifikasi Jackknife Ridge Dummy Berbasis K-means untuk Pendugaan Curah Hujan
Indonesia is a tropical country, which only has two seasons throughout the year, namely the dry season and the rainy season. Thus, it is likely that rain will continue to fall during the dry season, which has a serious impact on various sectors of life. General Circulation Model (GCM) is used to deal with climate change, but the GCM cannot conduct simulations well for local scale climate variables. Therefore, Statistical Downscaling (SD) is used to predict local scale rainfall in the district of Pangkep based on square GCM (CMIP5) 8 Ă 8 grid data. Modified jackknife ridge regression is used to overcome multicollinearity problems that occur in GCM-lag data. Three dummy variables were added as predictor variables for the model to overcome the heterogeneity of the various forms. SD model MJR dummy regression gives good results based on the coefficient of determination and high correlation with lower root mean square error and root mean square error prediction
Abstrak Bumi Serpong Damai (BSD) merupakan salah satu kota mandiri di kawasan Jabodetabek. Sinarmas Land sebagai developer kawasan BSD telah memulai untuk membangun Angkutan Massal Cepat yang dioperasikan khusus di kawasan tersebut. Konsep Angkutan Massal yang dipilih berupa Bus Rapid Transit (BRT). Jumlah halte bus BSD Link untuk satu koridor dengan dua arah tidak persis sama, karena rute untuk keberangkatan dan kembalinya berbeda. Hal itu disebabkan karena perbedaan karakteristik dari pola tata guna lahan dari rute BSD Link tersebut. Oleh sebab itu, interaksi antara pola tata guna lahan dengan fluktuasi volume penumpang BSD Link setiap halte perlu diketahui. Upaya ini membutuhkan pengetahuan terkait tata guna lahan sepanjang rute BSD Link dan fluktuasi volume penumpang BSD Link di setiap halte. Survei terkait hal tersebut telah dilakukan pada Koridor Sektor 1.3-Greenwich Park pada jam puncak pagi. Hasil survei menunjukkan bahwa bangkitan perjalanan terbesar berasal dari halte East Bussiness District (50%), tarikan perjalanan terbesar berasal dari halte The Breeze (45%) untuk arah Sektor 1.3 â Greenwich Park. Bangkitan perjalanan terbesar berasal dari halte Naava Park (55%) dan tarikan perjalanan terbesar berasal dari halte Sektor 1.3 (35%) untuk arah Greenwich Park â Sektor 1.3. Kata kunci: Tata guna lahan, bangkitan perjalanan, tarikan perjalanan, BSD Link, Sektor 1.3 â Greenwich Park  Abstract Bumi Serpong Damai (BSD) is one of self contained city in Jabodetabek district. Sinarmas as developer of BSD started to develop Mass Rapid Transit which special operated on that. Concept of MRT has been operated in the form of Bus Rapid Transit. Amount of bus shelter for one corridor with two lines not exactly equal, because route for departure and return are different. That was caused by differences characteristic of land use. Thus, interaction between land use with fluctuation of passengers volume need to known. This attempt needs knowledge on land use along the route and fluctuation of passengers volume in each bus shelter. Survey on that knowledge were executed on Corridor Sector 1.3 - Greenwich Park during morning peak hour. The result indicates that peak of trip production generated by East Bussines Distcrict (50%) shelter, peak of trip attraction generated by The Breeze (45%) shelter for Sector 1.3 - Greenwich Park line. Peak of trip production generated by Naava Park (55%) shelter and peak of trip attraction generated by Sektor 1.3 (35%) shelter for Greenwich Park - Sector 1.3 line. Keywords: Land use, trip production, trip attraction, BSD Link, Sector 1.3 â Greenwich Par
Studentsâ Learning Styles in Higher Education
This research aims to find the dominant studentsâ learning style and their opinion about online class. It is descriptive study. 42 students were taken as sample by purposive sampling technique for they have online class during COVID-19. This result show that the most dominant learning style is visual learning style (78.4%). And they mostly have negative opinion about online class. (75.6%) of the students do not like it and (78.04%) are not motivated on online class. The most dominant reason is that it is hard to understand the instruction and material. Besides that, they feel that online classroom does not accord to their learning styles (85.36%). Somehow, 95.12% of the students were active on online class and 21.9% are motivated for students feel free/not ashamed in online class than in real class. So most of the students are visual learner and most of them have negative perspective toward online class
Mamminasata BRT User Trip Characteristics for the Design of Demand Modelling Method for a New BRT Line
Indonesia started to developed largely the MRT line, especially the BRT. A new BRT Corridor implementation need a Passenger Demand Prediction. Thus, a Special BRT Passenger Demand Modelling Method for a New BRT Line need to be developed. This attempt needs a sufficient knowledges on the Existing BRT User Trip Characteristics. Mamminasata BRT User Trip Characteristics Survey were executed on Corridor 2 and Corridor 3, during morning peak hour. The result indicates that the BRTs are used mainly for schooling and working trips, the BRT passengers are the previous public transport and motorcycle users. The trip origin zone is extended 3 km to the left and to the right of the BRT corridor, while the trip destination zone is extended 1.5 km to the left and to the right of the BRT corridor. The embarking connecting trip modes are dominated by motorcycle, public transport and becak, while the alighting connecting trip modes are dominated by walking tr
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