93 research outputs found


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    LEMBAR EKSEKUTIF Unica Puspita Dewi 8105151391. Laporan Praktik Kerja Lapangan Pada Sekretariat Utama Sumber Daya Manusia Staf Sub Bagian Mutasi Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika Kemayoran Jakarta Pusat. Program Studi Pendidikan. Administrasi Perkantoran, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Negeri Jakarta 2018. Laporan Praktik Kerja Lapangan (PKL) ini disusun berdasarkan pengalaman praktikan melakukan Praktik Kerja Lapangan pada Bagian Sekretariat Utama Sumber Daya Manusia Staf Sub Bagian Mutasi BMKG Kantor Pusat Kemayoran selama satu bulan terhitung tanggal 12 Juli 2017 sampai dengan 12 Agustus 2017 di BMKG Kantor Pusat Kemayoran, Jalan Angkasa I No. 2, Kemayoran, Jakarta Pusat. Tujuan utama PKL adalah untuk meningkatkan wawasan pengetahuan, pengalaman, kemampuan, dan mengaplikasikan teori-teori yang diajarkan ketika perkuliahan di dunia kerja. Pelaksanaan kerja dilakukan praktikan selama PKL adalah menerima surat/dokumen, mengirim surat/dokumen, membuat buku agenda, membuat buku ekspedisi, menginput data calon pensiunan, menginput data untuk kenaikan pangkat, menginput data untuk penilaian pegawai di lingkungan BMKG di Indonesia dan menggandakan dokumen. Selama melaksanakan PKL, praktikan menghadapi kendala-kendala dalam melaksanakan kegiatan PKL diantaranya banyak instruksi yang berbeda-beda, dokumen yang menumpuk terlalu banyak, fasilitas kantor yang tidak terpelihara dengan baik, dan sulit menemukan kembali dokumen yang telah disimpan. Adapun cara mengatasi kendala yang dilakukan oleh Praktikan diantaranya dengan melakukan komunikasi yaitu bertanya dengan para pegawai yang ada di BMKG, meningkatkan produktivitas kerja, berinisiatif membawa laptop sendiri dan mengatur kembali dokumen dengan menggunakan sistem kearsipan abjad. Dengan adanya PKL, praktikan dapat mengambil kesimpulan bahwa PKL merupakan proses pembelajaran nyata dan dapat menambah wawasan praktikan guna menghadapi dunia kerja yang nyata di masa yang akan datang


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    UNICA PUSPITA DEWI. 8105151391. The Relationship between Self-Regulated Learning and Self-Efficacy with Academic Procrastination on College Student S1 of Educational Study Program Faculty of Economics State University of Jakarta Who Active Organization. 2019. This study aims to determine The Relationship between Self-Regulated Learning and Self-Efficacy with Academic Procrastination on College Student S1 of Educational Study Program Faculty of Economics State University of Jakarta Who Active Organization. This research was conducted for three months strarting from April 2019 until June 2019. The research used survey method. The population in this study is all college student who active organization S1 of Educational Study Program at Economic Faculty with 298 responder. The reachable population is collage student who active organization S1 of Educational Study Program 2016 with 111 responder. Technic of sampling using proportional random sampling with 84 responder. Y varible (Academic Procrastination), X1 (Self-Regulated Learning), X2 (Self Efficacy) is the primary data using a questionnaire with Likert scale model. Data analysis technique using SPSS 25.0. Classical Assumption Test count 0,200 for variables Y (Academic Procrastination), X1 (Self-Regulation in Learning) and X2 (Self-Efficacy). F test result is F count (30,662) > F table (3,11), in this case X1 and X2 varibles simultaniously has relationship with Y variable. T test produce X1 -t count (-2,152) < -t table (-1,663), it means there is negative and significant relationship between X1 with Y. X2 -t count (-3,680) < -t table (-1,663), it means there is negative and significant relationship between X2 with Y. Based the analysis of multiple regression equation obtained equation Ŷ = 152,013 - 0,293X1 + 0,496X2. The value of coefficient correlation (R) is 0,676 which is categorized as a strong relationship. Based of determination coefficient (R²) test obtained value 55,7% which means Self-Regulated Learning (X1) and Self-Efficacy (X2) have an effect on academic procrastination (Y) equal to 55,7% and the rest 44,3% influenced by other variables that are not researched. Keywords: Academic Procrastination, Self-Regulated Learning, Self-Efficac

    Adding new evidence to the attribution puzzle of the recent water shortage over São Paulo (Brazil)

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    São Paulo, Brazil has experienced severe water shortages and record low levels of its water reservoirs in 2013–2014. We evaluate the contributions of Amazon deforestation and climate change to low precipitation levels using a modelling approach, and address whether similar precipitation anomalies might occur more frequently in a warming world. Precipitation records from INMET show that the dry anomaly extended over a fairly large region to the north of São Paulo. Unique features of this event were anomalous sea surface temperature (SST) patterns in the Southern Atlantic, an extension of the sub tropical high into the São Paulo region and moisture flux divergence over São Paulo. The SST anomalies were very similar in 2013/14 and 2014/15, suggesting they played a major role in forcing the dry conditions. The SST anomalies consisted of three zonal bands: a cold band in the tropics, a warm band to the south of São Paulo and another cold band poleward of 40 S. We performed ensemble climate simulations with observed SSTs prescribed, vegetation cover either fixed at 1870 levels or varying over time, and greenhouse gases (GHGs) either fixed at pre-industrial levels (280 ppm CO₂) or varying over time. These simulations exhibit similar precipitation deficits over the São Paulo region in 2013/14. From this, we infer that SST patterns and the associated large-scale state of the atmosphere were important factors in determining the precipitation anomalies, while deforestation and increased GHGs only weakly modulated the signal. Finally, analyses of future climate simulations from CMIP5 models indicate that the frequency of such precipitation anomalies is not likely to change in a warmer climate

    Mapping land use changes resulting from biofuel production and the effect of mitigation measures

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    Many of the sustainability concerns of bioenergy are related to direct or indirect land use change (LUC) resulting from bioenergy feedstock production. The environmental and socio-economic impacts of LUC highly depend on the site-specific biophysical and socio-economic conditions. The objective of this study is to spatiotemporally assess the potential LUC dynamics resulting from an increased biofuel demand, the related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and the potential effect of LUC mitigation measures. This assessment is demonstrated for LUC dynamics in Brazil towards 2030, considering an increase in the global demand for bioethanol as well as other agricultural commodities. The potential effects of three LUC mitigation measures (increased agricultural productivity, shift to second-generation ethanol, and strict conservation policies) are evaluated by using a scenario approach. The novel modelling framework developed consists of the global Computable General Equilibrium model MAGNET, the spatiotemporal land use allocation model PLUC, and a GIS-based carbon module. The modelling simulations illustrate where LUC as a result of an increased global ethanol demand (+26x10(9)L ethanol production in Brazil) is likely to occur. When no measures are taken, sugar cane production is projected to expand mostly at the expense of agricultural land which subsequently leads to the loss of natural vegetation (natural forest and grass and shrubland) in the Cerrado and Amazon. The related losses of above and below ground biomass and soil organic carbon result in the average emission of 26gCO(2-)eq/MJbioethanol. All LUC mitigation measures show potential to reduce the loss of natural vegetation (18%-96%) as well as the LUC-related GHG emissions (7%-60%). Although there are several uncertainties regarding the exact location and magnitude of LUC and related GHG emissions, this study shows that the implementation of LUC mitigation measures could have a substantial contribution to the reduction of LUC-related emissions of bioethanol. However, an integrated approach targeting all land uses is required to obtain substantial and sustained LUC-related GHG emission reductions in general

    Los jóvenes lectores en las bibliotecas del CSIC

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    Sección: Las bibliotecas cuentanA diario me lleno de satisfacción en la época de los exámenes, con la llegada de los universitarios. A las 8.15 comienzan a llegar alumnos de las dos universidades valencianas, hasta un número de 60, que van cogiendo sitio y acoplándose en las diez amplias mesas de que dispone la biblioteca. Transcurre la mañana con cierto trasiego de los que salen y entran, pero en silencioN