858 research outputs found

    Exploring satisfaction for transfers at intermodal interchanges: A comparison of Germany and India

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    Multimodality in Public Transport has been proven to be one of the main drivers of sustainability and economic feasibility for the last few decades. Consequently, user satisfaction for transfers is the key to adequately serving demand. This research studies on commuters’ perception of comfort at interchanges, focusing on the connection between metro systems and other modes. Satisfaction analysis and modelling is conducted using weighted regression, factor analysis and ordered logit models for nine transfers at major interchanges in two Indian cities (New Delhi and Kolkata) and one German city (Munich); aiming at revealing the differences in user satisfaction in developing and developed economy, and for different Public Transport quality and interchanges. The results indicate that factors of transfer quality, accessibility and physical hindrances are significant in Indian case and the human factor, and transfer quality are significant in the case of Munich, Germany. Additionally, it is found that perceived comfort differs on commuters’ experiences with transfer distance and time


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan gambaran nyata mengenai pelaksanaan efektivitas komunikasi persuasif dalam memotivasi remaja untuk beribadah oleh pengurus Komunitas Youth Move Up. Peneliti ini menjawab permasalahan yaitu: ). Bagaimana bentuk komunikasi persuasif yang dilakukan oleh Youth Move Up dalam memotivasi remaja untuk rajin beribadah?. ). Apa faktor penghambat dan solusi komunikasi persuasif dalam memotivasi remaja untuk beribadah?.. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian adalah pengurus Youth Move Up dan remaja kota Jambi yang mengikutin kajian. Teknik pengumpulan data meliputi observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model analisis deskriftif yang terdiri dari pengumpulan data, mengorganisasikan data, pengelolaandata, verifikasi dan penafsiran data, kesimpulan. kemudian teknik keabsahan data yang digunakan adalah teknik triangulasi metode dan sumber. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan,diperoleh hasil bahwa: ). Adapun bentuk-bentuk komunitas Youth Move Up dalam memotivasi remaja untuk beribadah diantranya adalah: komunikator yang mengetahui prilaku komunikan, bersikap humoris, trampil dalam komunikasi, memiliki wawasan yang luas,menguasai materi, percaya diri, bersikap tenang, mudah bersosialisasi. ). Teknik komunikasi persuasif yang di gunakan dalam memotivasi remaja untuk rajin beribadah Teknik asosoasi, teknik integrasi, tekinik ganjaran, teknik tataan, teknink red-herring. hasil penelitian efektivitas dalam memotivasi remaja untuk rajin beribadah,meningkatnya motivasi untuk selelu beribadah di masjid, semangat mengikuti kajian keislaman, meningkatnya semnagat membaca Al quran, meningkatnya semangat ibadah, Meningkatnya Kepercayaan Diri pada Anak-anak remaja, Meningkatnya semangat untuk memperbaiki diri dan Pada pelaksanaan komunikasi persuasif yang dilakukan komunitas youth move up ini sangat baik untuk meningkatkan semangat anak-anak remaja untuk rajin beribadah kemasjid, dengan cara mengajak dengan cara yang halus, mendampingin, mengunakan bahasa yang sederhana, bimbingan dan selalu memberikan motivasi kepada anak-anak remaja sehingga anak-anak remaja gemar untuk beribadah kemasjid

    Mapping species distributions: A comparison of skilled naturalist and lay citizen science recording

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    To assess the ability of traditional biological recording schemes and lay citizen science approaches to gather data on species distributions and changes therein, we examined bumblebee records from the UK’s national repository (National Biodiversity Network) and from BeeWatch. The two recording approaches revealed similar relative abundances of bumblebee species but different geographical distributions. For the widespread common carder (Bombus pascuorum), traditional recording scheme data were patchy, both spatially and temporally, reflecting active record centre rather than species distribution. Lay citizen science records displayed more extensive geographic coverage, reflecting human population density, thus offering better opportunities to account for recording effort. For the rapidly spreading tree bumblebee (Bombus hypnorum), both recording approaches revealed similar distributions due to a dedicated mapping project which overcame the patchy nature of naturalist records. We recommend, where possible, complementing skilled naturalist recording with lay citizen science programmes to obtain a nation-wide capability, and stress the need for timely uploading of data to the national repository

    Social innovation, social enterprise, and local public services: undertaking transformation?

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    This article discusses some of the challenges encountered in embedding effective and sustainable social enterprise and social innovation within established political institutional systems to deliver local welfare services. It draws upon evidence analyzing social innovation and social enterprise in Scotland to contribute to the debate over whether social innovations and social enterprises are able to meet expectations in addressing the significant challenges faced by welfare systems. The article clarifies the meaning of both these contested concepts and explains how social innovation and social enterprise relate to similar ideas in social and public policy. The evidence suggests that actually operating social enterprises and social innovations do not embrace the image of them promoted by enthusiasts as either “entrepreneurial” or “innovative”. Furthermore, they bring distinctive challenges in delivering local welfare services, including potential tensions or rivalry with existing public agencies. The article suggests that social enterprises and social innovations are not themselves instigators nor catalysts for systemic change, but that their impact is constrained by structural conditions and institutional factors beyond their control

    Britain: racial violence and the politics of hate

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    Drawing on empirical research into racist attacks in three cities in England, this article reveals a changing geography of racial violence (in terms of new areas and targets), and sets this in the context of the socially destructive impact of neoliberalism as well as government policies to manage the UK’s changing demographic make-up. With racial violence officially defined as a form of ‘hate crime’, it is divorced from any wider political context or racialised climate and reduced to a matter of individual pathology. The changing parameters of racism and the state’s responses present a challenge which the Left and anti-racists have been slow to meet

    Estimating excess visual loss from neovascular age-related macular degeneration in the UK during the COVID-19 pandemic: a retrospective clinical audit and simulation model

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    OBJECTIVES: To report the reduction in new neovascular age-related macular degeneration (nAMD) referrals during the COVID-19 pandemic and estimate the impact of delayed treatment on visual outcomes at 1 year. DESIGN: Retrospective clinical audit and simulation model. SETTING: Multiple UK National Health Service (NHS) ophthalmology centres. PARTICIPANTS: Data on the reduction in new nAMD referrals were obtained from four NHS Trusts comparing April 2020 with April 2019. To estimate the potential impact on 1-year visual outcomes, a stratified bootstrap simulation model was developed drawing on an electronic medical records dataset of 20 825 nAMD eyes from 27 NHS Trusts. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Simulated mean visual acuity and proportions of eyes with vision ≤6/60, ≤6/24 and ≥6/12 at 1 year under four hypothetical scenarios: 0-month, 3-month, 6-month and 9-month treatment delays. Estimated additional number of eyes with vision ≤6/60 at 1 year nationally. RESULTS: The number of nAMD referrals dropped on average by 72% (range 65%-87%). Simulated 1-year visual outcomes for 1000 nAMD eyes with a 3-month treatment delay suggested an increase in the proportion of eyes with vision ≤6/60 from 15.5% (13.2%-17.9%) to 23.3% (20.7%-25.9%), and a decrease in the proportion of eyes with vision ≥6/12 (driving vision) from 35.1% (32.1%-38.1%) to 26.4% (23.8%-29.2%). Outcomes worsened incrementally with longer modelled delays. Assuming nAMD referrals are reduced to this level for 1 month nationally, these simulated results suggest an additional 186-365 eyes with vision ≤6/60 at 1 year. CONCLUSIONS: We report a large decrease in nAMD referrals during the COVID-19 lockdown and provide an important public health message regarding the risk of delayed treatment. As a conservative estimate, a treatment delay of 3 months could lead to a >50% relative increase in the number of eyes with vision ≤6/60 and 25% relative decrease in the number of eyes with driving vision at 1 year

    A model of the extent and distribution of woody linear features in rural Great Britain

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    Hedges and lines of trees (woody linear features) are important boundaries that connect and enclose habitats, buffer the effects of land management, and enhance biodiversity in increasingly impoverished landscapes. Despite their acknowledged importance in the wider countryside, they are usually not considered in models of landscape function due to their linear nature and the difficulties of acquiring relevant data about their character, extent, and location. We present a model which uses national datasets to describe the distribution of woody linear features along boundaries in Great Britain. The method can be applied for other boundary types and in other locations around the world across a range of spatial scales where different types of linear feature can be separated using characteristics such as height or width. Satellite-derived Land Cover Map 2007 (LCM2007) provided the spatial framework for locating linear features and was used to screen out areas unsuitable for their occurrence, that is, offshore, urban, and forest areas. Similarly, Ordnance Survey Land-Form PANORAMA®, a digital terrain model, was used to screen out where they do not occur. The presence of woody linear features on boundaries was modelled using attributes from a canopy height dataset obtained by subtracting a digital terrain map (DTM) from a digital surface model (DSM). The performance of the model was evaluated against existing woody linear feature data in Countryside Survey across a range of scales. The results indicate that, despite some underestimation, this simple approach may provide valuable information on the extents and locations of woody linear features in the countryside at both local and national scales