82 research outputs found

    Global Survey of Revitalization Efforts: A mixed methods approach to understanding language revitalization practices

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    The world’s linguistic diversity, estimated at over 7,000 languages, is declining rapidly. As awareness about this has increased, so have responses from a number of stakeholders. In this study we present the results of the Global Survey of Revitalization Efforts carried out by a mixed methods approach and comparative analysis of revitalization efforts worldwide. The Survey included 30 questions, was administered online in 7 languages, and documented 245 revitalization efforts yielding some 40,000 bits of data. In this study, we report on frequency counts and show, among other findings, that revitalization efforts are heavily focused on language teaching, perhaps over intergenerational transmission of a language, and rely heavily on community involvement although do not only involve language community members exclusively. The data also show that support for language revitalization in the way of funding, as well as endorsement, is critical to revitalization efforts. This study also makes evident the social, cultural, political, and geographic gaps in what we know about revitalization worldwide. We hope that this study will strengthen broad interest and commitment to studying, understanding, and supporting language revitalization as an integral aspect of the history of human language in the 21st century.National Foreign Language Resource Cente

    Regulasi Pencegahan Tindak Pidana Korupsi Bantuan Dana Keolahragaan Kemenpora Kepada Organisasi Keolahragaan

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    Sports development is one of the pillars for maintaining health and fitness that can support the productivity of human resources. Law Number 11 of 2022 concerning Sports mandates that Sports has the function of developing physical, spiritual and social abilities as well as forming dignified national character and personality. Sports activities are essentially a miniature of life. It is said so because in sports activities there are many values, in addition to people who carry out sports activities have goals such as for health, pleasure and free time, it is also universally embedded in sports values of struggle, pioneering, cooperation, competition, respect, communication and integration, physical endurance and mental endurance, togetherness, responsiveness, leadership and decision making, honesty and sportsmanship, and others. Sports have become a necessity of life for people of all nations and countries. Therefore, in almost all societies in this world, including in Indonesia, sports activities are a way to balance their spiritual and physical life. Considering that the universal values of sport have positive implications for the formation of an advanced and cultured society, it is only fitting that sport is placed as one of the important priorities in national development. Success in achievement is not obtained suddenly or in an instant way, but through a long process, from achievement to a higher level of achievement, all of which require the involvement of other sports actors as reinforcement. The series of recreational sports activities that form the basis of KORMI's work program can be said to be a form of process. Thus, the activities of many sports organizations are assisted with funds from the Ministry of Youth and Sports. Sports grant funds are actually a form of government support both at the central and regional levels in supporting sports coaching programs implemented by KONI together with the main sports branch organizations. Referring to the findings of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) on audit reports both at the central and regional levels on the use of sports grants, corruption as perpetrated by the top leadership, the ministries above, is one of the many major problems we are currently facing. . Corruption is clearly an act that is not commendable that is carried out individually or in groups in an effort to enrich themselves or groups from sources of opinion that are legally illegal. In addition, acts of corruption also harm the noble values of Pancasila as the basis of the state. With the many findings and cases of corruption in sports grant funds above, the government should take firm steps. It is suspected that the problem lies in the lax regulation that is used as the basis for providing these sports grants.Pembangunan olahraga merupakan salah satu pilar untuk memelihara kesehatan dan kebugaran tubuh yang dapat mendukung produktivitas sumber daya manusia. Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2022 tentang Keolahragaan mengamanatkan bahwa Keolahragaan berfungsi mengembangkan kemampuan jasmani, rohani, dan sosial serta membentuk watak dan kepribadian bangsa yang bermartabat. Kegiatan olahraga pada hakikatnya merupakan miniatur kehidupan. Dikatakan demikian karena di dalam aktifitas olahraga terkandung banyak nilai, disamping orang yang melakukan kegiatan olahraga memiliki tujuan seperti untuk kesehatan, kesenangan dan pengisi waktu luang, adalah juga secara universal dalam olahraga melekat nilai-nilai perjuangan, kepeloporan, kerjasama, persaingan, respek, komunikasi dan integrasi, ketahanan fisik dan daya tahan mental, kebersamaan, sikap responsif, kepemimpinan dan pengambilan keputusan, kejujuran dan sportifitas, dan lain-lain. Olahraga telah menjadi kebutuhan hidup bagi masyarakat semua bangsa dan negara. Oleh karena itu pada hampir semua masyarakat di dunia ini, termasuk di Indonesia, kegiatan olahraga sebagai salah cara menyeimbangkan kehidupan rohaniah dan jasmaniahnya. Mengingat nilai-nilai universal olahraga memiliki implikasi positif terhadap pembentukan kehidupan masyarakat yang maju dan berbudaya, maka sudah selayaknya olahraga ditempatkan sebagai salah satu prioritas penting dalam pembangunan nasional. Keberhasilan dalam capaian prestasi tidak diperoleh secara tiba-tiba atau dengan cara instan, tetapi melalui sebuah proses panjang, dari prestasi yang dicapai ke jenjang prestasi yang lebih tinggi yang kesemuanya itu membutuhkan keterlibatan pelaku olahraga lainnya sebagai penguat. Rangkaian kegiatan olahraga rekreasi yang menjadi dasar program kerja KORMI dapat dikatakan sebagai bentuk proses. Dengan demikian, aktifitas organisasi-organisasi keolahragaan banyak dibantu dengan dana dari Kemenpora. Dana hibah keolahragaan sejatinya merupakan bentuk dukungan pemerintah baik di tingkat pusat maupun daerah dalam mendukung program pembinaan olahraga yang dilaksanakan oleh KONI bersama induk organisasi cabang olahraga. Merujuk pada temuan Badan Pemeriksa Keuangan (BPK) atas laporan hasil pemeriksaan baik di tingkat pusat maupun daerah atas penggunaan dana hibah keolahragaan, Korupsi sebagaimana yang dilakukan oleh pucuk pimpinan, kementerian diatas, merupakan salah satu dari sekian banyak masalah besar yang sedang kita hadapi sekarang ini. Korupsi jelas merupakan tindakan yang tidak terpuji yang dilakukan secara individu maupun kelompok dalam upayanya memperkaya diri sendiri maupun kelompok dari sumber-sumber pendapat yang ilegal secara hukum. Selain itu, tindakan korupsi juga mencederai nilai-nilai luhur Pancasila sebagai dasar negara. Dengan banyaknya temuan dan kasus korupsi dana hibah keolahragaan di atas, seharusnya pemerintah mengambil langkah tegas. uat diduga, masalahnya terletak pada longgarnya regulasi yang dijadikan sebagai dasar pemberian dana hibah keolahragaan tersebut

    Agroecology and Health: Lessons from Indigenous Populations.

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    Purpose of reviewThe article aims to systematize and disseminate the main contributions of indigenous ancestral wisdom in the agroecological production of food, especially in Latin America. For this purpose, it is necessary to ask whether such knowledge can be accepted by academia research groups and international forums as a valid alternative that could contribute to overcome the world's nutritional problems.Recent findingsAlthough no new findings are being made, the validity of ancestral knowledge and agroecology is recognized by scientific research, and by international forums organized by agencies of the United Nations. These recommend that governments should implement them in their policies of development, and in the allocation of funds to support these initiatives. Agroecology and ancestral knowledge are being adopted by a growing number of organizations, indigenous peoples and social groups in various parts of the world, as development alternatives that respond to local needs and worldviews. Its productive potential is progressively being recognized at an international level as a model that contributes to improve the condition of people regarding nutritional food

    Recovery and reuse of structural products from end-of-life buildings

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    YesBuildings and construction have been identified as having the greatest potential for circular economy value creation. One source of value creation is to recover and reuse building products from end-of-service-life buildings, rather than destructive demolition and downcycling. While there is a trade in non-structural and heritage product recovery and reuse, the largest volume, mass and value of most buildings comprise structural elements – concrete, brick and masonry, and steel – which present many challenges. A comprehensive literature review confirms limited attention to innovation and advanced techniques to address these challenges and therefore the potential reuse of the stocks of accumulated building products globally and associated environmental benefits. Potential techniques being tested in an Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council circular economy research programme are referenced as a key building block towards circular economy building system redesign.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council - research project Rebuild (EPSRC EP/P008917/1
