858 research outputs found

    Variation of the Diameter of the Sun as Measured by the Solar Disk Sextant (SDS)

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    The balloon-borne Solar Disk Sextant (SDS) experiment has measured the angular size of the Sun on seven occasions spanning the years 1992 to 2011. The solar half-diameter -- observed in a 100-nm wide passband centred at 615 nm -- is found to vary over that period by up to 200 mas, while the typical estimated uncertainty of each measure is 20 mas. The diameter variation is not in phase with the solar activity cycle; thus, the measured diameter variation cannot be explained as an observational artefact of surface activity. Other possible instrument-related explanations for the observed variation are considered but found unlikely, leading us to conclude that the variation is real. The SDS is described here in detail, as is the complete analysis procedure necessary to calibrate the instrument and allow comparison of diameter measures across decades.Comment: 41 pages; appendix and 2 figures added plus some changes in text based on referee's comments; to appear in MNRA

    Pengaruh Investasi pada Industri Kecil dan Industri Menengah terhadap Penyerapan Tenaga Kerja di Kota Samarinda

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    Investment as a variable affecting the overall economy, especially in terms of creating job opportunities where expansion of employment opportunities is one of the main problems in development, either in the past or at present. Small and medium industries to survive in times of crisis amid the many industries that have gone bankrupt. Role of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in the Indonesian economy is basically a big long ago. However, since the economic crisis hit Indonesia, the role of SMEs increased sharply. In addition, the Small and Medium Industries is able to help expand employment and employment opportunities. This study aimed to determine the effect of investments in the industrial sector of small and medium industry sector on employment, and to find investments that are dominant in employment in the city of Samarinda in 2004 until 2008.This research is explanotary (explanation) with a quantitative approach. The data used are secondary data from the value of investments in the sector of Small and Medium Industry, the number of workers absorbed in the sector of Small and Medium Industries is presented in the form of time series. Data were obtained from the Department of Industry and Trade of Samarinda, Samarinda City Department of Labor, and the Central Bureau of Statistics Samarinda. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression tool that is then reformulated into a simple linear regression estimation model.The analysis shows that investment in the industrial sector of small and medium industrial sector has a significant impact on employment in Samarinda. And after the calculation of partial investment in the secondary industry has a greater impact on employment than small investment in the industrial sector in the city of Samarinda

    Dinamika Resiliensi Ibu Single Parent dengan Anak Tuna Ganda

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    The purpose of this research is to assess the dynamics of resilience on single-parent mother who has a child with double-handicap, starting from the initial phase before and after the diagnosis of double-handicap, stress phase because of the escapement of husband and several risk factors that may arise, up to the phase of adaptation and strengthening. This research used the qualitative method by conducting observation and interview to three informants who domiciled in Kendari. The results showed that there are risk factors which become the initial process in the dynamics of resilience on single-parent mother who has a child with double-handicap, such as family disfunction, financial and social problems, parenting stress on the mother and a belief that mystical factor was causing the problems. Those problems raised negative impacts toward the psychological and physical condition. The attempt made to solve the problems was centered on problem focused coping and emotional focus coping by gaining support from the environment and doing daily activities. The processes of raising and strengthening of resilience on single-parent mother who has a child with double-handicap is also supported by protective factors such as hopefulness, learning from experience, the bond between child and mother, and religious belief


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    In order to make the process of procurement of goods and services transparent, the government makes legal rules related to the procurement of goods and services electronically (e-procurement). In line with regulations regarding the procurement of goods and services, the government through the Ministry of SOEs makes regulations regarding the implementation of Good Corporate Governance. Therefore, the formulation of the problem of this research is how to implement strategies for the procurement of goods and serviceselectronically by using an e-procurement system at PT Pertagas Niaga and how the implications of implementing e-procurement in realizing GCG principles. Zarkasyi (2008) mentions 5 (five) GCG principles, there are transparency, accountability, responsibility,independence, fairness. In general, this research aims to determine the related procedures for procurement of goods and services electronically (e-procurement) and to find out the role of e-procurement and a real condition of implementing e-procurement in the procurement of goods and services at PT Pertagas Niaga to realize Good Corporate Governance. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods and is supported by primary data and secondary data. Data collection technique is by interviewing the procurement function and documentation of related documents. The results showed that the implementation of an electronic procurement of goods and services system using an eprocurement system was effective in realizing Good Corporate Governance because it had met the transparency and information disclosure aspects of PT. Pertagas Niag


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    Di Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah khususnya Kabupaten Poso memiliki potensi wisata cukup berlimpah dan bervariasi. Obyek wisata di Kabupaten Poso dapat dikelompokkan ke dalam dua kategori yaitu wisata alam serta wisata budaya dan sejarah. Kegiatan pariwisata merupakan kegiatan yang strategis untuk dikembangkan di Kabupaten Poso dalam upaya meningkatkan pendapatan daerah dan memperluas lapangan usaha dan kesempatan kerja. Masyarakat di wilayah pesisir Kabupaten Poso sejak lama mengandalkan pemenuhan kebutuhan hidup dari kegiatan pertanian dan pariwisata. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Manajemen Pemerintahan dalam Pengembangan Pariwisata di Kabupaten Poso, dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, diharapkan penelitian ini dapat memecahkan masalah penelitian, dan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pengorganisasian dalam Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Poso, dapat dilihat dari struktur orgnisasi dinas, dari struktur tersebut terlihat tugas pokoknya yang juga dituangkan dalam peraturan daerah. Selain pengorganisasian di dalam tubuh dinas, pengorganisasian juga dilakukan dengan masyarakat khususnya pengelola pariwisata demikian juga dengan aspek penggerakkan yang merupakan tindakan yang mengusahakan agar seseorang atau semua kelompok mau bekerja sama dengan senang hati untuk melakukan tugas pekerjaannya, dalam penelitian ini penggerakkan dilakukan oleh pimpinan dinas yakni kepala dinas dan kepala-kepala bidang, melalui rapat-rapat, apel, selain itu untuk menggerakkan semua pegawai dibuat juga grup-grup di WA dan FB agar informasi mudah disampaikan.Kata Kunci : Manajemen, Pengembangan, Pariwisata

    Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease-associated mutants of GDAP1 dissociate its roles in peroxisomal and mitochondrial fission

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    Journal ArticleCopyright © 2013 European Molecular Biology OrganizationMitochondria and peroxisomes can be fragmented by the process of fission. The fission machineries of both organelles share a set of proteins. GDAP1 is a tail-anchored protein of mitochondria and induces mitochondrial fragmentation. Mutations in GDAP1 lead to Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT), an inherited peripheral neuropathy, and affect mitochondrial dynamics. Here, we show that GDAP1 is also targeted to peroxisomes mediated by the import receptor Pex19. Knockdown of GDAP1 leads to peroxisomal elongation that can be rescued by re-expressing GDAP1 and by missense mutated forms found in CMT patients. GDAP1-induced peroxisomal fission is dependent on the integrity of its hydrophobic domain 1, and on Drp1 and Mff, as is mitochondrial fission. Thus, GDAP1 regulates mitochondrial and peroxisomal fission by a similar mechanism. However, our results reveal also a more critical role of the amino-terminal GDAP1 domains, carrying most CMT-causing mutations, in the regulation of mitochondrial compared to peroxisomal fission. © 2013 European Molecular Biology Organization.Swiss National Science FoundationNational Center for Competence in Research (NCCR)BBSRCPortuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT)Fundo Europeu De Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER

    Kebugaran dan Produktivitas Kerja Tenaga Kerja Wanita Selama Berpuasa Ramadhan

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    This study evaluated changes in nutrient intake of female labourers during Ramadhan fasting, in relation to the changes in iron status and blood glucose level which may affect fitness and productivity. A total of 40 female labourers were randomly chosen from 200 sample population, with the criteria: Hb value >12 g%, not lactating or pregnant, nor had metabolic disorders. They had to follow the research agenda and had to fast during the Ramadhan month, 1417 H, except when they were in menstruation period. Data on food intakes, blood component, fitness, and total patch clothes sown were collected a week before, the first and third week during Ramadhan, and a month after Lebaran. Hemoglobin and hematocrite as indicators of iron status were determined. Average energy intake before fasting month was 142% of the RDA, while during the fasting month it was 124%. Most of the labourers used to have breakfast daily, which has an averages of 30% of their total daily intake. During fasting they had 40% of total energy intake from early breakfast (makan sahur). There were decrease in energy and vegetable protein but increase in animal protein, vitamin C, and iron consumption. Glucose level and iron status were decreased but did not cause hypoglycemia nor anemia. Productivity and fitness improved during the fasting month. Total patches sown as productivity indicator were increased by 17% during morning, but decreased by 10% during afternoon sessions. Fitness improved by one level, from low to average. This study concluded that energy intakes of female labourers were lower, but fitness and productivity were better during the fasting month
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