23 research outputs found

    Implementasi Standar Pembiayaan Pendidikan oleh Kepala Sdn Se Kecamatan Sungai Raya Kepulauan

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    This study aims to determine the default implementation of education financing by the head of the State Primary School at Kecamatan Sungai Raya Kepulauan Kab. Bengkayangand factors which become obstacles in the management of education funding.This study is a survey research. This research was conducted at SDN 1 Sungai raya, SDN 14 Persak, SDN 2 Sungai Keran, SDN 16 Batu Payung, SDN 6 Pulau Lemukutan, and SDN 11 Sungai Raya Kecamatan Sungai Raya Kepulauan Kab. Bengkayang. The data source of this research is head master. Data were obtained through questionnaires, review of documentation, and interviews. Data analysis was performed through three flow of activities of data reduction, data presentation, and data verification.The results of this study showed that the implementation of management education funding has a enough good category. Problems in the school, namely 1) ​​has not progressed the school-based management (SBM), especially in schools that have not been accredited so the impact on cost management education, 2) the lack of training for financial management of the school (the school treasurer) on the management of the education funding so that school financial records have not been accordance with established standards. and 3) lack of school committees play an active role in the management of education financing

    Blended Learning Application in the Accounting Education: Life-based Learning Paradigm

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    The design of the curriculum at the Universitas Negeri Malang is currently based on life-based learning. This study aimed to describe the application of blended learning in accounting education in terms of life-based learning paradigm. This study used case studies approach on the application of blended learning in the Department of Accounting. Data obtained in the form of a description of the application of blended learning in University and Department of Accounting, lecturer, and student perspectives toward blended learning, the learning process, the benefits gained by them, and the lecturer’s teaching documents. This study found that many students become more active because blended learning is more attractive to them. Students can interact with the lecturer and can study accounting offline and online. Students not only able to manage personal finance daily administratively but also can increase their skills in using information and communication technologies, such as how to search for other learning resources and communicate with others online. Life-based learning approach relates lecture materials to real-life problems, so it is expected to fulfill the community needs. The application of blended learning using a life-based learning approach in many of majors or other universities can be examined for further research.   Keywords: blended learning, accounting education, life-based learnin

    Analisis Keterampilan Mengajar Guru Ekonomi di SMA Islamiyah Pontianak

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keterampilan mengajar guru ekonomi di SMA Islamiyah Pontianak. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif. Penelitian ini menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data dengan observasi langsung dengan alat pengumpul data berupa lembar observasi, komunikasi langsung dengan alat pengumpul data berupa pedoman wawancara, dan studi dokumenter yang berupa lembar catatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa guru ekonomi di SMA Islamiyah Pontianak melakukan tujuh keterampilan mengajar dari delapan keterampilan mengajar secara maksimal yang meliputi keterampilan bertanya, keterampilan memberikan penguatan, keterampilan mengadakan variasi, keterampilan menjelaskan, keterampilan membuka dan menutup pelajaran, keterampilan mengelola kelas, dan keterampilan mengajar kelompok kecil dan perorangan, meskipun pada beberapa keterampilan masih terlihat kekurangan. Sedangkan untuk keterampilan membimbing diskusi kelompok kecil, guru ekonomi tidak menggunakan keterampilan ini dalam pembelajaran karena sulitnya siswa untuk diajak berdiskusi. Kata Kunci: Keterampilan Mengajar, Guru Ekonomi Abstrack: This research was aimed to determine the economics teachers teaching's skills in SMA Islamiyah Pontianak. This research used descriptive method. In collecting data, the researcher used observation sheets, directed communication with the sample in form of guided interviews and documentaries in form of fill notes. The finding of this research showed that the economic's teachers of SMA Islamiyah Pontianak implemented seven of eight teaching skills with optimum which included questioning skill, reinforcement skill, holding variation skill, explaining skill, opening and closing lesson skill, classroom management skill, and teaching small group and indivudial skill, even thought some of skills still lack of implementation. While for the small group guiding skill, the economics teachers did not use this skill in learning process because the students were difficult to learn in discussion

    Analysis of Youth Interest in Work as Sheep Farmers at P4S LKP2U

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    An increase in the number of demands for lamb meat every year represents livestock business opportunity while the supply from smallholder farmers continues to decline, causing prices to rise yearly. Sustainability is important in the sheep farming business, which older farmer dominated. The objective of this research was to assess the inclination of the younger population towards pursuing careers as sheep farmers after participating at the Pusat Pelatihan Pertanian Pedesaan Swadaya (P4S) of Lembaga Kajian dan Pengembangan Potensi Umat (LKP2U) program in the Madiun Regency. Novelty of the research is the presentation of the latest information on youth interest in working as a farmer. Data collection was carried out in December 2022 using non-probability sampling. The data in this study were analyzed using a Likert scale to measure entrepreneurial interest and demographic factors. Furthermore, a binary logistic regression analysis was conducted to determine the relationship between the predictor and response variables. Youth interest after participating in the training program chooses an interest in working as a sheep farmer at 70%. Factors that influence youth interest after attending the training program towards employment as a sheep farmer are demographic factors namely age, marital status, duration of education, parents occupation, parents income, family members, and entrepreneurial factors (e.g personal, environmental, and social)


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      Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi standar pembiayaan pendidikan oleh kepala Sekolah Dasar Negeri se Kecamatan Sungai Raya Kepulauan Kab. Bengkayang dan faktor-faktor yang menjadi kendala dalam pengelolaan pembiayaan pendidikan.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian survey. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SDN 1 Sungai Raya, SDN 14 Persak, SDN 2 Sungai Keran, SDN 16 Batu Payung, SDN 6 Pulau Lemukutan, dan SDN 11 Sungai Raya Kecamatan Sungai Raya Kepulauan Kab. Bengkayang.Sumber data penelitian ini adalah kepala sekolah, Data diperoleh melalui angket, telaah dokumentasi, dan wawancara.Analisis data dilakukan melalui 3 alur kegiatan yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan verifikasi data.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pelaksanaan pengelolaan pembiayaan pendidikan sudah berjalan dengan baik.Kendala yang dihadapi sekolah yaitu 1) belum berjalannya menejemen berbasis sekolah terutama di sekolah yang belum terakreditasi sehingga berdampak pada pengelolaan biaya pendidikan, 2) masih kurangnya pelatihan bagi pengelola keuangan sekolah (bendahara sekolah) tentang pengelolaan pembiayaan pendidikan sehingga pembukuan keuangan sekolah belum sesuai dengan standar yang ditetapkan. dan 3) komite sekolah kurang berperan aktif dalam pengelolaan pembiayaan pendidikan Kata kunci: Pelaksanaan, PembiayaanPendidikan   Abstract: This study aims to determine the default implementation of education financing by the head of the State Primary School at Kecamatan Sungai Raya Kepulauan Kab. Bengkayangand factors which become obstacles in the management of education funding.This study is a survey research. This research was conducted at SDN 1 Sungai raya, SDN 14 Persak, SDN 2 Sungai Keran, SDN 16 Batu Payung, SDN 6 Pulau Lemukutan, and SDN 11 Sungai Raya Kecamatan Sungai Raya Kepulauan Kab. Bengkayang. The data source of this research is head master. Data were obtained through questionnaires, review of documentation, and interviews. Data analysis was performed through three flow of activities of data reduction, data presentation, and data verification.The results of this study showed that the implementation of management education funding has a enough good category. Problems in the school, namely 1) ​​has not progressed the school-based management (SBM), especially in schools that have not been accredited so the impact on cost management education, 2) the lack of training for financial management of the school (the school treasurer) on the management of the education funding so that school financial records have not been accordance with established standards. and 3) lack of school committees play an active role in the management of education financing. Keywords: Implementation, Education Fundin

    Preeklamsia Berat dengan Prematuritas dan Post Sectio Sesarea Ditinjau dari Aspek Medis, Kaidah Dasar Bioetik, dan Perspektif Islam

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    Latar Belakang : Tingginya angka kematian ibu (AKI) di Indonesia yang mencapai 305/100.000 orang (Kemenkes, 2015). Dimana preeklamsia merupakan salah satu faktor penyebab terjadinya AKI. Selain itu, preeclampsia juga berdampak pada bayi yang dilahirkan seperti berat badan lahir rendah, pertumbuhan janin terhambat serta turut menyumbangkan besarnya angka morbiditas dan mortalitas perinatal. Salah satu upaya untuk meminimalkan faktor resiko preeklamsia terhadap ibu dan bayi dengan melakukan pemeriksaan berkala secara rutin pada ibu hamil. Selain sarana dan prasarana yang belum mamadai, patogenesis yang belum jelas juga menjadi faktor kualitas penanganan preeklampsia masih beragam. Laporan Kasus : Seoarang Perempuan, 25 tahun, G2P1A0 datang ke IGD RS “Ibnu Sina”  dengan keluhan nyeri kepala yang dirasakan sejak 1 hari sebelum masuk RS, nyeri perut tembus kebelakang tidak ada, tidak ada pelepasan darah, lendir dan air. Gerakan janin masih dirasakan ibu. BAB normal. BAK lancar. Riwayat SC 1x atas indikasi PEB. Riwayat penggunaan kontrasepsi (-). HPHT 12/05/2017. Tanda Vital TD: 200/100 mmHg, nadi: 87x/m, pernapasan: 20x/m, suhu: 36,5 °c. Pemeriksaan laboratorium dalam protein urin +3. Di Diagnosis dengan Preeklamsia Berat dengan Prematuritas (gravid 31 minggu) dan post operasi sectio cesarea anak pertama. Rencana penatalaksanaan adalah terminasi kehamilan dengan tindakan operasi section cesarean. Pembahasan : Berdasarkan kasus, kondisi tersebu dapat mengancam jiwa ibu dan bayi sehingga ditinjau dari aspek medis maka penanganan yang tepat dilakukan sesuai dengan pedoman terapi preemlamsia berat dan terminasi kehamilan yang preterm. Namun berdasarkan analisa bioetik, dilema etik yang muncul yaitu prinsip beneficience dan non-maleficence dengan pengambilan keputusan etik berdasarkan pendekatan Medical Indication dan Quality of Life. Analisa berdasarkan sudut pandang islam yang terkandung dalam surat Al-Isra ayat 7;Ar-Rahman ayat 60; Al-Mu’minun ayat 61; dan Al-Maidah ayat 32 serta teori etik islam

    Levels, Trends and Disparities in Public-Health-Related Indicators among Reproductive-Age Women in Bangladesh by Urban-Rural and Richest-Poorest Groups, 1993-2011

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    Khan MH, Zanuzdana A, Krämer A. Levels, Trends and Disparities in Public-Health-Related Indicators among Reproductive-Age Women in Bangladesh by Urban-Rural and Richest-Poorest Groups, 1993-2011. PLoS ONE. 2013;8(9): e75261.BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Although Bangladesh has already achieved noticeable progress in the field of development and health, disparities in public health indicators for several markers are still reported. To assess public health development in Bangladesh during the last two decades, firstly, we analysed levels, trends and disparities in public-health-related indicators by rural versus urban as well as by the richest versus poorest group of women who have ever been married. Secondly, using the most recent data set we performed multiple analyses to check whether urban-rural and richest-poorest disparities were still significant. METHODS: The analysis was based on six nationally representative data sets from the Bangladesh Demographic and Health Surveys (BDHS) conducted in 1993-94 (n=9,640), 1996-1997 (n=9,127), 1999-2000 (n=10,544), 2004 (n=11,440), 2007 (n=10,996) and 2011 (n=17,749). The outcome variables were six selected public-health-related indicators. We performed various types of analyses, including multiple logistic regressions. RESULTS: The trend of all indicators except being overweight (1993-2011) displayed gradual improvements for both markers. However, the urban and richest groups revealed a better situation than their counterparts in both simple and multiple analyses. Disparities between richest-poorest groups were more pronounced than urban-rural disparities. For instance, the prevalence of delivery at any healthcare facility in 2011 was 20.4% in rural areas and 46.5% in urban areas, whereas it was 9.1% in the poorest group and 57.6% in the richest group. CONCLUSION: The public health sector in Bangladesh has achieved some successes over the last two decades. However, urban-rural and richest-poorest disparities are still considerable and therefore more public health strategies and efforts are clearly needed for the rural and poorest groups of women in order to reduce these gaps further